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High Psionics

Author: Philip J Leco, II
Editors: Andreas Rönnqvist, Jeremy Smith
Cover Illustration: John Milner
Interior Illustrations: Gerald Lee, Rick Hershey
Proofreading: Iain Fyffe
Design / Layout: Jeremy Smith

Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books and the Expanded Psionics Handbook,
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The mind is a powerful tool, the one thing Cleaving Blade
capable of overcoming any problem. For some,
it is also a weapon, a physical manifestation more Most soulknives are focused on speed, on quick
than capable of cutting through the body’s inherent strikes and fancy maneuvers. Their combat style
frailty. An expression of one’s mental strength, the is inherently flashy, and they are often prone to
mind blade is an ideal representation of the mind’s showing off. Others, however, favor brute force,
power. exercising their power simply by crushing their
Yet this power is inherently limited, doing the foes beneath their unforgiving strength.
same thing for one as it does for another... until These soulknives tend to shape their blades
now. Within this tome, you will find options for all into large forms, remiscent of a greatsword, even
soulknives, wielders of the mind blade. It houses when they are neophytes still new to their abilities,
multiple options, including variants, feats, and capable of doing no more damage than a short
items, all designed to improve your mind blade or sword. To them, it’s a statement of who they are
enhance its versatility. and what kind of potential they have, not of what
All options presented within will provide they can do right now.
information on how they interact with the soulknife
in the Expanded Psionics Handbook and with the Hit Die: d10
variant soulknife presented in Untapped Potential:
New Horizons in Psionics. Remember that the CLASS SKILLS
material presented within is entirely optional, and The cleaving blade’s class skills are:
is welcome to be used only in parts. Most options Autohypnosis, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Hide,
will not rely on other portions to function. Indeed, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (psionics), Listen,
many choices are designed so that you can use more Move Silently, Profession, and Spot.
than one option to similar results, choosing which Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4.
option best fits your campaign and/or character. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int
Variant Soulknives CLASS FEATURES
All of the following are class features of the
Below you will find several variations on the
cleaving blade.
soulknife base class presented in the Expanded
Mind Blade (Su): As a move action, a cleaving
Psionics Handbook. While similar to substitution
blade can create a semisolid blade composed of
levels or variant class features, these variations
psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The
are a little more extensive than the above options,
blade is identical in all ways (except visually) to
modifying the entire class from level 1 to 20.
a short sword of a size appropriate for its wielder.

For instance, a Medium cleaving blade materializes weapons can be used on a mind blade.
a Medium mind blade that he can wield as a light A cleaving blade’s mind blade improves as the
weapon, and the blade deals 1d6 points of damage character gains higher levels. At 4th level and
(crit 19–20/x2). Cleaving blades who are smaller every four levels thereafter, the mind blade gains a
or larger than Medium create mind blades identical cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls
to short swords appropriate for their size, with a and damage rolls (+2 at 8th level, +3 at 12th level,
corresponding change to the blade’s damage. The +4 at 16th level, and +5 at 20th level).
wielder of a mind blade gains the usual benefits to Even in places where psionic effects do not
his attack roll and damage roll from a high Strength normally function (such as within a null psionics
bonus. field), a cleaving blade can attempt to sustain his
The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 mind blade by making a DC 20 Will save. On a
and 10 hit points); however, a cleaving blade can successful save, the cleaving blade maintains his
simply create another on his next move action. The mind blade for a number of rounds equal to his
moment he relinquishes his grip on his blade, it class level before he needs to check again. On an
dissipates (unless he intends to throw it; see below). unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes.
A mind blade is considered a magic weapon for the As a move action on his turn, the cleaving blade
purpose of overcoming damage reduction. can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize his
A cleaving blade can use feats such as Power mind blade while he remains within the psionics
Attack or Combat Expertise in conjunction with negating effect.
the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon. Weapon Focus (Mind Blade): A cleaving blade
He can also choose mind blade for feats requiring gains Weapon Focus (mind blade) as a bonus feat.
a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Wild Talent: A cleaving blade gains Wild
Specialization. Powers or spells that upgrade Talent as a bonus feat. (This class feature provides


Base Attack
Level Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Mind blade, Weapon Focus (mind blade), Wild Talent
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Power Attack
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Psychic strike +1d8
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 +1 mind blade
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Free draw, shape mind blade
6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Cleave, mind blade enhancement +1
7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 Psychic strike +2d8
8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 +2 mind blade
9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (mind blade)
10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Mind blade enhancement +2
11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +3 +7 Psychic strike +3d8
12th +12/+7/+2 +4 +4 +8 +3 mind blade
13th +13/+8/+3 +4 +4 +8 Knife to the soul
14th +14/+9/+4 +4 +4 +9 Mind blade enhancement +3
15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +5 +9 Psychic strike +4d8
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +10 +4 mind blade
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Supreme cleave
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Mind blade enhancement +4
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Psychic strike +5d8
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 +5 mind blade

