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Table of content 2

Preface 3

Write up on 4-65
This collection of profiles of ordinary people is proof of the strength of the local community and the
influence one person can have on those around them. Each author has approached this subject
from a different angle, emphasizing
various traits and situations that have influenced their relationship with them.

You'll discover tales of success and adversity, inspirational and trying times, as you read through
these pages. The range of perspectives in these pages reflects the varied ways in which this person
has influenced those around them, from close relatives to chance acquaintances.
Bravest are not the Loudest

Kaif Khan; 21163040

Someone who holds you nurtures you and on occasion scolds too. Who gives you a safe
place to grow, who teaches you valuable life lessons, morals and social etiquettes, Each
and every person in their lives has someone like them, well in my case it’s none other than
my father. My father is my closest and oldest friend. He is usually silent and you may sense
that he is grim and busy throughout the day similar to my certain introverted friends, still I
won’t call him an introvert as he knows how to make time for his family, pays close
attention to and knows how to brighten the mood, maybe he knows us too well.
He is a calm and collected person, who knows how to deal with unfamiliar situations, may
it be in his personal or professional life. He used to be a popular persona of the village
because of his educational background as he was the first to study in an English medium
school and was always humble about it. I and my father are alumni of the same Alma
Mater which provides me with an idea of different era perspective of education as he
always boasts about the teachers of his time especially there methods of teaching which
how he preferred to teach me when I started to go to school. My Father is indubitably
good in mathematics which was also the subject he wanted me to excel the most and
it always impresses me how fast and accurate he can calculate. His English was a
drawback which effected his studies, he never gave up on that and later came to speak
in fluent manner. He did not want me to have any problems in my education that’s why
he was determined to hone my language skills so that I can speak fluently well without
problem from a very young age. Moreover, he became an avid reader which also
inspired me to read novels, he mostly prefers biographies, and books about principles
and life ethics but he also reads certain fictional writings at times. He always encourages
me to explore and read in new aspects that come in my life saying that it will only help
me grow more.
He always encouraged me to play any type of sport as he himself had a keen interest in
cricket. He was the captain of our school’s senior cricket team as well as the opening
batsman and was also into chess which he taught me too that may or may not have
helped me to assess things better in my life but definitely his. He wanted to play in
tournaments representing our school on state level but couldn’t make it cause of poor
health which he still is bitter about. My father also had interest in basketball but he had
this antiquated notion that the sport required a tall stature. Nonetheless he had a very
athletic physique and still follows a good diet, works out in his leisure time to stay healthy
and has always been quite health conscious. Not long ago I found an old journal which
belonged to him consisted of some photos of my father and his college friends. I was
shocked seeing my father’s hair as they were styled the exact same way to the date with
only the color changed from dark black to grayish black which reminded now in his 40’s,
he still looks younger. He also had this thin moustache that I found very amusing as I have
never seen him in one before. He still gives me the Retro vibes though as he’s always
listening to his old playlist’s songs belonging 60’s and 70’s era; when Bollywood was at its
peak according to him. I also found two antique pen in the same journal which were gifts
from his father that he holds dear.
He prefers to spend time with family rather than his friends generally. He was brought up
in a conservative household, which he is though tends to be liberal at certain aspects.
He is usually quite frank with everyone can he can be quit strict at times and is a self-
sufficient person who avoids taking help from other individuals but always is the first one
to help. He always advises me to not lose my cool regardless the situation or problems
and face them head on without fear of what might happen next. I have never regretted
adhering his advice as it has always helped me one way or another. I have never seen
him in a vulnerable position which is why I think I look up to him as a strong individual and
the head of the family. I think my father in all has enlightened me by showing that the
Valiant are not always the loudest.

Morals from Beloved one

Smit Taviyad 21163021

The one who can be special in our lives, on whom we see the one who
is continually preserves their doors open & ready to help in hard situations. For me he is
like a hero who helps me in making decision, inspire me to conquer issues.
That personality is my father. He is head manager in MGVCL (Madhya Gujarat Vij
Company Limited) as a government executive engineer.
His height is comparable with common Indian individual with brown eyes having an
oval face with specs, while wearing formal get dressed on oxfords & wearing analogue
watch on left hand.

He completed his education through Gujarat board which was run by government. He
used to walk for attaining school and live in hostel faraway from his family to
achieve degrees & completing his education. He has a very carrying behaviour, once
in a while anyone in our family fall sick he used to run all of the time from clinic to
laboratory to home even in many instances he doesn’t sleep at night and being
laid apart by, from this we are able to understand the affection closer to family. He
sacrifices many of factors to ensure that children’s needs are being fulfilled. For an
instance, when I as child wanted to have a bike, he sold his old bike and bought a
new bike for me. Within the same manner he used to put on same old cloths over and
over in order that his kids should buy more clothes with money. Even he sacrificed
his dreams without wondering for a second. Also,
he maintains his issues and worries till himself. My father is so experienced that he can
do almost everything in house like once in a while if any
of digital device is damaged rather than taking it to a technician, he
will repair it by himself. Also, he is a superb cook /chef he makes delicious food that will
leave you finger licking meals. I remember once my mom was out of station at that
time there have been a few visitors visiting our home, he cooked a delicious dinner
for the guest.

My father made me to forget about the term exhaustion. He used to live quite
simple life style. Sometimes interestingly I think what the things can be left
undone by my father in his past life. He uses to work all days in week even on
Sunday some time he visits office for doing more work. He uses to sleep only four-
five hours a day. Early in morning he used to drop me and my sister to school then he
reaches to office. After coming back from office, he prepares dinner for
us, whenever due to some reasons my mom is out of station. when I
was in lower grades, he us to make me study of all topics like maths, technology,
physics, chemistry and prepare me for exam, motivate to
do hard work to rise progress towards my purpose. In addition to this
he also never forgets about us to take on trip to distinct places, like last year we
on trip to south India in which we visited many places like shridi, ooty, coonoor, Ajanta
& Ellora caves and many others. he like to write-up any time before, after or
on manner of trip, he has a diary in which he used write the
KM covered form which area to which region also on places had been being visited by
means of him. He is also found of reading, specifically his used
to read novels, adventure, classics & non fictional books and biography
of famous people. Other than all this my father is also energetic in sports activities. he
used to play cricket and teach me how to play. along these he used sleep early
at night instead being wake so he can wake up early in morning then he goes for
a walk at a nearby park after it,
he exercises some physical exercises followed by yoga. This is the cause how
he maintains his body healthy. While he met his friends, he recommends them to
join him to stay healthy and maintain fitness. Additionally, sometimes my father and
their friends take part in Vadodara marathon which was recently held.

Conclusion; my father taught me to do well in life also so as to succeed in life. He said I

should have self-assurance. I think that I would no longer be who I
am today without him and his continued support throughout. He’s the
one who guides me at every single stage in my life. With this he's who helps me
to grow & also supportive in everything things performed by me can be something may
be appropriate; he simply make it accurate it & tells me to deal with bravely.






I always think of my mother whenever I see her. How can a person be so perfect and
kind. She is down to earth and lives her life in a very simple manner. She dreamed a
how life she wants to live and she achieved that dream and live exactly same. She
doesn’t like to show off much and in normal days she always does her hair tied up but
when she lets her hair down, she looks so beautiful with chubby face and sharpened
eyes, beautiful smile with dimple on her cheek and that cuteness. She smiles less but
when she smiles it charms everyone.
Me and my mother shares very special bond, we are like friends and I do not hesitate to
share my feelings with her. She always maintains that vibe between us, so that I can
share all the things. She always shares some lessons that she learned from her
experience, and teach how to be happy and calm in various situation. She is not
always like a friend, sometimes she shows her strict personality and it’s good and
important to maintain both strictness and friendliness with the child and she does it very

She is like a coconut, who looks like a tough from outside but she is very soft from inside
and she always shows that strict personality in front of those people whom she considers
closer to herself but not in front of those who are unknown to her, she talks to them very
well. She’s very generous and gregarious once she gets that comfort from others. She is
a beautician and must speak well and behave well with her clients and have good
convincing power and that’s why we call her “Mithi” which means she is used to speak
sweet language with her customers which attracts the customer. She is extrovert and
make friends easily wherever she goes, no one is stranger to her; She make friends
everywhere. She quickly trusts everyone and pour her heart on that relation. She is very
straight forward and overt when she wants to convey something and do not hesitate to
speak anything as long as she is right.

She learned all these skills through her own experience, when she was in the 8th grade,
she sacrificed her studies and started working because her family’s financial situation
was not good at that time. She doesn’t consider herself that she didn’t complete her
studies, she believes in herself that she can do what those who educated person can
not do. She has always been honest which makes her successful and teaches us to do
so, be happy with what you are getting and not to be too greedy, greed leads to the
drowning of a person.

She always liked to live independently and no doubt she’s living exactly the life what
she always wanted, that is to live with self respect. She is very focused about her work,
once she makes her mind to finish a job, she remains calm until she finishes that work
and she teaches us to do the same to get successful in our life. She is very frugal in terms
of money and take decision by taking time and proper visualize the future benefits and
teaches us that money should not be wasted, It should be used where it is needed and
not to make rash decisions without thinking it twice.

My mother has box of experiences and skills. She is passionate about her work. She had
done work like embroidery, diamond work, sewing and what not, name it !!!! Now she is
an incredible beautician, she learns what she sees just by looking at it, she doesn’t need
to practice it, she replicates that thing just by observing. She also works for social service
and religious work. She was running a “Mahila Mandal”, an NGO and she was its
president. She solved many problems related to women such as those abused or
harassed by husbands as well as some family issues in addition to religious work. She is
very sensitive in nature, whenever she sees any accident, she stays there to helps the
person and ensure that they get proper treatment.
She believes in herself that she can do anything and she does not consider patriarchy
system and she believes that female can do everything that if both male and female
work together they are stronger. I learned so many things from my mom and I am glad
to have my mom as my friend and my mentor. I always try to be like her and learn as
much as I can.
All I can say is that her love for us is unequivocal and she can go to any extent for us,
she’s a driving force for our family.



Burhanuddin Mithiaiwala - 20102045


I used to live in Panipat for 5years, it was our house but rarely felt like mi casa hence we
used to visit Vadodara often, it felt great to be at home but there was a lot that we left
out during our absence. One fine day at the age of 12, I was invited to a rendezvous. My
curious eyes searching for someone to vibe with. Never thought would meet my longest
lasting best friend there.

Vrushita was 13 at that time, my first impression of her was a short, fair girl who was quite
famous in the party, but it was later that I realized that it was her place hence people
knew her better! She had long hair back then which caught my eye because my hair
was short. Hilarious! She looked very innocent and studious back then but little did my
past self know, her personality was quite contrary to what I perceived off her.

Now that we know each other for over 7 years, I know that she is innocent at heart but a
little twisted just enough to be in my best friend check list. Initially our friendship wasn’t
that strong it had its fair share of ups and downs, it took a few years for us to understand
each other properly, but surely our relationship unfurled like a beautiful flower. Our
friendship is like wine, gets better as it ages.

She has had massive impact on me, being with her confident-self boosted my spirit and
helped me regain my crumpled-up self-esteem, she encouraged me to be ‘myself’. Her
perspective over the things is far different than mine. Listening to her made my spectrum
of perspective wider. On the contrary I am always the wiser one in the duo, so my ideas
and creativity helped her develop into a better person as well. I advise her regarding
many things and she always listens to me. It would be rare when she would repudiate
well because she knows if I am advising, I would have thoroughly thought about it and
analysed it. Her “yaar Nandita bata na kya karu…” is a reminder of how we are
supportive of each other. Her keen perspective over things and my creative approach
together would do wonders, may it be as simple as buying a dress or doing an assignment
together. We are like mutualism depending on each other to gain better from each
other. We can say that she is the IQ and I am the EQ.

We all have that annoying ‘adolescent’ period where we think only we are right, that
was the period where our friendship suffered a little bit. We had fights over small minimal
things. But I must say not one of our fights has ever lasted over the span of 3 days, looking
back at it; now it makes me laugh. We would fight our brains and hearts out altogether
and the next day we would go enjoy ice-cream together. One thing that annoyed me
about her was her inability to be punctual, her “aa rahi hu 5 min” would turn in to a one
hour wait, it annoys me till this date but I have accepted the fact. There would be some
aspects of me that she doesn’t like but we accepted each other as we are. We need to
accept the negative things about anyone close to us because the person Is accepting
you as you are. These small joys and irksome things are what makes the friendship
imperfectly perfect.

The COVID happened, our lives took a 360 degree turn which was certainly not a positive
or happy turn. In those times when we all were isolated and depressed, when everything
was going downhill, we had each other. That period in our life was a test from the
universe, we were each other’s life support during this sensitive period. We pulled each
other out of the gloom. We both overcame the disease gracefully along with our parents.
Surprisingly, our minds evolved at the same frequency as we turned adults, maybe
because we have influenced each other a lot in different ways. That’s what we call ‘best
friend forever’. This dynamic which we have Is really amazing, I would never trade this for
anything in the world. Our friendship has been like a roller coaster and one thing I am
glad for is that; in this ride of roller coaster, we clutched our hands together and enjoyed
the exhilaration, excitement, happiness as well as fear.

So at last if I had to summarize my friendship with that fair and short girl with eye-catching
long hair, I would say that we make a remarkable team having the perfect balance of
craziness, quirkiness, beauty and goofiness.

This is my not so innocent best friend!

She is just a magic

-Subhradeep Sinha 21163030

Back then when I was in my school days, my family shifted in Vadodara, and I was in
10th. I met Shambhavi and we became best friends but at the end of 10 th boards she
gets shifted to Basti, U.P, because her father was in Air force.

And after a month we again get connected and she told me about her new friend
Anya, after few months she introduced me with her. And we became good friends too.
She was a kind of caring, adorable, shy, polite, jolly nature, cold minded, and
supportive in nature but overthinking a lot and this was her only bad habit, that she was
based with. She was from Kendriya Vidyalaya same as I but from different state, rabbit
eyes, having an average height of 5’1 she really looks cute with curly long black shiny
hair with sweet fruity scent, believe in superstition.

We have a great time together, yet we are long distance friend, even she helped me
with the academic too, because she was nice in studies and co-curricular activities too.
I still question to God that how a person can be so much talented.

Whenever I feel down, she cheers me up and after spending some more time together
we become more than best friends and I introduced her to my parents too, and he did
the same, but later we came to know that our fathers are good friends too but due to
12th board pressure we lost contacts.

So, Afterwards I got my admission in college. I was not having a good time with college
or with my studies. Each day was harsh and tuff and after a year my parents get shifted
and this was hard time survive because due to not having a good mental and physical
condition, suffering from a fractured hand, academics was not so well, not having
parents support or proper guidance here because they shifted to new place, even do
not having a bunch of friends to share what was going through mind.

