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Jerry Hietaniemi is a digital marketing strategist and creative visionary. As one of the top
names in paid advertising, he provides tailored, winning solutions for his clients while
focusing on the growth of his own business, Social Media Calendar.

Jerry helps his clients leverage the power of social media and personal branding into
profit growth techniques and strategies. Jerry’s biggest strength is selling design: he has
the ability to shape things into understandable, easy to market, and productive entities.

His passion for marketing flourished as an entrepreneur at the age of 20 in the fitness
industry. The rapid success in the fitness niche attracted the interest of major Finnish
fitness brands, and Jerry took point on consulting companies on digital marketing and
sales strategies.

The secret to success lies in action, continuous improvement, the ability to change, and
be one step ahead. Solutions must always exceed the customer’s expectations, and the
best results are achieved in cooperation with the client.

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 3
Your #Hashtag Strategy

Hi there,
In this file, I'll provide you with the hashtags strategy
for Instagram, useful information about how to
set up a converting profile, and also some tips and
growth hacks. All the advice based on my personal
experience. My goal is not only to provide you with
the list of hashtags but also to explain how to use
them most efficiently and what to do on Instagram
daily to grow your page.

Let's begin with your hashtag strategy. All the

hashtags I provide you with, are handpicked based
on the analysis of their performance. When picking
the right ones for you, I have analyzed two factors:

1. Hashtag’s relevance
2. Hashtag’s competitiveness

To figure out the competitiveness, I analyze two criteria:

· the average number of likes in the top section of each hashtag;
· the number of posts being posted on a particular hashtag every single day or hour (to
make sure that your post will be seen by others).

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Most users analyze hashtags based on their size
(number of posts), but this makes no sense. Let me
show you a quick example:
• #hashtag1 – hashtag size is 93k, and it has about 100
posts published daily using this hashtag (4 posts per
• #hashtag2 – hashtag size is 282k, and it has about 110
posts published daily (5 posts per hour).

These two hashtags have the same competitiveness (100 and 110 posts daily), but using the
#hashtag2 allows you to reach 3x more people because it's more searchable and usable.

So, in your hashtags list you have hashtags divided by three competition levels:
• Low competition – hashtags with less than 80-90 new posts daily Medium competition – 90-
800 new posts daily
• High competition – 800+ new posts daily.

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The maximum number of hashtags under one post is 30 hashtags; if
you use more than that, none of them will be working for you. You might
have heard from some 'hashtags gurus' on YouTube that you MUST use
all the 30 hashtags on each of your posts to reach a bigger audience.
However, it's not true. I've been working on many accounts, my own and
clients' ones, and there is one thing you should understand. There is no
perfect number of hashtags that will bring you the best results. It just
doesn't exist. What you should do is test different amounts of hashtags
on your posts to figure out what gets the best results strictly for YOUR
account. For some people, for example, 15-20 hashtags work better than
30. I'd recommend starting precisely from this number. It's hard to say
what is why, probably, Instagram recognizes the usage of 30 hashtags as a
spam behavior for some accounts. We can't be sure.

So, I kindly ask you to test different ways by yourself; there is no magic rule! Recently,
I did a quick test regarding the ranking in top-9 and the number of hashtags I use. 12
posts have been published during the two weeks, and this is the results we got:

Number of hashtags have been 7 21

27 26 15 25 28 27 24 27 10 16
used in the post

Number of hashtags we’ve

0 0 0 6 20 0 0 0 0 0 10 14
ranked on in top9

As you can see, on this particular account, using fewer hashtags works better. Of course, it
depends on the content a lot too, but I believe there is some correlation between the number
of hashtags you use and your positions as well.

Depending on your account’s size, I recommend you using the following hashtags strategy:
If your profile has less than 1000 followers:

The number of hashtags you should pick

For the set of 30 #s For the set of 15 #s
Low Competition 18 9
Medium Competition 10 5
High Competition 2 1
Total hashtags 30 15
*You will find these ready-made hashtag sets from the page 33.

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If your profile has 1000-5000 followers:

The number of hashtags you should pick

For the set of 30 #s For the set of 15 #s
Low Competition 15 7
Medium Competition 11 6
High Competition 4 2
Total hashtags 30 15
*You will find these ready-made hashtag sets from the page 33.

If your profile has over 10000 followers:

The number of hashtags you should pick

For the set of 30 #s For the set of 15 #s
Low Competition 13 6
Medium Competition 12 6
High Competition 5 3
Total hashtags 30 15
*You will find these ready-made hashtag sets from the page 33.

The point of this strategy is to try to get ranked on the low competition hashtags first. If you get
ranked there, you have an opportunity to rank on the medium competition hashtags and so forth.

Additionally, I'm frequently getting asked about the best way to post hashtags in the caption, or
the first comment. From a technical point of view, it doesn't matter where to copy+paste them.
But I always prefer posting as the first comment right after uploading the picture because it makes
your caption looks clear. You can also set this up in most post scheduling apps such as
or (in case you use them).

The last thing that I want to point out is that I strongly recommend you using different sets of
hashtags on your posts and never use the same set of hashtags over and over again.
The first reason is that Instagram doesn't like it when you overuse the hashtags and use the same
ones on each of your posts. Ideally, you should use different sets on each of your posts.

The second reason is that your goal is to reach as many different audiences but still targeted ones.
The only way you can do it is by shuffling the hashtags and using different ones from post to post.

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Set Up Converting
Instagram Profile
Now, let's move forward to setting up a converting
Instagram profile.
Username. Keep it as clean as possible. Your Instagram username
1 should be unique, to differentiate yourself from others, easy to
remember, easy to spell, and as short as possible. The longer it is, the
harder it will be to remember it.
What I wouldn't recommend using in your username:
· underscores – it's harder to find the symbol on the keyboard, and
if you use multiple ones, it will make it difficult to count;
· generic handles or random numbers at the end or front of the
· consecutive repeating numbers, letters, or symbols.