the character with the psionic power he needs to Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feat). If a
materialize his mind blade, if he has no power cleaving blade shapes his mind blade into the form
points otherwise.) of a bastard sword and wields it two-handed, he
Power Attack (Ex): A cleaving blade gains adds 1-1/2 times his Strength bonus to his damage
Power Attack as a bonus feat at 2nd level, even if he rolls, just like when using any other two-handed
does not meet the prerequisites. This replaces the weapon.
Throw Mind Blade class feature normally gained Alternatively, a cleaving blade can split his mind
at 2nd level. blade into two identical short swords, suitable for
Psychic Strike (Su): As a move action, a fighting with a weapon in each hand. (The normal
cleaving blade of 3rd level or higher can imbue his penalties for fighting with two weapons apply.)
mind blade with destructive psychic energy. This However, both mind blades have an enhancement
effect deals an extra 1d8 points of damage to the bonus 1 lower than the cleaving blade would
next living, nonmindless target he successfully otherwise create with a single mind blade.
hits with a melee attack (or ranged attack, if he Free Draw (Su): At 5th level, a cleaving blade
is using the throw mind blade ability). Creatures becomes able to materialize his mind blade as a
immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to free action instead of a move action. He can make
psychic strike damage. (Unlike the rogue’s sneak only one attempt to materialize the mind blade per
attack, the psychic strike is not precision damage round, however.
and can affect creatures otherwise immune to extra Cleave (Ex): A cleaving blade gains Cleave as a
damage from critical hits or more than 30 feet away, bonus feat at 6th level, even if he does not meet the
provided they are living, nonmindless creatures not prerequisites.
immune to mind-affecting effects.) This replaces the standard soulknife’s Speed of
A mind blade deals this extra damage only once Thought bonus feat.
when this ability is called upon, but a cleaving Mind Blade Enhancement (Su): At 6th level,
blade can imbue his mind blade with psychic a cleaving blade gains the ability to enhance his
energy again by taking another move action. mind blade. He can add any one of the weapon
Once a cleaving blade has prepared his blade for special abilities on the table below that has an
a psychic strike, it holds the energy until it is used. enhancement bonus value of +1.
Even if the cleaving blade drops the mind blade (or At every four levels beyond 6th (10th, 14th, and
it otherwise dissipates, such as when it is thrown 18th), the value of the enhancement a cleaving
and misses), it is still imbued with psychic energy blade can add to his weapon improves to +2, +3,
when the cleaving blade next materializes it. and +4, respectively. A cleaving blade can choose
At every four levels beyond 3rd (7th, 11th, any combination of weapon special abilities that
15th, and 19th), the extra damage from a cleaving does not exceed the total allowed by the cleaving
blade’s psychic strike increases as shown on the blade’s level.
Table above. The weapon ability or abilities remain the same
Free Draw (Su): At 5th level, a cleaving blade
becomes able to materialize his mind blade as a
free action instead of a move action. He can make
only one attempt to materialize the mind blade per
round, however.
Shape Mind Blade (Su): At 5th level, a cleaving
blade gains the ability to change the form of his
mind blade. As a fullround action, he can change
his mind blade to replicate a longsword (damage
1d8 for a Medium weapon wielded as a one-
handed weapon) or a bastard sword (damage 1d10
for a Medium weapon, but he must wield it as a
two-handed weapon unless he knows the Exotic

every time the cleaving blade materializes his mind psychic strike damages and the division of ability
blade (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; see damage and extra dice of damage when he imbues
below). his mind blade with the psychic strike energy.
Enhancement Bonus Supreme Cleave (Ex): A cleaving blade is a
Weapon Special Ability Value whirlwind of fury, striding through the battlefield
Distance +1 as he tears into his enemies. Starting at 17th level,
a cleaving blade may take a 5-foot step between
Keen +1
cleaves, up to his movement rate.
Lucky* +1 This replaces the standard soulknife’s multiple
Ghost Touch +1 throw ability.
Merciful +1
Psychokinetic* +1 Racial Specialty Levels
The racial specialty levels for the soulknife
Seeking +1
presented in Untapped Potential: New Horizons
Collision* +2 in Psionics can be changed to use the variant
Mindcrusher* +2 soulknives presented here.
Psychokinetic burst* +2 Half-Giant Soulknife: The half-giant soulknife
Suppression* +2 gains Power Attack instead of Stand Still as a bonus
feat at 1st level, though it still replaces Wild Talent.
Wounding +2
He gains Cleave at 2nd level in place of the Throw
Bodyfeeder* +3 Mind Blade class features. He still gains Roots of
Mindfeeder* +3 Strength at 6th level in place of Speed of Thought,
Soulbreaker* +3 and gains Great Cleave and Supreme Cleave as
*From the Expanded Psionics Handbook
Xeph Soulknife: Change Skill Points at 1st level
to (6 + Int modifier) x4 and change Skill Points at
A cleaving blade can reassign the ability or
Each Additional Level to 6 + Int modifier. A xeph
abilities he has added to his mind blade. To do so,
soulknife gains Power Attack at 1st level in place of
he must first spend 8 hours in concentration. After
Wild Talent. He gains Cleave at 2nd level in place
that period, the mind blade materializes with the
of Speed of Thought. He gains all other abilities as
new ability or abilities selected by the throwing
normal for the xeph racial substitution levels and
the cleaving blade variant levels. A xeph soulknife
Great Cleave: A cleaving blade gains the Great
never gains Speed of Thought as a bonus feat,
Cleave feat as a bonus feat at 9th level, even if he
though he may still choose it as a normal feat.
does not meet the prerequisites.
This replaces the standard soulknife’s bladewind
class feature. Dual Blade
Greater Weapon Focus (Mind Blade): A
cleaving blade gains Greater Weapon Focus (mind All soulknives learn to split their mental energy
blade) as a bonus feat at 9th level, even if he does in some way, forming two blades used to tear into
not meet the prerequisites. their enemies. To most, this is merely another
Knife to the Soul (Su): Beginning at 13th level, ability, an additional use of their power, but nothing
when a cleaving blade executes a psychic strike, particularly spectacular.
he can choose to substitute Intelligence, Wisdom, But there are others to whis this ability is not
or Charisma damage (his choice) for extra dice of merely a representation of their power, it is their
damage. For each die of extra damage he gives up, power. It is a representation of the dichotomy of
he deals 1 point of damage to the ability score he the human mind, a manifestation of the duality of
chooses. A cleaving blade can combine extra dice the mental process, the ultimate demonstration of
of damage and ability damage in any combination. a mind linked and cooperative, with no one side
The cleaving blade decides which ability score his dominating the other.

