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False Friends are words that are writen in a similar way to a Portuguese word, but the maning is totally
diferent. Below you are going to see many examples of this words:


ACTUAL real, verdadeiro The actual size of the product is much smaller ATUAL current The current chocolate price is higher than a year ago.

So, the party was actually for him, not for both of
ACTUALLY na verdade, de fato ATUALMENTE currently; nowadays Nowadays people are getting more anxious.

profundo conhecedor,
ADEPT She's very adept at dealing with the media. ADEPTO follower; supporter He is a religious follower.

I put an advert in the paper to sell my bike but I I have to warn you that there's a degree of danger
ADVERT anunciar ADVERTIR to warn; to advise
haven't had any takers. involved in this.

pauta do dia, pauta para The question of security is high on the agenda for this Don't forget to write/enter the date of
AGENDA AGENDA organizer; diary
discussões afternoon's meeting. the meeting in your diary.

nome falso; pseudônimo; He is a criminal, so he travels under (= using) an indeed; moreover;

ALIAS ALIÁS He enjoys selling and, moreover, is good at it.
apelido alias. furthermore; besides

In the past, people thought it She's one of those people who puts their heart and soul
ALMS esmola ALMAS souls
was their religious duty to give alms to the poor. into their work.

aluno já formado The initiative has transformed the lives of its

ALUMNUS ALUNO student He is the best student in the class.
(plural: alumni) students and alumni and their families.

to crush (car); to knead

AMASS acumular, juntar By the time he was 40, he had amassed a fortune. AMASSAR Knead the dough until smooth.
(paper, dough); to dent

The national anthems of the teams are played at High-frequency antennas transmit radio waves across
ANTHEM hino ANTENA aerial, antenna
the beginning of international soccer matches. vast distances

compromisso com hora

APPOINTMENT I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Evans, please. APONTAMENTO note There are explanatory notes with the diagram.

Have you filled in the By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too
application form for your passport yet? late to apply.

I have an apology to make to you - I'm afraid I opened

APOLOGY pedido de desculpas APOLOGIA eulogy The song was a eulogy to the joys of traveling.
your letter by mistake.

to argue, to have I argue with my sister everyday, but my arguments are

ARGUMENT discussão I had an argument with my sister. ARGUMENTAR
arguments always better than hers.

to put up, to set up, to My intention at that time was to go there and pitch my
ARM braço My arm is hurting. ARMAR
pitch (a tent) tent somewhere.

ARMY exército He has decided on a career in the Army. ARMA gun The British police do not carry guns.

ATTEND participar, assistir Over two hundred people attended the funeral. ATENDER answer If the phone rings, let me answer it.

AUDIENCE platéia She lectures to audiences all over the world. AUDIÊNCIA hearing He didn't feel he got a fair hearing in court.

If you need help about your hotel room information,

BALCONY sacada, varanda suspensa We had a drink on the hotel balcony. BALCÃO counter
just go ask to that man at the service counter.
caserna, quartel, onde
BARRACKS The barracks was/were surrounded by a high wall. BARRACA tent I don't like to sleep in tents.
moram militares

cassetete; bastão;
BATON The policeman used a baton on the robber. BATOM lipstick She is using a very beautiful and red lipstick.

The chicken-fried steak, bacon and meat loaf were

BEEF carne bovina I am vegetarian, so I don't eat beef. BIFE steak

In societies with strong family bonds (= relationships) That town has a really nice streetcar that brings us
BOND elo, vínculo, apólice BONDE streetcar, trolley car
, people tend to live longer. around the city, to know the best tourist spots.

BRACES aparelho dentário I need braces to fix my teeth BRAÇOS arms Last week I fell and broke my arm.

My dad was angry with my brother, because he lied the

BRAVE corajoso He is a really brave soldier. BRAVO angry
night before.

CIGAR charuto My grandpa likes Cuban Ciagrs. CIGARRO cigarette Cigarettes are bad for your helth.

Oh no! I got makeup on my shirt's collar while wearing

COLLAR colarinho; coleira; gola COLAR necklace This pearls necklace is magnific!

COLLEGE faculdade She's at art college COLÉGIO school The kids go to school in the morning.

The country's COMODIDADE,

COMMODITY artigo, mercadoria convenience I like the convenience of living close to work.
most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds. CONVENIÊNCIA

We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of

COMPREHENSIVE abrangente, extenso COMPREENSIVO understanding / tolerant Their parents are really understanding.
the business.

I tried to conceal my surprise when she told me

CONCEAL ocultar, dissimular CONSELHO advice I need your advice! What should I do?
her age.

CONFIDENT confiante Be a little more confident in yourself! CONFIDENTE confidant Her brother is her closest confidant.

