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CSV File Handling

Question 1
Vedansh is a Python programmer working in a school. For the Annual Sports Event, he
has created a csv file named Result.csv, to store the results of students in different
sports events. The structure of Result.csv is :
[St_Id, St_Name, Game_Name, Result]
Where St_Id is Student ID (integer)
ST_name is Student Name (string)
Game_Name is name of game in which student is participating(string)
Result is result of the game whose value can be either 'Won', 'Lost' or 'Tie'
For efficiently maintaining data of the event, Vedansh wants to write the following user
defined functions:
Accept() – to accept a record from the user and add it to the file Result.csv. The column
headings should also be added on top of the csv file.
wonCount() – to count the number of students who have won any event.
As a Python expert, help him complete the task.

Question 2
What is the advantage of using a csv file for permanent storage? Write a Program in
Python that defines and calls the following user defined functions:
(i) ADD() – To accept and add data of an employee to a CSV file ‘record.csv’. Each
record consists of a list with field elements as empid, name and mobile to store
employee id, employee name and employee salary respectively.
(ii) (ii) COUNTR() – To count the number of records present in the CSV file named
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Question 3
Give any one point of difference between a binary file and a csv file. Write a Program in
Python that defines and calls the following user defined functions:
(i) add() – To accept and add data of an employee to a CSV file ‘furdata.csv’. Each
record consists of a list with field elements as fid, fname and fprice to store
furniture id, furniture name and furniture price respectively.
(ii) search()- To display the records of the furniture whose price is more than 10000.

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Question 4

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Question 5

Question 6
A list contains following record of a customer: [Customer_name, Phone_number, City]
Write the following user defined functions to perform given operations on the stack
named ‘status’:
(i) Push_element() - To Push an object containing name and Phone number of
customers who live in Goa to the stack
(ii) Pop_element() - To Pop the objects from the stack and display them. Also,
display “Stack Empty” when there are no elements in the stack.
For example: If the lists of customer details are: [“Gurdas”, “99999999999”,”Goa”]
[“Julee”, “8888888888”,”Mumbai”] [“Murugan”,”77777777777”,”Cochin”] [“Ashmit”,
“1010101010”,”Goa”] The stack should contain [“Ashmit”,”1010101010”]
The output should be: [“Ashmit”,”1010101010”] [“Gurdas”,”9999999999”] Stack

Question 7
A list, NList contains following record as list elements: [City, Country, distance from
Delhi] Each of these records are nested together to form a nested list. Write the following
user defined functions in Python to perform the specified operations on the stack named

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(i) Push_element(NList): It takes the nested list as an argument and pushes a list
object containing name of the city and country, which are not in India and
distance is less than 3500 km from Delhi.
(ii) Pop_element(): It pops the objects from the stack and displays them. Also, the
function should display “Stack Empty” when there are no elements in the stack.

Question 8

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Question 9

Question 10
Reva has created a dictionary containing Product names and prices as key value pairs of
4 products. Write a user defined function for the following:

● PRODPUSH() which takes a list as stack and the above dictionary as the parameters.
Push the keys (Pname of the product) of the dictionary into a stack, where the
corresponding price of the products is less than 6000. Also write the statement to call
the above function.

For example: If Reva has created the dictionary is as follows: Product={"TV":10000,

"MOBILE":4500, "PC":12500, "FURNITURE":5500}

The output from the program should be: [ ‘FURNITURE’, ‘MOBILE’]

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