Hit Die: d8 are smaller or larger than Medium create mind
blades identical to daggers appropriate for their
CLASS SKILLS size, with a corresponding change to the blades’
The dual blade’s class skills are: Autohypnosis, damage. The wielder of mind blades gains the
Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Hide, Jump, usual benefits to his attack roll and damage roll
Knowledge (psionics), Listen, Move Silently, from a high Strength bonus. When attacking with
Profession, Spot, and Tumble. both blades, he may only add ½ his Strength bonus
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4. to damage rolls with his off-hand attack.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int The blades can be broken (they have hardness
modifier. 10 and 10 hit points); however, a dual blade can
simply create two more on his next move action.
CLASS FEATURES The moment he relinquishes his grip on his blades,
All of the following are class features of the dual they dissipate. A mind blade is considered a magic
blade. weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage
Dual Blade (Su): Starting as 1st level, a dual reduction.
blade can create two semi-solid blades composed A dual blade can use feats such as Weapon
of psychic energy distilled from his own mind as Finesse or Combat Expertise in conjunction with
a move action. The blades are identical in all ways the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon.
(except visually) to a dagger of a size appropriate He can also choose mind blade for feats requiring a
for its wielder. For instance, a Medium dual blade specific weapon choice, such as Improved Critical.
materializes two Medium mind blades that he can Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used
wield as light weapons, and the blades deal 1d4 on a mind blade.
points of damage (crit 19–20/x2). Dual blades who A dual blade’s mind blades improve as the
character gains higher levels. At 4th level and
Table 2 - DUAL BLADE
Base Attack
Level Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Dual blade (dagger), Weapon Focus (mind blade), Wild Talent
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Two-Weapon Fighting
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Two-Weapon Defense (+1)
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 mind blade
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Free draw, dual blade (shortsword)
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Mind blade enhancement +1, Speed of Thought
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Two-Weapon Defense (+2)
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 +2 mind blade
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Greater Weapon Focus (mind blade), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Mind blade enhancement +2
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Two-Weapon Defense (+3)
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 +3 mind blade
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Dual strike
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Mind blade enhancement +3
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Two-Weapon Defense (+4)
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 +4 mind blade
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Mind blade enhancement +4
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Two-Weapon Defense (+5)
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 +5 mind blade

every four levels thereafter, the mind blades gain a This replaces the standard soulknife’s mind blade
cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls class feature and shape mind blade class feature
and damage rolls (+2 at 8th level, +3 at 12th level, normally gained at 1st and 5th levels, respectively.
+4 at 16th level, and +5 at 20th level). Weapon Focus (Mind Blade): A dual blade
Even in places where psionic effects do not gains Weapon Focus (mind blade) as a bonus feat.
normally function (such as within a null psionics Wild Talent: A dual blade gains Wild Talent as a
field), a dual blade can attempt to sustain his mind bonus feat. (This class feature provides the character
blades by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful with the psionic power he needs to materialize his
save, the dual blade maintains his mind blades for a mind blade, if he has no power points otherwise.)
number of rounds equal to his class level before he Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): A dual blade gains
needs to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt, Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat at 2nd level,
the mind blades vanish. As a move action on his even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
turn, the dual blade can attempt a new Will save This replaces the standard soulknife’s throw
to rematerialize his mind blades while he remains mind blade class feature.
within the psionics-negating effect. Two-Weapon Defense (Ex): The dual blade
At 5th level, a dual blade’s mind blades function gains Two-Weapon Defense as a bonus feat at 3rd
as short swords, meaning they deal 1d6 points of level, even if he does not meet the prerequisites,
damage (crit 19-20/x2). but only when wielding his mind blades.

Variant Soulknives and Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics

The variant soulknives presented here are based 6th level bonus feat. This replaces the standard
off the original soulknife class presented in the bonus feat gained at 6th level.
Expanded Psionics Handbook. If using the variant Great Cleave: A cleaving blade gains the Great
soulknive presented in Untapped Potential: New Cleave feat as a bonus feat at 9th level, even if
Horizons in Psionics, use the information detailed he does not meet the prerequisites. This replaces
below to incorporate these variant options. the bladewind class feature normally gained at 9th
The Cleaving Blade Supreme Cleave: A cleaving blade is a
The following changes apply if using the variant whirlwind of fury, striding through the battlefield
soulknife presented in Untapped Potential: New as he tears into his enemies. Starting at 17th level,
Horizons in Psionics. a cleaving blade may take a 5-foot step between
cleaves, up to his movement rate. This replaces
Base Attack: A cleaving blade has the base the multiple throw class feature normally gained
attack bonus progression of a fighter. at 17th level.
Saves: A cleaving blade no longer has a good
Reflex save, but retains his good Will save. The Dual Blade
Skills: A cleaving blade loses Balance, Hide, All of the abilities replaced by the dual blade
Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble as are still present in their normal format in the
class skills. A cleaving blade only gets 4 + Int Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics
modifier skill points per level. variant soulknife. As such, the dual blade can be
used with the variant soulknife as written.
Mind Blade: The cleaving blade retains the The Throwing Blade
standard mind blade class feature. The throwing blade interacts with the variant
Power Attack: A cleaving blade gains Power Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics
Attack as his 2nd level bonus feat. This replaces soulknife (and all racial variants) exactly as it
the standard bonus feat gained at 2nd level. does the default soulknife found in the Expanded
Cleave: A cleaving blade gains Cleave as his Psionics Handbook.

