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Implementation Science of Telepsychotherapy for Anxiety, Depression,

and Somatization in Health Care Workers Dealing with COVID-19
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Rebeca Robles, PhD,1 Leticia Ascencio, PhD,2 Dulce Dı́az, PhD,1 Methods: The implementation process comprises community
Susana Ruiz, MS,3,* Lizette Gálvez, MS,2 Magaly Sánchez, MS,4 engagement, intervention systematization and education, lead-
Fátima Espinoza, MS,5 Alejandro Hernández-Posadas, MS,5 ership engagement, and team-based coaching as main strategies.
Ana Fresán, PhD,6 Hamid Vega, PhD,1 A total of 26 participants completed self-report measures of
and Silvia Morales-Chainé, PhD5 symptoms before and after treatment, and a subsample of 21
1 answered a final questionnaire on the acceptability of the inter-
Global Mental Health Research Center, Ramón de la Fuente
vention. Therapists registered the techniques used in each case,
Muñiz National Institute of Psychiatry, Mexico City, Mexico.
Palliative Care Unit, National Cancer Institute, Mexico City, regardless of whether they were part of the intervention manual.
Mexico. Results: The number of sessions was 4.6 (2.43). The most
Globality Studies Seminar, Medicine Faculty, National frequently employed techniques were those included in the
Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. intervention manual, especially identifying and modifying
Psycho-Onclology and Palliative Care Unit, Morelos Children’s maladaptive thoughts, used to treat 70% of HCW-COVID-19.
Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico. Supplementary techniques were implemented to enhance
Coordination of Training Centers and Psychological Services, treatment or meet HCW-COVID-19s special needs (such as
Psychology Faculty, National Autonomous University of Mexico, workplace issues, insomnia, COVID-19 status, and bereave-
Mexico City, Mexico. ment). The intervention had a significant effect (delta Cohen’s
Subdirectorate of Clinical Research, Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz coefficients ‡1), and the majority of HCW-COVID-19 were
National Institute of Psychiatry, Mexico City, Mexico.
‘‘totally satisfied’’ with its contents and considered it ‘‘not
*Correction added on September 30, 2022 after first online pub- complex’’ (95.2% and 76.1%, respectively).
lication of September 20, 2022: one of the co-author’s name was Conclusions: Telepsychotherapy for anxiety, depression, and
corrected from Susan Ruiz to Susana Ruiz.
somatization in HCW coping with health emergencies in
middle-income countries is a feasible, clinically valuable, and
Abstract acceptable form of treatment.
Introduction: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to
be effective in treating affective and somatic symptoms, which Keywords: telepsychotherapy, common mental disorders,
are among the leading mental health problems of health care health care workers, mental health services, evidence-based
workers (HCWs) dealing with COVID-19 (HCW-COVID-19). practices, implementation science, telemedicine
However, efforts to develop and evaluate the strategies required
to promote its implementation in clinical practice are still Introduction

scarce, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. orldwide, depression, anxiety, and health anxiety/
Objective: To describe and evaluate the implementation process somatization are among the leading mental health
and clinical impact of a brief, remote, manualized CBT-based problems (MHP) of health care workers (HCWs)
intervention for moderate anxiety, depressive, and somatic dealing with COVID-19 (HCW-COVID-19).1–7 Gi-
symptoms among Mexican HCW-COVID-19 ‡18 years old. ven the need to minimize face-to-face interventions to reduce the

DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2022.0155 ª M A R Y A N N L IE B E R T , IN C .  VOL. 29 NO. 5  MAY 2023 TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH 751

