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Table of Contents

Self Evaluation.................................................................................................................................3
Critical thinking of all the presentations.......................................................................................4
Learning strategies used to improve my English competences....................................................8
How were the students level of engagement...................................................................................9
How did the teacher methodology help achieving my goals.........................................................9
The five videos that I most liked.....................................................................................................9
The worst five videos.......................................................................................................................9

In this present assigment , us as students we have to evaluate the presentations of our

colleagues that performed during the classes, the objective is to see if we based on elements
asked by the teacher which are ,stucture ,fluency,language and objectivity in the structure we
will see if the job followed the stucture if is well organized and if the presenter started by self
introduction and the topic that it is willing to approach and if the presenter made use of I
would like to move on or moving on with my topic, regard to fluency we will see if the
student was accuracy ,expressed well and if had attention to bring breath notes ,in language
we will focus on the way the student communicate ,if the use of the language was clear and
coherency , in objectivity we will see if the presenter went straight to the point of his
presentation. While we criticize and analyze each collegue during the criticism of the same
mention why we disagree or agree with what they presented and have references to support
my opinion , then the assigment will be followed by level of engagement during the
classes ,the efficienty of the strategies that I used to improve my english competences along
with the students ,the last one is methodology I had regarding to my goals ,and I will mention
the five worst videos and those that I liked the most .

My topic was speech delivery in class ,in the video I could see that I went good during the
presentation I started by introducing myself and my topic I moved by saying how my job is
divided and what are the points am going to be talking , I moved on by defining what is
speech delivery that is the act process of making speech in public by communicate with the
audience it can also be verbal or non-verbal communication , I moved on by saying the
importance of it that can help the students increasing their ability of expressing themselves
with clarity, is also important to practice your speech alone before going to the public ,I
could see that I followed that I didn’t followed the structure very well , I could be more
organized ,I used the language with coherency but I ended up making some mistakes , my
fluency was good along with the coherency of my speech I was objective by bringing some
tips of speech that can help us, some of them is manuscript speaking that consist of reading a
fully scripted speech I developed by giving more information of how is it useful ,it is when a
message needs to be delivered in precise words ,I also argumented about how giving a speech
can help someone overcame anxiety ,for that expercts have discovered that is not the amount
of time you spend preparing But how you do, it by preparing and practicing .

Critical thinking of all the presentations

Domingos Catamassa – Oral Grammar mistake correction in the classroom

He first started by defining what is grammar mistakes, according to him grammar mistakes is
a mistake that is made in speaking, His topic is well structured, he organized perfectly he
was focus on the difficulties to speak with appropriate and correction of the grammar that
cause some mistakes and errors with grammar when we speak in the classroom, he had a
good fluency he was confident about everthing he said he used the language correctly he
wasn’t too much objective he could have brought more specific context about grammar
mistakes .

I don’t agree with him when he says that teacher shouldn't correct their students' grammatical
because according to (the book english grammar mistakes by melony jacobs )The timing of
correcting students errors in teaching english is crucial to your lesson being a success or a
fail. Error correction in grammar has a big impact on students learning process and the right
timing will help them retain new information effectively. If you’re teaching a class or activity
that aims for accuracy, for example applying a new grammar rule during a conversation, you
can correct immediately after the mistake has been made, assuming that it is a mistake about
said rule. Since you just taught the content, you can encourage your students to self-correct
their error first, or you can ask other classmates to help.

Egas dos Santos –Oral and written communication for translation student
He topic was focused in oral and written communication for translation students,specifically
the basic qualities required from a translation students ,know deeper both source and target
language,his fluency and objectivity was good he brought relevants things ,his job was well
structured he organized and made everthing clear using the language correctly .

I agree with him when he says that communication is the activity or process of giving
information for other people because according to the book (Oral and written communication
Disorders by Maureen k.marquin) Communication is a process that involves sending and
receiving messages through the verbal and non-verbal methods. Communication is a two-way
means of communicating information in the form of thoughts, opinions, and ideas between
two or more individuals with the purpose of building an understanding.

Augusto junior –Public speaking

he started by bringing the main points of his work his work is well structured and objective,
about fluency he was clear and I could understand well everything he said during the
presentation and he used the language well howerer he stammed a few times but nothing that
I couldn't understand.

I totally agree with him when he says that many people are afraid of giving their speech in
public they would rather die instead of giving they are speech in public because of their fear
of speaking in public ,according to Dale carnegie in the book the art of public speaking

Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety. It can range from slight nervousness to
paralyzing fear and panic. Many people with this fear avoid public speaking situations
altogether, or they suffer through them with shaking hands and a quavering voice.

Edna Sambo –Writing Articles in University

Edna presented about writing Articles in university ,she started by introducing her topic and
the outline of the topic ,she followed well the structure she was objective and brought
relevant things about writing articles ,she had a good fluency she communicate and made a
good use of the language however in my point of view I could see that she had a lot of
information to give that she ended up losing her thread of thought .

