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Preposition after passive verbs :

1. Be defined/known/regarded AS
2. Be applied/attributed/related TO
3. Be associated/correlated WITH
4. Be comprised/made up OF
5. Be included/involved IN
6. Be divided/translated INTO
7. Be based/centred ON
8. Be aimed/estimated AT


How do we follow the writer’s argument?

• Linguistic clues:
1) Use of connecting words (or Connectors/Conjunction)
• Q: What is a connector FOR?
• A: It connects ideas
2) Focusing and evaluative adverbs
Thewlis (2000: 184) categorizes connectors into three:
• Coordinating conjunction: connecting two similar grammatical structures, such as
NP, PP or independent clauses. they are: and, but, or, nor, yet; e.g.,
• Sentence connectors: showing the logical connection between sentences. They are:
accordingly, consequently, as a result, therefore, eventually, etc.
• Subordinating conjunction: connecting a dependent clause or a gerund phrase with
the main clause. they are: because, as, since, for, although, even though, besides,
due to, in order to, as a result of, etc.
Focusing and evaluative adverbs
• What is an adverb?
• Meaning : how something happens
• Form : Adjective + -ly; slowly (He slowly opened the door)
• Many adverbs are used in academic texts to indicate the writer’s attitude
• Focusing adverbs: specify or focus on event in some way
• Evaluative adverbs: indicate the writer’s opinion on a fact or event.
• See page 44 (section 2.1):

Summarising Strategies

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