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International Journal of Advances Engineering and

Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

Green hydrogen and its role in renewable energy and

sustainable development
Dr. Mohamed Alaa EL Mahdy

PHD Researcher –Faculty of Engineering –Bagdad University


Green hydrogen, produced through the electrolysis of water using

renewable energy sources, plays a significant role in renewable energy
and sustainable development. This abstract explores the various aspects
of green hydrogen and its impact on these areas.

First, green hydrogen serves as a vital means of energy storage, allowing

excess renewable energy to be captured and used during periods of low
generation. By converting surplus electricity into hydrogen, it offers a
dispatchable energy source, contributing to a reliable and stable
renewable energy system.

Moreover, green hydrogen plays a crucial role in decarbonizing industrial

processes. By replacing fossil fuels in sectors such as steel production and
transportation, it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote
cleaner and more sustainable industrial practices.

Furthermore, green hydrogen is an eco-friendly fuel for transportation.

Fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen-powered trains utilize hydrogen to
generate electricity, emitting only water vapor as a byproduct. This
contributes to cleaner air quality and a reduction in harmful emissions
from the transportation sector.

In addition, green hydrogen facilitates the integration of intermittent

renewable energy sources into the existing energy infrastructure. By
converting excess renewable energy into hydrogen, it can be stored and
utilized during times of high demand or low renewable energy generation,
ensuring a more balanced and reliable energy supply.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

Green hydrogen also plays a pivotal role in the energy transition and
reducing dependence on fossil fuels. By utilizing renewable energy
sources for hydrogen production, countries can diversify their energy mix,
enhance energy security, and reduce their reliance on imported fossil

Furthermore, the development of green hydrogen technologies offers

opportunities for job creation and economic growth. Investments in
infrastructure and associated technologies can stimulate innovation,
attract investments, and foster the growth of a green hydrogen industry,
leading to new employment opportunities and economic prosperity.

However, challenges such as cost competitiveness, scalability, and

infrastructure development need to be addressed for widespread
adoption of green hydrogen. Continued advancements in technology,
supportive policies, and collaboration between stakeholders are crucial to
unlocking the full potential of green hydrogen and realizing its role in
driving renewable energy deployment and sustainable development.

In conclusion, green hydrogen holds immense promise as a clean and

versatile energy carrier, contributing to renewable energy integration,
decarburization, clean transportation, energy storage, and economic
growth. Embracing green hydrogen technologies is vital for achieving a
sustainable and low-carbon future.

Keywords: Green hydrogen, renewable energy, sustainable development

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393


Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen, is hydrogen

produced through the process of electrolysis using renewable energy
sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. It plays a crucial role
in advancing renewable energy and sustainable development in several

Energy Storage: Green hydrogen offers a means of storing excess

renewable energy that would otherwise go to waste. During periods of
high renewable energy generation, the surplus electricity can be used to
produce hydrogen through electrolysis. The hydrogen can then be stored
and utilized later when renewable energy generation is low, providing a
reliable and dispatch able energy source.

Decarbonizing Industrial Processes: Many industrial processes, such as

steel production, chemical manufacturing, and transportation, rely
heavily on fossil fuels and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Green
hydrogen can be used as a clean alternative to replace fossil fuels in these
processes, helping to decarbonize the industrial sector and reduce overall

Clean Fuel for Transportation: Green hydrogen can be used as a fuel for
various modes of transportation, including fuel cell vehicles and
hydrogen-powered trains. When used in fuel cells, hydrogen combines
with oxygen from the air to produce electricity, emitting only water vapor
as a byproduct. This eliminates harmful emissions and contributes to
cleaner and more sustainable transportation systems.

Renewable Energy Integration: Green hydrogen can facilitate the

integration of intermittent renewable energy sources into the existing
energy infrastructure. By converting excess renewable energy into
hydrogen during periods of oversupply, the hydrogen can be injected into
the natural gas grid or used for power generation during times of high
demand, thus balancing the grid and increasing the overall penetration of
renewable energy.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

Energy Transition and Energy Independence: Green hydrogen provides an

opportunity to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and transition towards
a more sustainable and renewable energy system. By utilizing renewable
energy sources for hydrogen production, countries can diversify their
energy mix, reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels, and enhance energy

Job Creation and Economic Growth: The development and deployment of

green hydrogen technologies have the potential to create new job
opportunities and stimulate economic growth. It requires investments in
infrastructure, electrolyzes, and associated technologies, which can drive
innovation, attract investments, and foster the growth of a green
hydrogen industry.