But after surviving for 7 months, Anya and I connected again one day. At first, we
shared a lot of gossips and chit chat among us about academics and how everything
was going on. As I was having a terrible stage, hence I trusted her. So, I shared my all
problems with her in one shot. She helped me A lot to resolve all my problems. She
rescued me from that awful phase and prefer me a lot of good habits. She made me
believes in gods and beliefs he followed and gave me a lot of preferences from
We often do sketching and compare but, in the end, she is a nice comic type artist and
I sketch a lot of anime, so it was a nice pair together. Although she loves to watch
anime and read Mangas, she like to play Minecraft together and due to her creative
mindset, and skills we have created many nice villages. She Is a nice cook also and
loves to cook new dishes more often.
She is having motherly vibes, A perfect partner, whenever I need help, I call her and it is
true that all problems are not shared among parents so you need someone with whom
you can relied upon. So, Anya is the constant one for me from that phase of my life,
and still support me a lot.

Whenever I got stuck, she just says, “tension mat lo aap…, sab badhiya ho jayega hum
hai na apke sath.. “Even though we know each other from online, we shared our
problems and helped even though she is 10 months older than me, she takes care of
me like his brother.

She checks weather we are studying properly or not, so she keeps a tracks about our
study hours and we do compare each other in our studies and tries to beat each other
and rival each other, as we have promised to help in growing together and become
rivals in studies

Till now its 6 months ago, back then when I met her again when everything was terrible
but after time passes everything healed automatically in a nice way. She entered in my
life as a wildcard entry. Everything I wanted and prayed for, she has turned out to be
that someone, and proved me that God still exists you just need to have faith and
believe, just u need some time to believe in yourself too.

Soon, we will meet for the first time in person and share some good memories together
as she is more than a best friend, she is my chosen family. but in the end, I would like to
thank her efforts and the time she given me that’s


Name – bhumika parekh

ID – 21163010

Course – BSc microbiology


You must be having a girl /guy bestfriend, whom you almost shared your soul with. I had
or have a guy bestfriend, actually now we are not that much involved in each other’s
lives so I don’t know where we stand. But for me he is still my bestfriend. Not the kind of
usually we imagine.

When we hear a word “ bestfriend ” our mind imagine, making fun of each other,
abusing them, pulling their legs, teasing them. But here you will never find it as he
respect me. It’s like sweet kind of friendship with a hint of seriousness. But the thing I like
the most in him is that he is respectful to everyone.

He is tall, not that tall, like I could reach his shoulder, he’s dark with black hair, cute little
bangs covering his eyebrows, brown big eyes, and big lips with deep masculine voice. I
think I described him well, that’s what I observed in 14 – 15 years friendship. Actually we
are chuddy buddy friends with study buddy also as we were competitors, I used to
come 1st and he used to come 2nd but he was a total nerd where as I was the chill one.

We used to stay together all day as we have same school and classes and after that
also we used to do home work together sometimes at his house. From kindergarten we
were together only so if any problem occurs in my life, I used to call him immediately
and he tries do everything he can do to solve my problem. So he became solution to
my every problem.

In 9th standard our parents decided to change our school and they select the same
school. We were happy knowing that will be together in other school also and started
going to that school were we found our old friend from kindergarten in same class. Her
friend was topper there belongs to a very famous kind of group. Some bullies group
were also there in the class . I thought I can tackle this things with his help. After some
weeks passed, the bullies started teasing me with my bestfriend. For many times we
gave clarifications that we are bestfriends and it was mostly from my side and he was
kind of ignoring them. Once they crossed their limits and that day kaushik started to be
distant with me. I think that it will be in front of them only or in the school but he didn’t
even talked to me properly in classes cause he don’t want me to get in any trouble. But
I stopped him by doing this as we know what we are we don’t need to clarify or justify
our relation to anyone. He agreed but still I can feel that hesitation in our talks at school.
We talked to our parents about this even they trust us and have faith in our friendship,
somehow that problem got solved.

In all this we didn’t even realize that our final exams came in which we have to do well
and somehow we prepared for the finals. I was not expecting to top the finals but the
result shook my body, I feel like loosing everything and cried like it was the last exam of
my life.I got 70 % but the one who is getting 90% + every time feels like failing. When I
burst out in tears he motivated me and said that you can do anything and this was not
the last exam of your life . We have to do well in our boards and that should be our
goal, don’t loose hope. And his words were like a ray of shine in the dark room and I
started studying hard for the pre boards and boards. My preparation was good enough
but math was the subject that was coming in my way to do well. He was good at math
so he cope up the subject, seeing him solving math easily makes me do it. Knowing that
you are not good at the subject but doing every possible thing and praying to get the
“good marks” in maths. After all this if you don’t get what you expected. But he got me
and said that he will teach me but I know it was nearly impossible cause we have no
time to prepare the whole course and no one can do it for someone else. But he did
and I tried once again and got 87 marks in math, was such a great achievement for
me. We were happy with our boards results.
After boards our priorities changed and we opted for different streams. We drifted
apart I hoped we would have lasted longer. I miss you my best friend.


A Multitasker- My Mother
-Khushbu Gyanchandani

A mother is an epitome of selfless, caring, giving, and a loving being who is the most
significant source of happiness and joy. There exists no parallel of a mother and all other
next to kin remain inferior to motherhood. A mother is the source of our existence and
happiness. She stands by and remains our constant support system through all the roller
coaster rides we experience in life. No better person can be a valuable source of
inspiration than a mother herself.
My mother is a wonderful & charming lady. Her name is Poonam Gyanchandani. She is
40 years old. She has a fair complexion with a right height of 5.3 inches. She loves
playing musical instruments & learning new ones and is a housewife.
The most beautiful bonding I share is with my mother. She is my best friend besides my
secret keeper. I share my full-day college story with her. I feel relaxed after sharing
everything with her. She is the one who understands me the most in my family. Her love,
care & affection is the best thing I can get in my life. My mother loves equally to me
and my brother. After making food, she comes to us while we are studying. Her dream
is to make us a well-civilized people and to serve the nation.
I still remember those childhood days my mom used to take me to vegetable market.
Her qualities of multitasking are amazing and inspire me a lot. She loves us too much
and takes care of all family members and unites them in a bond. She is very dedicated
and persistent in her work. She is an ambitious woman and we draw inspiration from her
personality. She is pillar of strength for my father and family.
“Maa” is the first word for all of us, which we remember in every sorrow and pain first.
The name of God also forgets in the person’s pain but never forgets the name of the
mother. She always thinks the best for us and suggests ways of developing strong skills in
life. She gives me the strength to face any difficulties in life. It helps me to stay calm
during any abnormal situations.
She has filled our life with happiness, enthusiasm, prosperity, and wisdom with her
positive attitude.
She is really an incantation of a goddess having multitasking talents. Indeed, a mother is
not simply a word; in fact, it is a whole universe. My mother is also an admiration to me
because, while most individuals work to gain popularity and a name in society, a
mother never feels that. All she wants for her children is for them to achieve in life. She is
not motivated by self-interest in her work. This is why I regard my mother to be a human
manifestation of God. My mother represents forgiveness, unselfish love, kindness,
courage, bravery, and patience. No one in this world is capable of replacing my
Mother’s unselfish devotion for our family. The mother figure, in my perspective, plays
the most important and vital part in a child’s life and development, because she is one
of the most excellent role models for her child. During her golden years, it is our job to
shower her with the same love and affection. No creature in this Universe can be as
potent as a mother!! She is the one who is probably endowed with all the power. God
has in a way given her the power to take up the affairs of the world. And in order to
celebrate the unfathomable power of a mother, we celebrate this exclusive day called
Mother’s day when each one of us in our own way honour Motherhood and its
essence. Every year Mother’s day is celebrated in May, when the whole world makes it
a point to celebrate the contribution a woman makes to take up in smooth way her
family along with her career and the way she contributes to the society.


Name: Meet Shah

Roll NO: 21124031

A Lost Friendship

A lost friendship is a heartache that is all too common in life. We meet people, we
bond, we share experiences and memories, and then, for one reason or another, we
drift apart. For me, that lost friendship was with someone I had known since childhood.
We grew up together, went to the same school. We were inseparable, but slowing
we drifted apart.

We were together for more than 15 years and I had got to know him as if he was my
brother. I saw him grow from a small child to mature adult. He was just like me but at
the same time completely different from me. I remember this one time that we scored
same number of marks and even had same mistakes on a test.

We were each other’s first call if something had happened. I fondly remember the
times we used to talk for hours on our landline, talking about nothing but still running
out of time to finish our talks. I still remember his telephone number by heart. I used to
tell him all my problems and he would listen to them and always try to help me. He
was a true friend in that sense. I used to call him every day whenever our exams were
getting close. And we would clear each other’s doubt and compare how much
studying is left to do.

Growing up he would often come to my house after school. We would have lunch
together and then play all afternoon. He was a fast eater and would tease me about
it. He loved coming to my house and would often try to stay as late as possible. My
parents also loved having him over. We would play all my board games till we got
bored and moved on to the next game. We would prank call random numbers and
offer them bank loans. He always thought that a little bit of fun never harmed nobody.
He was a laid-back soul who never hold a thought for too long.

He was not a shy person, he always looked for the good in people. He liked meeting
different people and trying new things. In 10 th grade we went to a camping trip with
our classmates, and he made everyone feel comfortable in the long journey. He was
the first to make friends with people who were not our classmates on the journey. He
made them feel as they were part of our group. We had a lot of fun and is one of my
best memories of him.

Next year we also went for a camping trip. But we both were at cross roads in our life.
We had to decide which school we would go for our higher education. Despite being
best friends and sharing everything with each other, we didn’t talk much about the
future. We avoided talking about it for as long as possible and then it was too late.
And throughout the trip a sense of impending doom was looming in back of my mind.

My intuition was correct. We didn’t talk about decision and we both choose
completely different paths in life.

We were still friends, but I knew we were drifting away. Those unnecessarily long calls,
meeting him, going for movies and being there for each other all slowing stopped.
Initially we tried to fight the separation, making promises to meet regularly but those
promises were never kept. We both become busy in our own life.
Somehow looking back and seeing someone so close to you just not anymore in your
life feels surreal. I still think how my life would be if he was still in it. I get periodically
notified of his wellbeing by our modern technology. I get to see the 15 years of
friendship boil down to a few pixels on a screen. How cruel is the modern world you
feel connected to someone when in reality you are more disconnected than ever.

He has now crossed the seven seas and has left the country for higher education. But
he is still the friend that I search for in a new class. Now I am the only one left with our
inside jokes. On the station coming back I saw him for the last time. Standing with his
luggage, is my last memory of him. I never knew in that moment that we would never
see each other. I failed to say goodbye and now it seems I have truly missed my
chance. “I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but
what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye”. Now these words
ring truer than ever. And I hope to see him some day.


Bond by blood , differ by age

Name of the author – Thelotham Ravi

A person who born with siblings are so special and they do not even feel alone in with
their presence. A youngster of 24-year-old with 5 year age difference looks so cool and
handles everything with care and precautious. Basically he was a kind-hearted person
and our bonding was so strong that we share things with each other , hung out with joy
, keep ourselves healthy and care each other. He is an extrovert with known people
and an introvert with others. He always has a kind heart to help the needy people. He
loves to travel along with me. He behaves as a gentleman, a bit lazy and a good
entertainer in our family and also with friends.
He has done his SSLC and HSC in our native place and went as a hosteller for his UG
studies. I wait eagerly for his arrival to our home when there is a short period of holidays.
He has faced so many difficulties and challenges in his adulthood stage and came
over with clever and brilliant solutions. He likes to play football and cricket. He was the
captain of his football team and won more medals and certificates. We love sports bike
and powerful engine cars.
At present, he owned a sports bike , Yamaha R15 V3 of 155cc with 6-speed gearbox
producing maximum power of 18.30 bhp@10000 rpm and a maximum torque of
14.10Nm@8500 rpm. The colour of the bike is red and black. Later we owned a car ,
Volkswagen Polo TDI of 1200cc with 5-speed gearbox producing a maximum power of
74bhp@4200 rpm and a maximum torque of 180Nm@2000rpm. The colour of the car is
white. We recently wrapped the rooftop of our car with glossy black and to add some
more look into it, we stickered the side door with an awesome font stating the brand
name “Volkswagen”. Once we did this, our craziness over this car went to the next
level. We enjoyed a lot and went ‘n’ number of rides.
Apart from rides, we both enjoyed this city in all perspectives. At first it was that much
difficult for us to get along with people, culture, food habits and so on. But now we are
enjoying a lot and gained lot of memories over here. We started to enjoy multiple
options of food. The people here in Vadodara are friendly and helpful in nature. We got
attracted by the humankind here. Our affection for Vadodara grew day by day.
On the other hand, my brother worked hard and secured a job in an IT firm. He was little
slow in coding but very strong with the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) part. He was
placed as a SEO trainee at first. Months went and we literally noted his drastic growth in
his field. He got multiple promotions and his salary was raised to the next level. Now he
plays a role of SEO specialist in that particular firm. Often, myself as well as my mom feel
very proud to have him behind our back.
Initially he had no friends here and was not able to adapt with anyone. But, over a
period of time, he himself developed a mindset to get out of this and wished to mingle
with people around him. And he did that. I was soo happy for him.
Even though we had great times, we worried about the health issues. We often fell sick
due to the extreme weather here in Vadodara. Moreover, our weights too went up. As
days passed, we gradually learnt to adapt the weather here and joined gym in order to
maintain a proper weight and to achieve an aesthetic physique. Right now, everything
is under control and we feel proud of ourselves to stay consistent in it.
At first myself and my brother thought that we will not be able to watch any kollywood
movies here in theatre. Later we came to know that most of the South Indian movies
are getting released with multiple language options. We went for some of our favourite
releases and spotted a lot of Tamil and Mallu people over there in theatre. Moreover,
we got some new friends and gained some awesome memories with them. We also
planned for a trip to Statue of Unity in upcoming days.
At present, we recollect our past memories and share with each other, the sweet, bitter,
horrible and good situations that happened in our life. Whenever I felt so low, he
motivates me, we go for a walk, a happy ride. He taught me how to take our life into a
good path, how to fight against negativities and he always say to me to work smarter
than working hard. Our brother bond relationship was so pleasant and always be
“Friends stand but Brothers stand forever…”



It took me twenty years to realise what an extraordinary influence my father has been on
my life. Besides running a business, he is also a trustee of an NGO. Growing up with such
a strong person, I developed much of his enthusiasm. I not only came to love the
excitement of learning simply for the sake of knowing something new, but I also came to
understand the idea of giving back to the community in exchange for a new sense of
life, love, and spirit.
He is in his forties, darkly handsome and slightly red-faced, with a never ending spirit of
learning new things. This is one of the best things that I like about him that he his never
tired of his life no matter how bad it turns, he is always looking forward to a great day
every morning. Like every family, we had our own problems too. But with him by our side
everything is as right as rain.
I share friendly relationship with my father so I always look up to him when I cant handle
things, and he has best solutions. I remember I used to get low grades in my school, so he
used to sit beside me explaining things the way I can remember and helped me
improved my grades. He strengthens me everyday and supports me to never give
up. Many times we have had late nights because he would be explaining a math
problem to me or we would be working on a science project. He has always put me
ahead of himself and provided me with the things I need to excel.
Though he comes across as a strict person, but people close to him know how joyful , fun
and loving he is. Every Sunday I go at NGO with him, and I feel so proud to be his daughter
when people there speak good things about him. I love to interact with people at NGO.
Every time I go is a new experience for me and learn many things.
Whenever I’m faced with a problem and must make a decision, I know that my dad will
be behind me one-hundred percent no matter what I choose to do. It is a great feeling
to know that someone is always going to support me in anything i choose to do. It takes
away much of the stress that comes with making decisions. For example, when I
completed my schooling, I had to select a course to pursue. I wanted to choose BBA LLB
but my mom wanted something else for me, that’s where he stood by me and convinced
my mom for same.
Also it is always believed that a daughters are more close to their dads, that’s because
A girl’s relationship with her dad can determine her ability to trust, her need for approval
and her self-belief. It even affect’s her love life. Although he remains extremely busy
during week days, but during weekends he is totally ours. Growing up, he loved to invent
crazy games meant to spark our imaginations. Most of my childhood memories are of
those games with him. When I was little my dad and I both loved to swim, and when we
would go on family vacations we would both immediately head to the pool. He had this
trick that I loved where he would hold my feet close to the surface of the water so that I
could ‘walk on water.’ I thought it was the most magical thing and would ask to do it
repeatedly for hours on end. He was a good sport!”
I was surprised once, when I was ten years old and was extremely hungry. Mom was not
at home and he cooked for me. He made me a frankie and it was best frankie I ever
had. He will always go the extra mile to make me feel special.
He is literally my number 1 since day 1 as he makes everything so special and good that
you always feel loved when you are around him.