I agree with her when she says articles are report with the main results of any academic
working ,as a document represents analyses from certain information that have been searched
because according to Academic Writing Essentials Azlina Murad Sani article is a piece of
writing written for a large audience or the results of any academic working as documents The
main motive behind writing an article is that it should be published in either newspapers or
magazines or journals so as to make some difference to the world.
It may be the topics of interest of the writer or it may be related to some current issues. The
topic can either be serious or not-so-serious; Same goes for its tone and language.
Jorge Zeca –Oral English communication for grade 7 students
He started by presenting himself and then brought the bullet points of his topic according to
him what made him chose this topic is because he is worried about how students study
english from grade 7 untill grade 12 but can even speak The aim of his job was to talk about
students that are facing problems at high school , he was clear and I understood everthing he
said he structured his job according what teacher asked as to ,he was objective and gave us
relevants things ,he was coherency and fluency with his presentation and made good use of
the language I agree with him when he says that is expected the student from grade 7 to be
able to communicate in differents tips of topic using the right words ,the learner should have
opportunity to speak during the lessons which means the teaching process should be center
in the student which means teachers is going to provide time for students to communicate
according to The factors causing the speaking problems are lack of general knowledge, lack
of speaking practice, fear of mistake, lack of words usage and grammar practice, low
motivation, low participation, reading laziness, shyness, less dictionary usage, nervousness,
fear of criticism, and unfamiliar words pronunciation.

Elidio Machava –spelling mistakes made by Portuguese speakers when learning English
Elidio started by introducing him and brought the main points of his job he was focused on
mistakes made by Portuguese speakers when learning English he moved on by saying a
spelling mistake is when a word is not writeen in a conventional way ,he was clear ,and
objective I could understand him he structured well his topic and supports his point of view
about spelling mistakes he was fluency and coherency even with the language he was
confident and brought relevant solutions such as the se of dictionary as reference when we
don’t know a certain word. I want to add by saying that according to (the book Automated
Grammatical Error Detection for Language Learners by Claudia Leacock)In general, English
learners don’t like making mistakes. That’s not strange, because who does? But here is an
eye-opening truth – mistakes are necessary for speaking better English. Some of them are
more common than others ones, and if you focus on fixing them, your English skills will
become unbelievably better.

Daniel Alberto Zunguze-Teaching writing

He started by presenting his topic and the reasons why he choose the topic he moved on by
telling us the the main points of his topic according to him theres two tip of writing ,writing
for learning and writing for writing ,writing for learning its when you go to school learn the
grammar ,but when when it comes to writing for writing you only became a writer someone
who does not respect the way of writing the rules respecting of commom and so on , his job
was well structured and objective he was fluency he support every thing he said with
coherency he used the language properly I agree with my colleague about Teaching Writing
has an ongoing process, which Time for Learning facilitates in a number of ways, because
according to the book Preparing to Teach Writing by james D.williams 2014 When writing
is taught in schools, writing instruction often takes a backseat to handwriting skills, and
reading comprehension

Jacinto Jonas –Academic work

His presentation was focused in academic work ,his presentation was very objective,
followed all the structured with good fluency according to him academic work needs to be
clear so that other people can understand,he made good use of the language to support his
topic according (To the book Words for Working by  Rosa Giménez Moreno) Academic
work involves both the pursuit of knowledge and its dissemination and application through
activities including but not limited to research and scholarly activity.Regardless of your study
discipline, academic writing helps you to build arguments, communicate ideas and partake in
a scholarly conversation. It is a skill that you need to master to make the most out of your
academic qualification.

Aires Amade –Communication in General

His presentention followed the structure he started by introducing himself ,and his topic he
wold be talking about I think he wasn’t objective with some points he brought he could be
more specific and direct with regard to language he was good and very fluency I agree with
him because according to the book Communication in General Education by Francis
Shoemaker Communication is a process of interactions with people and environment .two or
more individuals interact and influence the ideas ,beliefs and attitudes of each other .they can
exchange information through words ,gestures, signs and symbols expression when
discussing technical communication, it refers to communicating technically through the use
of a phone, the internet, and other devices. Communication in general is critical for
transmitting feelings from one person to another.

Arsenio Elias –Skill Communication

My colleague was not very informative with his work the structure of his work and the
objectives were not well used I think he should have done more or been more informed about
his topic ,the use of language was not very good, he was a lit bit lost during the presentation
that he ended up losing coection in everthing he said to support the main aims of his topic
according to Academic Communication Skills Li-Shih Huang being able to communicate
effectively is perhaps the most important of all skills ,it is what enables us to pass information
to other people and to understand each other .you only have to watch a baby listening intently
to its mother and trying to repeat the sounds that she makes to understand how fundamental is
the urge to communicate ,the ability to communicate information accurately ,clearly and as
intended ,is a vital life skill and something that should not be overlooked.its never to late to
work on your communication skills and by doing so,you may well find that you are
improving in your communication

Fergirson Cumbe –Discourse

Fergirson was clear enough with his topic and his topic was well stuctured made good use of
the language and supported very well his topic ,he was fluency and coherency ,he was not
very objective about what does discourse analysis focus on but support his topic The
Oxford English Dictionary defines discourse analysis as: "Linguistics, a method of analyzing
the structure of texts or utterances longer than one sentence, taking into account both their
linguistic content and their sociolinguistic context.