spread of COVID-19 and taking advantage of technological de- velop and format manuals and other supporting materials in
velopments, most mental health services during the pandemic ways that make it easier for clinicians to learn how to deliver
have been provided remotely.8 In this sense, COVID-19 pandemic the clinical innovation16; (2) development of electronic record
has led to a shift in psychological care provision toward tele- systems to allow better assessment of implementation or clin-
psychotherapy, defined by Kaplan9 as psychotherapy conducted ical outcomes16 and given service providers personally in-
by a therapist at a location different from the patient’s through volved in collecting data are more willing to use scientific
bidirectional communication technology supporting real-time evidence than their peers without such experience17; (3) edu-
interactivity in the audio, audiovisual, or text modalities. cation, referring to conduct educational meetings targeted to-
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to be effective ward different stakeholder groups (e.g., providers) to teach
in the treatment of these MHP in various contexts, including them about the clinical innovation16; (4) leadership engage-
low- and middle-income countries,10 even if it is administered ment, defined as the recruitment, designation, and training of a
remotely11 and during humanitarian crises.12 Thus, according to leader for the change effort (in this case, the use of remote EBPs
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the emerging field of implementation science of evidence-based with HCWs)16; and (5) team-based coaching, which implied the
practices (EBPs)—as opposed to the sciences for their develop- creation of new clinical teams, adding different disciplines and
ment through clinical trials—nowadays, research should be different skills to make it more likely that the clinical innova-
oriented toward understanding the methods for promoting its tion is delivered (or is more successfully delivered).16
incorporation into clinical practice.13 The present study evaluates this implementation process
National efforts to identify and treat MHP in specific popu- and its clinical impact on HCW-COVID-19s anxiety, de-
lations during COVID-19 provided an opportunity to measure pressive, and somatic symptoms. We hypothesized that
the public impact of psychological EBPs and evaluate the most community engagement would guarantee the availability of
effective methods for achieving their implementation when sufficient professional resources, who would be equipped with
interventions require the incorporation of significant changes the skills required to implement CBT through the intervention
in clinicians’ routine delivery methods (remote vs. face-to-face), systematization, record systems, and education. Furthermore,
patients, and circumstances (HCW-COVID-19). Common ex- these professional resources would be aligned with the goals
amples of these methods include strategies at the provider level and procedures of the program and its evaluation as a result of
(such as education/training, community engagement, and/or leadership engagement and team-based coaching (mainly
team-based coaching).14 Implementation studies therefore with mental health specialists from the National Institute of
typically focus on the impact of specific strategies on the rates Psychiatry). This strategy, in turn, would lead to positive
and quality of use of EBPs, the proportion of patients who attend implementation outcomes, including a high level of adoption
a minimum number of treatment sessions, and/or the adapta- of EBPs by clinicians, and therefore significant levels of pa-
tions required to improve the implementation process.13 tient satisfaction and clinical utility of the intervention.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, the The specific objectives were to determine (1) the frequency
National Health System established a country-level strategy of CBT techniques for the treatment of mild-to-moderate
to identify and treat MHP in various populations, including anxiety, depression, and/or health anxiety/somatization by
HCW-COVID-19.3 A call was made for the voluntary partici- psychotherapists (which is known as ‘‘adoption level’’ in im-
pation of CBT psychotherapists interested in taking part in a plementation science and allows the exploration of specific
collective effort to provide professional support for HCW- techniques that are considered more useful or necessary to add
COVID-19. Thus, the main implementation strategy employed by clinicians)18; (2) the degree of satisfaction with the content
was community engagement, the leading theoretical and and remote modality of the intervention by users (referred to
empirical paradigm for improving implementation of EBPs in implementation science as ‘‘acceptability’’); and (3) the
through partnerships between researchers and community (in clinical utility of the interventions (or symptomatic im-
this case service providers).15 provement after the intervention according to standard
Providers received training in the corresponding interven- measures). This last objective (and outcome measure) means
tion manuals and data collection as well as supervision by a that the present study can be classified as a hybrid effective-
renowned Mexican psychologist, and engage in collaborative ness–implementation design.19
multidisciplinary teamwork with mental health specialists
from various local institutions. Methods
This involved the use of additional implementation strate- The sample composed of Mexican HCW-COVID-19 ‡ 18
gies: (1) intervention systematization, which refers to the de- years old with moderate anxiety, depression, and/or health



anxiety/somatization without suicidal ideation, who agreed to satisfied/complex); and a dichotomous question (yes/no) on
participate in the study, completed all the study evaluations whether respondents would recommend the intervention to
before and after the intervention, and attended at least one other HCW dealing with COVID-19.
intervention session, between April 17 and December 15, 2020
(covering the case cluster scenario and the community PROCEDURES
transmission scenario, including the first COVID-19 peak in The institutional review board of the Ramón de la Fuente
Mexico). Muñiz National Institute of Psychiatry, Mexico, approved the
study procedures and materials (reference number: CEI/C/
Questionnaire on sociodemographic, professional, and COVID-19-
related variables (Q1). Self-report questions about participants’ IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES
In present study, community engagement was primarily built
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sex, age, marital status, education, profession, personal COVID-