2 Name field. This field may contain max 30

characters. Change it to words that highlights what your
business is about and use all the space available.

In your case, it should be something like 'Personal Trainer

{city name/town name}' or 'Fitness Trainer {city name/
town name}'.

The example of the final name field: Personal Trainer

Helsinki (if you have enough space to specify your
personal name, you can do this as well).

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There are two reasons for setting this up this way.

The first reason is if you put the keywords in your name field when someone searches
for personal trainer, or trainer Helsinki, or other keywords that describe you the best, you'll
appear in the search results. Your profile will be discoverable better because of that. What
you would have searched for to find your profile if you were your potential follower? The
key point here is to think as your potential follower here. This field is one of the ways of how
potential clients search for something on Instagram.

As your business is local, it’s better to combine the keywords with the location name. Most
of the users search for local pages using the location-related words as well.

An example of how the search works on Instagram :

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The second reason is that Instagram uses this data to determine what targeting
‘category’ to put your profile in. They have smart algorithms that will promote your
profile to your target audience – those who are interested in fitness, personal
training, coaching, and interact with the fitness-related pages and other target
groups if you specify it in your name field.

Tip: use capital letters (CAPS LOCK) and emojis in your name field (for example,
country flag) to stand out from the rest users in the search results.

Enable the Instagram business profile. If

3 you don't have a business profile enabled, you are missing
many fantastic opportunities and analytics metrics.

I strongly recommend switching your account to the

business one (if you haven’t done it yet) to get the benefits
· Access to the Instagram insights to better understand
your audience, the best posting time and other useful
· Ability to add the Contact button to get contacted
directly from the Instagram profile;
· You will get your industry shown on your profile, and it's a
great way to get discovered by your target audience;
· Ability to advertise your posts and run promotion
· You will look more professional when you have a business
profile; And many more other benefits.
• To enable a business profile, you go to the Settings –
Account – Switch to Business Account.

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The category of your Instagram business profile.
4 Make sure to choose a proper business category on Instagram. For instance, I’d
recommend selecting either ‘Fitness Trainer’ or ‘Personal Coach’ as your business
category on Instagram. It helps Instagram better understand whom to show your

To change the category, you go to the Profile – Edit profile – Category.

The fifth point is your bio. From the next chapter you will find the
5 structure I recommend using in your bio, so make sure to check it out. I believe
it’s going to be useful to craft the bio that will help you make the right people
following your profile. There are also some tips and formatting tricks in this guide.

One more thing I suggest doing is to specify your location below your bio. It helps
to drive additional traffic to your profile. The best would be defining the City and
Country, for example, Helsinki, Finland.

You can do this in Profile – Edit profile – Contact

options – Address. Specifying the location allows
you to reach the local audience and attract new
followers. Note: you can only do that when you
have a business Instagram turned on.

The same applies to the post's location. Don't

forget to mention the place when posting to
make it possible to drive more traffic.

Your profile picture. According to stats,

6 Instagram users are 38% more willing to open your profile
and are interested in it if you have your face on a profile
picture. Make sure to upload a high-quality, bright, and
eye- catching profile picture. Stand out from others.

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Below are other advice regarding optimizing your growth strategy.
I tried to make it as short as possible and provide the maximum
value at the same time for you to take full advantage of this

Crafting a converting Instagram bio

When you are trying to grow your Instagram account, you should
understand some basics of a great looking profile. And the very first
thing your potential followers see once they open your profile it’s your
bio and your profile picture.

Your visitor won't be thinking about who are you and what is your
profile about. Your bio should be as clear as possible for your visitor
to get an instant understanding of what exactly are you going to
be sharing with them if they decide to follow you. The reality is that
before someone goes down and looks at your content, your photos,
your videos or even decides to watch some of your stories, they look
at your bio.

Luckily, you have this guide now and you can craft a converting bio in
less than 5 minutes. So, let’s get started.

When crafting a great bio, I always recommend using a 3-4 lines

structure. A lot of people just write all the text in one line and that’s
not the way I recommend you to do it. Make it easier for your visitor to
read and analyze this information. Each point from the new line.

At the same time, make sure not to use more than 4 lines in your bio.
Otherwise, it’s going to be partially hidden and to read all the text, your
visitor will be needed to tap on the ‘More’ button. Avoid it.

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The first line of the bio
When someone comes to your profile you need to clearly communicate with them
exactly how you are going to be able to help them, what you will be able to provide them
with. This line is some kind of introduction of what exactly do you do and what they’ll get
if they follow you, what they can expect from your Instagram profile.

A few examples of the first lines:

✨sharing trendy fashion + travel adventures

Lifestyle • Beauty • Fashion • Travel
I help women ditch the fad diets & build healthy habits to lose the weight & keep it off
Yoga Teacher & Active Lifestyle
• Daily Creative Art, Promotions
Medicine • Lifestyle • Travel

The second and third lines of the bio

These lines are some kind of open field. You have a great opportunity to list the features
of your product or service (in case you have a business profile) or point out some key
facts/social proof about yourself. Perhaps, you’ve been featured on some articles or
something like that. List it. Let people know that you are a real deal! These facts don’t
need to be something big and extraordinary, just make sure that it’s true and list them
even if it’s a small achievement.

If you are an influencer, you can add some contact details here. A few examples of 2nd
and 3rd lines:

General Surgery Resident

✨ Aspire to Inspire
South Florida

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Reutlingen, Germany

YouTube Deborah Ruiz

Founder of @deborahcosmetics

Beauty Blogger
Fashion Blogger
Hairstylist @nationsbarbershop
Boston LA

Bride-to-be | Philippians 4:13

Gulf Coast

God is love | empowerment | positivity

The fourth line of the bio

This line should be about your Call-To-Action. You need to make sure that people who visit
your profile are going to take action with you.