This replaces the standard soulknife’s psychic Thought as a bonus feat at 6th level.
strike ability. At 7th level and every 4 levels Greater Weapon Focus (Mind Blade): A dual
thereafter, the shield bonus from Two-Weapon blade gains Greater Weapon Focus (mind blade) as
Defense increases by 1 (+2 at 7th level, +3 at 11th a bonus feat at 9th level, even if he does not meet
level, etc). the prerequisites.
Mind Blade Enhancement (Su): At 6th level, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): A dual
a dual blade gains the ability to enhance his mind blade gains the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
blade. He can add any one of the weapon special feat at 9th level, even if he does not meet the
abilities on the table below that has an enhancement prerequisites.
bonus value of +1. This replaces the standard soulknife’s bladewind
At every four levels beyond 6th (10th, 14th, class feature.
and 18th), the value of the enhancement a dual Dual Strike (Ex): Beginning at 13th level, a dual
blade can add to his weapon improves to +2, +3, blade may make an attack with both of his mind
and +4, respectively. A dual blade can choose any blades in any action that would normally only allow
combination of weapon special abilities that does a single attack (such as a Spring Attack or an attack
not exceed the total allowed by the dual blade’s of opportunity; this also includes making a single
level. normal attack and moving in the same round). He
The weapon ability or abilities remain the same takes an additional –2 penalty on the attack roll (on
every time the dual blade materializes his mind top of those for Two-Weapon Fighting), but deals
blade (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; damage with both weapons if the attack connects.
see below). This replaces the standard soulknife’s knife to
Enhancement Bonus the soul ability, normally gained at 13th level.
Weapon Special Ability Value Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): A dual
Distance +1 blade gains the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
Keen +1
Lucky* +1
Ghost Touch +1
Merciful +1
Psychokinetic* +1
Seeking +1
Collision* +2
Mindcrusher* +2
Psychokinetic burst* +2
Suppression* +2
Wounding +2
Bodyfeeder* +3
Mindfeeder* +3
Soulbreaker* +3
*From the Expanded Psionics Handbook

A dual blade can reassign the ability or abilities

he has added to his mind blade. To do so, he must
first spend 8 hours in concentration. After that
period, the mind blade materializes with the new
ability or abilities selected by the throwing blade.
Speed of Thought: A dual blade gains Speed of

feat at 17th level, even if he does not meet the modifier.
This replaces the standard soulknife’s multiple CLASS FEATURES
throw ability. All of the following are class features of the
throwing blade.
Racial Specialty Levels Mind Blade (Su): As a move action, a throwing
The racial specialty levels for the soulknife blade can create a semi-solid blade composed of
presented in Untapped Potential: New Horizons psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The
in Psionics can be changed to use the variant blade is identical in all ways (except visually) to a
soulknives presented here. shortsword of a size appropriate for its wielder. For
Half-Giant Soulknife: A half-giant soulknife instance, a Medium throwing blade materializes a
using the dual blade variant gains the Overpowering Medium mind blade that he can wield as a light
Strike ability at 3rd level as normal. Beginning at weapon, and the blade deals 1d6 points of damage
7th level, he can charge both of his mind blades with (crit 19–20/x2). Throwing blades who are smaller
this ability. However, he does not gain Two-Weapon or larger than Medium create mind blades identical
Defense until 7th level, and the amount of defense to shortswords appropriate for their size, with a
it provides is always 1 lower than a standard dual corresponding change to the blade’s damage. The
blade (+1 at 7th level, +2 at 11th level, etc). wielder of a mind blade gains the usual benefits to
Xeph Soulknife: A xeph soulknife using the his attack roll and damage roll from a high Strength
dual blade variant gains the Burst Strike ability bonus.
at 3rd level as normal. However, he does not The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10
gain Two-Weapon Defense until 7th level, and the and 10 hit points); however, a throwing blade can
amount of defense it provides is always 1 lower simply create another on his next move action. The
than standard. moment he relinquishes his grip on his blade, it
dissipates (unless he intends to throw it; see below).
Throwing Blade A mind blade is considered a magic weapon for the
purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
To most soulknives, the path of the mind blade A throwing blade can use feats such as Weapon
lies in melee combat, up close and personal, with Finesse or Combat Expertise in conjunction with
ranged abilities merely an afterthought. But to the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon.
some, skill in combat is best represented by the He can also choose mind blade for feats requiring a
quick sho, the show of power before anyone even specific weapon choice, such as Improved Critical.
gets the chance to draw a blade. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used
While nearly all soulknives tend to be show-offs, on a mind blade.
throwing blades are generally the worst of the lot A throwing blade’s mind blade improves as the
in this regard, prone to all kinds of troublemaking. character gains higher levels. At 4th level and
They are known for challenging each other to duels every four levels thereafter, the mind blade gains a
just to see who’s the fastest, and these duels all too cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls
often end in death. and damage rolls (+2 at 8th level, +3 at 12th level,
+4 at 16th level, and +5 at 20th level).
Hit Die: d8 Even in places where psionic effects do not
normally function (such as within a null psionics
CLASS SKILLS field), a throwing blade can attempt to sustain his
The throwing blade’s class skills are: mind blade by making a DC 20 Will save. On a
Autohypnosis, Balance, Climb, Concentration, successful save, the throwing blade maintains his
Craft, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (psionics), Listen, mind blade for a number of rounds equal to his
Move Silently, Profession, Spot, and Tumble. class level before he needs to check again. On an
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4. unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int As a move action on his turn, the throwing blade