19 status, and COVID-19 status of friends and relatives. on the collaboration in a research protocol between a researcher
on intervention models, a credible, well-positioned, and influ-
State–Trait Anxiety Inventory. State–Trait Anxiety Inventory ential clinician (PhD in Psychology with extensive experi-
(STAI) consisting of two independent self-assessment scales ence in CBT implementation and training), who served as a
of the anxiety-personality trait (STAI-T) and state anxiety clinical coordinator, and the volunteer mental health pro-
(STAI-S) was used.20 The instrument was graded and inter- fessionals (with at least a specialty in psychiatry or clinical
preted based on the indications for manual grading of large psychology, and specialization or master’s degree in CBT)
samples21 to obtain T normalized scores (0–100). The STAI has that the two of them invited to participate as therapists
demonstrated adequate psychometric properties in different (through electronic messages by email or WhatsApp to
contexts and various languages, including the Spanish ver- postgraduate students in Clinical and Health Psychology at
sion for Mexico.21 the National Autonomous University of Mexico also work-
ing at several health institutions).
Beck’s Depression Inventory. Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) All therapists received a 4-h online training session on: (1)
comprises 21 self-report items to assess the severity of depressive using the intervention manuals, (2) the process for referring
symptoms.22 The minimum score is 0 and the maximum score is patients with suicidal risk and other psychiatric emergencies
63, with higher scores indicating greater symptom severity. The to psychiatric immediate attention and/or patients with other
instrument has been shown to have acceptable validity and re- needs to different virtual clinics (to treat addictions or occu-
liability in clinical and research practice, including the Spanish pational trauma syndromes, and for grief counseling or
version for Mexico used in the present study.23 treatment) and services (e.g., instances for legal and psycho-
logical advise on violence), and (3) the administration of the
Current Status Assessment Questionnaire. Current Status As- instruments and recording the data for the study (including
sessment Questionnaire (CSAQ) is a 9-item self-applicable the additional techniques they considered necessary).
measure of the severity of health anxiety/somatization
symptoms using a 10-point scale, which is based on a CBT RECRUITMENT AND EVALUATION OF HCW-COVID-19 IN
model of hypochondria24 and has proven to be a sensitive NEED OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE
measure of clinical change after psychological interventions Mexican HCW-COVID-19 were invited through official
for patients with health anxiety/somatization in Mexico.25 For media to participate in the national online system to identify
the present study, the last item in the instrument was elimi- and treat MHP. Regardless of the results of the self-
nated since it evaluated avoiding leaving home, which would administered scales comprising the identification tool, all
have artificially inflated the score given that the data were HCW-COVID-19 received free access links to online courses
collected during the lockdown stage of the pandemic. and training videos covering HCW-COVID-19s educational
needs, including the most widely used evidence-based tech-
Questionnaire on the acceptability of the intervention. An ad hoc niques for self-care promotion,26–28 stress management,28
list of questions on the level of satisfaction with the contents handling uncooperative patients,29 and the acquisition of new
and intervention modality (remote), and the degree of com- skills30 (described and evaluated elsewhere).31
plexity of the intervention, answered on a 5-point Likert scale Cases with moderate anxiety, depression, and/or health
(ranging from 0 = not at all satisfied/complex to 4 = fully anxiety/somatization without suicidal ideation—according to