Tell them exactly what do you want them to do:

• Visit your website
• Buy something from you
• Follow your profile
• Listen to your music on Spotify
• Check out the most recent post in your blog
• Send you a DM to make a collaboration with you
• Subscribe for your newsletter
• DM you to get a discount code
• Leave a comment on my most recent post

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It can be everything you want them to do. Until you tell them to do the action, they won’t take
it. The more specific your Call-To-Action, the better results you’ll get. If you ask them to check
out your new collection or the most recent post in the blog, make sure to put the link on this
collection and the post instead of forwarding them to the main page.

A few examples of the 4th line:

Promos ∙ Collabs
Shop t-shirts
Check out here
Shop Online
VOTE for me

And the very last thing that makes your bio look twice better is emoji at the beginning of
the lines. You are fighting for visual attention and it’s a way easier for people to perceive
information when it is accompanied by an image. Keep it in mind and add the relevant emoji
to each of your lines and don’t forget to add the finger, pointing down or just an arrow,
pointing down in your 4th line with Call-to-action.

Perfect, now you have an amazing bio!

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How Instagram
Algorithm Works
How Feed algorithm works and what to post there

You should remember that Instagram is firstly a visual social network. Pictures are always more
important than text. For example, on Facebook, people view the text first and then pay their
attention to the image.

Content and consistency are the Kings! It all starts with the CONTENT! That’s why it’s going to
be the most significant part of this document.

The feed algorithm works the following way. If you post interesting content that is relevant to
your niche and matches with your followers’ interests, you will reach 50-70% of your followers.
And vice versa, if you post something irrelevant, you’ll only reach 10-15% of your followers.
And the longer you do it, the more time required to return the engagement. The main goal
of Instagram is to promote the accounts that post ENGAGING content. The more interesting
content you post -> the more time your followers will spend on Instagram -> the more paid Ads
Instagram will show to them -> the more money Instagram will earn. Just like that. Once again,
your goal is to keep your followers on the platform as long as possible.

Two more important things that most likely you’ve never thought about that matter way more
than likes and comments are SAVES and SHARES. This is another crucial part of Instagram’s
ranking algorithm. As been said, Instagram prefers promoting valuable and attractive content,
and saves and shares are exactly the metrics that show how engaging your content is.
Accordingly, there are a few ways you can get more saves and shares. The first way is posting
useful, interacting content that makes your follower save it to read later or share with their
friends; the second way is asking your followers to save your posts in the caption. I recommend
using both, but make sure not to ask to save your posts every time you upload something.

You should also clearly understand that Instagram is a social media, and the first goal of people
here is to consume entertaining content. Less than 3% of people open Instagram to buy some
products or services.

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When you are trying to sell something on Instagram, the first thing you should remember of
– be patient. Here applies the purchase decision cycle, and it varies a lot from niche to niche;
it can be from hours and days to weeks and months. The key to success on Instagram is a
consistent posting of quality USEFUL content that provides VALUE to your target audience
and potential clients. A quick example. When you sell something related to the nutrition
products, any supplements, or whatever, you should give them the information about how
they set their ration, the essential vitamins, and why they should use fish oil and all that stuff.
You provide them with free useful information and upsell your own supplements. It’s just an

Your first goal is to build credibility with your target audience, show them your expertise
in fitness and wellness, and provide them with the posts about how you can SOLVE THEIR
PROBLEM (for example, when they want to get fit or improve their health). Or, if they don’t
have any of these problems yet, you need to make them think of you when they got them.
To do this, you must constantly be in their sight. That’s why building trust and regular posting
of useful, relevant content is that important. Post different fitness tips, healthy living advice,
some nutrition tips, researches, and interesting facts. Remember about the saves and shares.

In general, according to the trends, lifestyle photos and videos work the best at the moment
on Instagram.

Posting frequency

You should regularly post in your feed if you want to keep

your engagement rate high and show your visitors that your
account is active. I suggest to post with a frequency of 1-2
days; this allows not to lose the reach and stay in touch with
your followers.

However, don’t upload too many posts daily as well as it can

annoy some of your followers and, sooner or later, they'll stop
liking your posts, which will decrease your engagement rate.
One posts per day or two is optimal unless you post some
viral content.

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Posting time

You can reach more followers by optimizing your posting time for when the majority of
your followers are online. You can find your best posting time by reviewing the Insights.

Tap three lines in the right top corner of your Instagram app and press the ‘Insights’
button. In the Overview tab, tap on the line with your Total Followers number. Scroll this
page down until you see the ‘Most Active Times’ module and compare the columns to
determine when most of your followers are using their app. That’s precisely the time you
should use for uploading your posts.

Note: you will only see this data if you have a business
Instagram enabled and more than 100 followers.

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Tag niche-related accounts and influencers in your niche

One more fantastic way to attract additional attention to your Instagram account is tagging more
significant accounts in your niche. When you post useful or engaging content, you have a good
chance to engage them in checking out your posts, or take a part in the discussion of the topic,
or just make them re-posting your post into their Stories. By doing this, you build niche-based
relationships, and it’s quite what you need. The critical point is to tag the profiles that are fitness-
related pages, magazines, and bloggers. Don’t tag too many ones as well. It’s better to keep with
3-5 tagging per post and make sure to mention different ones from post to post as it can be a little
annoying for them when you tag them over and over again.

What to write in the captions

Pictures are paramount, but the texts are important as well. The most efficient the captions that
are easy to read, and their length is between 500 and 1500 symbols. Instagram likes that kind of

Ideally, each of your captions should contain the keywords related to fitness, wellness, health,
gym, lifestyle, training, motivation, etc. Instagram ‘reads’ all the data from your profile, such as
name field, bio, captions, and hashtags. This way, they determine who to promote your account to,
what your content is about, and who is your target audience.
In the guide about crafting the converting bio, I also provide you with information on preparing
professional-looking captions. Make sure to check this information as well!