Ana Nhambe –Effective Communication

Ana nhambe followed the structure very well with coherency and fluent speaking, she wsas
objective with main points of her speech I agree with her because according to the book
Effective Communication and Soft Skills by Nitin Bhatnagar Effective communication is the
process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is
received and understood with clarity and purpose. When we communicate effectively, both
the sender and receiver feel satisfied, effectiveness in communication requires
communicative competence which is the mastery of the knowledge of language and the
ability to use the knowledge in actual communication.

Cynthia Nhamirre –Communication Skill

Her presentention was focused in communication skills .according to her oral communication
is the most effective because it has instabtly feedback,and it allows the speaker use non-
verbal cues such as gestures,body language and so on ,her job was very good structured and
fluency what regard to the language she messed up a lit bit with some words, she was
objective by bringing the importance of communication skills I agree with her because
according to the book Improve Your Communication Skills by alan baker communication is
defined as the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings efeectively, Several experts agree
that communication skills include: Conveying messages without misinterpretation or

misleading others. Effectively communicating with a range of people from all walks of life.

Learning strategies used to improve my English competences

To improve my competences in English my strategies was to try to sample a broad range of
English language newspapers, including broadsheets as well as magazines and tabloids. As
well as helping me keep up to date with current affairs, this range of news sources also
expanded my vocabulary. Another advantage is that I also become more comfortable with
how words are spelt and the contexts in which they are used ,another strategies that a I had
was to Start a vocabulary book of useful words either in my book or on your computer, I
started making a list of useful words and phrases. Every time I hear or see a word am not
familiar with, I note it down, Don’t only focus on the word itself, but search for synonyms
and phrases in which it’s used. After all understood, also Have conversations in English is
helpful as listening and reading tasks may be, I also used English interactively and practice
my own speaking skills. And and am lucky, to be friends with a few native speakers who can
help me ,Practice, and read books as the teacher advising during lessons, I still have to
practice, no matter how much time i have been studying English I try to coming up with a
word of the day, and then try to employ it as often as possible. If I do this, I don’t waste time
on extremely specific words I will never actually use. Instead, I focus on conversational
English, curiosity doesn’t always kill the cat     In order to improve rapidly, I ask a lot of
questions and resolve them I Don’t just read phrases. Ask why they are used in a particular
way, whether other constructions are possible as well, that how I improve my competences in

How were the students level of engagement

The students level of engagement was good the involvement was very good, I think that
during the classes we learned a lot, we had the opportunity to improve with our mistakes and
learn more about how to communicate properly, how to speak effectively and how to be
precise with words, learn about oral and written communication has changed a lot in my way
of communicating and that of my colleagues during the time I was watching the videos I
could see that we were very involved and better.

How did the teacher methodology help achieving my goals

The teacher methodologyy have increased and helped me to be clearer and more coherent in
my speech and writing, I will keep his methods and use them more throughout my academic
career I believe that it was and will always be very useful for my academic training not only
for the lifelong.

The five videos that I most liked

The five better videos for me was from Jorge Zecas who talked about English for grade 7
students in my point of view he brought any interesting topic and developed it well its one of
the most faced problem in our country ,Edna Sambo who explain more about writing articles
at university I had a better vision or knowledge about how to write articles and because she
brought strong arguments then the third one was from Augusto Junior he explained more
about public speaking and the fears we can overcame and have good abilities skills
communication ,Egas dos Santos talked about oral and written communication and told us
more about how the student who is doing translation have to know how to communicate by
writing or speak then the last one but not least was the video of Domingos Catamassa he
went deep about grammar mistakes that we make when we are beginners in learning
English ,that are a lot faced by people ,he also brought solutions for the problem and how to
stop making grammar mistakes .

The worst five videos

In my opinion the worst videos was from Aires Amade who talked about communication in
general I think he could have done better he didn’t bring relevant arguments he should
have searched more ,Arsenio Elias during the video he paused a lot and he didn’t use
correctly the language ,Goncalves Panguana he didn’t support his topic with basic
information , ,Cynthia Nhamirre she talked about communication skills she brought nothing
usefully about her topic I had difficulties in understanding her ,and the last one is Daniel
Zunguze his topic was teaching writing he just defined what is teaching writing but he didn’t
went fluency about what he was saying ,for me this are the worst ones.

second language 12(3)candler,J(2003)accurancy and fluency of l2 students writing .journal

fahari,I.(2021)how to improve your English

silveira ,Romeiro,Noll( 2022).guide for scientific writing :how to avoid commom mistakes in
a scientific article

Hendrick,J(1980)the treatment of error in written work .the morden language

journal ,64(2),216-221.

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