ª M A R Y A N N L I E B E R T , I N C .  VOL. 29 NO. 5  MAY 2023 TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH 753


the 5-item Anxiety Scale for ICD-11 Primary Health Care field the intervention and completed both evaluations (given that
studies,32 the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2),33 and all variables showed normal distribution according to the
the first eight items in the CSAQ,24 respectively—were referred Kolmogorov–Smirnov test); (4) Cohen’s d formula37 to cal-
to a free, confidential, brief, remote psychological interven- culate the magnitude of the change, with results being inter-
tion available on request through an email or telephone call to preted as 0–0.3 = small, 0.5 = medium, 0.8 = large, and
the coordinator of the service, at a time that suited the HCW, 1.20 = very large magnitude of change38; and (5) a content
including weekends. analysis was conducted by categorizing the meanings39 of the
Those who contacted the coordinator received a brief ex- reasons for the use of the additional techniques.
planation of the nature and procedures of the intervention and
study and the corresponding consent form. Those who agreed Results
to participate in this study completed Q1, STAI, BDI, and CSAQ A total of 253 HCW were referred for treatment by 1 of the
through Google Forms. Those who reported suicide risk were 47 therapists available; only 22.2% (n = 56) of whom began
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immediately referred to a psychiatrist with experience in treatment. Of these, 25 (44.6%) dropped out, and 31 (55.4%)
handling psychiatric emergencies through a free 24/7 hotline. completed the intervention—although 5 (16.1%) failed to
At the end of the intervention, HCW-COVID-19 once again complete the postintervention assessment (Fig. 1).
completed the clinical measures, and the questionnaire on the Table 1 shows the comparison of demographic, profes-
acceptability of the intervention, through Google Forms. sional, and COVID-19-related variables between those who
failed to start treatment, those who dropped out, and those
REMOTE INTERVENTION: RECOMMENDED AND ADDED who completed it (regardless of whether they answered the
TECHNIQUES REGISTRATION subsequent evaluation). It was found that men and those with
The intervention involved the adaptation and manualiza- higher educational attainment were more likely to complete
tion of (1) standard CBT for anxiety and depression,34 based treatment.
on a manual for Mexican patients35; (2) standard CBT for Table 2 shows the results of the comparison of baseline
somatic symptoms,24 based on a manual for Mexican pa- clinical scores between those who dropped out and those who
tients25; and (3) contextual techniques36 for coping with completed treatment. Those who completed treatment had
HCW-COVID-19-specific stressors. Techniques are listed in greater baseline severity of anxiety and depressive symptoms
Table 3. Therapists were allowed to use the techniques they than those who dropped out.
considered pertinent for each case, regardless of whether they
formed part of the intervention manual. However, to deter- ADOPTION AND ADDITION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL
mine the adoption level of the manual and the need to in- TECHNIQUES
corporate new techniques, they were asked to record the The number of sessions and techniques used for 20 of the 26
techniques used and the reasons for their use in every session participants was reported. In this subsample, the average
and case in a form specially designed for the study. number of intervention sessions was 4.6 – 2.43 (range = 2–11).
Table 3 presents the frequency of use of intervention tech-
DATA ANALYSIS niques. Reasons for the use of these additional techniques
Data analyses were conducted with SPSS-X V21.0, prefix- were classified into two main themes: (1) Special needs, with
ing an alpha of 95%. The main analyses included (1) chi- four subthemes: workplace problems, insomnia, COVID-19
square tests to compare sociodemographic, professional, and status, and family bereavement; and (2) Enhancement of
COVID-19-related variables among HCW-COVID-19 who techniques, with two subthemes: general and anxiety. Table 3
decided not to take the treatment, those who started but also offers examples of quotes classified in each theme and
dropped out, and those who completed it; and a one-factor subtheme according to the content analysis.
analysis or variance with a Bonferroni post hoc test to com-
pare age (since the variable showed normal distribution ac- ACCEPTABILITY OF THE INTERVENTION
cording to Levene’s test); (2) independent sample Student’s Of the 26 HCW-COVID-19 who completed the intervention,
t tests for comparisons between the baseline scores of clinical a subsample of 21 reported their satisfaction level and per-
instruments of those who dropped out of treatment and those ception of the complexity of the intervention: 95.2% (n = 20)
who completed it; (3) repeated-measures Student’s t tests for were ‘‘totally satisfied’’ and the remaining 4.7% (n = 1) ‘‘very
comparisons between the total scores of the clinical instru- satisfied’’ with the contents of the intervention. The majority
ments before and after the intervention of those who finished (n = 16, 76.1% of the subsample) considered the intervention