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Use stories daily

According to the researches, 1 billion people use Instagram every month, and 500 million
people use Instagram Stories DAILY. More to say, 78% of your followers watch Stories every
single day. That’s a massive amount of people. You shouldn’t miss the opportunity to build the
connections and relationships with your followers and your target audience as Stories is one of
the most powerful things on Instagram nowadays.

The number of stories that I highly advise you to upload daily is from 2 to 5. It’s some kind of a
golden mean.

There is no point in posting something extraordinary here. It can be everything from your life,
your plans, dreams, thoughts, activity, daily motivational and inspirational Stories, and so on.
Post short videos, quotes, or simply photos, you can even re-post the content or news relevant
to fitness and wellness.

Show the real life. Your followers will appreciate it! The more engagement, interactions, and
replies you get on your stories, the better the Instagram algorithm will promote your profile.
The stories algorithm works quite similar to the feed’s one here. Instagram wants people to
watch your stories as long as possible and interact with them. One way you can increase
the interactions with your stories is by using different stickers on it, such as polls, questions,
quizzes, etc.

Tip: one of the most efficient way to get interactions with your stories
is to ask your followers to ask you the questions and then answer them
by recording yourself answering the question. Extremely powerful!
Implement this into your strategy and do this kind of interaction weekly.

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Hack the stories

There is a little secret: you can use up to 10 hashtags in your Stories + 1 geo- location tag. You
need to add the ‘text’, then type one hashtag there, re-size to make it smaller or even hide,
then add the second ‘text’ and do the same. This way, you can add up to 10 hashtags into
your Stories to attract a new audience. Don’t forget to use the geo-location tag to drive the
traffic as well.

Tip: once you upload the post in your feed, tap ‘Paper airplane’ and then ‘Add
post to your story’ to post it in the stories. Then just add the hashtags that already
have been researched for you :)

Be responsive

As a part of the ranking algorithm, Instagram considers how many comments you are getting
on your posts and how quickly you react to them. My recommendation here is to try to
answer each comment, even if it’s obvious a spammy comment. Just write ‘thank you’ if you
feel that it’s a spam or something not related to the original topic.

I want to pay your attention to the one crucial thing about the algorithm and engagement. The
higher the engagement rate you have, the better the hashtags you use will perform. Do you
remember I mentioned that if you post engaging content, you’ll reach a higher percentage of
your followers in the feed? It’s directly correlated with the hashtags’ performance.

Your goal is to gain as many likes as possible in the first minutes after the posting. To achieve
that, you need to have good relationships with your followers. You should interact with them
and reply to their comments on your posts. This way, your posts will be higher in their feed ->
the chance that they’ll see it and like it higher because you appear higher in their feed. That’s
why you should interact with your audience and care a lot about your engagement rate. Do
everything to maintain but, but never use any boosters, engagement groups, DM groups, and
all that shady stuff.

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Interact with others in your niche
Out of all the information you read above, this daily action is one of the most important in
growing your account daily. This is what can bring you new followers, right here and right now.
What exactly you should do is interact with other profiles in your niche.

Browse your competitors’ accounts or just the pages similar to yours, visit their followers’
pages, and follow and like those who could potentially be interested in following your page.
Don’t bother following low quality/wrong niche accounts as you want your followers to be as
specific as possible! It doesn’t mean that you only need to follow them.

Your final goal is to build relationships with those, who followed you back, so make sure to
interact with their posts in the future as well. Don’t forget to unfollow those who hasn’t followed
you back later to avoid having a significant number on your followings list.

However, there is one way on how you can do it a bit easier. You can just browse other profiles
who posts with hashtags like:



#traininsane, and others…

Read their posts, leave meaningful comments, like their followers' comments, answer to them,
and network with like-minded people! It's a lot of work to launch a rocket, but once it's flying, it
gets faster and faster :)

Tip: you have an opportunity to follow the hashtag. You need to open any hashtags’ page
and tap the ‘follow’ button. Now the posts posted with this hashtag appear in your feed,
and you can like them, leave a comment and participate in discussions.

Strictly avoid leaving spam comments like follow me, check out my page, and all that stuff.
Instagram will punish you for that for sure. What I’m trying to ask you is to build connections
and relationships. Once you land on someone’s profile or post, you need to be respectful to the

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Participating in the topics is one of the best things you can do when you have free time. Just be
warm and supportive, pay respect to others. It’s one of the best ways to attract new followers
to your profile, and it’s free. But don’t too many actions on the posts of non-followers because
Instagram has some limits, and they differ from account to account. I’d recommend staying
under 15 comments/follows/likes hourly and 100 total actions daily.

10-minutes morning routine

As the previous task might be a bit time-consuming for you, there is one more option of what I
recommend you to do daily, spending just 10 minutes on it. All of these actions are directed to
keep your engagement rate high and continuously be on the sight of your followers.
1. Spend a few minutes just scrolling down your feed timeline and liking and commenting on all
the posts you enjoy. Most of them will see the notifications and some of them will check your
2. Then open your notifications tab on the Instagram app and check if you’ve got any new
followers at night. Visit their pages and likes a couple of their photos, leave a comment or just
send them a DM thanking for following;
3. Look through as many stories as you care to do and engage with them using the emojis that
show up - super easy and gets people talking. Don’t react to every story, just choose some
of those that are pop-ups;
4. Finally, open your followers’ list, scroll to the random ones, open a few random profiles, and
perform a couple of actions there.

That’s it. Performing these simple actions on a daily basis allows you to keep your engagement
rate high and organically grow your account.

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Hidden hashtags trick

There is one trick that you can use to completely hide the hashtags from your post when
uploading something to your profile. It’s hard to say that this method is very beneficial,
however, in some cases, it might be a great opportunity. In my opinion, there are two
instances when it can be useful:
1. You want to make your captions and comments look cleaner.
2. You don’t want your competitors (or someone else) to see what hashtags you use.