can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize his blade becomes more deadly when throwing his
mind blade while he remains within the psionics- mind blade. As long as the character maintains
negating effect. psionic focus, he gains a +1 insight bonus on attack
A throwing blade focuses on ranged use of his and damage rolls when throwing his mind blade, so
mind blade, and suffers a –2 penalty on all melee long as the target is within 30 feet.
attacks made with his mind blade. Psychic Strike (Su): As a move action, a
Throw Mind Blade (Ex): A throwing blade throwing blade of 3rd level or higher can imbue
focuses his energy into using his mind blade as a his mind blade with destructive psychic energy.
ranged weapon. As such, he begins play with the This effect deals an extra 1d8 points of damage to
ability to throw his mind blade, though not as far as the next living, nonmindless target he successfully
a typical soulknife. Starting at 1st level, a throwing hits with a melee attack (or ranged attack, if he
blade may use his mind blade as a ranged weapon is using the throw mind blade ability). Creatures
with a range increment of 30 feet. immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to
This ability is a modification of the throw mind psychic strike damage. (Unlike the rogue’s sneak
blade feature of the standard soulknife and replaces attack, the psychic strike is not precision damage
it. and can affect creatures otherwise immune to extra
Weapon Focus (Mind Blade): A throwing blade damage from critical hits or more than 30 feet away,
gains Weapon Focus (mind blade) as a bonus feat. provided they are living, nonmindless creatures not
Wild Talent: A throwing blade gains Wild immune to mind-affecting effects.)
Talent as a bonus feat. (This class feature provides A mind blade deals this extra damage only once
the character with the psionic power he needs to when this ability is called upon, but a throwing
materialize his mind blade, if he has no power blade can imbue his mind blade with psychic
points otherwise.) energy again by taking another move action.
Focused Throw (Ex): At 2nd level, a throwing Once a throwing blade has prepared his blade for
Base Attack
Level Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Mind blade, throw mind blade, Weapon Focus (mind blade), Wild Talent
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Focused throw
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Psychic strike +1d8
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 +1 mind blade
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Improved mind blade, multiple throw
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Mind blade enhancement +1, Speed of Thought
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Psychic strike +2d8
8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 +2 mind blade
9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 Greater mind blade, Greater Weapon Focus (mind blade)
10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Mind blade enhancement +2
11th +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 Psychic strike +3d8
12th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 +3 mind blade
13th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Knife to the soul
14th +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 Mind blade enhancement +3
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 Psychic strike +4d8
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 +4 mind blade
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Superior mind blade
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Mind blade enhancement +4
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Psychic strike +5d8
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 +5 mind blade

a psychic strike, it holds the extra energy until it is every time the throwing blade materializes his mind
used. Even if the throwing blade drops the mind blade (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; see
blade (or it otherwise dissipates, such as when it is below).
thrown and misses), it is still imbued with psychic Enhancement Bonus
energy when the throwing blade next materializes Weapon Special Ability Value
it. Distance +1
At every four levels beyond 3rd (7th, 11th,
Keen +1
15th, and 19th), the extra damage from a throwing
blade’s psychic strike increases as shown on the Lucky* +1
table below. Ghost Touch +1
Improved Mind Blade (Su): At 5th level, a Merciful +1
throwing blade gains the ability to change the form Psychokinetic* +1
of his mind blade. As a fullround action, he can
Seeking +1
change his mind blade to replicate a longsword
(damage 1d8 for a Medium weapon wielded as a Collision* +2
one-handed weapon). In addition, regardless of Mindcrusher* +2
form, the throwing blade’s mind blade now has a Psychokinetic burst* +2
range increment of 50 feet. Suppression* +2
Alternatively, a throwing blade can split his mind
Wounding +2
blade into two identical short swords, suitable for
fighting with a weapon in each hand. (The normal Bodyfeeder* +3
penalties for fighting with two weapons apply.) Mindfeeder* +3
However, both mind blades have an enhancement Soulbreaker* +3
bonus 1 lower than the throwing blade would *From the Expanded Psionics Handbook
otherwise create with a single mind blade.
This replaces the standard soulknife’s shape mind
A throwing blade can reassign the ability or
blade class feature.
abilities he has added to his mind blade. To do so,
Multiple Throw (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a
he must first spend 8 hours in concentration. After
throwing blade can throw a number of mind blades
that period, the mind blade materializes with the
per round equal to the maximum number of attacks
new ability or abilities selected by the throwing
he could make (including those granted by Two-
Weapon Fighting and similar feats). A throwing
Speed of Thought: A throwing blade gains
blade cannot form more than one mind blade per
Speed of Thought as a bonus feat at 6th level.
round unless throwing them.
Greater Mind Blade: At 9th level, a throwing
This replaces the standard soulknife’s free draw
blade’s mind blade once again increases in power.
class feature.
It critical threat range is now 18-20/x2, and it has a
Mind Blade Enhancement (Su): At 6th level,
range increment of 75 feet.
a throwing blade gains the ability to enhance his
This replaces the standard soulknife’s bladewind
mind blade. He can add any one of the weapon
class feature.
special abilities on the table below that has an
Greater Weapon Focus (Mind Blade): A
enhancement bonus value of +1.
throwing blade gains Greater Weapon Focus (mind
At every four levels beyond 6th (10th, 14th, and
blade) as a bonus feat at 9th level, even if he does
18th), the value of the enhancement a throwing
not meet the prerequisites.
blade can add to his weapon improves to +2, +3,
Knife to the Soul (Su): Beginning at 13th level,
and +4, respectively. A throwing blade can choose
when a throwing blade executes a psychic strike,
any combination of weapon special abilities that
he can choose to substitute Intelligence, Wisdom,
does not exceed the total allowed by the throwing
or Charisma damage (his choice) for extra dice of
blade’s level.
damage. For each die of extra damage he gives up,
The weapon ability or abilities remain the same
he deals 1 point of damage to the ability score he