paramedics (11.5%), two nurses (7.7%), and two

psychologists (7.7%). The majority were single
(n = 16, 61.5% vs. n = 10, 38.5% partnered) and
held bachelor’s degrees (n = 19, 73.1% vs. n = 7,
26.9% with graduate degrees).
Four of them (15.4%) had a suspected or
confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 (personal
COVID-19 status), whereas three (11.5%) re-
ported a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of a
family member. Table 4 presents the compari-
sons between anxiety scores, depression symp-
toms, and health anxiety/somatization before
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and after the intervention, and the magnitude of

change achieved after the intervention. As can
be seen, significant differences between pre- and
post-measures of anxious, depressive, and so-
matic symptoms were found, and the diminu-
tions of mean scores were all of great magnitude.

To evaluate the impact of the implementation
process of a brief, remote, manualized, evidence-
based psychological intervention for anxiety,
depressive, and health anxiety/somatic symptoms
among HCW-COVID-19 in a middle-income
country, the specific aims of present study were to
determine clinicians’ rates of use of CBT tech-
niques (as indicator of the level of providers’
adoption of the EBPs), patients’ satisfaction (re-
ferred in implementation science as acceptability),
and clinical improvement (as a measure of inter-
vention’s effectiveness).
Our data suggest that community engagement
guarantees the availability of sufficient profes-
Fig. 1. Study flowchart. HCW, health care worker. sional resources (n = 47) to attend HCW-COVID-19
needing specialized interventions, who im-
‘‘not complex,’’ and all of them would recommend it to their plemented manualized EBPs and followed all study proce-
colleagues. More than 40% were ‘‘very satisfied’’ (n = 3, 14.3%) dures in the time and manner established by the group leaders.
or ‘‘totally satisfied’’ (n = 6, 28.6% of the subsample) with the This, in turn, was reflected in positive implementation out-
remote modality. comes, including significant levels of patient satisfaction and
the reduction of moderate-to-severe anxious, depressive, and/
UTILITY OF THE INTERVENTION or somatic symptoms at the beginning of the treatment to mild-
The final sample of 26 HCW-COVID-19 who completed the minimal symptoms at the end of it.
intervention, and the baseline and final measurements included The most frequently used techniques were those included in
18 women (69.2%) and 8 men (30.8%), with a mean age of the intervention manual, particularly cognitive modification,
37.7 – 11.0 (range = 22–57) years. Most of them (n = 19, 73.1%) adopted by clinicians to treat 70% of HCW-COVID-19. The
had a medical background (seven general practitioners, six higher frequency of using techniques to treat anxiety symp-
medical specialty residents, three interns, two undergraduate toms than those primarily designed to decrease depressive or
medical students, and one specialist doctor), together with three health anxiety/somatization symptoms may reflect the

ª M A R Y A N N L I E B E R T , I N C .  VOL. 29 NO. 5  MAY 2023 TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH 755


Table 1. Description and Comparison of Demographic, Professional, and COVID-19-Related Variables Between Those Who
Were Referred, Dropped Out, or Completed Treatment
Sex, n (%)a 253

Women 174 (88.3) 21 (84.0) 22 (71.0)

Men 23 (11.7) 4 (16.0) 9 (29.0)

Age, mean – SD (range) 245 39.3 – 10.4 (18–68) 37.1 – 8.9 (18–56) 36.9 – 10.7 (22–57)

Marital status, n (%) 241

Partnered 81 (43.8) 12 (48.0) 12 (38.7)

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Unpartnered 104 (56.2) 13 (52.0) 19 (61.3)

Educational attainment, n (%) 253

Undergraduate 59 (29.9) 6 (24.0) 2 (6.5)

Bachelor’s degree 88 (44.7) 17 (68.0) 21 (67.7)

Graduate degree 50 (25.4) 2 (8.0) 8 (25.8)

Professional profile, n (%) 240

Medicine 89 (48.1) 9 (37.5) 22 (71.0)

Nursing 45 (24.3) 6 (25.0) 3 (9.7)

Paramedics 19 (10.3) 3 (12.5) 3 (9.7)

Other 32 (17.2) 6 (25.0) 3 (1.3)

COVID-19 status, n (%) 253

No symptoms 135 (68.5) 17 (68.0) 176 (69.6)

Personal COVID-19 32 (16.2) 4 (16.0) 40 (15.8)

Relative with COVID-19 30 (15.2) 3 (12.0) 36 (14.2)

Pearson’s chi-square = 6.68, degrees of freedom = 2, p = 0.035.
Pearson’s chi-square = 13.24, degrees of freedom = 4, p = 0.010.
Includes undergraduate physicians, general practitioners, interns, medical specialty residents, and specialist physicians.
Categories with <10% of the total sample: psychologists, social workers, laboratory, and administrative staff.
SD, standard deviation.