So let’s dive into the sweetest stuff. How can you hide the hashtags from your
post? Just follow the steps below:
1. First of all, you need to upload the post to your feed. It can be a picture, video, carousel;
it doesn’t matter. Don’t use hashtags in the caption.
2. Secondly, you copy your prepared set of hashtags into the clipboard and open your
freshly uploaded post.
3. Leave any comment on your post. In my case, I just used the fire emoji. After that,
answer to your OWN comment with the set of hashtags. In my case, I pasted only one
hashtag. The example is below:

4. Almost done. The last action you need to perform is to remove the initial comment,
which is fire emoji in my case. All done!
5. You can open any hashtags’ page and see that your post appears under them; however,
there are no hashtags visible in the caption or in the comments. You’ll also see the
impressions you receive from these hashtags in your Post’s Insights.

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 24
Analyze the performance of your hashtags

As already been said, it’s essential to change the sets of hashtags from post to post. Make
sure to monitor their performance to figure out what works the best. You can do this by
clicking ‘View Insights’ under each of your posts. Then you should swipe up and see how many
impressions you get on your posts from the hashtags.

There are different scenarios and approaches to what kind of actions to take after reviewing
the Insights.

Let’s discover the most common ones:

1. You get many impressions, but the likes are low – in this
case, you really need to re-work your content, perhaps
increase its quality, brightness, make it eye-catching or even
clickbaiting. In this scenario, your potential follower finds
your post using the hashtags, or explore page, or wherever
it appears. Still, they don’t click on it and don’t engage with
it as it’s not attractive enough. Another case here could be
using irrelevant hashtags or the hashtags that don’t really
represent your post/profile.
2. A lack of impressions or no impressions at all – if you have
a minimal number of impressions from hashtags, or you
don’t have them at all, it means that it’s worth giving a try to
another set of hashtags, especially when the same hashtags
perform the same on a few posts in a row.
3. You receive many impressions and likes, but this traffic
doesn’t bring you followers. This sometimes happens as well,
in this case, you need to re-work your Call-To-Actions in
your captions and bio. Tell your audience that you want them
to start following your profile. Don’t be afraid of doing that
even in your captions.
4. You get impressions, likes, and followers – this is the perfect
scenario. It means that everything works just fine, you
shouldn’t do too many adjustments to your profile. Like if it
ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 25
However, there is one thing that you should be aware of as well. Keep in mind that in last months
Instagram changed something in the way of how you see the impressions from the hashtags. Or
it’s just a glitch, who knows. The point is that sometimes you don’t have any impressions from the
hashtags in your Post’s Insights, although I know that post has ranked in the top-9 section of some
big hashtags.

You can’t do anything about that, just keep it in mind that sometimes Instagram doesn’t show you
the correct stats of your reach.

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 26
How To Write Perfect
Instagram Captions

Professional-looking Instagram captions

I don’t want this guide to be too long as well. You should understand that the key moments
of creating the great caption may vary depending on the type of your profile.

A quick brief of what you should write in your captions depending on the type of your

• Personal profile (lifestyle blog/personal blog/musician/artist/beauty

blog, traveler): storytelling, describing emotions and feelings, using emojis;

• Professional profile (professional blog/business profile): show your

expertise, provide value to your followers, some free tips, tricks, secrets,
problem-solving texts, describe the advantages and benefits of your product
or service;

• Fun/meme/quotes/facts page: write facts, quotes, your opinions on

• the original picture/video, do everything to make your followers share your

posts with their friends, colleagues and so on. Go viral!

But still, there are some general ultimate rules that you should implement in your
captions strategy. I will provide some examples of great-looking captions in the
end, but now let’s dive into the technical stuff.

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Headlines (first line of your caption)

This is the most important line of your text. If you don’t catch the reader’s attention in 1
second by writing a killer and attention-grabbing headline, all the text below makes no
sense. They won’t even read it.

Tip: use capital letters (CAPS LOCK) in your first line to stand out from others.

Build a structure of your text

Divide your text into paragraphs and add line breaks to your text. Our brain isn’t prepared
for reading long sentences especially on Instagram where your reader’s main goal is to
consume the content and spend their time.

Your text should be easy to read as well.

Use niche-related keywords

As a part of the ranking algorithm, Instagram decides who to show your posts by reading
your name field, your bio, your captions, and your hashtags. Make sure to use a couple of
niche-related keywords in your captions to make it easier for Instagram to understand what
is your text and profile about. If you are, for example, a travel blogger, include a couple of
travel-related keywords in your caption.

Include emojis in your captions

Emojis are good to catch the reader’s attention as well. Use some bright ones, but don’t
forget to make sure that they are really relevant to the text you are writing.

Emojis can help you to build structure, for example, if you want to list something.

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Compare these 2:

1 dl (70g) pine nuts;
3 cloves of garlic;
juice of 1/4
4 tbsp nutritional yeast; 1/2 tsp salt;
1/4 dl olive oil;
Basil leaves from 1 plant

Care about your reader and make everything to make your texts as easy-to-
read as possible.

Tag users

Tag those who might be interested in the topic to grab their attention and call to take
participate in the following topic or those who were a part of this story. By doing this you
engage them to leave a comment and start a discussion under your post. Don’t tag too
many users because it may annoy them if you do it too often.


The most interesting and one of the most important parts of your caption.
As well as in your bio, you should tell your reader exactly what do you want
them to do after reading your caption. You have big freedom of different
call-to-actions here.

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 29
The most useful call-to-actions:
• Double tap if you liked this
• Tag someone who would appreciate this
• Click on our bio link @putYOURusername to shop now
• What are your plans for today? Or What do you think about that? (yes, the
questions are a call-to-actions as well because they encourage your reader to
leave a comment and start the conversation)
• Which one do you like the most? (in case you uploaded the carousel of photos and
asking for help to choose the best one. It works perfectly)
• Send me a DM right now to get a free consultation!
• Follow me @putYOURusername if you like the posts like that

Tip: I told you many times that you need to stand out of others and increase the
engagement. And here is one more amazing tip on how to do it. Instagram allows
you to use different fonts in your captions, you get the idea, right? :)

Why not take full advantage of it? Just visit and paste your call-to-
action there. That’s a quick example of what you can get:

And so on. You will get tons of different fonts with your text. I’d recommend choosing the
bold one if you want to stand out of the rest users :)

One more thing I want to prevent you from is using CTA’s in each of your posts. Make
it look genuine, don’t ask your followers to do something every single post, because
sooner or later they can stop interacting with you because of that.