CONSTRUE interpelar That comment could be construed in either of two ways. CONSTRUIR to build The company is going to build a new mall near my house.

to impeach, to impugn / The governor was impeached for wrongful use

CONTEST competição, concurso She's won a lot of beauty contests. CONTESTAR
to controvert of state money.

talkative person,
CONVERSANT conhecedor I'm not conversant with the rules of chess. CONVERSADOR My cousin is very nice and a talkative person.
loquacious person

It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there She is convinced that the best thing to do is to get a
CONVICT condenado CONVICTO convinced
wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him. divorce.

Our biggest family tradition is to exchange gifts every

COSTUME fantasia Our host was wearing a clown costume. COSTUME habit, tradition
Christmas Day.

DATA dados The data was/were collected by various researchers. DATA date Today's date is June 11 (June the eleventh).

It wasn't really magic - just some kind of clever

DECEPTION ato de enganar; fraude DECEPÇÃO disappointment Their son has been a deep disappointment to them.
visual deception.

DESSERT sobremesa The best part of the meal is the dessert. DESERTO desert There is no water in the desert.

I got a dress from my birthday, but it doesn't fit me

To be a good manager, you must know how to
DEVOLVE transferir DEVOLVER to return really well, I think I'll have to return it to the
devolve responsibility downward.
The diversion of money to other projects that the
DIVERSION desvio DIVERSÃO fun We had a lot of fun at the park last weekend.
government does is terrible.

instrução; formação A college education is often the best route to a EDUCAÇÃO (BOAS
EDUCATION politeness, good manners At our school you must be polite with everyone.
escolar good job. MANEIRAS)
eficaz; que produz
EFFECTIVE She's a very effective teacher. EFETIVO permanent She is looking for a permanent place to stay.

They're making the most elaborate preparations for

ELABORATE esmerar; aperfeiçoar ELABORAR develop, prepare You have to prepare a nice speech for tonight's party.
the wedding.

matricular-se, inscrever- They want to roll up; bullshit The yoga teacher rolled up the floor mats to store
se enroll their children in their local school. (enrolar alguém) them.

After years of abuse from her husband, she He hasn't written to me recently - perhaps
EVENTUALLY finalmente EVENTUALMENTE possibly, perhaps
eventually found the courage to leave him. he's lost my address.

The police are covering all the exits, so they've

EXIT saída HESITAR hesitate Don't hesitate when telling the truth.
no chance of escape.

EXPERT especialista He is an expert in skincare stuff. ESPERTO smart She is so smart at school!

EXQUISITE sofisticado The most exquisite French cuisine ESQUISITO strange I had a strange feeling that we'd met before.

FABRIC tecido My shirt's fabric is very soft! FABRICA factory Nike's factory is really far from here.

FATE destino His fate is now in the hands of the jury. FATO fact, event, happening The fact is that he lied.

número, forma de algo, He earns a six-figure salary (= an amount of money with

FIGURE FIGURA picture Look at this picture in the book, how prety, right?
foto, desenho six figures).

GENIAL agradável, amável I like this teacher, she is being so genial to us. GENIAL brilliant She is brilliant on her thoughts.

TO GRIP agarrar firmemente The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand. GRIPE flu I'm with a strong flu because of the weather changes.

IDIOM expressão idiomática An example of idiom is: "Don't cry over split milk". IDIOMA language I speak fluently 3 languages.

engenhosidade, I was impressed by the ingenuity and energy of verdancy, greenness,

INGENUITY INGENUIDADE I think her naivety is charming
criatividade the contestants. naivety
Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the
This kid is so naive, sometimes I think if that could
INGENIOUS hábil, engenhoso most remarkable sculptures from the INGÊNUO naive, ingenuous
be a problem in the future.
most ordinary materials.

INHABITABLE habitável This house is not the best, but is inhabitable. INABITÁVEL uninhabitable If there's no roof then the house is uninhabitable.

INTEND pretender I intend to finish all my work today. ENTENDER understand She understand everything the teacher explains.

revista de He's had several articles published in scholarly

JOURNAL JORNAL newspaper Have you seen the news today?
especialidade; diário journals.

LACE renda She has lace curtains at her living room. LAÇO ribbon Sandra often wears a ribbon in her hair.

LAMP luminária I switched on the lamp behind the armchair. LÂMPADA light bulb, bulb, light The bulb burned out in the kitchen.

TO LEAD liderar It is not easy to lead a big group. LIDAR handle I think I can handle it.

LECTURE palestra Who's giving the lecture this afternoon? LEITURA reading Our reading classes are on Mondays.

I need to watch German movies with English subtitles to

LEGEND lenda She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology. LEGENDA subtitle
understand better.