Table 2. Description and Comparison of Baseline Scores for Anxiety, Depression, and Somatization Between Dropouts
and Those Who Completed Treatment
Anxiety-trait, mean – SD 41.6 – 12.5 49.5 – 12.2 -2.08 (45), p = 0.043

Anxiety-state, mean – SD 46.3 – 12.3 54.9 – 10.1 -2.62 (45), p = 0.012

Depressive symptoms, mean – SD 10.6 – 9.8 17.4 – 8.8 -2.38 (45), p = 0.022

Health anxiety/somatization, mean – SD 45.5 – 17.4 49.5 – 20.7 -0.67 (45), p = 0.504



Table 3. Type, Frequency of Intervention Techniques, and Reasons for Use of Additional Techniques (n = 20)
Cognitive modification 14 (70) Assertive training 10 (50) Special needs/workplace problems ‘‘For managing limits at work and excessive

Psychoeducation 12 (60) Self-instructions 10 (50) Strengthening of techniques/ ‘‘It was included to increase the use of the
anxiety emotional self-regulation (anxiety)
techniques learned in the session’’

Deep breathing 12 (60) Behavior reinforcement 4 (20) Strengthening of techniques/ ‘‘Reinforcement of adaptive behaviors’’ ‘‘to
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general reinforce the use of technique’’ ‘‘for the

recognition of progress’’

Jacobson’s muscle relaxation 10 (50) Problem-solving 4 (20) Special needs/workplace problems ‘‘To resolve the delay in training as an
internal medicine specialist due to only
caring for COVID-19 patients’’

Emotional validation 10 (50) Sleep hygiene 3 (15) Special needs/insomnia ‘‘For having trouble falling asleep due to
distressing thoughts and bad sleeping

Behavioral activation 6 (30) Use of metaphors 2 (10) Special needs/COVID-19 status ‘‘To determine what is and is not under
control in relation to having COVID-19
according to the FACE COVID protocol’’

Mindfulness 4 (20) Relaxation by imagery 2 (10) Special needs/COVID-19 status ‘‘As she was infected, she had pleurisy,
intense fatigue and difficulty breathing, so
deep breathing hurt. In addition, the session
was by phone and lying face down, so she
could not do the progressive muscle
relaxation exercises’’

Self-reinforcing 2 (10) Enhancement of techniques/anxiety ‘‘Because it is a good complement to deep

breathing to achieve a deeper level of

Reattribution of symptoms 2 (10) Crisis intervention 1 (5) Special needs/family bereavement ‘‘Patient called at an unscheduled time
because she was extremely distressed due
to the sudden death of her niece’’

Thought stopping 1 (5) Emotional writing 1 (5) Special needs/family bereavement ‘‘Patient needed to process the death of her
husband, which had occurred some months

Table 4. Anxiety, Depression, and Somatization Symptoms Before and After Intervention (n = 26)
Anxiety-trait, mean – SD 51.0 – 12.7 37.6 – 9.5 6.82 (24), p £ 0.0001 d = -1.1

Anxiety-state, mean – SD 55.8 – 11.1 37.2 – 8.2 -8.03 (24), p £ 0.0001 d = -1.7

Depressive symptoms, mean – SD 18.9 – 8.8 6.0 – 5.6 6.68 (23), p £ 0.0001 d = -1.5

Health anxiety/somatization, mean – SD 50.4 – 21.8 27.5 – 17.6 5.60 (24), p £ 0.0001 d = -1.1

