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Taal Basilica is considered highly historical and unique because it is considered one of the biggest
basilicas in the Asia and its time span starts in the Spanish colonization. this place also has many
memories of our heros that makes the place more historical.

2. First of all one of the main feature of the taal is the basilica and the heritage houses that is still intact
in our time today that why when you visit tall you”ll see may historical markers that is still in their
because there are many memories or important event that happen in that area.

3. build before 1850, the ordinary people that visits the house are only allowed in the first sala, while if
you’re an important person you’re placed in the main sala. the molada or balcony, an extension for FB
4. One of the main reason why there are an important and have a big contribution to the during the
Spanish colonization because they give ship to the people that are starting a rebellion to the Spaniards
and also to help transport the arms. weaponries, and soldiers from Luzon to Visayas. this clan also help
rizal financially when he was in hongkong to be able to distribute the propaganda writings that Rizal is

5. Many people in this town are rich due to the plantation of the tubo that they make for sugar. Also
their trading skill are great that why they always have great deals that makes their place rich. Taal was
one called “the city of commerce”. Some of the houses in their were belong to important people or
heros that fight in the Spanish colonization.

6. One of its main materials that is used to build this church is coral stones.

7. They build well with an arch in this town that has a carving image of lady of caysasay.

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