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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Name common animals,
2. Recognize animals’ sound, and
3. Identify ways to care for animals.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Common Animals
Reference: Internet, Animal Books
Materials: Large animal flashcards, story, activity materials
Subject Integration: Science
Process/ Skills: Writing animals name appropriately, identifying animals
Values: Care and love for animals
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
1.) Prayer Let us all stand for our prayer. (Everybody will stand
and recite the prayer.)
2.) Greetings “Good morning class.” “Good morning teacher.
Good morning
classmates, it’s nice to
see you again.”
How are you today? We feel good.
3.) Checking of Are there anybody absent today? “None Teacher”
Attendance “Very Good”
4.) Review of the What was our lesson yesterday? Our lesson yesterday
Past Lesson was about the names of
Very good children. the days in a week.
5.) Motivation Before we proceed to our discussion
Before we proceed to our discussion
for Yes, we are.
Before we proceed to our discussion
today. You will listen to a short story.
(The teacher will read the story about
farm animals and will let the pupils
Are you ready?

Farm Animals
Adapted from:
The chicken and the duck were
friends. They lived on a farm.
They walked around together. They
swam in the pond together. They
talked about many things. They
talked about the cat. They thought the
cat was tricky. They thought the cat
was dangerous. The
cat looked at them a lot. They didn’t
trust the cat. “We must always keep
our eyes open when the cat is
around,” they both agreed. They
talked about the dog. The dog was
very friendly. The dog wanted to play.
The dog had lots of energy. It barked
a lot. It ran around a lot. They both
liked the dog. They talked about the
farmer. The farmer brought them
food. The farmer took care of them.
The farmer took care of all the
animals. He fed the cow. He fed the
pig. He fed the goat. He fed the
sheep. He fed the rabbit. They liked
the farmer. He took good care
of everyone. He was a nice man.
“Farmers are good,” said the chicken. “Yes teacher.”
“We need farmers,” said the duck. “Farm Animals”
“Chicken, duck, cat, dog,
Do you like the story? pig, cow and goat.”
What was the title of the story?
Base from the story, what animals are
mentioned? Can you cite some?
“Very good children.”
B. Developmenta Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
l Activities

1.) Presentation Our lesson for today is about the

of the Lesson different animals, their names, their
sounds and how can we take good
care of them.

I have prepared here flashcards of

animals. All you have to do is guess
the name of the animals I showed to
you and you will give their Yes teacher.
corresponding sounds. Did you get

Duck “Quack, quack”

Cow “Moo, moo”

Cat “Meow, meow”

Pig “Oink,oink”

Sheep “Baa , baa”

Dog “Arf, arf”

Goat “Maaahh, maaahh”

Very good children.

2.) Activity To further understand our lesson, we

will have an activity. We will call it
“Find me, hear me.”
I will group you into to two groups.
Each group will make a sound of the
animals assigned to you. You should
practice each noise until you sound
like the actual animal. I will give you
five minutes to practice.
Everybody stands. I will explain to
you the rules of the game. I will mix
up the class and you should close
your eyes. When I say “go”, you can
open your eyes and will start finding
your group mates using the sound of
animals you practice earlier. You can
also use your cards finding your
group mates. The group who will find
their group mates first, wins.

3.) Analysis Please be silent as I announce the Yes teacher.

winner for todays activity. Are you
So, our winner is the group wit an Yehey, thank you very
animal name dog. As the portray the much ma’am.
sound of a dog and they followed the
given rules. Congratulations to the
winning team and for those who did
well. I will give your price later.

4.) Application Again, what are the different animals Duck “Quack, quack”
mentioned a while ago and their
corresponding sounds? Cow “Moo, moo”

Cat “Meow, meow”

Pig “Oink,oink”

Sheep “Baa , baa”

Dog “Arf, arf”

Goat “Maah,maaahh”
Very good children.
5.) Abstraction Do you have these kinds of animals Yes teacher, we have.
at home? Yes teacher.
Do you care and love your animals? By giving the food and
How can we show our love and care clean water.
for our pets?
Yes, that’s right. What else? By taking good care of
them and not hurting
Yes, very good. Another?
Providing a safe shelter.

Yes, that’s right. All that you have

mentioned are the ways to take good
care for our animals so that they can
feel that we love them.
6.) Closure So, what you have learned for our We have learned the
topic today? different names of
animals, their
corresponding sound and
the ways how to take
good care and love them.

Very good children. I hope that you

will always bear that in mind.
IV. Evaluation Direction: match the name of
animals in Column A with their
corresponding sound in Column B.

1. “ roar, roar”

2. “tweet, tweet

3. “ribbit , ribbit”

4. “bzzz, bzzz”

5. “neigh, neigh”

V. Assignment Practice more animal sounds in your

home and present it in the class. The
pupils who can portray more animal
sounds will recieve a special reward
from me.

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