Every girl wants at least one person to love her at her worst and best and wants that
person to take stand for her even if that person has to go against the whole world . For
me that person is my mother. She is a 41 year old smart , confident, honest and the
most beautiful person that I’m blessed with in my life . I’m thankful to God that she is my

She has a very jolly and fun personality sometimes she is mature sometimes clumsy and
sometimes childish only I know how to deal with these aspects of personality as I had
known her for 19 years. Sometimes she is so childish that it becomes difficult to
differentiate between us especially when she fights with my father , I must take my
mother’s side otherwise she will feel bad and complain to me about not taking her side
just like a child does. Her favourite hobby is to annoy me . She always wants my
attention if I don’t give her enough attention she will repeatedly call my name until I
respond to her.
My father always says that we are more like siblings because we always fight and
annoy each other but at the same time we love each other the most. She always wants
to be my best friend- a person who I can rely on , can trust whole-heartedly and when I
need someone the most she will be the 1 st person I could open up with. My mother is a
very emotional person . She cries very easily. One day I saw my mother crying, without
knowing the reason behind it tears start flowing from my eyes so I hug my mom
immediately and cried with her until she was relaxed . At that moment I realise what
love is. Love is when you can’t see your dearest person crying and hurting , if they are
sad you are sad if they cry you cry and if they are happy than you are the happiest.
After all the crying I asked her the reason and she replied “I was missing my parents .” At
that moment I make sure not to leave her side ever in my life.

Since childhood my mother always catches me if I lie to her when I ask her how do you
know that I lied? She will say ‘ I have my eyes all around you- what you do ,what you
eat and even what you think all the things related to you I know it very well because I
know you before you were born. When she says stuff like this I always think that I’m so
lucky to have her in my life. She is short-tempered if things does not go as she plans she
will get angry quickly and we have to say sorry because her angry side freaks us out it is
full of terror. One day I made a mistake and we had a fight, at that time my mother
didn’t scold me she just stopped talking to me so do I .We did not talk for 1 whole day,
that day feels like hell to me because she was not talking to me. I was like I can handle
her angry side but if she didn’t talk to me I can not be happy anymore , my life will be
worthless if she don’t talk to me my life will be uneasy and full of regrets. So I never want
to imagine her not talking to me because she is the person I love the most in this entire

My mother is always worried about me but sometimes a bit worried about her white
hairs which refers to aging which means she is scared to leave me alone in this lonely
world. She wants me to be an independent woman it’s her dream to see me working
and living independently. Her worst fear is of losing me . One day when I was young I
made a mistake and I freak out that my mother will scold me so I hide myself in my
neighbour’s house and she was searching me everywhere, then after 3 hours of
searching she found me. At that time I was so scared that she will scold me but instead
she give me a tight hug , I still remember she was crying , scared and her legs were
trembling in fear at that moment I realise that she is the person who loves me the most if
something happens to me she cannot live.

My mother is the biggest support system in my life. Without her I am nothing . Even
today my mornings starts with mummy and my nights end with mummy.



Every girl wants at least one person to love her at her worst and best and wants that
person to take stand for her even if that person has to go against the whole world . For
me that person is my mother. She is a 41 year old smart , confident, honest and the
most beautiful person that I’m blessed with in my life . I’m thankful to God that she is my
She has a very jolly and fun personality sometimes she is mature sometimes clumsy and
sometimes childish only I know how to deal with these aspects of personality as I had
known her for 19 years. Sometimes she is so childish that it becomes difficult to
differentiate between us especially when she fights with my father , I must take my
mother’s side otherwise she will feel bad and complain to me about not taking her side
just like a child does. Her favourite hobby is to annoy me . She always wants my
attention if I don’t give her enough attention she will repeatedly call my name until I
respond to her.

My father always says that we are more like siblings because we always fight and
annoy each other but at the same time we love each other the most. She always wants
to be my best friend- a person who I can rely on , can trust whole-heartedly and when I
need someone the most she will be the 1 st person I could open up with. My mother is a
very emotional person . She cries very easily. One day I saw my mother crying, without
knowing the reason behind it tears start flowing from my eyes so I hug my mom
immediately and cried with her until she was relaxed . At that moment I realise what
love is. Love is when you can’t see your dearest person crying and hurting , if they are
sad you are sad if they cry you cry and if they are happy than you are the happiest.
After all the crying I asked her the reason and she replied “I was missing my parents .” At
that moment I make sure not to leave her side ever in my life.

Since childhood my mother always catches me if I lie to her when I ask her how do you
know that I lied? She will say ‘ I have my eyes all around you- what you do ,what you
eat and even what you think all the things related to you I know it very well because I
know you before you were born. When she says stuff like this I always think that I’m so
lucky to have her in my life. She is short-tempered if things does not go as she plans she
will get angry quickly and we have to say sorry because her angry side freaks us out it is
full of terror. One day I made a mistake and we had a fight, at that time my mother
didn’t scold me she just stopped talking to me so do I .We did not talk for 1 whole day,
that day feels like hell to me because she was not talking to me. I was like I can handle
her angry side but if she didn’t talk to me I can not be happy anymore , my life will be
worthless if she don’t talk to me my life will be uneasy and full of regrets. So I never want
to imagine her not talking to me because she is the person I love the most in this entire

My mother is always worried about me but sometimes a bit worried about her white
hairs which refers to aging which means she is scared to leave me alone in this lonely
world. She wants me to be an independent woman it’s her dream to see me working
and living independently. Her worst fear is of losing me . One day when I was young I
made a mistake and I freak out that my mother will scold me so I hide myself in my
neighbour’s house and she was searching me everywhere, then after 3 hours of
searching she found me. At that time I was so scared that she will scold me but instead
she give me a tight hug , I still remember she was crying , scared and her legs were
trembling in fear at that moment I realise that she is the person who loves me the most if
something happens to me she cannot live.

My mother is the biggest support system in my life. Without her I am nothing . Even
today my mornings starts with mummy and my nights end with mummy.


Saumya Vyas

75 years of love

My grandmother was an extraordinary woman who made a huge impact on my life.

She was my rock, my confidant, and my best friend. She was always there for me,
offering love and support whenever I needed it. Even though she passed away a few
years ago, I still think about her every day and am forever grateful for the time we
spent together. Talking about her physical appearance, she had an average height,
she was little fat during her young age but eventually became skinny in the later part
of her life because of few medical issues. She had black eyes and used to wear
spectacles. She was very jolly person by nature and could easily open up with each
and every one. One of the things I admired most about my grandmother was her
strength. She faced many difficult challenges throughout her life, but she always
came out on the other side with her head held high. She lost her husband at a young
age and had to raise her children alone. She also dealt with chronic health issues, but
she never let it get the best of her. She always had a positive attitude and was
determined to make the best of every situation. She taught me that no matter how
tough things get, you can always find a way to keep going .Another thing I admired
about my grandmother was her generosity. She was always willing to give of herself,
whether it was her time, her money, or her resources. She volunteered at her temple,
helped her neighbours, and was always there for her friends and family. She taught
me the importance of being selfless and helping others whenever you can. My
grandmother was also a great listener. She always took the time to listen to my
problems and offer me advice. She never judged me, and always had a wise word
to say. She taught me the importance of communication and the power of a listening
ear. One of my fondest memories of my grandmother is the time we spent in the
kitchen together. She was an amazing cook and loved to share her recipes with me.
We would spend hours in the kitchen, cooking and baking together. She taught me
how to make her famous lasagne and her secret recipe for chocolate chips and
cookies. I still make those recipes to this day and every time I do, it brings back fond
memories of her. My grandmother was also a great storyteller. She loved to share her
stories from her youth, and I loved listening to them. She would tell me about her
childhood, her teenage years, and the early years of her marriage. She would also
tell me stories about her ancestors and the history of our family. I was fascinated by
her stories and I always looked forward to hearing more. My grandmother was a
woman of faith. She was a Hindu, and her faith was an integral part of her life. She
always had a kind word and a prayer for anyone who needed it. She taught me the
importance of faith and the power of prayer. I lost my grandmother several years ago,
but I still think about her every day. She was 75 years old when she died because of a
sudden cardiac arrest. Even on her last day she was as active and energetic as a
young kid. I miss her dearly, but I am forever grateful for the time we spent together. I
consider myself lucky enough that I got an opportunity to spend 18 years of my life
with her. I will never forget the amazing time that I spent with her. She taught me so
many valuable lessons and I will always carry her memory with me. She was an
amazing woman and I am so lucky to have had her as my grandmother. One of the
most important lessons she taught me was the power of forgiveness. She forgave
easily and never held a grudge. She taught me that forgiveness is not only for the
person who did wrong but also for oneself. It allows one to let go of the past and move
on with a light heart. She also taught me about the importance of family. She was
always there for her children and her grandchildren, and she instilled in us the
importance of sticking together through thick and thin. Her family was her everything
and she always made sure to keep us close. My grandmother was also a woman of
great wisdom. She had a wealth of knowledge and experience, and she was always
willing to share it with others. She taught me how to navigate through difficult
situations with a smile on face and always be happy in my life.

Incredible Journey with you Brother

~Abhirajsinh Chauhan

I got to know a few days back when I got home from college, that my brother got an
offer from his dream college in canada. was relieved to hear that only a few days
remain for him to move there.

My childhood memories are strewn with memories of time spent with him. From copying
his choices to chasing dreams like him, they will all be remembered for eternity. There
were many incidents we experienced with him that will remain in my mind forever.

We have shared moments of joy and sorrow, have shared secrets that no one else
knows and have been each other's biggest support system. We have had many
arguments, but our bond has only grown stronger. I can confidently say that he is the
best brother I could ever have.

He’s tall, black hair with dark brown eyes that’s my brother. When I feel like I can’t
count on anyone I know my brother is always going to be there. Even though he is a
guy I’m still not able to tell him many things like my problems when I need help in but he
still manages to be a good friend to me. Growing up I always had friends but I never
really felt like I can count on them. On the other hand with my brother he just never
seemed to not ever be there for me because he always is. When we both were in high
school in 2018 I got into a fight with a random senior boy where my friend didn’t help
me there but when I went home and my brother asked who did this to you then he got
mad and the next day he went after the boy with his friends and make him say sorry to
me. This shows the strength of the bond between siblings, especially when they are in
the same age group. My brother was willing to go the extra mile to protect me, and he
showed me that I can trust him to always be there for me. That’s why One brother will
always be better than a thousand friends.
Brothers can also be incredible supportive of one another. They may offer advice,
encouragement and support. For instance, my brother may comfort and encourage
me if I am feeling down, or help me with a difficult school project and provide tips for
success. when I passed 10th board exam and then i have to choose a stream science
or commerce , I choose science but after sometime I realised that I want to go in
commerce field as science was really tough. My father and mother was pissed off with
me but my brother encouraged me to take science and work really hard and he was
with me till the end. Although many people see their brothers as just regular brothers
,Mine is much more than a brother that anyone could ask for.

Brother is an alpha when father is not available. When the father is not present, my
brother can often take on a role of authority and leadership, making sure that
expectations are met and that everyone is behaving appropriately. Every work that is
our father do if he is not available you are the one brother that you take responsibility
and take mature decisions to run our life smoothly and didn’t get us any trouble.

Brothers can also be a source of competition and rivalry, pushing each other to be the
best they can be. This is because they often want to be seen as the better brother, and
this drives them to work harder and strive for success.But in my case, I followed him
since childhood and I took science and engineering courses as well as he did and I
pushed myself watching throughout his journey as my competitor. My brother always
makes fun of me as I copy him and he called me copycat and I followed entire journey
copying him from all likings , studies , sports etc. I didn’t get success copying him not
became as good as him but deep down he always know I have a great potential and
pushing me till now. Also my mother always taunts me that how my brother is good in
everything but I failed to be like him , this always make me demotivated but I tried and
now I am doing my best.

My brother is my friend, co-conspirator, and an extension of myself. I will always be

thankful to him and you will be in my hearts forever, yeah now you will be far away from
us but you will be missed. We understand each other and have similar goals and values.
We support each other in our endeavors, and we always have each other's backs.

My Elder sister

Let’s talk about my one and only lovely sister. She is 3 years elder to me but behaves like
younger than me and very introvert person in public. We used to fight a lot for TV
remote for food and many more thing. My mother always scolds me for fighting with
her. But we never change and we don’t want to.

Because she is 3 years older she used to teach me many lessons that she learned
by herself. She helps me a lot when I’m in trouble. She always supports me in my every
decision. She used to cook for me and our father when mom is not there. She is not a
good chef but we love to ate her food.

She is very sensitive person in our house after my mother. Infect my mother and she are
the same in nature when it comes to animal. My sister loves cats so much and my father
doesn’t, but for her he allows to keep cat with her. She helps animal a lot and took
them to the hospital at her own cost. We have golden cat named “Bhuri” she has been
living with us for more than 6 years and still counting. My sister loves to pet her her every
single minute and also loves to irritate me

She always comes with me when I want to buy something like cloths and shoes. She
always chooses clothes for me and buy for me she is my shopping partner. I don’t go
out alone to buy any item without her and I’m very poor to decide what to buy and
which colour is good for me. She always helps out that what should I wear and looks
good on me. I was very happy at that time for having knowledgeable elder sister.

But now we both misses those days and those stupid things we did at past and some
senseless fight for cartoons and for TV shows. Because she is in Canada now for her
future. She calls me whenever she requires expert advice but don’t follow them. She is
very kind person to the world and a bit stingy person in real life for others. We talk every
day at call whenever she is free. She misses her mom and dad so much and ask about
dad every time she calls. She is very caring daughter and loves her father so much. She
is very inspired by our late grandmother.
She lived her whole childhood with grandmother. She told every single thing to her and
learn a lot of thing from her like her habit and her ethics. She is very attach with
grandmother. She always remembers her till now for making her life meaning full. It has
been a year since we meet in real life.

