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x X* X* %& XX & X X X X x X X X X KX KX X X x xX xX x xX X x x x x Pg P Pad Pg P 4 GENDER EQUALITY A human fight, mom uel Mile e x xX X xX X X xX X X Gender lightbulb moments There are plenty of situations in which gender differences are revealed, like in sports, work, and social roles, among other examples. In my case, I realized this difference when I was a little girl, as I am the youngest of two brothers. My brothers were allowed to do activities and go out with friends more than me. They even were given more money when they went out. Being a girl was not the same. Medicine is also a field in which women have not been as worthy of studying as men: for instance, heart attack symptoms are different according to gender, information that society and even doctors do not consider or are not aware of. Even nowadays, people and even docto oversee women's pressure and believe that women in labor are weak and that their pain is not worth treating, whereas men's is treated right away. Regarding the role of mothers, women have a heavy backpack to carry. Working opportunities are also a field in which differences according to gender exist, not onl between women and men but also between other genders. which are even more vulnerable. There are many careers or businesses where women are not seen as the best options because they are considered weaker or seen as future mothers. This situation could imply days off work for different reasons related to their children. On the other hand, men have also suffered the pressure of society to be the family provider, the strong one, the person in charge of all the family's financial issues. Section A. apier, the value of marriage is presented, which will be the main topic of the novel. Duritlg that tim: ted for women to find a good and wealthy man to marry. Along with this reality, the values of social equality are also displayed in this chapter, not only due to economic issues but also because of gend weak creatures who must get married to accomplish their duty in life, being a wife and a mother. |-Firstly this material Is speaking about Mrs. Bingley, a new wealthy gentieman arriving in town, describing him as a good match for the couple's daughters. Secondly, the topic of marriage is also present; the main idea of this chapter is getting to know this gentleman and what to do to accomplish this meeting ‘A-This chapter reflects the typical behavior of that era. Women were expected to be introduced to society by their fathers, who aimed to marry them to the best man they could find. Particularly here, Mrs. Bennet only chance is to convince her husband to make arrangements to meet Mr. Bingley, due to her ty to do it herself because of the role women had and the norms under which they lived Section B 1. This material reveals how society was constructed towards the male. and women just lived under its gender norms and roles. The appreciation of female characters is weak under difficult and unequal conditions, and their roles were to be wives and mothers. On the other hand, men are seen as powerful and vital members of society: depending on the wealth they own, the upper they would be in society. It ole was to provide for the family and be respected just because of their position and being male. specific roles as: provide for them. [Throughout this chapter, Mrs. and Nj, Bennet discuss the chances oftheir daughters marrying this new gentleman Cinderella In my childhood days, | enjoyed stories like * ‘s ” Mostly stori be rescued or saved by a handsome gentleman ora prince. | believe "Cinderella" was the one | particularly remember from these two stories. This story is about a girl whose parents died due to different circumstances, her mother because of a plague, and his father had a suddenly death before remarrying. His second wife was an elegant but wicked woman with two daughters, Anastacia and Drizella. After Cinderella's father passed, they began abusing her and forcing her to become their servant. Despite enduring these atrocities, she continued being kind and cheerful, always dreaming big. After a while, the prince throws a big ball inviting every lady in the kingdom, and as Cinderella is treated as a servant, she cannot go. That is when her godmother appears and helps her attend the ball. There she meets the prince, and they instantly fallin love, but before the big announcement, she has to flee, leaving only her crystal shoe behind. Afterward, the prince finally finds her, and they get married Regarding the connections between Pride and Prejudice and Cinderella, one main issue is the role of women. Both stories picture women as weak beings who should be at home, mainly in the kitchen or doing housework; they also ‘seem to lack intelligence or ambitions (except for Elizabeth). Another aspect that is also common between the stori is the role of men, who are good-looking wealthy aristocrats with high manners and edu