LIBRARY biblioteca Have you gone to the university's library yet? LIVRARIA bookstore, bookshop I am heading to the bookshop to buy a book for school.
LUNCH almoço I have lunch everyday at noon. LANCHE snack, sandwich In the afternoons I like to have a snack.

MARS Marte How far is Mars from the Earth? MAR sea He lives by the sea.

MAT tapete; esteira I can't find my yoga mat. MATO bush He was hidding behind the bush.

I have gone to a department store to buy some clothes I

MAGAZINE revista At the doctor's waiting room there are many magazines. MAGAZINE department store

The mayor of my city has been working a lot on

MAYOR prefeito MAIOR bigger My parents' bedroom is bigger than mine.

The doctor prescribed 2 different kinds of medicine for medical science/

MEDICINE remédio MEDICINA I do medical science at college.
her. medicine

We've had no news of them since they left for

NOTICE perceber I noticed a small stain on my dress after leaving home. NOTÍCIA news

An example of a countable noun is 'table', and an

NOUN substantivo NOME name His name is Peter.
example of an uncountable noun is 'money'.

NOVEL romance I've been reading this novel, strongly recomend. NOVELA soap opera Sarah watches soap opera everyday.

OFFICE escritório I left my wallet at my office. OFÍCIO profession His profession is to be a teacher.

PARENTS pais I still live with my parents. PARENTES relatives I don't get along with my relatives.

folder; file; paste

PASTA massa tipo macarrão Her favorite food is pasta with tomatoe sauce. PASTA You forgot your folders at the front desk, sir.

My religion has been deeply affected by three

PHYSITIAN médico I went to the physitian to see about my flu symtoms. FÍSICO physicist

They believe that Europe needs a common foreign and

POLICY política POLÍCIA police The bomb had exploded when the police arrived.
security policy.

He is pretending to be sick, so he can skip school

TO PRETEND fingir PRETENDER to intend I intend to travel to U.S.A. next year.

to harm; to impair; to
PREJUDICE preconceito We still face many prejudices nowadays. PREJUDICAR I don't want to harm anybody in this case.

TO PULL puxar The dentist pulled both teeth out. PUXAR pull When entering the room, please pull the door.

TO PUSH empurrar The girl pushed the guy at the playground. EMPURRAR push He ran so fast that he pushed her away to the ground.

to accomplish; to
TO REALIZE perceber Oh! I didn't realize it is Friday already! REALIZAR I will accomplish my biggest dream in 2 years.

TO RECORD registrar We recorded their wedding on video. RECORDAR remember I can remember people's faces, but not their names.

RELATIVE parente All her close/distant relatives came to the wedding. RELATIVO The amount of gas a car uses is relative to its speed.
pertinent, relative

RESUME retomar Normal services will be resumed after vacation. RESUMO summary In summary, they decided against the proposal.

TO RETIRE aposentar My granpa is retired since 20 years ago. RETIRADO removed I will remove the old books from the shelf.

Many saw her death as divine retribution (= punishment remuneration (salário);

RETRIBUTION punição; retaliação RETRIBUIÇÃO They demanded adequate remuneration for their work.
by God) for her crimes. reward (prêmio)
Dr. Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian
SCHOLAR intelectual ESCOLAR school (adjective) The school bus comes in 30 minutes.

Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to

SENSIBLE sensato Wouldn't it be more sensible to eat now before we go? SENSÍVEL sensitive

SILICONE This doll is covered in artificial skin made of

SILICON silício The Silicon Valley is in California. SILICONE
silicone, so she's soft.

atirar, The policeman is about to shoot the robber in this He is the best soccer player in the team, he kicks the
SHOOT CHUTAR to kick; to guess
fotografar/filmar scene, pay attention! ball all the way to the goal many times.

STRANGER esquisito My mother always warned me not to talk to strangers. WEIRD estranho He acts in a weird way sometimes.

to withstand; to endure; Now we have discovered that there are limits to how
SUPPORT apoiar I will support you always, no matter your decision. SUPORTAR
to abide; to resist much stress the human body can withstand.

We should get a cab home, there are no more subways at

TAX imposto The taxes this year are rising fast. TÁXI cab
this time.

TERRIFIC formidável You look terrific! TERRÍVEL terrible I had a terrible dream last night.

paródia, imitação Their production of "Sweeney Todd" was the worst I've A transvestite is a person who wears the clothes of the
grotesca ever seen - it was a travesty. opposite sex.

TURN vez Now is your turn to play. TURNO shift As the night shift leaves, the day shift arrives.

His valorous performance is exemplary of

VALOROUS corajoso VALOROSO valuable These antiques are extremely valuable.
the fighting spirit of the U.S. Army.

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