She completed 1 year at Canada and was going well. In her initial days in Canada she
faced too much trouble for finding jobs, house. She is the most talented person I have
ever meet in my life. She is in last year of her studies. When she went there first time the
whole city was new for her and all the person around her were unknown to her. She
now she comfortable with that environment around her and feels very happy. She
misses us a lot and calls my mom every day whenever she Is free from work. I feel lonely
because she is the one who would buy new watches for me watch is my favourite thing
to buy and I want a good one so she always comes with me. And now I got very
confused what to buy and which thing is good for me.

She loves watching cricket for Virat Kohli. We both fight for our favourite players and
have many arguments. She loves kohli and sees match whenever kohli is there for
batting. If kohli gets out the she doesn’t want to watch the match anymore.

She also loves to play cricket with me and her friends. She is not a good batter but she
is very good bowler. We used to play many indoor and outdoor games like chess, hide
and seek, cricket, snakes and ladders and many other games.

We not only play together but also watch movies and series together. Every movie that
we both like we watch it in theatre. We watch series till late night . We will do it once
again when we meet and enjoy our old days. There are a lot many things to say about
my sister. I lived my whole childhood with her and under her guidance. I miss you a lot
and I hope to meet her very soon and I will wait for that time.

Author name: - Yash Joshi


“A tribute to grandma: Uncovering the legacy of love.” – Seema Lakhani

Present day. Remembering her grandmother, the author picks up a photograph from her
bedside table of the woman she will always look up to, her dearest Dadi. A tear escapes
her eye looking at the contagious smile definitely not faked for the camera, those
expressive brown eyes that shone with warmth and wisdom. Her aged and petite self,
stood five foot high with silky hair that fell below her waist. Even from something as trivial
as a photo, her calm and charismatic aura radiated positivity. Her last words, “take care
beta, more of others around you than yourself” exactly what her entire life had been
History. Born in a small village near Mehsana district of Gujarat to middle class parents. As
the oldest sister to eight siblings, grandma was a selfless person. She learnt to help her
mother with chores at a young age, not out of obligation but love. She looked after her
siblings, taught one knitting and another bicycle-riding. At a very young age, she
matured and gave all her love to her siblings then to her children and their children too.
She did not have the privilege of higher education but she understood the need of it. She
was determined to educate her four children although it meant compromising and
working extra hard. She was a strict mother, ingrained manners and discipline in her
children. A proof of it is how her youngest son, father of the author never curses in the
company of women despite having anger issues. Even as a strict mother, she spoiled her
children with love and care. She would make their favourite dishes and walk them to
school. She taught them the importance of savings which was why all her grandchildren
keep piggybanks that come in handy during hard times. She also taught them to be kind.
A keen memory her daughter has is that she used to bring stale chapatis while walking
her kids to school for stray dogs on the way. Anyone would say that she was the perfect
mother but that is not the whole story.
Later in her life she developed a cold and distant demeanour which was a manifestation
of her own emotional issues stemming from her past experiences. She would
unnecessarily be mean to her daughters-in-law, denying them basic rights and personal
space. It was partially because she saw how her sons who she raised well, loved and
respected their wives. And her husband, though perfect in the eyes of society, was not
very ideal of a partner. It was mainly because of her own convoluted relationship with
her mother-in-law that she unconsciously projected negative feelings onto her
daughters-in-law. She gave and gave every little fragment of love that she possessed
and was left hollow inside. But NO that was not who she was. Even hurt, angry, depressed,
she knew deep down that she was somewhere wrong. She changed and grew over time.
The once controlling and demeaning mother-in-law changed to understanding,
accepting mother. She would suggest her daughters-in-law to go shopping with their
friends and leave grandchildren with her. Which was surprising because she once hated
the idea of them having some personal time away from home. She broke the
generational stereotype and picked up her own broken pieces putting them back
stronger. She passed on a legacy of love and strength.
Inevitably, sickness kicked in leaving everyone in despair. She had been so busy looking
after others that her own senility and weakening health became invisible to her. Her
chronic liver disease hit her body but her soul in all its glory remained untarnished. No,
nobody could dim her light. She faced illness and hospital visits with grace and dignity
while never being a burden on her children and husband. In her last days, she used to
tell her children beautiful and kind words. Who does that? Even when she was dying, she
thought about others. She told her children to hold onto the things that made them
happy, to not lose their heart to the evils of this world. They never really understood the
weight and importance of it until they could not hear her soothing voice anymore. She
passed away surrounded by her closed ones but her memory and lessons she taught
stayed with them.
Back to present day. She wipes another tear as she remembers how dadi used to make
her favourite dish sheera and asked her about her day. The diamond earrings she wears
as a souvenir was a gift from grandma. She wishes she recorded her grandmother when
she said “The most beautiful of people are those who spread love.” She wants to tell her
that she was indeed the most beautiful. Life in her presence tasted like honey even in
dark times, now it just lacks flavour.


Writing About a Common Person


~Nikesh M

The Women Who Raised Me

Growing up, my mother was a constant source of love, guidance, and support for me.
She was my confidant, my cheerleader, and my strength. From my first steps to my first
day of school, she was there to guide me and help me navigate the world. Even as I
grew older and started to become more independent, she remained an essential part
of my life, always there to offer her love and support. Whether I needed help with my
homework or advice on a difficult decision, I could always count on her to be there for
me. My mother's love and support have been a constant source in my life, and I am
forever grateful for all that she has done for me.

She is not just a mother to me, but also a best friend, who always listens to me, gives me
the right advice, and most importantly, understands me like no one else. Her warm smile
and kind eyes always make me feel safe and secure, no matter what is happening in
my life. Her love for me is unconditional, which I have always taken for granted, but
now I realize how much it means to me. With a gentle voice and warm smile, she
appears to be a petite woman with a beautiful face. Her hair is usually tucked back in
a bun, and she wears simple yet elegant clothing (Typical South Indian attire). Her kind
and caring nature are reflected in her gentle and warm appearance.

She is truly one of a kind and has a unique set of qualities that make her stand out from
other mothers. One of the most striking is her ability to always see the best in people.
Another quality that sets my mother apart is her incredible work ethic. She has always
been a hard worker and has always put her family first, she is so hard-working that she
sacrifices her own needs for me and for the family. She is a role model for me, showing
me that with dedication and perseverance, you can achieve anything you set your
mind to.
She is an amazing cook, particularly when it comes to her South Indian dishes and has a
real talent for creating delicious and nutritious meals that always leave me wanting
more. From her famous dosa to her homemade sambar, every South Indian dish she
makes is a masterpiece. One of the things that set my mother's cooking apart is her
ability to use authentic South Indian ingredients to create mouthwatering dishes. She
always prefers to use locally sourced ingredients, and this gives her dishes a unique and
authentic flavor. She has a great sense of taste and balance of ingredients and knows
how to use them to make the perfect South Indian dish. I have always loved the foods
my mother makes, which hold a special place in my heart.

She has faced a lot of struggles in her life and used to be depressed many times
because of family problems, work life, and relations with her own colleagues. Before I
was born her elder sister had two sons, she raised them as her own child but now in
return they just gave tears to her. My mother has faced numerous challenges and
struggles throughout her life, including periods of depression due to family issues, work-
life balance, and conflicts with her colleagues. Despite this, she has always been a
strong and resilient person. Even before I was born, my mother took on the role of a
mother figure to her elder sister's two sons, raising them as her own, but unfortunately,
they ended up causing her pain and disappointment.

My mother has been my mentor and guide since I was young. She shaped me into who
I am today with her guidance, support, and encouragement. She always takes care of
my little things like should do like this and not like that, scolds me when I am wrong,
guides me towards the right path, and teaches me to be independent, strong, and
never give up. She values education, hard work, and dedication and always
encourages me to pursue my passions and strive for my best.

In conclusion, my mother has been the most important person in my life. I will always be
eternally grateful for everything she has done for me and for the sacrifices she has
made for our family and forever be grateful for the love, care, and support that my
mother, “Anadavally”, has provided me throughout my life. She has been my source of
inspiration, my guiding light, my confidant, and my best friend. I promise to always be
there for her and to give her a life she never imagined. And I want her to know that “I
love” her with all my heart.


My sister : life time buddy

-Vrushank Chauhan

Sisters are an essential part of everyone’s lives. When we have sisters, we tend to not feel lonely and
fearful. Moreover, they love us unconditionally and accept us without any judgement. Thus, we feel
someone is always there for us. I have an elder sister who is two years older than me. She is my whole
world and I cannot live without her. My sister has a very unique personality which is not seen commonly
in today’s world. She never judges anyone for their deeds. She is a religious person who believes we
humans must not judge someone else as God will take care of it. She has a bubbly personality and can
brighten up the room wherever she goes. My sister is a sweet person who always tries to help out others.
I have seen her help her friends all the time, even if they are acquaintances, she helps them equally.
Moreover, she is very lively. She does not like sitting in one place, thus she is always all over the place.
Further, she is very creative. She has a solution to almost anything and everything. My sister has the
special talent to find easy ways to do a difficult job. All of us always ask for her advice to simplify any kind
of work. I respect my sister for standing out of the crowd and always doing her own thing. Even if no one
is doing it, she does not back off from doing the unique thing. She is my support system and inspiration.
Her most important and attractive character part is a helpful mentality. She is really helpful. We always
say charity begins at home. She started helping my mother in the kitchen and that’s how she started. She
always works hard even after her so much study pressure. Sometimes she cooks food and washes clothes.
My parents are really happy with her helpful mentality. Not only in the family, but she is also helpful in
the college too. I found a few girls came to our house for free tuition. She even helps them with her own
notes. In her school time, she was top everywhere from grades one to ten. She never looked back and
gets admitted into medical college in Canada. She is performing really well there and hoping the best for
the future. She is a very good student. I want to be a good student like her and want to perform well in
every stage of my life. I consider my sister as my role model. I want to be like her. And that’s why I am
following her. I take tips from her about everything in my life. And she is helping me without any
hesitation. There are a few reasons that are why I want to be like her. The most important thing is she has
no negativity. She is super positive every time. I love her laughing face, she never gets worried anytime.
And that thing gives me so much motivation and inspiration. I forget the pain and all the problems in my
life when I spend time with her. She is always there for me, supporting and suggesting to me. She is the
best advisor; I have got in my life. When I would talk to her about my challenges she would say that life
has it's "ups and downs", and that the most important thing to find the balance and inner-peace within.
She never asks to do any bad thing. She has a very good judgmental brain, and that never let her take
wrong decisions. Having a sister like her can be one of the most precious gifts I received from God. My
sister is my lifelong companion, a confidant, and a source of support and guidance. She is shaping my life
in countless ways, teaching valuable lessons and shaping my character and personality. My sister is my
guide and advisor. She provides me advice on navigating the ups and downs of growing up, from dealing
with bullies to managing friendships. She serves as my sounding board for thoughts and ideas, helping
their me to develop my own sense of self. She is my mentor, role model, and protector, helping me to
navigate my challenges of growing up and become a well-rounded, confident man. She is my source of
fun and laughter, providing a sense of playfulness and lightness in life. She can be companion for
adventures and mischief, and can provide a sense of camaraderie and belonging. She is my partner in
crime, someone who is always there to share the good times and the bad. All in all, I adore my sister a lot.
She inspires me to become a better person and not judge anyone. She is my life, my love my whole world.


My Crackhead Sister
A girl with lot many problems in her life but she is my problem solver. Be it a very dumb
or small problems in schools to big-fat problems of my life she has solution to everything.
She is a sweet girl with short height and curly hair. I am very glad that being younger
sister she’s shorter than me ,as it feels good of been taller as elder sister. Yes, I am talking
about my sister who’s 2 years younger than me. I have got her as the only sibling.

Her name is Urja ;she is a student at Medical college. She is studying Physiotherapy and
recently is in her1st year. She is staying in her college hostel at Udaipur and that’s why it
becomes difficult to visit us frequently. She is one the best advisors in my life. There are
few reasons why do I look up to her. I don’t have much to say about her but

I can say she’s bit more intelligent and has good sense of humor. Her daily routine
includes waking up at 4 in the morning which is so stressful or you can say annoying for
me. Her everyday morning swimming sessions really helps her stay active full day as she
says but I know ,directly after attending swimming sessions she has to walk in for the
school. And school is the place where she takes full rest, meaning completes her sleep.

From the very childhood our parents has made us done sports be it Karate ,swimming or
badminton. Our very first sport was Karate where I used to fight with her to reach on
time. She really lags in everything don’t know why? Remembering, when I was in class-5
once I had fight with my classmate and was my very good friend at the time, and she
also had joined karate with us. After coming home as always I told everything to her
and the same evening ,we had Karate classes there we had our kumite (fight) practice
going on. That eve my sister and my classmate were opposite to each other for fight
and I remember my sister being senior in karate new good techniques and kicks. That
was just a good shot, a very sharp kick that my sister gave to her opponent. “Was it
really a return gift to our fight in school” I asked her, she replied “No di, there was no
such intent behind it.” But I really felt relaxed or calm after that, so being directly or
indirectly she is my problem solver.

As we shifted to new city there were really less chances to get admission into same
school as my sister being national player in swimming had got 5-year educational and
sports scholarship from government association. And due to which we all had to shift to
Vadodara and we were 1 month late for new academic admissions which means all
the seats were full as this school was a sports school. After the academic staff came to
know that my sister is admitted to the school through sports scholarship being a blood
relation I immediately got admission and again she proved to be my angel and a
problem solver. Sisters are angels who help us to fly when our wings cannot carry us ,I
dearly love.

Sisters are an essential part of everyone’s lives. Being a younger sibling ,she’s still a role
model and teacher to me. But on the other face she has never lose any chance of
irritating me ,every single moment she has enjoyed doing the same. Even though I was
not a mixing nature type of girl but I was so open to her and irritates her. We usually
after coming from school used to do gossips and chit-chat with each other and this
murmuring always happened when mom was asleep in afternoon, which used to
frustrate my mom. And shouts and gets angry on us as she gets pissed off . We often
takes nap during afternoon but sometimes our conversation flow doesn’t let us do so.

My sister is the most important part of my life , I misses her a lot this days as we were
never apart for this many months. At first when she left for her degree course to Udaipur
she used to cry a lot as she was not used to stay away from parents and me. Those
days even we felt so lonely and numb but as days passed she made new friends there
,played sports in evening ,chit -chatting with them kept her busy. And finally she got
settled there, then-after we visits her every month to know how’s she and her studies are
going on. I guess she has become a little more mature than she was.

Writer -NIYATI PANDYA_20191017



Maitree Miasuria











A Weirdo
Bilva Jani

Aditi and I met while preparing for competitive exams and it was instant that she
became an important part of my life. Despite the fact that she is 20 years old, Aditi still
retains the innocence of a child and her personality is simply infectious. She is a petite
woman with long, straight hair and a brown skin tone with brownish-black eyes. Aditi is
often seen wearing her specs and cannot live without them, just like she cannot live
without her beloved dog, Lucky. Her love for her dog is immeasurable and nothing
compares to it.

