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Introductory Email To Solent University 

Dear Admissions team, 

I hope this Email finds you well. My name is Miracle Ewan Josiah. I am a
prospective student currently in grade 11 writing to indicate my interest in applying to Solent
University in the 2024/2025 session to study either business management with finance or
Firstly, more about myself. I am a 15-year-old Nigerian with the love for
beautiful things and a longing for the “thrill”. I’m ardent for music, being a violinist myself and I play
basketball and conduct research in my leisure time. I am fond of exploring and discovering new
things, like a teen who would want to make a relevance impact in his or her society, I take the
smallest opportunities given to me or I believe more in creating one for myself and I successfully did
so by getting elected to my school's –Surefoot International School- student council as the President.
Why Solent? You may ask. I believe your institution would provide me with
knowledge and a means for empowerment. I do believe in the industry-based learning style of
Solent .Basically, I have chosen to take this course due to a passion that I have had for the social
sciences due to its broadness, but passion barely takes one so far. I also believe it is a relevant tool
to shape the business world. 
Furthermore, convincing factors are the unique events and the vibrant
student community. Solent seems full of creativity; such is a wonderful tool to make an influence in
the world. I am also interested in any scholarships offered as I am aware of the high cost associated
with pursuing education at your institution Particularly scholarships offered to international
students. I would appreciate to be provided with more insight into the available scholarships and
their requirements. 
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration and also for your
reply in advance. Have a wonderful day!
Miracle Josiah. 

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