However, it's important to note that the widespread adoption of green

hydrogen still faces challenges such as cost competitiveness, scalability,
and infrastructure development. Continued advancements in technology,
supportive policies, and collaboration between public and private sectors
will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of green hydrogen and
realizing its role in renewable energy deployment and sustainable

The role of nuclear energy in green hydrogen production:

Nuclear energy can play a significant role in the production of green

hydrogen, contributing to the advancement of sustainable and low-
carbon hydrogen economy. Here are some key points regarding the role
of nuclear energy in green hydrogen production:

Low-Carbon Electricity Generation: Nuclear power plants produce

electricity with virtually no direct greenhouse gas emissions. This low-
carbon electricity can be used directly in the electrolysis process to
produce green hydrogen. By utilizing nuclear energy for electricity
generation, the carbon footprint of hydrogen production can be
significantly reduced.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

Baseload Power: Nuclear power plants provide a stable and consistent

supply of electricity, operating continuously throughout the year. This
baseload power capability is advantageous for green hydrogen
production, as it requires a consistent and reliable energy source for the
electrolysis process. The availability of nuclear power can ensure a steady
and uninterrupted supply of electricity for large-scale hydrogen

High Energy Density: Nuclear energy has a high energy density, meaning
it can produce a large amount of electricity in a compact and efficient
manner. This characteristic is beneficial for green hydrogen production,
as it allows for the production of hydrogen at a significant scale, meeting
the growing demand for clean hydrogen as an energy carrier.

Load Following Capability: Some advanced nuclear reactor designs have

the ability to adjust their power output to match fluctuations in electricity
demand. This load following capability can complement the intermittent
nature of renewable energy sources by providing a stable power supply
during periods of low renewable energy generation. By integrating
nuclear power with renewable energy sources, a reliable and continuous
electricity supply for green hydrogen production can be ensured.

Nuclear-Generated Heat for Thermal Hydrogen Production: In addition to

electricity generation, nuclear energy can also be used to generate high-
temperature heat, which can be utilized in thermal hydrogen production
processes like high-temperature electrolysis and thermochemical cycles.
These processes can be more efficient than conventional electrolysis
methods and can increase the overall efficiency of hydrogen production.

Research and Development: Nuclear energy research and development

can contribute to advancements in hydrogen production technologies.
Research initiatives can focus on improving the efficiency and safety of
electrolysis processes, exploring advanced reactor designs for hydrogen
co-production, and developing innovative hybrid systems that integrate
nuclear energy and hydrogen production.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

It is important to note that the use of nuclear energy in green hydrogen

production should be accompanied by stringent safety measures, waste
management strategies, and adherence to strict regulatory frameworks.
Public acceptance, stakeholder engagement, and transparent
communication are vital for the responsible and sustainable deployment
of nuclear energy in the context of green hydrogen production.

In conclusion, nuclear energy has the potential to play a valuable role in

green hydrogen production, providing low-carbon electricity, baseload
power, high energy density, load following capability, and thermal heat
for hydrogen production. Integrating nuclear energy with renewable
sources can create a reliable and sustainable energy system for large-scale
green hydrogen production, contributing to the transition to a low-carbon

The importance of green hydrogen:

Green hydrogen is of utmost importance in the context of

transitioning to a sustainable and low-carbon future. Here are some key
reasons why green hydrogen is crucial:

DE carbonization: Green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy

sources, such as solar and wind power. Unlike hydrogen produced from
fossil fuels, green hydrogen does not release carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions when used or produced. It offers a clean and sustainable
alternative to conventional hydrogen production methods, contributing
to decarburization efforts and mitigating climate change.

Energy Storage: Green hydrogen plays a vital role in energy storage. It

enables the conversion of excess renewable energy generated during
periods of high production into hydrogen, which can be stored for later
use. This helps address the intermittency and variability of renewable
energy sources, providing a reliable and dispatch able energy storage

Sector DE carbonization: Green hydrogen has the potential to

decarbonize various sectors of the economy that are difficult to electrify

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

directly, such as heavy industry, transportation, and heating. By replacing

fossil fuels in these sectors with hydrogen, emissions can be significantly
reduced, fostering a transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy

Renewable Energy Integration: Green hydrogen facilitates the integration

of renewable energy into existing energy infrastructure. It offers a means
of utilizing excess renewable energy that would otherwise be curtailed or
wasted. By converting this energy into hydrogen, it can be stored,
transported, and utilized when renewable energy generation is low,
thereby enhancing the overall penetration of renewables in the energy

Energy Independence and Security: Green hydrogen production reduces

reliance on fossil fuel imports, enhancing energy independence for
countries. It diversifies the energy mix, reducing vulnerability to
geopolitical risks associated with fossil fuel dependencies. By harnessing
domestic renewable energy resources, countries can achieve greater
energy security and sustainability.