Aditi can be a bit of a confused person at times. She knows what she wants to do
but sometimes struggles to follow through, leaving her feeling confused. Nevertheless,
when it comes to her career and work, she is very clear and focused. When we first met,
there was an instant connection between us and I never expected that she would
become such an important person in my life. Her behavior was comforting from the start
and made me feel at ease.

The memories of the time we spent together during our exam preparation are
etched in my mind forever. We were part of a group of five people who worked together
and had fun activities. However, as time went by, everyone else faded away, and it was
just the two of us left. We experienced every season to the fullest, experiencing extreme
rain, sun, and even winter together.

Sadly, our exam preparation came to an end and it was time for exams and
results. Although we could not attend the same college and ended up in different cities,
that was four years ago, and our bond is still as strong as ever. Aditi is passionate about
photography and exploring new things and places. She has a keen eye for capturing
moments and has a deep passion for traveling and exploring. She always follows her
heart and does what makes her happy, which is truly inspiring.

Aditi is one of a kind and I am lucky to have her in my life. She is my rock, my best
friend, and my soulmate. I admire her strength, her passion for life, and her ability to live
in the moment. She has a unique perspective on life and always manages to find joy in
the little things. She has taught me so much and helped me grow as a person in countless

Growing up, Aditi and I had a complicated relationship. We fought constantly and
it seemed as though we could never see eye to eye. However, deep down, we both
loved each other, and our fights were just a part of the typical dynamic. Aditi has always
been an exceptional artist and her drawings were always so impressive. I remember her
spending hours on her sketches and her creativity was simply awe-inspiring. In school, she
was a top performer and dedicated a lot of time to her studies, unlike me who was more
focused on enjoying life.

Aditi's dedication and hard work in her studies have truly paid off and I am so
proud of the woman she has become. She has always been creative and is now fulfilling
her dream of becoming an architect. I know that she will continue to excel in her field
and make a positive impact in the world of architecture.

one of my best memories was one from our exam preparation. it was a normal
monsoon day and we went to our class as usual and just started our regular work. it was
a closed room so we didn't know what was going on outside the class. and then suddenly
electricity was gone and the atmosphere was so calm that we could hear all the noises
from outside. it was heavily raining outside and we were just enjoying that moment.
meanwhile, both of our phones rang quite often but we were totally unaware of that.
and the best part was that we didn't have our raincoats with us. so we waited for some
time but the rain didn't stop so we decided to dare. water was just everywhere and it
was very difficult and unpredictable to drive. finally, we reached her home, I dropped
her off and then was going to mine. and on that day we both heard too much from our
family but for us, it was all about memories.

In conclusion, Aditi is truly one of a kind and I am blessed to have her in my life. I
cherish every moment I spend with her and cannot wait to see what our future holds. I
love her more every day and am grateful to have her by my side. I cannot imagine my
life without her and I know that our bond will only continue to grow stronger.


“MY HARDIK PANDYA- The other Hardik Pandya”

Today, I would like to tell you about my elder brother - Hardik Pandya. No, not the one
who plays for Indian Cricket Team, but the one who supports and cheers for the Indian
cricket team from his heart like a true Indian. He loved to play cricket and was an All-
rounder player. I didn’t have interest in cricket because every time I played; he took my
wicket in like what 10 to 12 balls only. So, as much as I hate to say it but yeah, he was
and still is a good cricket player. Well, enough talk about Cricket.
Gujarat- September 17, 1998 was the day he was born. On this day, massive rainfall was
happening which led to a flood. The weather situation was Horrible, but still my father
went to see him. His scooter broke down in the middle of Road due to Potholes, he had
to walk 10 km. So, yeah, we can say that he has caused problems from the time he was
given birth. Funny right?
He was the First child to be born in my Father’s side of Family. Now, some people say
that the first-born child are the most responsible one. Well, this might be true but not in
my family’s case. A Responsible one- NO! But a spoiled one, yes for sure. The person
who spoiled him the most was our Paternal uncle. He took care of him like a 2nd
Mother. Because of this he couldn’t be handled by Ammi and Papa. Only my Paternal
uncle could handle him because without him he would not eat anything or go to sleep.
He would spend more time with him more than Papa and Ammi combined. And till this
day, he loves him and respects him.

As he was first child my whole family loved him very much and spoon fed him pretty
much everything. But I am not going to lie: Yes, as he gradually grew older, he became
a Mature one and more understanding.

He is very good with talking to elder people like to both of our grandmother. Till this day
they would taunt me that I don’t talk with them like my brother did. But they need to
understand that I can't sit at one place because I don’t like to and talk and listen
patiently for hours.

My brother’s formula of Qualities: Mother’s Qualities (70%) + Father’s Qualities (30%)

He’s got most of his qualities from our Ammi and obviously from our Papa too, but a little
less compared to Ammi. In some scenarios and situations, He acts like both of them. He
was excellent at studies throughout. My father still calls him “A+ Child”. And yes, he is
my Mum’s favourite child; like everyone can see this and feel it. Not that I care of but
still as a small brother I can also feel jealous sometimes and I think they need to know

He looks like Ammi. Once my grandmother showed me a picture of Ammi when she
was young, and I was shocked because if my brother’s hair were longer, he would look
100% like her. He is as tall as me, which is 5-foot 9-inch which is equivalent to 6-foot. He
was taller than me at first, but I finally caught up to him because of 2 reasons which are
Gym and Riding cycle. Everyone in the family would make fun of me because I was
short, but now I am finally taller than everyone. Feeling proud of myself, not gonna lie!
Like for REAL!

He has got dark black silky hair and black-brownish eyes and on the contrary, I have
got Curly brown hair and Brown eyes. We both shared a great Bond but then we got
very less time to spend together because of our School, college and Tuitions timings.
We would meet at night and then what could we do but sleep because we both
would be tired because of our academics and sports etc.

Now, I would like to tell you about my favourite memory: Playing WWE!
As we were Brothers, it was our right and duty to play WWE. It was necessary because
there exists a rule that “If you are Brothers, you have to play WWE”. We played WWE
and fought roughly. At first, we wouldn’t fight each other seriously but them the next
minute we would be fighting roughly. And then Ammi or Papa would come to make us
stop. I would then cry and play victim card and they would scold my brother, which I
liked very much. After all I am a younger brother. Till this date and day, I couldn’t and
have not broken his winning streak which I hate to say it.




~Archi Gandhi

It was 9th April 2001, a special day for my family because my brother was born.
Everyone was so happy. My dad distributed sweets to everyone. He was chunky with
wavy hair, chubby cheeks, fair skin, and small red lips. After 6 days my aunt gave him a
name- Romil. He was very mischievous and he used to annoy everyone. He loved to
take pictures anytime and anywhere. In the album, he is having photos everywhere
with everyone. Even the photographer gets tired to take pictures of him. Daily he used
to go to his Neighbour's house to eat roti & played in their house.

One day he was playing in the kitchen and boiling dal spilled on his feet at that
moment everyone was so shocked my mom was trembling in fear she immediately
called my neighbors and then they went to the hospital, after growing up when my
mom told me about this event, I got emotional and immediately hugged my brother. 3
years after the incident I was born. He was happy to have me as a sister but also sad at
the same time because all his things were shared with me. We love each other's
company and used to play together. He loved to tease people and play pranks on
them. He also loved to watch movies and cartoons. I loved to celebrate Raksha
Bandhan with him and I never allow any other sister to tie Rakhi before me. I expect
gifts but he always gives me his protection.

We used to study in the same school. He is very energetic and highly active guy. He
never attends school on time but has a lot of friends in school. For m me, he was that
extroverted friend that every introvert needs. His favorite subject was mathematics. He
was good at his studies but worst at drawing. He is so busy with his studies, he hardly
had time for anything else. But he still manages to find time to spend with us. He always
used to help me in my studies as well. When I was in 6th class, he got more marks than
me which makes me cry a lot in the school itself my brother came and hug me and told
me that okay to get low marks, he also treated me nicely and gave me lots of
chocolate that day.

He always took me on his bike & went to roam around. He loves to play cricket a lot. He
plays cricket with friends on weekends. He has 1 best friend from school time and her
name is Rutvi. I always pull his leg by teasing him with her name. We used to play indoor
and outdoor games together with cousins and neighborhood children. We go to the
movies and share secrets. I do share everything with him. Even the things that I cannot
share with my mom I share with my brother. Sometimes I got jealous of him because he
is a mamma's boy. Whenever we both fight, my mom takes his side only. We always
fight with each other but if someone else speaks ill about one of us then we fight with
everyone for us. Most of our fights are for remote because he always likes to watch
cricket and I always like to watch cartoons. After every fight, whoever wins can slap the

Exact half food sharing is mandatory for us. Even if we do not like that food, we ask for
our share. I can give my food to my mom and dad but not him. He is so choosy in food
so do I and that is the worst habit I got from him. We are the opposite in food choice. I
do not like the food he likes, and he does not like it. Whenever I cook any food, he
teases me that I do not know how to make food and tell my mom dad to eat carefully.

One day we were going somewhere in the vehicle and we were having fun in the
vehicle due to which I fall off the cow. Whenever our relatives come home, they give
me money as my brother always teases me by saying kid in front of them.

After schooling, he took admission in engineering and completed his BE in computer

science. After that, he joined Matlab Infotech company as trainee software developer.
Currently, he is working so hard in office but all his salary is mine only. Whatever I want, I
ask him to buy for me. From his first salary he gifted me golden bracelet on my birthday.
And in return, I gifted him the place where our precious memories are stored that is the
right corner of my heart. “I ALWAYS LOVE MY BROTHER.”



-Vedant Shukla

They say that "Hard work is the price we must pay for success.” I think you can accomplish
anything if you're willing to pay the right price. The person in my mind might seem like a
normal person for most of you. But, he has a crucial role in my life and we can say that
he is the person who has inspired me the most in my life. Just like us, he is also just a
common man who has rather a small role in this vast Indian Economy, but for his family,
he is the only one who works hard day and night in order to pays taxes and provide his
support in this country’s development. The guy whom I am talking about is just an ordinary
citizen who enjoys all the luxuries his life has to offer. Just like that, one day while we were
walking down the street at late night, listening and discussing about how Bollywood and
Punjabi songs are way better than English ones. In a few moments, the conversation
shifted from songs to automobiles and finally landing upon his future plans for his career.
That’s when he told me the Quote which has struck my mind ever since that night. He is
no other than my brother from another mother who mostly lives away from his Parents as
he has to travel across cities for work meetings. He also taught me that o ne must stand
his ground and never back down when no wrong has been done. He stands at a
whooping 6 Ft which is above average height for an Indian. He also loves styling his curly
hair and experiments with different styles and hair cosmetics. He also has a thick beard
which he is very proud and careful about. He regrets the days when he is clean shaved
as it makes him look like a baby. He loves to dress up and experiment with different
clothes and as far as I know him, he can pull any combination with ease. He is also a
sneakerhead which are quite popular these days, and is also triggered when someone
steps on them. He has a huge collection of both sneakers and watches too. He is totally
me when it comes to watches as he hates smartwatches and feels A&D watches still are
the best and doesn’t like spending a fortune on smartwatches. He is an automotive
enthusiast like me and we always find ourselves talking about cars and bikes every time
a nice one passes through. Although, he loves super cars and goes well above the speed
limit, he is scared when it comes to riding big engine motorcycles. The best part about
that is that he is so scared when he rides on motorcycles which I am driving. At the end
of the day, he is grateful to God for what he has in life. Being in the field of technology
for a few years down the road, he went to Canada for his Master’s Degree and later was
awarded with a job at Ubisoft Headquarters at Montreal, Canada. He is the one who is
the perfect example of person who likes to work hard but with a hint of smart work. As Far
as I know, he has worked alongside Ubisoft to develop the most successful games of that
time like Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed. Although, He is the one who is also affected
by the problems of his family and friends. He is someone who always has a unique solution
to every problem. He is also good friend and is someone who is reliable, trustworthy, kind,
and supportive. He is always there when you need him, just a phone call away even in
the toughest of times. He has always been honest and open with his feelings, even when
it’s hard to do so. He doesn’t judge and sometimes criticizes people, but also offers
advice and encouragement. Most of the times, he is patient and willing to listen to mine
problems and helps me to work through them. He is also willing to share his own personal
experiences and offer a helping hand whenever I require his help. He also has an
amazing sense of humour and can make you laugh even in the darkest of times. He
clearly knows how to lighten up the mood and help you to relax after a hectic day. He
also knows when to be serious and can provide an ear to listen when required. He is also
loyal to both his better half and is supportive even to his near and dear ones. He is the
one who is there for you no matter what, and won’t let you down, always willing to stand
up for you and be your advocate when needed. He is also the one who is willing to
compromise and make sacrifices whenever necessary in his life. Truly, I believe having a
good friend like him is a blessing and can be a great source of comfort and joy.



"Growing Up with My October-Born elder Brother"


Growing up with an older brother can bring a unique bond and dynamic to your
relationship. Having a brother who is 5 years older than you and born in the month of
October can have its own set of experiences and memories. In my case, my older
brother has always been a constant presence in my life and has played a significant
role in shaping who I am today. From a young age, my brother and I bonded over our
mutual love of cricket. We spent countless hours playing in our backyard, honing our
skills, and dreaming of one day becoming professional cricketers. Despite the age
difference, we were always close and looked out for each other. My brother often
played the role of a father figure, offering guidance and support, but also acted like a
mother, scolding me for misbehaving or making poor choices. As we grew older, my
brother’s passion for cricket only grew stronger. He would spend hours practicing,
watching games, and reading about the sport. It was inspiring to see how dedicated
he was to improving his skills and achieving his dream. Despite his short height, which
may not have been up to the standards set by Indian society, he was an incredibly
talented cricketer and I was always proud to call him my brother. My brother’s physical
appearance was also a source of pride for me. He had a fair complexion and small
eyes, which added to his unique and handsome appearance. He was always well-liked
by everyone who met him, and his charisma and charming personality made him the
life of the party.
My brother's education journey has been impressive, as he has not only excelled
academically but has also pursued his passions. He has a degree from Navrachna
University, which is well-respected in the academic community. During his time in
college, he discovered his love for theatre and acting. He even had the opportunity to
audition for Anupam Kher's Actor Prepares, which is a prestigious acting institute.
Although he was selected, he had to decline the offer due to the demands of his
studies. But this did not deter him from continuing to pursue his passion for theatre. He
became an active member of the theatre club in his university and participated in
numerous college events and productions.Aside from his academic and artistic pursuits,
my brother is also an outdoor enthusiast. He loves to go on adventures and explore new
places. He has a great sense of direction and is never afraid to take the road less
traveled. He has taken me on many camping and hiking trips, and I have always had a
great time exploring new and exciting places with him.
After completing his bachelor’s degree, my brother decided to pursue further studies in
the USA. Although it was difficult to see him leave, I was proud of his determination to
better himself and achieve his goals. I knew that this was just the beginning of a new
chapter in his life and that there were many exciting adventures ahead. The time spent
apart from my brother was difficult, but technology has made it easier to stay
connected. We would often video call or message each other, catching up on each
other's lives and reminiscing about old times. I was grateful to have such a close
relationship with my brother, despite the physical distance between us.My brother’s
time in the USA was full of new experiences and challenges. He met many new people
and made lifelong friends, and he was able to immerse himself in a different culture
and way of life. But despite the distance, our bond only grew stronger. He was always
there for me when I needed advice or support, and I was always there for him. When
my brother returned from the USA, I was overjoyed to be reunited with him. He had
grown as a person and was even more confident and driven than before. I was
amazed at how much he had accomplished and how much he had grown during his
time away.My brother is also a great listener. He has a way of making me feel heard
and understood, even when no one else seems to. He always gives me his full attention
when I talk to him, and I feel like he truly cares about what I have to say. He is the type
of person who would drop everything to help a friend in need, and I am grateful for his
kindness and generosity.One of the things I admire most about my brother is his
determination and drive. He was always setting goals for himself and working hard to
achieve them. He has a passion for learning and is always seeking new experiences.
This drive has led him to where he is today, living in the USA and continuing his studies
In conclusion, having an older brother like mine who is born in the month of October
and shares a love of cricket has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. Our bond
is strong and enduring, and despite the physical distance that has separated us at
times, our relationship has only grown stronger. I am grateful for all the memories and
lessons we have shared, and I look forward to many more adventures in the future.