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Some examples of great captions to
take inspiration from them
(taken from Instagram)

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 31
This one is my favorite! Just amazing one!

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All Fitness #Hashtags You

Should Be Using For Growth

Low competition hashtags (44)

#trainingonline #gettingstrong #fatlosscoaching #fitnessandnutrition
#onlinecoachingfitnessplan #fitvideo #fitnessmindset #exerciseaddict
#thefitlife #stayingontrack #onlinefitnesstrainer #mindmuscleconnection
#itsgymtime #workoutaddict #smashyourgoals #healthandfitnessjourney
#crossfitstyle #fitandstrong #onlinetrainingcoach #ptonline #fitpeople
#personaltrainerintraining #trainsmarter #nutritionfirst #strengthbuilding
#onlinefatlosscoaching #personalfitnesstrainer #strengthtrain
#onlinefitnesstraining #strenghtraining #bodyengineers #workoutplans
#gymtransformation #traininggoals #crossfithealth #gymmotivations
#onlinepersonaltrainers #personaltrainingonline #setgoalsandcrushthem
#highintensitytraining #weightraining #fitnesstrainerslife #fitnesstrainers

Medium competition hashtags (44)

#performancecoach #nutritioncoaching #fitnessadvice #stayconsistent
#healthymindset #workoutinspo #stayontrack #fitnessdedication
#trainingprogram #traininsane #onlinefitnesscoaching #fatlosscoach
#trainingplan #gyminspiration #fitnessaddicted #gettinginshape
#strenghttraining #balancedlife #crossfitmotivation #strongbodystrongmind
#workoutroutines #personaltrainers #bodytransformations #fitnessmode
#onlinefitness #fitnesscoaching #onlinenutritioncoach #crossfitlifestyle
#onlinepersonaltrainer #personaltrainerlife #fitnessinspo #conditioningtraining
#onlinecoachingprogram #nutritionmatters #fitnesstime #workoutideas
#coretraining #fitnessnutrition #workoutplan #fitnessprogress
#functionalstrength #trainharder #coreexercises #fitnesstraining

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 33
High competition hashtags (27)
#healthybodyhealthymind #nutritioncoach #coachingonline
#fitnesstransformation #healthandfitness #onlinetraining #fitnessforlife
#fitnesscoach #fatlosstips #strongereveryday #anytimefitness #healthyhabits
#mealplan #exercisemotivation #onlinecoach #trainingmotivation
#strengthandconditioning #fitnesstrainer #workoutvideos #healthjourney
#virtuallearning #functionalfitness #onlinecoaching #consistencyiskey
#fitinspiration #wellnesscoach #nutritiontips

Your personalized hashtags strategy (recommended number of hashtags to pick from each
bracket), and the recommendations on how to use the hashtags in the most efficient way
you can find in your profile review document!

Your personalized hashtags strategy (recommended number of hashtags to pick from each
bracket), and the recommendations on how to use the hashtags in the most efficient way
you can find in your profile review document!

The ready-to-use sets you can find below. I’ve crafted sets of 28 hashtags and 15
hashtags for you to have the freedom of testing different combinations (more about why
it’s important you can find in your profile review document).

Note: when you are posting, don't forget to go through the set and check that all
the hashtags are relevant to the post. If not, replace not relevant ones with the
better ones. I can’t predict what exactly you’ll be posting so it’s always better to
check once again by yourself.

15 Ready-to-use sets of hashtags of 28 hashtags

#onlinefatlosscoaching #workoutplans #mindmuscleconnection #gettingstrong
#personaltrainerintraining #fitnessandnutrition #smashyourgoals
#bestversionofyourself #highintensitytraining #onlinepersonaltrainers
#strengthbuilding #trainingonline #personaltrainingonline #fatlosscoaching
#fitnesstime #workoutideas #bodytransformations #onlinefitness
#fitnessnutrition #fitnessmode #workoutplan #personaltrainers
#trainingprogram #trainharder #healthyhabits #consistencyiskey #fatlosstips

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 34
#onlinetrainingcoach #personalfitnesstrainer #smashyourgoals
#fitnesstrainerslife #gymmotivations #weightraining #onlinefatlosscoaching
#gettingstrong #setgoalsandcrushthem #nutritionfirst #gymtransformation
#stayingontrack #personaltrainingonline #fitnesstrainers #performancecoach
#fitnessnutrition #fitnessaddicted #fitnessadvice #workoutroutines
#healthymindset #stayconsistent #coreexercises #coretraining
#crossfitmotivation #nutritiontips #exercisemotivation #fatlosstips

#mindmuscleconnection #exerciseaddict #strenghtraining

#onlinetrainingcoach #onlinefitnesstrainer #gymtransformation #fitnessmindset
#itsgymtime #personaltrainerintraining #crossfithealth #gymmotivations
#fatlosscoaching #stayingontrack #onlinecoachingfitnessplan
#strongbodystrongmind #onlinecoachingprogram #nutritioncoaching
#gyminspiration #personaltrainers #balancedlife #fitnessdedication
#stayconsistent #fitnessnutrition #onlinefitness #onlinecoach
#functionalfitness #exercisemotivation #strongereveryday

#fitpeople #fitvideo #smashyourgoals #itsgymtime #highintensitytraining

#fatlosscoaching #personaltrainerintraining #onlinefitnesstraining
#strengthbuilding #onlinefitnesstrainer #personaltrainingonline
#exerciseaddict #fitnessandnutrition #weightraining #nutritioncoaching
#fitnessmode #trainingplan #performancecoach #strongbodystrongmind
#balancedlife #onlinecoachingprogram #trainharder #onlinefitnesscoaching
#onlinenutritioncoach #onlinecoaching #strengthandconditioning
#fitnesstrainer #coachingonline