Job Creation and Economic Growth: The development and deployment of

green hydrogen technologies have the potential to create new job
opportunities and stimulate economic growth. The establishment of
hydrogen production, storage, and distribution infrastructure, as well as
research and development activities, can drive innovation, attract
investments, and create a green hydrogen industry, leading to job
creation and economic prosperity.

International Cooperation: Green hydrogen presents opportunities for

international collaboration and cooperation. Countries with abundant
renewable energy resources can export green hydrogen, promoting
energy trade and fostering global energy transition efforts. Collaboration
on technology development, standardization, and knowledge sharing can
accelerate the adoption and deployment of green hydrogen worldwide.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

In conclusion, green hydrogen is of immense importance in the pursuit of

a sustainable and low-carbon future. Its role in decarburization, energy
storage, sectoral transformation, renewable energy integration, energy
independence, job creation, and international cooperation makes it a key
solution for addressing climate change, reducing emissions, and
advancing the transition to a sustainable energy system.

While green hydrogen production holds great promise for a sustainable

energy future, several challenges need to be addressed for its widespread
adoption. Here are some key challenges associated with green hydrogen

Cost: Currently, green hydrogen production is more expensive compared

to hydrogen produced from fossil fuels. The cost of renewable energy
sources, electrolysis equipment, and infrastructure development
contribute to the high cost of green hydrogen. To make green hydrogen
competitive, significant advancements in technology, economies of scale,
and cost reductions are necessary.

Scale and Infrastructure: Scaling up green hydrogen production requires

substantial investment in infrastructure, including renewable energy
generation facilities, electrolysis plants, hydrogen storage and
transportation systems, and distribution networks. Developing the
necessary infrastructure to support large-scale green hydrogen
production is a complex and time-consuming process.

Energy Efficiency: Electrolysis, the process used to produce green

hydrogen, requires a significant amount of electricity. Improving the
energy efficiency of electrolysis technology is crucial to reduce energy
consumption and enhance the overall efficiency of green hydrogen
production. Research and development efforts are ongoing to develop
more efficient electrolysis systems.

Renewable Energy Integration: The intermittent nature of renewable

energy sources poses challenges for green hydrogen production.
Matching the availability of renewable energy with hydrogen production

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

demand requires effective energy management, energy storage

solutions, and grid integration strategies. Coordinated planning and
integration of renewable energy sources with hydrogen production can
help address this challenge.

Raw Materials Availability: The production of electrolyzes, which are

essential for green hydrogen production, relies on specific raw materials
such as platinum and other precious metals. Ensuring the availability and
sustainable sourcing of these materials is important to avoid potential
supply chain bottlenecks and environmental impacts associated with their
extraction and processing.

Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: Clear and supportive policies and

regulatory frameworks are crucial for the development and deployment
of green hydrogen. Governments need to provide long-term incentives,
investment support, and a stable policy environment to attract private
sector investments and stimulate research and development in green
hydrogen technologies.

Public Acceptance and Awareness: The successful adoption of green

hydrogen relies on public acceptance and awareness. Building trust,
addressing safety concerns, and promoting the benefits of green
hydrogen among the public, industry stakeholders, and policymakers are
essential to foster a favorable environment for its deployment.

Overcoming these challenges requires a collaborative effort involving

governments, industry players, researchers, and other stakeholders.
Continued technological advancements, cost reductions, supportive
policies, and international cooperation can accelerate the development
and deployment of green hydrogen, paving the way for a more
sustainable and low-carbon energy future.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

Hydrogen Storage Stages:

Hydrogen storage is a critical component of the hydrogen energy

system, enabling the storage and transportation of hydrogen for various
applications. The stages of hydrogen storage include:

Compression: In this stage, hydrogen gas is compressed to increase its

density and reduce its volume for more efficient storage. Compression
can be achieved through various methods, such as mechanical
compression using compressors or by utilizing chemical reactions that
release hydrogen gas under pressure.

Liquefaction: Hydrogen can be cooled to very low temperatures (-253

degrees Celsius) to convert it into a liquid state. Liquid hydrogen has a
much higher energy density compared to compressed hydrogen gas,
allowing for more hydrogen to be stored in a given volume. However,
liquefaction requires energy-intensive cooling processes and specialized
cryogenic storage systems.