chooses. A throwing blade can combine extra dice bastion, granting him the hit points necessary for
of damage and ability damage in any combination. his role in combat. Dexterity is important, as his
The throwing blade decides which ability score mind armor does not limit his Dexterity bonus to
his psychic strike damages and the division of Armor Class as normal armor does. Wisdom is
ability damage and extra dice of damage when almost as important as Constitution and Dexterity,
he imbues his mind blade with the psychic strike making it easier for the soul bastion to maintain his
energy. mind armor in all situations.
Superior Mind Blade: At 17th level, a throwing Races: Like any other psionic class, soul bastions
blade’s mind blade reaches the pinnacle of its power. are found throughout all races, though a few seem
It now deals 2d6 points of damage, has a critical to have a more natural tendency towards it. Half-
threat range of 18-20/x3 and a range increment of giants in particular are often members of this class,
100 feet. their natural toughness lending itself well to the
This replaces the standard soulknife’s multiple soul bastion’s role in battle.
throw class feature. Alignment: Soul bastions do not have a natural
tendency towards any one alignment. Good soul
bastions are often the heart of an adventuring party,
Armor Instead of A Weapon wading into dangers that might kill others. Evil
Armor is as much an integral part of combat as soul bastions are known to play with their victims,
a weapon, and it stands to reason that there would taking advantage of their inherent ability to stay
be those who would use their mental energy for alive to drag out the deaths of opponents they
defense instead of offense. Below you will find consider mere playthings.
a soulknife-style class that focuses on its defense
instead of its offense, drawing on its mental energy
to turn away blows rather than inflict them.
Soul bastions have the following game statistics.
Alignment: Any
Soul Bastion Hit Die: d12
“They say that a good defense is the best offense, Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10 (125 gp)
and my mind is an impenetrable shield. You’ve Starting Age: Simple (As Rogue)
already lost this battle. Now step aside…or die.”
- Leyorn, human soul bastion CLASS SKILLS
The soul bastion’s class skills are Autohypnosis,
To many, the mind is merely a tool, a means Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Jump,
to an end, a method of accomplishing a task. To Listen, Profession, Spot, Survival, Swim, and
others, it is an instrument of destruction, a lethal Tumble.
weapon and nothing else. But to some, it is their Skill Points at 1st level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4
very life, the only defense standing between them Skill Points at Each Additional Level: (2 + Int
and inevitable death. These are the soul bastions, modifier)
masters of defensive techniques other warriors
could not begin to imagine. CLASS FEATURES
A soul bastion’s role is to absorb the attacks
Making a Soul Bastion of others above all else. They are not meant to
Soul bastions are exceptionally good at defense, charge in and deal damage; instead leaving that to
at knocking away blows and shrugging off any others. They stand in opposition to foes, placing
damage dealt by blows that do connects, waiting themselves between the enemy and their allies.
for more. Soul bastions are tanks, designed to wade Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A soul
into the front line, going toe-to-toe with the enemy bastion is proficient with all simple and martial
and taking damage other, less hardy teammates weapons, and with all armor and shields (except
would have otherwise suffered from. tower shields). While his mind armor ability does
Abilities: Constitution is important for a soul not function when wearing armor, an understanding

of the defense of other’s is essential to understanding blade just as if it were a normal weapon. He can
how to defend oneself. also choose mind blade for feats requiring a specific
Mind Armor (Su): As a move action, a soul weapon choice, such as Weapon Specialization.
bastion may use his mental energy to form a Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used
psychokinetic barrier around his body. on a mind blade.
The armor is identical in all ways (except visually) A soul bastion’s mind armor improves as the
to a masterwork chain shirt of a size appropriate character gains higher levels. At 4th level and
for its wielder. For instance, a Medium soul bastion every four levels thereafter, the mind armor gains a
materializes a Medium chain shirt that he can wear cumulative +1 enhancement bonus (+2 at 8th level,
as light armor, and the armor grants a +4 armor +3 at 12th level, +4 at 16th level, and +5 at 20th
bonus to AC. Soul bastions who are smaller or level).
larger than Medium create mind armor identical to Even in places where psionic effects do not
chain shirts appropriate for their size. The wearer of normally function (such as within a null psionics
mind armor suffers the usual benefits to his armor field), a soul bastion can attempt to sustain his mind
check penalty and maximum Dexterity bonus for armor by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful
wearing a masterwork chain shirt.. save, the soul bastion maintains his mind armor for
The armor can be broken (it has hardness 10 a number of rounds equal to his class level before he
and 10 hit points); however, a soul bastion can needs to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt,
simply create another on his next move action. The the mind armor vanishes. As a move action on his
moment he takes off his soul armor, it dissipates. turn, the soul armor can attempt a new Will save
Mind armor is considered a magic suit of armor for to rematerialize his mind armor while he remains
the purpose of effects that target armor. within the psionics-negating effect.
A soul bastion can use feats such as Power Attack Mind armor counts as light armor for the
or Combat Expertise in conjunction with the mind purposes of class features or feats that may or may
Base Attack
Level Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Mind armor, Wild Talent
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Mind shield / mind spikes, uncanny dodge
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Deflect blow 1/day, mind armor +1
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Alter mind armor, trade blows (50%)
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Mind armor enhancement +1
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Dimension swap
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Deflect blow 2/day, mind armor +2
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Improved uncanny dodge
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Mind armor enhancement +2
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Improved mind armor
12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Deflect blow 3/day, mind armor +3
13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Trade blows (100%)
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Mind armor enhancement +3
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Deflect blow 4/day, mind armor +4
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Supreme Cleave
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Mind armor enhancement +4
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Deflect blow 5/day, mind armor +5, trade blows (150%)