#mindmuscleconnection #fitnesstrainers #fitvideo #bestversionofyourself

#fitnessandnutrition #gymmotivations #workoutplans #nutritionfirst
#strenghtraining #onlinefatlosscoaching #strengthbuilding #weightraining
#gettingstrong #stayingontrack #fitnesstraining #fitnessprogress
#workoutroutines #stayontrack #personaltrainers #crossfitmotivation
#personaltrainerlife #fitnessnutrition #crossfitlifestyle #fatlosscoach
#onlinetraining #nutritiontips #healthandfitness #fatlosstips

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 35
#thefitlife #fitandstrong #workoutplans #fatlosscoaching
#personaltrainerintraining #fitnessandnutrition #traininggoals #gymmotivations
#strengthbuilding #strenghtraining #itsgymtime #strengthtrain
#onlinefatlosscoaching #stayingontrack #stayconsistent #crossfitmotivation
#onlinepersonaltrainer #fitnessadvice #fitnesscoaching #workoutinspo
#fitnessprogress #stayontrack #nutritioncoaching #trainingplan #healthyhabits
#virtuallearning #trainingmotivation #consistencyiskey

#exerciseaddict #stayingontrack #onlinefatlosscoaching #fitandstrong

#thefitlife #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #nutritionfirst #personalfitnesstrainer
#fitnessandnutrition #traininggoals #itsgymtime #workoutaddict
#gymtransformation #workoutplans #trainharder #workoutinspo
#onlinepersonaltrainer #stayontrack #crossfitmotivation #performancecoach
#fitnessnutrition #fitnesstime #balancedlife #fitnessinspo #healthyhabits
#nutritioncoach #virtuallearning #anytimefitness

#personalfitnesstrainer #fitandstrong #fitnessandnutrition #traininggoals

#itsgymtime #bestversionofyourself #weightraining #personaltrainerintraining
#strenghtraining #stayingontrack #fitpeople #workoutaddict #fitnesstrainers
#gymmotivations #coretraining #bodytransformations #fitnesstime
#fitnessinspo #conditioningtraining #trainingplan #strongbodystrongmind
#fatlosscoach #fitnessadvice #nutritioncoaching #fatlosstips #nutritioncoach
#functionalfitness #virtuallearning

#personaltrainerintraining #exerciseaddict #strenghtraining #weightraining

#onlinefitnesstrainer #workoutplans #ptonline #fitnessandnutrition
#onlinetrainingcoach #onlinefitnesstraining #gymmotivations #gettingstrong
#mindmuscleconnection #fitnesstrainers #fitnessnutrition
#onlinecoachingprogram #onlinepersonaltrainer #nutritioncoaching
#workoutinspo #fitnessmode #gyminspiration #performancecoach
#fitnesscoaching #strongbodystrongmind #fitnessforlife
#healthybodyhealthymind #nutritiontips #healthjourney
#ptonline #personaltrainerintraining #traininggoals #bestversionofyourself
#fitandstrong #weightraining #gymmotivations #nutritionfirs #fitnesstrainerslife
#onlinepersonaltrainers #crossfithealth #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #smashyourgoals
#strenghtraining #coreexercises #workoutinspo #workoutplan #onlinefitnesscoaching
#crossfitlifestyle #fitnessinspo #fitnesscoaching #trainharder #conditioningtraining
#coretraining #fitnesscoach #onlinetraining #coachingonline #wellnesscoach

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 36
#trainsmarter #fitandstrong #fitnessmindset #crossfithealth
#onlinefitnesstrainer #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #healthandfitnessjourney
#trainingonline #crossfitstyle #nutritionfirst #fitnessandnutrition #workoutplans
#gymmotivations #onlinefatlosscoaching #stayontrack #stayconsistent
#trainingplan #trainharder #gettinginshape #conditioningtraining
#workoutroutines #trainingprogram #nutritionmatters #fitnesscoaching
#fitnessforlife #wellnesscoach #healthyhabits #consistencyiskey

#ptonline #gettingstrong #personalfitnesstrainer #exerciseaddict

#crossfithealth #fitnessmindset #bodyengineers #bestversionofyourself
#strenghtraining #fitnessandnutrition #stayingontrack #gymtransformation
#onlinefitnesstraining #onlinefitnesstrainer #workoutideas #trainingplan
#fitnesscoaching #fitnessadvice #performancecoach #balancedlife
#workoutplan #onlinefitness #crossfitmotivation #nutritionmatters
#nutritioncoach #onlinecoaching #consistencyiskey #strongereveryday

#workoutaddict #fitnesstrainers #gettingstrong #healthandfitnessjourney #fitvideo

#stayingontrack #workoutplans #onlinefitnesstraining #onlinefatlosscoaching
#personalfitnesstrainer #crossfitstyle #strengthbuilding #gymtransformation #nutritionfirst
#personaltrainerlife #healthymindset #workoutplan #onlinefitnesscoaching #gettinginshape
#personaltrainers #performancecoach #strenghttraining #bodytransformations
#fitnessdedication #onlinecoach #exercisemotivation #trainingmotivation

#onlinecoachingfitnessplan #strengthbuilding #itsgymtime #traininggoals

#onlinefatlosscoaching #fitnesstrainerslife #setgoalsandcrushthem
#gymtransformation #thefitlife #bestversionofyourself #nutritionfirst
#stayingontrack #healthandfitnessjourney #highintensitytraining
#performancecoach #workoutroutines #stayontrack #workoutplan
#stayconsistent #fitnessdedication #strenghttraining #fitnesstraining
#fitnessmode #personaltrainers #fitnesstransformation #trainingmotivation
#healthybodyhealthymind #fitnesstrainer