Solid-state Storage: Solid-state hydrogen storage involves storing

hydrogen in solid materials, typically in the form of metal hydrides,
chemical compounds that can absorb and release hydrogen. These
materials can store hydrogen at lower pressures and offer the advantage
of enhanced safety and stability. However, challenges remain in terms of
optimizing the capacity, reversibility, and kinetics of hydrogen absorption
and desorption from these materials.

Chemical Storage: Hydrogen can be chemically stored in the form of

chemical compounds that release hydrogen upon demand. Examples
include metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and ammonia. These
compounds act as carriers of hydrogen and can release it through
chemical reactions triggered by heat, catalysts, or other means. Chemical
storage provides a means for high-density hydrogen storage and can
facilitate long-distance transportation.

Hydride Storage: Hydrides are compounds that contain hydrogen and

another element, such as metals or alloys. They can reversibly store and

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

release hydrogen through absorption and desorption processes. Hydride

storage offers high-density storage and has the potential for both
stationary and portable applications. However, further research is needed
to enhance the hydrogen storage capacity and optimize the reaction
kinetics of hydrides.

Each stage of hydrogen storage has its advantages and challenges, and
the choice of storage method depends on factors such as the specific
application, required storage capacity, energy efficiency, safety
considerations, and economic viability. Ongoing research and
development efforts are focused on improving the efficiency, capacity,
and cost-effectiveness of hydrogen storage technologies to enable the
widespread adoption of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy

In the compression stage of hydrogen storage, hydrogen gas is

compressed to increase its density and reduce its volume. This process is
necessary to store larger quantities of hydrogen in a smaller space,
making it more practical for various applications.

Hydrogen gas is typically compressed using mechanical compressors,

similar to those used for compressing air or other gases. The compressor
applies pressure to the hydrogen gas, reducing the space between the gas
molecules and increasing their density. The compressed hydrogen gas is
then stored in high-pressure tanks or cylinders.

Compression is an important step in hydrogen storage because it allows

for more efficient transportation and storage of hydrogen. By reducing
the volume of hydrogen, it becomes easier to handle, transport, and store
in various applications, such as fueling stations for hydrogen vehicles or
industrial processes that require hydrogen.

It's worth noting that compression requires energy input, and the
efficiency of the compression process can impact the overall energy
efficiency of the hydrogen storage system. Additionally, compressed
hydrogen gas needs to be stored at high pressures, which requires robust

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

storage tanks and safety measures to ensure the integrity and safe
handling of the stored hydrogen.

Overall, compression is a vital stage in hydrogen storage, enabling the

efficient utilization of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy source.
Advances in compression technology and infrastructure will continue to
play a significant role in the development and deployment of hydrogen as
a viable energy carrier.

Solid-state storage refers to the storage of hydrogen in solid materials

known as hydrogen storage materials or solid-state hydrogen storage
materials. These materials have the ability to absorb and release
hydrogen gas through a process called hydrogen sorption. Solid-state
storage offers potential advantages such as enhanced safety, increased
hydrogen storage capacity, and the ability to store hydrogen at lower
pressures compared to compressed gas storage.

There are different types of solid-state storage materials that have been
studied and developed for hydrogen storage:

Metal Hydrides: Metal hydrides are solid materials composed of metal

atoms bonded with hydrogen atoms. These materials can store hydrogen
through a reversible chemical reaction, where hydrogen is absorbed into
the crystal lattice of the metal hydride. Metal hydrides can offer high-
density hydrogen storage, good thermal stability, and the ability to store
hydrogen at moderate pressures. However, challenges remain in terms of
improving the kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption and
reducing the weight and cost of metal hydrides.

Carbon-based Materials: Certain carbon-based materials, such as

activated carbon, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, have shown potential
for hydrogen storage. These materials have a high surface area, which
allows for hydrogen adsorption onto their surfaces. Carbon-based
materials can offer reversible hydrogen storage and can be tailored to
optimize their hydrogen storage capacity. However, improving the
kinetics of hydrogen adsorption and desorption and enhancing the

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

hydrogen storage capacity of carbon-based materials are areas of ongoing


Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): MOFs are porous materials

composed of metal ions or clusters coordinated with organic linkers. They
have a high surface area and tunable pore size, which makes them
attractive for hydrogen storage. MOFs can adsorb hydrogen gas through
weak interactions, such as van der Waals forces, and store it within their
porous structure. Enhancing the hydrogen adsorption capacity and
developing MOFs with improved stability and cost-effectiveness are areas
of focus in this field.

Solid-state storage materials offer potential advantages for hydrogen

storage, including higher storage densities and improved safety compared
to other storage methods. However, there are still challenges to
overcome, such as optimizing the capacity, kinetics, and reversibility of
hydrogen storage in these materials, as well as reducing the weight and
cost of storage systems.