Rinkal Prajapati

BSc Data Science

My Comfort Place

The place where I go to, the person that comes to my mind after I do some scandal,
something good or even get some small achievement is the only person who has seen
me go through all my ups and downs, highs and lows. That person is the only idiot who
loved me for what I am and is more happier in my happiness. That person is my best
friend hashtag the crack head.

We were 13 when we first met each other at a tuition where I was a new student and
she was a very cheerful but lonely kid. From that day onwards she kept on trying to be
my friend, spoke endlessly so that I answer her and be her good friend, but I was way
too silent. After one year we became very good friends as she was very persistent and
genuine to make me her friend. And then gradually we became best friends after six
months who cannot imagine a day without one another. So, I can say that she is that
kind of crazy persistent girl who will wait and try for the thing she decided to get until
she gets it.

I was a very violent girl back in my school days and was called the ‘Lady Don’ of the
school because I stood up against anything that was wrong, I always took fight with the
seniors if they did anything wrong to my friends or me and also got into a cold fight with
the principal of the school as she wanted our class to participate in an event and we
had our 10 standard preliminary exams going to be conducted. As, she was my best
friend no one even tried to speak in a litter louder voice with her. But, some of the girls in
my class didn’t like the way I was so they told some bad bluff about me and tried to ruin
our friendship. But she is really very protective about our friendship that she knocked
those girls off with a very good answer that “no one even was with me when I was
lonely, and now I have a friend as close as a family member then why you guys want to
ruin it and she is a girl with a great self-respect that she always takes stand for herself, so
never ever try to bluff about her.” At that time, I felt how deep our friendship has been
that she considered me as a part of her family.

When we were in 11 standard and we were in the class attending lectures. A peon
came in and told her that she needs to go home as her mother called in the office for
her leave. She told me that she was also unaware of why her mother called her home.
Then, I got the news that her father was no more. That was really shocking for me. I was
really worried about her. After school I directly went to her house and saw that she was
really shook by that but she was not crying as her mother fainted and was not even in
the state to stay awake. I made her eat some food and comforted her. That was the
day I can’t forget how depressed and gloomy she was. Even today when I remember
her face a get goosebumps. Since that day she told me that never ever leave my side I
consider you as my father as you have always supported me since we became friends.

From that day onwards I always made sure that she gets everything that she wishes,
every happiness that I can give her. As she said I was her family I did all the things I
could for her. She has always been strong then and then that was a part when I almost
went to depression for a reason and she was always there for me. I was not even
knowing what I was doing, I screamed, I got angry for no reason and she tolerated all
of this for six months. In those six months she tried and did everything to make me feel
good, to make me feel happy and set me from all negative energy and get rid of my
Best friends are a blessing. They are the only ones who will never judge you or insult you
for being yourself. She always encouraged me in every little thing I did and also did all
sorts of mischievous things and I can even make a book describing the scandals that
we did. And still at the age of 19 we are still the same as we were when we became
best friends. Everyone deserves such comfort place to make life worth living.




Yes, the smiles called “people” exist

Some people are pedestals in our stories and versions of life, not all happen to leave a
print on our mind more importantly on our heart at most appropriate time. But a kindred
soul offered to touch my life, her name is Heena Patel, now 50 years old has short and
silky hairdo, loves to do makeup, my tutor, mentor and my second home. She is like a
place where I can rest, feel loved, stay and be happy. Her doors always open to those
who need her. She tells bitter truth when needed and sugar coated smile make way
when having a grim day. Even one conversation with her is a delight.
I have always remembered how she said “how you do one thing you do everything”.
She did every task with precision and determination bringing her about close to
perfection in all her conducts in everyday life. Ever in a pickle or not she being a
spiritual lady prayed a lot and that glow evermore showed on her face. She has
everlastingly been very openminded and balanced about life and it’s short and long
comings, she has always taught us to feel, to do and to realize mistakes, achievements
and look for smiles on everyone’s inside. About teaching she is like an excellent artist
who taught as nicely as a soft brush that touches the canvas to make an excellent
stroke and finally an excellent painting, which she does before her batch could step
into this materialistically shining world. She knew which person metaphorically carried a
sword to a conference room and which a pen on a battlefield, encouraging them all
to grow flowers from the gun at 99 problems. Not being an easy job but she sails away
through the oceans .
A person can only be very far from perfection no matter how hard they try, it is said, but
she being the closest one I know also has her demons just like any other. Her rage is not
swung and touched by her so many times but when it is, then it is something to fear.
Confetti to those who survived that. But the credit for her anger goes to her students as
they never left a single piece of her peace undisturbed, because on a normal twenty-
four hours her frame of mind is three tablespoon encouraging, two tablespoon
enthusiastic, half a litre of happiness, and a tinch of non frowny and go to nature of her
that radiated the same energy in people around her such that no one’s heart was too
tired to go to her place no matter how much did the muscles and mind said otherwise.
To motivate people she always used this motto of hers “work hard and party hard”,
which has always been stuck and sunken in , I wonder how but she can corelate
chemistry and energies, she quotes “energy is never created nor destroyed but only
changed”, to this there were so many real life examples I didn’t know about but that
was just until I met her.
Cheers to people who manage to keep their inner child alive, one of them is not so far
away from my reach to learn from, she has never let the flame inside her go null, it may
go frosty, it may dim a bit, but won’t ever just vanish, that flame is hunger for
knowledge, the curiosity of hers that never finishes and always wants to learn, and still
keep the child inside her alive which she has managed to, laughs from the bottom of
her heart cries too and takes stress with the same passion, when she is stressed she
switches on her serious mode and goes full Godzilla which is again the best recipe for
good outcomes for herself since it contains a lot of time management mixed with sweet
breaks for recreation and a ton of concentration. Only then is she satisfied with herself
or maybe still not. People have a good laugh with her and also a good cry as being a
friend and providing a shoulder comes naturally to her and for the same reason she has
so many shoulders when she needs one. People ignore good people these days,
which makes the same good people become anxious and be a people pleaser
but hanging in there and being yourself is also a brave choice which she made
because like this whole kind of humans she is not liked by everybody and faces
criticisms and judgements but she did not make her aura get affected by people,
creating her own strong shield for her own happiness and mental peace. As losing and
winning is constant but so is a sense of knowledge of who we are, that helps us in
our ups and downs.
~ Khushi Chitnis


A ghost from the past

Pratyush Rao

Scrolling through my feed I come across a picture of her with her sister. She hadn’t
aged a day, her smile made me chuckle. Everytime I brought up her rabbit teeth she
nodded and avoided the topic with a grin on her face pretending she didn’t hear any
of my sarcastic taunts, and when I didn’t let go of the topic, insisting to get a reaction
out of her she cried a prayer to God, to invent a technology to “Punch someone
through the screen”. It’s unbelievable how close we got without meeting each other for
a long time.
I first texted her when the rest of world, including both of us, was imprisoned behind
bars of Covid, and yet we found ways to entertain each other. Despite having a
workload from school and not following up on any of it, we disrupted our sleep
schedule only to chatter about irrelevant topics for hours that could’ve rather been
spent doing something productive and yet neither of us had any regrets. Albeit, I was
the only one taking a heavy toll for our procrastination because she somehow
managed to fit studying in her schedule regardless. She had always been exceptional
in her academics, and even the sheer competition and pressure of university life didn’t
change that. In her first year of college itself, she discovered a new kind of organism in
her pond water isolation experiment, which to the surprise of her teachers no one had
identified before. The classic cliché for nerds is that they’re introverted, but she was the
exception. She was the kind of person who could make an introvert talk, which in itself is
the foundation of our friendship. She could talk for hours without even prompting you
for a response, so it was easy to sustain a conversation with her. Outgoing, Energetic
and Brilliant academically, if there was a metric to measure how much is a person their
teacher’s favorite, she would be the all time highest scorer. She was loved so much by
her teachers, that her sitting location would determine where the teacher stood in
She LOVED all cuisine involving Shrimp. She often said that she would give me up for
Shrimp, which quite frankly I understand and respect. She didn’t just like eating it, she
also loved cooking it. She made a mean shrimp biriyani, although I’m not allowed to
speak on the matter because everytime I complimented her biriyani on how it “Looks
ravishing” she would argue, “For all you know it could have excessive salts, you didn’t
try it yet”, which again is true. I have never tried any of food but they certainly did
LOOK ravishing. I wasn’t wrong there. Although she said she would give up anything up
for shrimp, spoiler alert, she wouldn’t. I know this because when I talked to her sister she
said that everytime she finished her portion she would leave her entire portion making
some excuse like “she isn’t hungry anymore” she was kind and considerate but didn’t
want anyone to know.
Her pragmatic nature was undoubtedly resourceful in her academics but it also
allowed her to pull some diabolical pranks on her sister as a child. She once
inadvertently lost her mother’s favorite shawl so she asked her sister to be in the same
room as her and then left. When her mother asked she blamed it on her sister and who
wouldn’t believe her brown doe like innocent eyes? So while her sister was getting the
scolding of her life she was sleeping peacefully munching on her favorite snack. She
feels horrible about it to this day, but we don’t let our conscience stop us from having a
good laugh.
The first and only time we did meet, she orchestrated every single thing we would do,
from going to my favorite bookstore to staring at each other waiting for the burger king
employee to enunciate our order number, while she fidgeted with my head so the
crown she put there would stay in place. I ordered food for the both of us and cringed
when she dipped her fries in ice cream, but of course she couldn’t let me patronize her,
she was a proud woman. She made me try it and to my surprise it wasn’t half bad, but
she doesn’t have to know that. We spent the entire day together till the sunset,
chattering about irrelevant topics once again like we used to without regretting a
second of it. But just like the end of any time loop, I was alone again. Being friends with
a person 100’s of kilometers away isn’t that easy and I guess the distance got to us, or
so I thought until I heard a ping on my phone. I smiled and replied immediately.


Someone to watch over me

Pallavi Kaushik

Sometimes we have to enjoy the journey rather than think of a destination, so I am here
to take all of you on my beautiful journey with a special person of mine. I am very
practical in my life so somewhere down the line I also need my emotional side also so I
found a person who perfectly matches this and that person is my best friend cum sister.
Yes, me and my best friend. The perfect match I have ever seen with opposite
personalities. We met in 1st standard but were not like best buddies at that time. She is
like a candle in an emotional sense and childish in maturity level. We are like 2 body
parts that cannot work together, I work with the brain and she works with the heart, like
the north and south poles.

We attended the same school from first through fourth grade, but then she left for fifth
grade and I didn't know if we would ever see each other again. I saw her when I took
admitted to another school in 7th standard. That was like you found a gem in rocks. And
our journey starts with a fresh start. We introduced each other to our families in 9 th
standard during our social studies project. They were amazing and then we share a
family with friends. She gets attached to anyone very easily and in 9 th standard she had
a friend with whom she attached so closely but in 10 th standard, her friend left the
school because her family doesn’t like their closeness. She tried a lot to contact her
friend but her friend’s family did not allow this. She is very sensitive in her relationships,
giving her all. After this, she was hurt and felt so alone. During this time, I got a chance
to know her as a real person. We live at a distance of 900 meters but still, we talked for
hours on call. We started sharing things with each other and then I took commerce
stream in 11th standard. She wanted humanities but her mother wanted her to take
commerce for no reason. This is the only thing that I don’t like about her family and I still
don’t know why they do this. I am the total opposite of this. I have made all my
decisions myself till now, and in her case, this is all in her mother’s hands. I always want
her to be a decision-maker and self-dependent not a spoon-feeding child. So, we both
completed our 12th standard with the commerce stream. I always want her to be good
to herself and I am happy for her.

During our exams, corona came into our lives, and it made all things very difficult. We
both have to look after our careers, I choose to do BMS from Delhi University and she
chooses to do BBA from Bhartiya Vidya Peeth. But I didn’t get admission there and she
got the admission but changed her decision. She switched to studying abroad. But this
took 1 year for her family to agree on her decision and then she gave her exams and
she missed this by 0.5 percent. During this time period, I took a lot of independent
decisions, and then I chose to pursue a career in data science. I then was accepted to
Navrachna University. This was the first time when I was long-distance with her and my
family and this was very difficult for me. As time doesn’t stop for anyone, she wants to
start something in India because her family wasn’t ready for 2nd attempt. But we
decided that we will not share our careers together. She chooses BCA as her career
and wants to take admitted to my college. But the problem is how we will tolerate
each other 24/7, but we are doing this as this was in our destiny.
I took a lot of bad decisions in my life but I always have her beside me, behind me. She
was always concerned about me like my mother but sometimes it was over caring
which I don’t like much. I am not expressive in every sense but I can’t show it all the
time. I know that I am always there for her but I can’t show this all the time. She
introduced me to materialistic things for me but happiness for her like food, fun, and
outings. The good part about us is that there is no judgment factor between us, we
correct each other but don’t judge. And I know we will be together till we cheer our last
glass of wine on this earth.

We as a person everyone has their own priorities mainly the family, and we both have
different priorities. Sometimes this relationship looks like the Burger bun and other times
like a potato patty in it. This is the journey I enjoyed with all ups and downs and I always
remember this beautiful journey in my life and still counts. I always thank God to give
me such a pure bond and someone to watch over me.



Let the Time Machine be set - 4th April 2017 7:30a.m, first day of 9th class, it was my first
morning assembly where for the first time, I saw her beside me in the assembly line. She
looked pretty and gorgeous in the light-brown skirt and white ironed shirt with a red tie,
but it was her deep blackish eyes and cute smile which took my heart’s attention. It was
even the first time that I spoke the wrong pledge “I love her,” and “All citizens are my
brother and sisters except her.”