Concluding the stor with a “happy ending’ is likewise another connection between them Considering the moment in history in which it was written, plenty of ideas can be argued. Even though the story has a “happy ending,” specific topics should have been tackled differently. In this case, | want to focus on the stepmother whose role was to take care of Cinderella but chose to do the opposite. In this sense, there are two views to consider. Firstly, being a woman positioned her as a second mother and entitled her to all the rights and obligations regarding the child. This personification of the wicked stepmother has labeled them till today. Secondly, leaving an underaged girl unprotected and naturalizing child abuse was also an important issue present by the story. Even though Cinderella is a character that remains primarily passive to her reality, she manages to react and take a by going to the ball, against her stepmother's orders. This part of the story shows a positive message about achieving goals and stepping out for herself. Apart from that, her positive thinking and perseverance are also crucial aspects to highlight, she believes her circumstances can change, and consequently, she does not give up on her dreams. This allows her to prepare herself to embrace any opportunity she has. Additionally, Cinderella is a kind soul; she holds herself to essential values such as being polite, caring, and generous; even when she is treated with cruelty and carelessness, she is able to show sympathy. mething to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of sty Matthew Arnold This quotation from the mid-nineteenth-century English poet and critic states the main idea of this chapter very well. WV x that are correct; yet they may still Jack style and clarity. Once you have the mechanics of English under control (e.g., the punctuation, spelling, and grammar rules you've learned), you need to concern yourself with clarity. That means making your writing accessible to the reader—unambiguous and impossible to be mistead. What common pitfalls block style and clarity?” Look at the upcoming list in the jon, and get ready to Jearn how you can avoid the pitfalls. Using Active Verbs ‘Too many passive (nonactive) verbs definitely block clarity. Passive verbs always ontain a form of ro be such as is, was, were, and been. For exampli ‘Muddled: A survey was taken of all board members by the go committee, In the preceding sentence, the nonactive of passive verb was buries the subject, overnance committee. Why not start the sentence with the subject, the governance committee, and follow that with the active verb ‘ook? The passive verb was is a form of to be—delete it. What did they take? They took a survey (object) Clearer: The governance committee took a survey of all board members. Even clearer: The governance committee surveyed all the board members. SSCL Rue MR Ree Ur al Na Ce LER PERI CCO RULE OM Rete cn oe imine cea at CLM lat RTL Rel CUCU a eR: Considering one of my first pieces of writing regarding my personal experience with Plu ae COM CR RUC ORR eRe RM A TL SCL anon ar Re coches Meese ik with thoughtful reflection on the issues addressed. The texts are easy fo read; the topics Cae ee ROS CCR Re ater ce Ceca Cm ree et tcc Rat AC Col NEB So hoa Colao ete a and | overuse the passive voice in them. About this last issue and after reading about RUM Rep ARR Ret Ure RR RCo, RCM Oe Sh Coy makes sentences harder to understand because they add words to sentences and hide ae) | Ca Loe ice Oc rc Onc icnene tae tiene cord OT Suan | Coe CUS CUM Rae Caen cats Cogs Cra OR ate am LCS Lo After reading the suggested studying material, | tend to organize my ideas better before writing. Also, through them, | realize that simple structures allow understanding better. Concerning this, using verbs instead of nouns also helps clarify ideas within a text. Another aspect related to language, especially when writing, that | have to improve is making transitions within a text. For example, even in this piece, | feel that the connections Sea CO CC Cane Rrar nace netics connectors or clarifying ideas, but | always have doubts about how to do it; maybe my lack of vocabulary is part of the problem. In order to optimize my writing skills, | have Rae cae CLe eee acne Cee Additionally, to language, | learned about how gender issues present themselves when OC Cac ee on te Reece meng Relea RUM CRM Le RRP a Ou he CUR IY matter, most prefer only to discuss this topic when necessary, and they all relate this matter with the LGBT community, when gender roles are much more complex than that. Finally, | felt “stuck” doing this task mainly at the beginning when thinking about how to face it, where to start, what to talk about, and how to criticize my work. Even though ene RN SRR Rue Me RECUR an ey aco Self-reflection is even more challenging, however necessary, because correcting your Ree Oe Rec cone nn

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