not function due to armor, although it is weightless. Deflect Blows (Su): Starting at 4th level, a soul
However, a soul bastion may apply feats that grant bastion may use his psionic power to knock away
benefits to heavy or medium armor as though his an attack that would otherwise land. Once per day
mind armor were medium or heavy armor. per four soul bastion levels, a soul bastion may
Wild Talent: A soul bastion gains Wild Talent as expend his psionic focus as an immediate action to
a bonus feat at 1st level. This provides him with the psionically knock away a successful melee attack
psionic ability necessary to utilize his mind armor. dealt to himself or any ally within 10 feet.
Mind Shield / Mind Spikes (Su): At 3rd level, Alter Mind Armor (Su): A soul bastion learns
a soul bastion must choose between one of two how to modify his mind armor to grant him greater
abilities; the choice cannot be changed thereafter. protection. Beginning at 5th level, a soul bastion
He may choose to gain the ability to form a mind may take a fullround action to change his mind armor
shield for additional defensive abilities, or to gain to replicate a masterwork breastplate, granting a
spikes on his mind armor. Forming either can be +5 armor bonus to AC, with a maximum Dexterity
done as part of forming his mind armor or as a modifier of +3, an armor check penalty of -3, and
separate move action. reducing speed as a standard suit of medium armor,
If he chooses a mind shield, he gains the ability or a masterwork suit of full plate armo, granting a
to form a light shield (+1 shield bonus to AC) with +8 armor bonus to AC, with a maximum Dexterity
no armor check penalty. At 11th level, the bonus to modifier of +1, an armor check penalty of -6, and
AC increases to +2, and at 19th, it increases to +3. reducing speed as a standard suit of heavy armor.
If he chooses armor spikes, the spikes initially A soul bastion is always treated as proficient with
deal damage equal to the spikes on armor normally his mind armor regardless of its form.
sized for the wielder (1d6 for a Medium-sized Trade Blows (Su): While a soul bastion is far
character). At 11th level, the damage increases by from a damage-dealer himself, his armor is imbued
one die type, and at 19th level, it increase by another to rebound the damage dealt to the soul bastion.
die type. Beginning at 5th level, while the soul bastion is
Even in places where psionic effects do not psionically focused, any creature attacking him in
normally function (such as within a null psionics melee takes ½ the damage dealt.
field), a soul bastion can attempt to sustain his mind At 13th level, this increases to equal the damage
shield by making a DC 20 Will save (sustaining the melee damage dealt to the soul bastion.
mind spikes is based on susttaining the mind armor At 20th level, the creature actually takes 1.5 times
to which they are attached). On a successful save, the amount of melee damage it deals to the soul
the soul bastion maintains his mind shield or spikes bastion.
for a number of rounds equal to his class level Mind Armor Enhancement (Su): At 6th level,
before he needs to check again. On an unsuccessful a soul bastion gains the ability to enhance his mind
attempt, the mind shield or spikes vanish. As a move armor. He can add any one of the armor special
action on his turn, the soul bastion can attempt abilities on the table below that has an enhancement
a new Will save to rematerialize his mind shield bonus value of +1.
or spikes while he remains within the psionics- At every four levels beyond 6th (10th, 14th,
negating effect. and 18th), the value of the enhancement a soul
Mind armor enhanced with the ghost touch bastion can add to his armor improves to +2, +3,
enhancement (see below) treats mind spikes as and +4, respectively. A soul bastioncan choose any
ghost touch weapons. combination of armor special abilities that does not
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 3rd level, a soul bastion exceed the total allowed by the soul bastion’s level.
retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if A soul bastion may choose to use the enhancement
he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible bonus for mind armor special abilities to instead
attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus gain damage reduction, see the table below for
to AC if immobilized. If a soul bastion already has more details.
uncanny dodge from a different class, he instead The armor ability or abilities remain the same
gains improved uncanny dodge. every time the soul bastion materializes his mind

armor (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; Enhancement Bonus
see below). Shield Special Abilities Value
A soul bastion can reassign the ability or abilities Arrow Catching +1
he has added to his mind armor. To do so, he must
Arrow Deflection +1
first spend 8 hours in concentration. After that
period, the mind armor materializes with the new Fortification, Light +1
ability or abilities selected by the soul bastion. Power Resistance (13) +2
Enhancement Bonus Invulnerability +3
Armor Special Abilities Value Fortification, Moderate +3
Damage Reduction (1/-) +1 Ghost Touch +3
Fortification, Light +1 Gleaming +3
Quickness +1 Power Resistance (15) +3
Damage Reduction (2/-) +2 Power Resistance (17) +4
Power Resistance (13) +2
Damage Reduction (3/-) +3 Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 9th level
and higher, a soul bastion can no longer be flanked.
Invulnerability +3
This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak
Fortification, Moderate +3 attack the soul bastion by flanking him, unless the
Ghost Touch +3 attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the
Gleaming +3 target has soul bastion levels.
Power Resistance (15) +3
Improved Mind Armor (Su): Once a soul
bastion has achieved 11th level, a soul bastion’s
Damage Reduction (4/-) +4
mind armor is treated as if it was made out of
Power Resistance (17) +4 mithral, lowering the armor check penalty by 3
Radiant +4 (to a minimum of 0) and increasing the maximum
Dexterity modifier by 2. In addition, the mind
Dimension Swap (Su): Starting at 7th level, armor is treated as one category lighter for purposes
and one additional time per day every four levels of movement and other limitations. Full plate mind
thereafter, a soul bastion may use dimension swap armor is treated as medium armor, breastplate mind
as an immediate action, with a manifester level armor is treated as light armor, and chain shirt mind
equal to class level, with an ally who has been armor is treated as if the soul bastion is not wearing
successfully attacked in melee. The actual swap armor (although mithral normally still treats light
takes place immediately before the attack would armor as light armor, this is an exception to that
hit the ally and the soul bastion instead takes the rule).
damage if the attack would successfully hit the Keep on Standing (Ex): At 20th level, a soul
soul bastion. If the attack roll would miss the soul bastion becomes the embodiment of a defensive
bastion, the attack is treated as having missed. master. Once per day, when hit by an attack that
Improved Mind Shield/Spikes (Su): Beginning would reduce him to below 0 hit points, a soul
at 8th level, a soul bastion’s mind shield or spikes bastion may expend his psionic focus to temporarily
gains a +1 enhancement bonus. This increases at ignore that damage, and any subsequent damage,
11th level and every 3 levels thereafter (14th, 17th, for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom bonus
and 20th). Unlike his mind armor, a soul bastion (minimum 1).
cannot use this enhancement bonus to gain damage The soul bastion still takes the full damage dealt
reduction. Armor spikes with a high enough when this effect wears off. If the soul bastion is
enhancement bonus may be granted any of the healed while under the effects of this ability, the
special abilities normal mind armor may be given. healing is done instantly, and may provide him
Mind shields can be enchanted with abilities from with enough hit points to survive the damage when
the following table. the ability wears off.

