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Life Orientation (LO) is a compulsory subject in the Further Education and Training (FET) phase of

schooling in South Africa. The subject aims to equip learners with skills, knowledge, and values that
will enable them to navigate various aspects of their lives successfully.

The key concepts in Life Orientation include personal well-being, social responsibility, career
development, and physical education.

Personal well-being refers to the physical, emotional, and mental health of learners. The subject
teaches learners about healthy lifestyles, including exercise and nutrition, as well as stress
management and mental health. Learners also learn about the impact of substance abuse and how
to prevent it.

Social responsibility involves learning about different cultures and promoting respect for diversity.
The subject teaches learners about human rights, democracy, and citizenship, and how to participate
in civil society. Learners also learn about the impact of social media and how to use it responsibly.

Career development involves exploring various career options and developing skills that will enable
learners to make informed decisions about their future careers. The subject teaches learners about
entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and workplace readiness.

Physical education involves learning about the importance of physical activity and developing skills in
various sports and physical activities. Learners also learn about the impact of a sedentary lifestyle
and how to prevent it.

During the FET phase, learners will also receive training in critical thinking, problem-solving, and
decision-making. These skills are essential for success in both personal and professional contexts.

Parents of FET learners can support their children's learning by encouraging them to attend classes
regularly, completing homework and assignments, and engaging with the subject matter. They can
also help their children to develop healthy lifestyles and support their career aspirations.

1. Development of self in society

The central idea of FET Life Orientation teaching is to equip learners with the necessary skills,
knowledge, and values to develop themselves in society successfully. By learning about personal
well-being, social responsibility, career development, and physical education, learners can develop a
holistic understanding of the world around them and their place in it.

Through the subject, learners develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and decision-
making capabilities that are essential for success in their personal and professional lives. They learn
about healthy lifestyles, including exercise and nutrition, stress management, and mental health,
which are crucial for personal well-being.

Learners also develop social responsibility skills by learning about human rights, democracy,
citizenship, and participating in civil society. They learn to appreciate diversity and promote respect
for different cultures, promoting social cohesion in society.

The subject also focuses on career development, helping learners to identify their strengths and
interests, and explore different career options. They learn about entrepreneurship, financial literacy,
and workplace readiness, preparing them for the job market and empowering them to contribute
positively to the economy.
Finally, physical education is essential in developing learners' physical abilities, promoting a healthy
lifestyle, and preventing sedentary behavior. This, in turn, promotes better mental health and overall
well-being, leading to more productive members of society.

In summary, FET Life Orientation teaching aims to develop learners holistically, equipping them with
the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to succeed in their personal and professional lives and
make positive contributions to society.

2. healthy living

The central idea of FET Life Orientation teaching is to equip learners with skills, knowledge,
and values that will enable them to navigate various aspects of their lives successfully. This
includes promoting healthy living, which is a crucial component of the subject.

Life Orientation teaches learners about the importance of physical activity and how to
develop and maintain healthy lifestyles. It emphasizes the importance of regular exercise,
balanced nutrition, and adequate rest, all of which are essential for good health. Learners are
also taught about the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of avoiding harmful

Through Life Orientation, learners also learn about stress management techniques and the
importance of mental health. They are taught coping mechanisms for dealing with stress,
anxiety, and other mental health issues. They are also taught about the signs and symptoms of
mental health problems and how to seek help when needed.

The subject also emphasizes the importance of hygiene and sanitation in promoting good
health. Learners are taught about the importance of handwashing, personal hygiene, and safe
food handling practices.

Overall, the central idea of FET Life Orientation teaching is to promote holistic well-being,
including physical and mental health. By teaching learners about healthy living practices,
stress management, and mental health, Life Orientation helps learners to develop healthy
habits and behaviors that they can carry into adulthood.
Holistic HealthThe central idea of FET Life Orientation teaching is to promote holistic well-
being, which includes physical, mental, emotional, and social health. The subject helps
learners to develop a comprehensive understanding of themselves and their place in the
world, and how their actions can affect themselves and others.

Life Orientation teaches learners about the importance of physical activity and healthy eating,
which are essential for maintaining physical health. However, it also emphasizes the
importance of mental and emotional health, teaching learners about stress management,
mental health, and the importance of self-care. This includes strategies for managing stress,
building resilience, and developing positive relationships with others.

The subject also teaches learners about the impact of social factors on their well-being.
Learners are taught about human rights, democracy, and citizenship, and how to participate in
civil society. This promotes social responsibility and helps learners to develop empathy and
understanding for others, which is essential for building positive relationships and promoting
emotional and social health.
Career development is also a crucial aspect of FET Life Orientation teaching, as it helps
learners to identify their strengths and interests, explore different career options, and develop
the skills needed to succeed in their chosen field. This can contribute to their overall well-
being and sense of purpose in life.

In summary, the central idea of FET Life Orientation teaching is to promote holistic health by
equipping learners with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to succeed in their
personal and professional lives. By teaching learners about physical, mental, emotional, and
social health, Life Orientation helps learners to develop healthy habits and behaviors that can
contribute to their overall well-being and success in life
4 self actualisation

he central idea of FET Life Orientation teaching is to equip learners with the
necessary skills, knowledge, and values to facilitate healthy and effective
self-actualization and development. Life Orientation teaches learners about
various aspects of their lives and helps them to navigate these areas

One way in which Life Orientation helps learners to facilitate healthy and
effective self-actualization and development is by promoting self-
awareness. Learners are encouraged to reflect on their thoughts, emotions,
and behaviors, which helps them to identify their strengths and
weaknesses. This self-awareness enables learners to set realistic goals for
themselves and work towards achieving them.

The subject also emphasizes the importance of developing positive

relationships with others. Learners are taught communication skills, conflict
resolution strategies, and how to work effectively in teams. These skills are
essential for building healthy relationships with others and promoting
personal and professional development.

Life Orientation also teaches learners about the importance of resilience

and adaptability. Learners are taught coping mechanisms for dealing with
stress and challenging situations, which helps them to build resilience and
adapt to change effectively.

Furthermore, the subject emphasizes the importance of career

development and entrepreneurship, which helps learners to identify their
passions, explore different career options, and develop the skills needed to
succeed in their chosen field. This promotes self-actualization and helps
learners to achieve their full potential.
Overall, the central idea of FET Life Orientation teaching is to promote
healthy and effective self-actualization and development by equipping
learners with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values. By teaching
learners about self-awareness, positive relationships, resilience and
adaptability, and career development, Life Orientation helps learners to
navigate various aspects of their lives effectively and achieve their full
Regenerate response

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