After the assembly got over, everyone went to their respective class. It was attendance
time when I heard a sound that pleased my ears, "BHAVYA". I even thought about
Bhavya Aayush .......... She looked superb in the uniform. You could even see her in my
staring pupils. Fortunately, after a week I got to sit beside her. I accepted the God’s
wish and I tried to talk with her. I hesitated as she was the first girl that just settled in my
heart, but she never hesitated to ask about me and my hobbies. Her tone was as sweet
as sugar. I spoke truly little but listened to her a lot. We enjoyed studying together and
our friendship grew. I also got to know that we both were in the same coaching institute
but the branch was different. Her nature seemed very loving and friendly. Khushi and
Yashvi were her close companion. I hated when she roamed and enjoyed more with
them. As I was shy, I never touch her soft-milky hands, or pull her pink cheeks, or her
small floppy ears. I even wanted to play with her slightly turned-up ears but I could do
nothing. Even when she was scolded by teachers, she smiled and faced every problem

Once, I and my mom were leaving after seeing my average result in Parents Teacher
Meeting, my eyes got focused on a lady carrying a pretty smile. Along with her pretty
smile, was she, being nervous and little bit tense. Her mom looked as happy as she was
on 22nd April 2003. It was 2pm when Bhavya cried for the first time in her lap. She was as
cute as Barbie, as soft as a feather. Her shiny smile made her nicknamed “Punny Kuti”
by her Malayalam Neighbour, which means “Golden Baby.” Like every child, she was
mischievous but what makes her childhood special was her obeying nature. She also
enjoyed her childhood gossiping and playing with her younger sister who was just 2
years younger than her.
Next year, I took an oath to get good result in 10 th Board. Surprisingly, I rarely capture
her in my pupil due to study pressure. I did not know that she started liking me and she
even tried to find out whether I liked her. It started by throwing paper balls having I
LOVE YOU, asking my friends about my opinion but my focus never diverted towards
her in 10th. Her efforts went in vain and she lost 50 percent of hope, but she prayed that
I stay in the same school. In 11th around mid 2019, she proposed me and our friendship
turned into our relationship. Thereafter, we started knowing more about each other. Her
stomach loved to have Pav Bhaji or Punjabi. We use to chat and express our feelings.
We even used to call each other and often fight with each other. At the last, we
understood our importance and shared every little secret. Later, mom got to know
about my affair but she supported me and my happiness. We often spend time with
each other.
After spending more than a year together, I started loving her. But suddenly, it was a
huge disaster all over the world when corona came in 2020. We got separated, but the
calls and messages were the means of our talk, and it was mid-2020 when my mom got
a heart attack and I lost half of my life. It was tears and the dark environment that
surrounded me. In this sad situation, Bhavya constantly motivated me to a better future,
she always supported me and promised that she will never make me feel alone. My
trust and my affection towards her increased. She trusted my love and gave me the
strength, the love that my mom used to give me before. When I missed my mom, she
used to cry more than me. She took the permanent space in my heart and she
managed to be my girlfriend and my mom at the same time. I lost my mom but
eventually I found a soulmate who accepted me and my love. I never knew what love
was until I met her. She is THE DIAMOND OF MY WEDDING RING.

You Put The Grand in Grandpa.

By Kirtan Shah

My worst fear came true one day when my uncle called unexpectedly. We all
seemed to lose our minds for a moment. However, I guess we had to accept it no
matter what. Unfortunately, COVID was at its peak in both India and the United
States. I developed that attitude out of fear and hoped that we wouldn't receive
any more calls, otherwise more bad and worse news would await us.

As both countries were in high season and international travel wasn't working, we
tried everything, but unfortunately we weren't able to attend the funeral and pay
our respects to this sweet soul one last time. It was then that I realised that no
matter how many contacts you have or how much money you earn every hour,
nothing will work if it's not written in your destiny.

It's just that everything happens for a reason, and maybe it was time for him to be
young again, to start over, and to bless someone else. I still remember when he
was visiting India, getting out of bed early in the morning and seeing this young
soul coming home after his morning run. At least that motivated me to get up early
and make my health a priority.

Even today, when I close my eyes, I can still see all the vivid memories I had with
him. It was this young soul who introduced me to LEGOS and HOTWHEELS, and
after that there was no turning back until today. I still admire his smile and the way
he treated everyone in the family. He was the sweetest soul I have ever met, and
his penchant for tailored clothing was on the 7th cloud . He was average height,
athletic,a fan of country music, a lover,a.foodie, and last but not least, the last
person who still kept his pen in his top right pocket.

He really knew how to handle a family, because at 8 p.m. we were always at the
dinner table, no matter what was happening. We would hand him our phones,
have dinner, and talk with family members, asking everyone about their day and
having a great family conversation. It was not until a few years ago that I
understood how important this habit is and how much it helps the family and the
values it has.

I still miss the habit of picking him up from the airport at 2am and then spending
the whole day with him, and even he would make time for me despite being tired
and jet lagged. Well, I have to admit that I have him to thank for my Bachelor of
Technology degree. It was a few years ago when our TV went out and he had all
these crazy instruments in his hand checking voltage, current, etc., after which I
realised it was cool and decided I too would do the same and continue the

I still miss the dates we had at this old coffee store called Canara Coffee House.
We even had a set menu, 2 masala dosa followed by 2 poona missal, and yes, it
tasted so damn good. I still miss the aura he had around him, and of course his
smile that made him stand out from everyone else.

He was truly a great person and I am still grateful to have had him in my life,
because the way he taught me ethics is why I am standing here. So we were out
with my sister, and as usual, she opened the door of the store because she was
the first one to go in. As soon as she went in, this sweet soul hit me on the head
and said WE OPEN THE DOOR FOR THEM GOT IT? And I said, "Yes sir!!!

The best part was that his wedding day and my birthday fell on the same day: ...
(February 13). Once we were in Rajasthan and got this street food called chana-
chor-garam and the vendor told us to eat it by hand. This sweet soul asked for
extra paper and made a spoon out of it and I said, show me where your feet are.
I really needed some blessings and he burst out laughing.

After writing this, I realised why everyone always says it's about the journey, not the
destination. My life would not be here today if it hadn't been for him, who saved
me from some really close accidents on the way.

Well, I just want to say thank you for being in my life. I really hope our paths cross
again and we meet in the next life. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you
needed me the most ...

21124005-Arya Nazare ID Persons, Places and Perspectives

My Midnight Lamp By Arya Nazare

I believe everyone has that one special person in their life who inspires,
encourages, supports, understands and fulfills you. A person that has slowly and
steadily, grown you into the beautiful being you are today, and who inspires you
to be better by every passing moment and every rising sun. For me though, she
was it, “my one burning lamp in the dead cold of the night.” A person who is short,
plump, plushy, loving, gentle is the image that forms in one’s mind when thinking
about his/her grandma. She had snow-white hairs with specs of grey-black, which
she teased me not to touch, as touching them would turn mine into the same.
Always wearing soft cotton saree, as soft as her touch, capable enough to make
me fall asleep in a touch. Every person who enters your life has some lessons to
teach you, but she was someone who could teach you enumerable lessons. Wise
men say experience brings wisdom and knowledge and she was the one who
proved it. Also, she taught me that knowledge and wisdom only grow by sharing.
A downto-earth soul who loved to learn. And always appreciated and
exchanged gratefulness when I taught her something new, like when I
downloaded games in her smartphone and taught her how to play them. By the
way her favorite one was fruit ninja. Being the eleventh child, she was still able to
complete Bachelor in Arts and was able to teach Kindergarten for a few years.
But afterwards she was a housewife, taking care of her husband, children and
grandchildren. Even with the little amount of academic knowledge she had, she
packed a lot of real-world knowledge, the kind of knowledge that one needs, to
be better at life. They say you learn life skills only by experience, but she was the
one who proved it otherwise. For a person who had an immense experience like
her, to transfer all the knowledge she had to me was not possible in the time she
spent with me, and she knew this very well. She did teach me a lot in the time we
spent together, but more importantly she made sure to keep on teaching me. That
is, she still teaches me a lot, through her stories, candid quotes and most important
her feeling. I believe that it takes some drastic change in people’s life to forge a
relation so deep. And trust me we both did suffer a change. At first, I was closer to
my grandfather and so was she. But what we both did not expect was him leaving
us. With him passing away, we both felt an endless void in our life. It took us a time
to understand, but as we figured it out that we were destined to fill each other’s
void, we were inseparable. She was the safe haven for me to speak to in the lowest
or highest of my spirits. She was the one who told me the story of the midnight
lamp, which even when far away, powers and fuels the prisoner in the cold lake
at midnight, to survive till dawn. She ultimately became my Midnight lamp. Her
words, “One day you will have to make my house of gold.” Reverberate through
time 21124005-Arya Nazare ID Persons, Places and Perspectives and hit me every
time I lose hope and the will to forge ahead. She was and will be my first best
friend, who would play the games she and I invented. The person who truly
understood me and who’s thoughts about me mattered ultimately shaping my
psyche. She was an overall sweet being with others as well. But became
overprotective at times and maybe harsh to safeguard her loved ones from any
problems or wrong decisions. The most I’ve seen her interact with amongst her off
springs is my mother. And even though she was soft at heart, she often let my
mother empty all her feelings on her, to heal my mother she would make the
choice to be strong and accept all the things my mother said. And always tried to
direct my mom in a way that helped my mom’s problem to be solved by herself.
Everyone has a special person in their life who cares for you, loves you in your highs
and lows, understands you and in a way completes you. It was highest of pleasures
to find that person in my grandmother. But was even more of a pleasure that she
acknowledged me as such a person in her life. Even when she was leaving me,
she wanted to see me for the last time before she starts a new journey and I
continue on my own taking her energy, her ideals, her stories, her lessons that she
still teaches me and all that love, from “My Midnight Lamp”.

Name-Manan Thakkar
A life of Honor
My grandfather was a great man. His age was around 70. He had a good height and
used to wear specs and always used to forget where he kept them. He had a fair skin
with white hair but even when he became old and sick he used to dye his hair black
which was quite fascinating because he always wanted to look good. He had a quite
unique and fierce personality.My grandfather was one of the most important figures in
my life. He was a kind, caring, and generous man who had a great sense of humor. He
was also a great listener and always had sage advice to offer. He was always there to
lend a helping hand and was a great role model for me.
My grandfather started working at a very young age. He was a brilliant student in
school and he went to college for bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering but had
to leave after second year because of some family issues. Then he got a job at a
factory in which he worked for around 4-5 years and got promoted but unfortunately a
fire caught at that factory which burnt that factory completely and he lost that job. So
it was very tough time for him and my grandmother. But he was a visionary man and
started a tours and travel business named Navbharat and it took off quite well. This was
his professional journey which I find so inspiring. His perseverance through hardship, for
his family, is what allowed my parents and I to be in such a blessed position in life.
Everyone in the family used to love him and respect him. He always told us not to take
care of him because he was an independent person. People in our family and his
friends always used to look upon him and took his advices in life. But life can be really
hard once you become old.
When my grandfather passed away it was one of the saddest days of my life. I still
remember the day the news came that he had passed away. I was young but i still
remember his face when he died. Me and my cousins were devastated by that . I
couldn't believe that he was gone and I felt so helpless. The days following his death
were filled with grief and sadness. I remember the memories we had shared and all the
moments I had taken for granted. I am so thankful for the time I had with him, but I
wished I could have had more. He had gone through many tough times like his sickness
but always kept smiling even at the end.
My grandfather’s magic is still very much alive with each memory , i recall the most
beautiful & enchanting childhood. I have him to thank for so many life lessons, so much
knowledge , so much wisdom. He is an integral part of my self confidence, my courage
,my determination & my sense of right & wrong .That wise old man loved me in a
special way, even unique from the unconditional love of my parents. He was a special
person in my life. He was an amazing role model and has always been an inspiration to
me. I always admired his wisdom, his strength, and his resilience.
I miss my grandfather and I think of him often. He played cricket in school and loved
that sport. We used to watch matches together and enjoyed it.I will always cherish the
memories of our time together like he had a fond of movies and he always used to
watch every movie in theatre and even i have a fond of movies and he used to take
me to theatre and even if we miss any movie he used to bring cds of that movie at
home . As a child I was too unaware to understand the great lengths my grandfather
went to keep me happy even if he was exhausted or busy. He devoted a lot of his time
and energy to enlighten my day. Through time my grandfather’s devotion and
selflessness became more apparent and I began to understand the sacrifices he made
for our family. He always used to share his life experiences with us.He had a love of
learning and was always finding new things to explore and new ways to challenge

He was also a generous person. He gave his time and energy to help others. He
was a member of several charitable organizations and was always willing to help
out when he can. He was also a volunteer at a local homeless shelter and helped
out with the meals and other activities & that’s the kind of person he was.


A Brother’s Influence: A Lifetime of Impact

By Saumyajeetsinh Vaghela

As usual, it was a normal sunny day in Pandemic, I was attending online classes as usual
and chilling in front of the TV. He hurriedly came down the stairs and shouted that he
had received admission to one of his dream universities in the US. Since he has been
working towards his dreams since he was young, we are all very happy, and I was even
a little happier than everyone else, because now I don't have to share my room with
anyone. The day finally arrived. We all went to the airport to see him off. All the family
members were a little emotional as he's moving to a completely new place for the first
time in his life. He said goodbye to everyone with a hug. When he hugged me, I
suddenly got all emotional. I started having flashbacks. Every little incident came to my
mind. The day I felt how important my brother was.

Ever since he was in 8th grade, he wanted to become a CS engineer and get his
master's degree in the United States. I have always looked up to his dedication and
discipline to his goals. He passed the NDA (National Defence Academy) written exam
and scored AIR 64. However, he did not sit for the physical exam and is holding on to his
goal of earning a master's degree in computer science.

Ever since I was a kid, we would argue a lot. One minute we are arguing like cats and
dogs and the next minute we are so reunited. Other times we literally fight very hard
and it can take a few hours to get back together.

He is taller than the average Indian, has long curly hair, a thick beard and is a die-hard
football fan. He used to lock himself in his room and study day and night to achieve his
goals. In his young life, he has experienced many failures in academics, but he has the
courage to get back up and fight back. He has always told me, "Anything is possible if
you are willing to work for it." Whenever I feel like giving up on something, I think of his

He is always a source of inspiration, motivation, support and guidance through the

years. He always helps me with all the little things and gives me the best direction in life.
He has been with me since I was in school. Whether he is helping me with school
projects or teaching me important life lessons, he is the first to reach out to me when
times are tough. Whenever he tells me about his successes, the only response I get is
that he deserves it. He is like my second father. Whenever dad is not around, he makes
sure everything is in order, and he does everything he can to keep everything in order.
He has a bit of a temper and makes sure that expectations are met and that everyone
behaves appropriately. He is very sure of his family and friends.

When I was 7 years old, my father bought our first desktop computer. He taught me
how to use a computer, and then we played games on it. I used to cry because I
ended up losing every game to him. He patiently teaches me how to play the game
and encourages me. He always tries to give information about how the computer
works, and that gets me interested in the computer world. He planted the seed of the
computer in my mind. The fact that I am here today is thanks to him. Once Google sent
"Google Home" to him and appreciated his work. This inspires me to attend more and
more tech events and meet with like-minded people. He.has always encouraged me
to participate in hackathons and win swags.