Continued research and development efforts are aimed at discovering

new solid-state storage materials, improving existing materials, and
developing practical storage systems that can meet the requirements of
various hydrogen applications. These advancements will contribute to the
wider adoption of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy carrier.

Clean fuels for transportation refer to alternative energy sources that

produce lower or zero emissions compared to conventional fossil fuels.
These fuels play a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact of
transportation, including air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and
dependence on finite fossil fuel resources. Here are some examples of
clean fuels for transportation:

Electricity: Electric vehicles (EVs) are powered by electricity stored in

batteries or fuel cells. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing air
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The electricity used to charge

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

EVs can come from renewable sources such as solar or wind power,
making it a cleaner alternative to conventional gasoline or diesel.

Hydrogen: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) use hydrogen gas stored in
onboard fuel cells to generate electricity, which powers the vehicle.
Hydrogen fuel cells produce only water vapor as a byproduct, making
them zero-emission vehicles. Hydrogen can be produced from renewable
sources through processes like electrolysis, offering a clean and
sustainable fuel option.

Biofuels: Biofuels are derived from renewable biomass sources such as

plants, agricultural residues, or algae. They can be blended with gasoline
or diesel fuel or used as standalone fuels. Biofuels, such as ethanol and
biodiesel, have lower carbon emissions compared to conventional fossil
fuels. They can be used in existing vehicles with minimal modifications
and help reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Natural Gas: Compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas
(LNG) are cleaner-burning fossil fuel alternatives. Natural gas produces
lower carbon dioxide emissions compared to gasoline or diesel. It can be
used in dedicated natural gas vehicles or as a blend with gasoline or diesel
in flexible-fuel vehicles.

Renewable Synthetic Fuels: Synthetic fuels, also known as e-fuels or

renewable fuels, are produced from renewable energy sources through
processes such as electrolysis or biomass conversion. These fuels have
similar properties to conventional gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel but are
produced with minimal or zero net carbon emissions. They can be used in
existing internal combustion engines without significant modifications.

Clean fuels for transportation offer several benefits, including reduced

emissions of greenhouse gases, improved air quality, and reduced
dependence on fossil fuels. However, their widespread adoption requires
supportive infrastructure, such as charging stations or hydrogen refueling
stations, and advancements in technology, cost reductions, and
supportive government policies.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

The development and deployment of clean fuel technologies are essential

for achieving sustainable and decarbonized transportation systems,
contributing to global efforts to mitigate climate change and improve the
overall environmental footprint of the transportation sector.

In conclusion, green hydrogen holds significant potential in advancing
renewable energy and contributing to sustainable development. As a
clean and versatile energy carrier, it offers several benefits for
transitioning to a low-carbon future:

DE carbonization: Green hydrogen production relies on renewable energy

sources, such as solar or wind power, eliminating greenhouse gas
emissions associated with traditional hydrogen production methods. By
using electrolysis to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, green
hydrogen avoids carbon emissions, making it an environmentally friendly

Energy Storage: Green hydrogen can be efficiently stored, allowing for

long-term energy storage and grid flexibility. It can complement
intermittent renewable energy sources by storing excess energy during
periods of low demand and releasing it during peak times. This enables a
more reliable and stable integration of renewable energy into the grid.

Sector Integration: Green hydrogen has the potential to decarbonize

various sectors beyond electricity generation. It can be used as a clean
fuel for transportation, replacing fossil fuels in vehicles, ships, and
airplanes. Additionally, it can be utilized in industrial processes, such as
steel production or chemical manufacturing, to reduce carbon emissions
in sectors that are traditionally hard to decarbonize.

Sustainable Development: The production and utilization of green

hydrogen can contribute to sustainable development goals by fostering
economic growth, creating new job opportunities, and promoting energy
independence. It can stimulate the development of a green hydrogen

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393

industry, attract investments, and drive innovation in renewable energy


However, the widespread adoption of green hydrogen still faces

challenges. These include the high cost of electrolysis technology, the
need for scaling up renewable energy capacity, the development of
hydrogen infrastructure, and ensuring the availability of sustainable water
resources for hydrogen production.

To fully harness the potential of green hydrogen, it is crucial to continue

research and development efforts, invest in renewable energy
infrastructure, establish supportive policies and regulations, and foster
international collaboration. By doing so, green hydrogen can play a pivotal
role in the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future, addressing
climate change, and promoting energy security.

International Journal of Advances Engineering and
Civil Research
Print ISSN Online ISSN
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2022, 1 - 18 .
2974-4385 2974-4393


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