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 37
#fitnessandnutrition #onlinefatlosscoaching #personaltrainerintraining
#gettingstrong #ptonline #strenghtraining #nutritionfirst
#personaltrainingonline #exerciseaddict #strengthbuilding #gymtransformation
#workoutaddict #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #strengthtrain #stayontrack
#performancecoach #workoutroutines #trainingprogram #fitnessadvice
#fitnesstime #onlinefitness #fatlosscoach #fitnesscoaching #crossfitmotivation
#healthjourney #fatlosstips #coachingonline #nutritioncoach

15 Ready-to-use sets of hashtags of 15 hashtags

#workoutplans #onlinefatlosscoaching #trainingonline #trainsmarter
#itsgymtime #personalfitnesstrainer #gettingstrong #onlinecoachingprogram
#trainingplan #gyminspiration #coreexercises #onlinenutritioncoach
#fitnessaddicted #fitinspiration #anytimefitness

#bestversionofyourself #personaltrainerintraining #fitnessandnutrition

#smashyourgoals #fitpeople #strengthtrain #itsgymtime #workoutplan
#strenghttraining #fitnessaddicted #balancedlife #fitnesstime
#fitnessdedication #onlinecoach #virtuallearning

#workoutplans #bestversionofyourself #strengthtrain #nutritionfirst

#gymtransformation #crossfithealth #personaltrainingonline #fitnessadvice
#stayconsistent #fitnessaddicted #trainharder #fitnesstraining #workoutideas
#healthjourney #fitnessforlife

#thefitlife #onlinetrainingcoach #itsgymtime #fitvideo #strenghtraining

#fitandstrong #healthandfitnessjourney #fitnesscoaching #healthymindset
#nutritionmatters #coretraining #gettinginshape #stayconsistent
#strengthandconditioning #healthyhabits

#crossfithealth #thefitlife #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #strenghtraining

#trainingonline #fitvideo #strengthbuilding #workoutinspo #fatlosscoach
#coreexercises #gettinginshape #fitnessaddicted #strongbodystrongmind
#fatlosstips #trainingmotivation

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 38
#stayingontrack #workoutaddict #fitnesstrainerslife #highintensitytraining
#onlinepersonaltrainers #crossfitstyle #healthandfitnessjourney
#stayconsistent #strenghttraining #fitnessinspo #crossfitmotivation
#onlinepersonaltrainer #fitnessdedication #fatlosstips #workoutvideos

#fatlosscoaching #onlinetrainingcoach #trainsmarter #onlinecoachingfitnessplan

#fitnesstrainerslife #stayingontrack #personaltrainerintraining #functionalstrength
#crossfitlifestyle #nutritionmatters #strenghttraining #fitnessnutrition #gettinginshape
#virtuallearning #trainingmotivation

#strengthtrain #strenghtraining #fitpeople #personaltrainerintraining #gymtransformation

#stayingontrack #itsgymtime #fitnesstime #fitnessinspo #crossfitmotivation #fitnessadvice
#onlinecoachingprogram #workoutroutines #consistencyiskey #mealplan

#thefitlife #personaltrainerintraining #onlinepersonaltrainers #gymmotivations

#onlinetrainingcoach #ptonline #fitvideo #conditioningtraining #nutritionmatters #gyminspiration
#stayconsistent #nutritioncoaching#fitnesscoaching #anytimefitness #healthandfitness

#trainingonline #gymmotivations #fatlosscoaching #setgoalsandcrushthem

#onlinefatlosscoaching #itsgymtime #strenghtraining #fitnesscoaching #performancecoach
#fitnessdedication #balancedlife #traininsane #personaltrainers #strongereveryday

#onlinefatlosscoaching #strengthtrain #bestversionofyourself #gettingstrong #thefitlife

#onlinepersonaltrainers #traininggoals #traininsane #fitnessdedication #workoutinspo
#strenghttraining #fitnesscoaching #crossfitmotivation #onlinetraining #healthandfitness

#trainingonline #fitnessandnutrition #onlinepersonaltrainers #fitpeople #onlinefitnesstraining

#nutritionfirst #weightraining #personaltrainers #onlinecoachingprogram #fitnessnutrition
#fitnesscoaching #fitnessadvice #traininsane #fatlosstips #nutritiontips

#weightraining #onlinefitnesstraining #fitnessandnutrition #strengthbuilding

#bestversionofyourself #nutritionfirst #personaltrainingonline #trainingprogram #fitnesscoaching
#fitnesstime #coretraining #fitnessaddicted #fitnesstraining #onlinetraining #strongereveryday

#setgoalsandcrushthem #onlinefitnesstrainer #onlinefatlosscoaching #traininggoals

#strengthtrain #fitnesstrainerslife #trainingonline #personaltrainers #workoutinspo #coreexercises
#trainingprogram #trainingplan #gyminspiration #trainingmotivation #onlinetraining

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 39
#ptonline #strengthbuilding #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #gymtransformation
#fitnessandnutrition #onlinepersonaltrainers #stayingontrack #onlinenutritioncoach
#workoutinspo #gettinginshape #trainingprogram #fitnesstraining #functionalstrength
#onlinetraining #fitnesstransformation

Useful Resources That You Can Use To

Optimize Your Workflow
Useful resources that you can use to optimize your workflow,
save your time or improve your Instagram strategy

Multiple Links in your Website field: – allows you to build a small landing with multiple links and drive your audience to
the different pages or resources. – same as, but have more useful features.

Posts Scheduling Tools:
Facebook Creator Studio

Automate your Social Media tasks across all the platforms:

Track your Instagram performance or monitor the competitors’ accounts

Awesome fonts generator for Instagram. Allows to stand out from the rest and attract
additional attention

Add subtitles to your videos with speech and upload it adapt it to multiple platforms (paid service, but have some free plans with limitations)

U LT I M AT E # H A S H TA G G U I D E F O R F I T N E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N 2 0 2 1 40

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