He is also a source of competition and rivalry, spurring each other on to do our best. He
used to win medals in football while I played volleyball. Every time someone wins a
medal, the rivalry goes one step further. That leads to healthy competition, which can
help us both achieve our goals.
Not all of us are lucky enough to have an older brother who is always there to watch
our backs. It was probably good karma that I had an older brother like you in the past.
Whether I copy his decisions or pursue dreams like he did, he will always be there for me
and have my back. Today he is thousands of miles away from me, but even now he is
the one I look up to. That distance has made our bond even stronger.Eve n today,
walking inside the room i can see his shadows and all the vivid memories we spent


By Manshi Singhi

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” Well this was her motive.
She never just came to teach us another regular subject, but came to teach us life

5 years back, on my first day of 9th class, someone shouted "She looks just like Manshi".
And I saw a new teacher entering our class. She was tall and slim just like me. A pretty
woman with grey eyes and a broad smile on her face, introduced herself “I AM PREETI
BHARDWAJ, your new chemistry teacher”.

From the very first day, everyone knew that she’s going to be a fun teacher. She was very
calm and had a lot of patience which is a personality trait for all the teachers to handle
a bunch of mischievous kids. She was a Philomath, a person who loved learning and
studying. She used to write short poems and upload blogs on various topics. Her favourite
topic to write about was nature. Her love for nature shows that nature has given its
calmness to her in return. She’s an emotional as well as a practical person. One should
have all the fun but should also know its consequences - that’s what she taught us. She
was more than just a teacher to me. She used to invite kids to her place, give them
presents and have fun with them. Even I visited her place once, we played a lot of
games, had a lot of fun and at the end she gave me a bookmark with a very generous
message- “Not all those who wander are lost” as she somehow knew I’m into travelling
and wandering.

There was a time when I was being scolded by one of my teacher even though it wasn’t
my mistake, Preeti ma’am who casually noticed this happening, just barged into the
conversation and asked the teacher to at least listen to my justification and because of
her everyone knew I was not at fault. That day she taught me to never let anyone
suppress you. Always speak up for your actions and fight for your own justice. She always
used to tell us to focus on ourselves rather than focusing on distractions.

With her we used to feel like we were surrounded by like-minded peers. She was around
10 years older than us but she never let that age factor come in between our fun. Which
is why I feel that schools should have young teachers so that they can better understand
the kids better. I have never seen her being rude with anyone, not even with her students.
Once one of my classmates was bunking the class and ma’am caught her and scolded
her but not in a rude way instead in a friendly way so that he understood and never
made the mistake again. She had a very friendly nature with everyone. She always used
to help students as well as her colleagues. She used to make us understand things rather
than just lecturing us about it. She always used to give us more practical knowledge, not
just bookish knowledge as that is what is necessary for life. She used to give us practical
demos even in our lectures so that we could learn things easily and so made classes
interactive. A very curious minded personality as she was never shy or awkward about
asking questions even to her students. She was really an asset to our school.

She was a very ambitious and hardworking person as she always knew her goals and
would always try to achieve them. She always tried to level up things to make the best
out of them. And so she levelled up her job. After teaching us for a year, she went to
teach in a coaching centre in Jaipur and now she has moved to Dubai to make progress
in her professional life. Her farewell day was heart-breaking, none of her students wanted
her to leave. Even I was very emotional, because even in a small span of time, we both
were quite attached to each other. She was more like a best friend and a guide to me
rather than just being a teacher as she knew all my little secrets and was always there for
me. She treated me like her own little sister, always worried about my studies and
throughout guided me to the right path for a better future. And so even we had only a
year of togetherness, she had a lot of impact on us. Most of her students, including me,
still have all memories with her even after 5 long years and still relishing it.
Everyone deserves a teacher like her who teaches you how to live with pride and I guess
I completely lucked out in this.



Shalvi shah – 21163019
Final Submission

Do you have someone who irritates you and equally loves you? I have, and that’s
none other than my sister. She is good-looking, have dark gray eyes, long nose, chubby,
tall (but shorter than me), long black hair, oval shape face with no jaw-line and have
wheatish skin tone. She is enthusiastic, passionate, confident, opinionated and a happy
soul with tons of dreams.

Currently she is following her passion in the field of architecture. She is sincere about her
career and never misses any opportunities which come her way. She attends every
conferences, expo and visits different places to gather the information regarding her
field. She also notices all her surroundings in an architectural point of view.

She is an artistic person. She likes to make objects using origami paper and she also
gives her ideas for decorating our room. Even she also started her business in making
chocolates, popsicles and jar desserts during lockdown. She is an excellent dancer and
had done six years long course in bharatanatyam. She also cooks well and likes to try
new dishes. She even has a great fashion sense and likes to wear clothes in a stylish
manner. Even though she has wardrobe full of clothes, she likes to spend too much
money on it.

She is a daredevil in nature and likes to experience new things. She had done some
sport activities like paragliding and sky-diving when she was in her early 20s. She has a
thirst for adventure and always wants to travel new destinations. She had also join the
bike riding campaign to Leh Ladakh .She never takes me along with her as she likes to
travel solo. She never scares to step out of her comfort zone and try to acquire new

She is a fitness freak and goes to gym regularly. She is also a diet conscious person who
always takes care about what she is eating. She tries to avoid junk food and always
prioritize to eat healthy food.

My sister is an introvert person, so it is very difficult for her to get along with other people.
Therefore, she has very less friends and mostly prefers to be alone and like to spend time
for herself. Despite of being introvert, she always helps people who need her. I
remember, one day a junior ask for help to share her thesis project with him for reference
and in no time she called her and share photos with him with explanation.
Moreover, she also visits old age home very often to interact with elderly people.

She never judges anyone and accepted the fact that every person is different in this
world. This is the reason why I share everything with her. Yeah, you heard it right! She
knows everything about me, even the things which my mom and dad don’t know. But
the fact is, she don’t share everything with me because she thinks that I am too small to
understand her. By the way, it is just an excuse. From this I get that she is not so
expressive person or it might be the case that she is living a boring life and have nothing
interesting to share.

She is exceptionally independent and knows how to handle tough situations without the
help of others. She does not have any expectations from people and also don’t cares
what other person thinks of her. She is very practical and faces reality without any fear.
My sister is as solid as rock with having a strong personality. She is very confident and
determined and is not easily influenced by other people.

As an elder sister, she likes to irritate me a lot. Sometimes she pulls my hair or she always
wants our T.V. remote to watch her favourite shows. As we share our room, she doesn’t
let me read my novel till late night because she is not able to sleep when the lights are
turn on. We tend to fight a lot due these small issues. But when something serious
happens, she always come first to convince me and always gives me treat when our
fight gets over. By this action we can say that she is very caring towards her family. She
takes care of me like my mother and also scolds me like her. She is so supportive person
that she always guides me in everything that I want to achieve. She is a pillar of our
family as she is a link between all family members.

So, these are all characteristics of my sister which also describes our sweet and sour
relationship. This all aspects of her inspire me to walk on her footsteps and be like her.
She is truly a gem who takes care of her as well as of her surroundings.




Priya is a dear friend of mine who I have known for several years. She is one of the most
inspiring and kind-hearted individuals I have ever met. Her infectious smile, positive
attitude, and compassionate nature make her stand out from the crowd. Priya is a
highly motivated person who is always willing to put in the effort to achieve her goals.
She is a hard worker and puts in a lot of effort to ensure that she excels in everything she
does. Priya has always been very driven, and she sets high standards for herself. She is
not one to give up easily, and she approaches challenges with a positive mindset. One
of Priya's defining qualities is her kindness. She is incredibly thoughtful and always goes
out of her way to help others. She is the kind of friend who will drop everything to be
there for you in your time of need. Her caring nature extends to her work as well, as she
is always looking for ways to make a positive impact on those around her. Priya is also
an excellent communicator. She has the ability to express herself clearly and
effectively, both verbally and in writing. She is an active listener and always takes the
time to understand others' perspectives. This skill has made her a valuable team player,
as she is able to work well with others and bring people together. In terms of her
hobbies and interests, Priya is a very creative person. She loves to paint, draw, and
create art in her free time. She also enjoys reading, writing, and exploring new places.
Priya has a great sense of adventure and is always up for trying new things. Her open-
mindedness and willingness to embrace new experiences make her a fun and exciting
person to be around. Another admirable quality of Priya is her resilience. She has faced
her fair share of challenges and setbacks, but she always manages to bounce back
stronger than ever. She is a survivor and never lets obstacles get in the way of her
dreams. This resilience is something that I greatly admire about her. Priya's positive
attitude and infectious energy have a way of rubbing off on everyone around her. She
has a way of bringing people together and creating a sense of community. Whether
she is volunteering her time to help those in need or simply sharing a kind word with a
stranger, she always finds ways to make a difference in the world. Overall, Priya is a
wonderful person who I feel lucky to call my friend. She is an inspiration to those around
her, and her kindness, resilience, and positive attitude are qualities that we can all strive
to embody.


Name – Yesha Barot

Enrolment ID – 21124113
Btech CSE SY (Re-registered for Person, Place and Perspective)

Write on one common person - Friend

It is very truly said that “Friends are the family we get to choose.” It is as important to
have friends as it is to have a family. They are the best emotional support system one
can have. Irrespective of age friends are important in everyone’s life be it a toddler or a
teenager or a middle-aged person or an elderly person. Having good friends around
you lets you live your life to the fullest.

No one can deny on the fact that having friends lets you live your life in a more
enjoyable way. Hanging out with friends could be a refreshment to many people.
Sometimes going crazy with friends is all you need. There are different types of friends
that we encounter in our lives. Some are casual acquaintances that we meet
occasionally and exchange greetings. Some are classmates or colleagues that we
work with and share common interests. Some are best friends that we confide in and
rely on. Some are lifelong friends that we grow old with and never lose touch.

The benefits of having friends are many. Friends can enrich our lives with joy and
happiness. They can make us feel less lonely and more connected. They can offer us
advice and guidance when we face problems or dilemmas. They can motivate us to
achieve our goals and celebrate our successes. They can also challenge us to improve
ourselves and learn new things. They are the ones who make us laugh, cry, learn, and
grow. They are the ones who stand by us in good times and bad times. They are the
ones who accept us for who we are and support us in our dreams. Friends are the
treasures of life that we should cherish and appreciate.
However, friendship also comes with responsibilities and challenges. Friends should be
honest and loyal to each other. They should not lie, cheat, or betray each other. They
should respect each other's opinions and feelings, even if they disagree. They should
not judge or criticize each other harshly. They should also be supportive and
sympathetic when one of them is going through a hard time.
Friendship is a relationship that is based on mutual trust, respect, and affection.
Friendship is not something that can be bought or sold. It is something that must be
nurtured and maintained with care and sincerity. Friendship is not a one-way street. It
requires both parties to give and take, to listen and speak, to help and be helped.

Friendship is not just about happy and fun moments but it is also about sticking together
through all the thick and thins. It is then when you can scold your friend when they are
doing something wrong and not let them go on the wrong track. Bad friends just let you
do whatever you want in spite the good one will always guide you on the right path. It
easy to make friends but maintaining that friendship takes a lot.

Friends are the second family you make. Never letting them go should be a priority.
Cause relationships that are made from childhood or from school/college times are the
ones we choose or maybe not but with them you have spent the best moments of your
life. Cherishing them would always put up a smile on your face You can never give up
on family, be it your first family or second one.

Friendship is a precious gift that should not be taken for granted. It is a bond that can
last a lifetime if it is valued and nurtured properly. Friendship is one of the most beautiful
aspects of human life that makes it worth living.

Having that one friend can make a big difference in your life. Not everything going on
our mind we share with our parents. It is about those few heads with whom we feel free
to share anything and everything. When we think of a friend, people generally tend to
think of a person who does not come in our blood relations. But our cousins or siblings
could also be that friend on who we can count. People in today’s generation are more
likely to suffer from depression and anxieties. Hence, it makes it more crucial to have
some friends around. Because they are the one’s who will always make sure if you are
doing okay or not. And vice versa. Thus, it helps you prevent isolation and loneliness.

One of the most beautiful part about investing emotionally and rationally in friendships
is that not only they help you enrich your life but also get share the most beautiful
moments of your lives together.


Name :-Nishtha makwana


Id course assignment
Common man.

It was back when we had our first conversation on phone related to our university
assignments, because of the pandemic we never met each other or saw each other
accept in the online class. It was that in those six months we talked or called each other
for different assignments or notes, it was like just for our benefits we used to talk with
each other. I don’t remember when we came so close to each other and just besides
sharing notes we started sharing our thoughts and experiences. The time I got to know
her more when she was upset because of her relationship with her one of the friends
and she shared it with me that time I got to know how easily she gets affected by what
people think about her and also how sensitive she is about her people who she cares
for, this trait is similar like mine. I got connected with her more and also felt good that
she trusted me to share something personal from her life.

The way we trusted each other in every matter of things like she gains my trust. As I am
a person who would not share things with the person whom I don’t trust and I would like
my people to be safe from all the problems, but how easily I shared my problems with
her and she comes to console me on such things. That makes our bond to another level
and more with the time we started talking with each other on daily basis with sharings
from big problems in our lives to the smallest thing which we did in our days that how
we grow with each other. Times fly’s and her personality made me confuse some time
knowing her for a year on an online basis but still not getting properly what things goes
wrong in terms when she is upset. A little bit later our classes got shifted to an offline
basis and she shifted to Vadodara from Ankleshwar in pg. We started our college and I
used to pick her up and drop her at her place but still spend the ng half of the day with
each other we didn’t have one photo with each other, we used to get ready for the
photoshoot but in end, it didn’t makeup. She was always a responsible person from the
beginning and about her assignments she was punctual like to make things go on time
or before.

She also was a person who would not get panic easily, but if she did then she made her
solution out before things go out of her hand which made her personality more likely to
be a person who gets the solution out. This made me remind the incident when a
month back our exam was going to start and how, I was not well prepared for that as
the semesters was not much in my favour because of some reasons, same was the
situation with her she was not prepared because for her family issues. She told me we
would make it up on the things before I was not believing her but it was the first day
when she woke me up at 4 am which we decided the previous day that made me
some whenever happy and my trust grows on more and in those exam days, we
clicked our first photo which was as a screenshot of a WhatsApp call having Maggie.
We might not have many pictures of us but we have a lot of memories which we can
cherish all our lives. On one of those days, I was so exhausted from the exams and on
the one of the written day of the exam I didn't wake up on one call of her next day, but
she didn’t stop and called me many times and made me ready for the exam by giving
me quick revision. These things just made our bond stronger in every way and soon the
things changed and one day she called me and told me she will be there in an auto.
This made me confused but I didn’t think much and said OK. But on the way I saw her
walking by to college which made the things clear that something was not right, which
was made to be solved but what I didn’t know. I tried to ask her about but the
response was very new to me. At that time I got to know her an unsaid trait which she
overthinks a lot and also thinks history might repeat so this was the reason she stopped
talking with me. But through the times' things got solved and we are known at a better
stage of our friendship.


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