ª M A R Y A N N L I E B E R T , I N C .  VOL. 29 NO. 5  MAY 2023 TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH 757


differential frequency of these symptoms in the sample. Ad- Nevertheless, the evaluation and elimination of other bar-
ditional techniques were consistently the most frequently riers to mental health care among HCW is still needed to in-
used to achieve the management of anxiety, or to allow its crease the degree to which they seek, maintain, and complete
management in a particular case diagnosed with COVID-19 specialized treatment when required. Seeking and receiving
(who was unable to use those suggested in the manual due to mental health care must be reconceptualized as institutional
her condition during the therapeutic session) (Table 3). The and individual imperatives and professional competencies44
remaining additional techniques highlighted the particular to eradicate discriminatory attitudes so feared by HCWs in the
stressors of HCW-COVID-19 and the availability of psycho- face of an eventual detriment to their professional develop-
logical interventions to help cope with them or decrease their ment (e.g., expulsion from medical residency due to the idea
frequency, including workplace and training problems, in- that a HCW which has been diagnosed and treated for de-
somnia, and family bereavement. pression does not have the emotional capacity to be an ef-
Taken as a whole, the levels of adoption of this set of CBT fective clinician) and minimize the potential impact of health
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and contextual techniques are in keeping with the findings care work under special moments of stress on HCWs’ mental
of Buselli et al.40 In their study, the use of CBT techniques for health, clinical competence, and professional functioning;
the psychological care of HCW-COVID-19 was perceived as just as is suggested for mental health professionals (e.g.,
appropriate by 67% of the sample. Moreover, the addition of Standard 2.06 about professional competencies for psycho-
techniques to those included in the manuals should be seen therapeutic practice).45
as an appropriate choice by psychotherapists, who enhanced
these materials for their future use in similar populations LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
and circumstances. According to Chen et al.,41 various un- Limitations include those inherent to this type of hybrid
planned adaptations of psychological interventions are effectiveness–implementation studies.19 First, regarding its
expected to occur to address patients’ novel and specific implementation component, this study is merely a process
needs, which are more common in extraordinary stressful evaluation, in that it simply describes the characteristics of the
circumstances. use of an EBP during an implementation strategy.13 Future
Moreover, considering Cohen37 and Sawilosky’s38 sugges- studies should evaluate specific implementation strategies in
tions for the interpretation of delta coefficients, both the re- controlled trials to confirm their relationship with the im-
commended and added techniques resulted in an intervention plementation and clinical outcomes reported and determine
with a significant effect on anxiety, depressive, and health the relative importance of each strategy in producing these
anxiety/somatic symptoms. This type of interventions not impacts to prioritize the use of each one in the future. Second,
only produces a significant decrease in immediate perceived concerning the effectiveness component, it is important to
stress levels and related symptoms but also prevents the de- recognize that, in contrast with clinical trials with high in-
velopment of severe psychiatric disorders, such as post- ternal validity, evaluation of clinical utility in this research
traumatic stress disorder and major depression.42 was conducted under naturalistic conditions. Our results
However, our results also reveal significant problems that should therefore be generalized with caution.
must be solved to increase the impact of psychological EBPs
among HCW-COVID-19, including the extremely low propor- Conclusions
tion of those who use them. Less than a quarter of those iden- Remote brief CBT interventions for anxiety, depression, and
tified as having moderate anxious, depressive, and/or health health anxiety/somatic symptoms among HCW-COVID-19
anxiety/somatic symptoms through screening measures began can be effectively implemented in middle-income countries
treatment. Just more than 10% (12.3%) completed the inter- such as Mexico through specific implementation strategies
vention, and even they reported experiencing difficulty in at- that could be reproduced in the future (including voluntary,
tending the treatment sessions due to their increased workload. collaborative, and multidisciplinary work by various local
Compared with the 6% of the Mexican general population that mental health institutions, organized around EBPs by a na-
receive adequate treatment for a depressive disorder under tional leader in the field through training in manuals adapted
normal circumstances (before COVID-19),43 at least twice this to target populations). The high degree of clinician’s adoption
percentage of HCW-COVID-19 received evidence-based treat- of the techniques proposed in the manuals and training re-
ment for their MHP, suggesting that free and/or remote inter- flects their perception of EBPs’ relevance for these purposes
vention available at work and outside working hours could and population, whereas the large proportion of HCW satisfied
increase the use of mental health services. with the contents of the intervention echoes their positive



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