While under the effects of this ability, the soul Advancement: A soul bastion’s best option is
bastion cannot regain his psionic focus. The mind always another level of soul bastion. Multiclassing,
can only handle so much, and forcing the body to even into prestige classes, is best done carefully,
function past killing blows is a taxing job. with a careful focus on balancing the abilities gained
from multiclassing with the loss of an increase in
Playing a Soul Bastion power of the mind armor. Most warriors who delve
Soul bastions travel for reasons as varied as the into soul bastion will remain as such, though the
sea. Some travel simply to further their skills, while possibilities are endless.
others travel to find a place in the world. Many soul A soul bastion’s abilities are focused on defense,
bastions travel to protect someone else, or to make mostly in melee combat. They will want to stay
up for failing to do so at an earlier point in their close to their other front-line allies, conserving
life. Soul bastions can survive in most situations, their abilities to save them from blows that might
though they are not often incredibly outgoing. otherwise kill them.
A soul bastion is a defender, a wall. He is not Most soul bastion feat choices should be based
about attacking an opponent to crush them. He on their secondary ability choice. Those who
is about being in between the opponent and who form mind spikes are often best served by feats
they want to crush. They often make friends with that increase their grappling ability, allowing
spellcasters, as they will quickly learn that buffing them to maximize the usage of their spikes. Soul
with their spells will keep them alive much longer. bastions who specialize in the shield will likewise
Religion: The religious lives of soul bastions choose feats that optimize their usage of it, perhaps
are as varied as soul bastions themselves. Many focusing on shield bashing, or assisting other allies
choose not to worship a deity, preferring to rely with one’s shield. Unlike many other classes, there
on their own strength of will, rather than someone is no one feat that a soul bastion is inclined to take
else’s. Just as many, however, worship gods of over another.
protection, putting their faith in deities they believe
most closely resonate with their own abilities. SOUL BASTION STARTING PACKAGES
Other Classes: Unlike many classes, soul HUMAN SOUL BASTION
bastions function best when teamed with others, Armor: Mind Armor (+2 AC, no armor check
and they are aware of this fact. Capable of standing penalty, Speed 30 ft, 0 lbs), Light Steel Shield (+1
under blows that would crush others, soul bastions AC, -1 armor check penalty, 6 lbs)
work best with fighters and other warrior-type Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8, crit x3, 6 lbs.,
characters, keeping their allies from injury while slashing), Heavy Crossbow (1d10, crit 19-20/x2,
those allies beat through an opponent’s defenses. range incr. 120 ft., 8 lbs., piercing).
Contrary to most defensive archetypes, the soul Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to
bastion does not interfere in any way with those 2 + Int modifier.
who use stealth, and while they’re not as practiced, Armor Check
their armor will not give away positions that other Skill Ranks Ability Penalty
party members are trying to keep concealed. Autohypnosis 4 Wis -
Combat: A soul bastion must never forget that Heal 4 Wis -
he does not win battles on offense, but on staying Listen 4 Wis -
power. They are not designed to charge in and crush
Spot 4 Wis -
their opponents with a single killing blow, and
they are aware of this limitation. Instead, they are Survival 4 Wis -
meant to step in toe-to-toe with their enemy, slowly Balance 4 Dex -1
wearing away at the foe that can’t seem to bypass Tumble 4 Dex -1
his armor. A soul bastion’s abilities to knock away
Climb 4 Str -1
blows meant for his allies, or to put them out of
harm’s way, could be the turning point in a battle, Jump 4 Str -1
and he should never dismiss their potency. Swim 4 Str -1

Feats: Rapid Healing, Mind Over Body a group, preferably a fairly diverse one. Soul
Gear: Backpack with bedroll, waterskin, sack, bastions tend to choose their actions by what will
one day’s trail rations, 50’ hemp rope, flint and keep the most people from harm, and tend to be
steel. bullseye lantern, 3 pints of oil, case with 20 overly protective.
crossbow bolts Daily Life: A soul bastion’s daily life varies
Gold: 1d4 gold greatly from one to the next. Many soul bastions
are bodyguards, keeping to a single daily routine,
ELF SOUL BASTION attached to one spot, one person. Others are
Armor: Mind Armor (+2 AC, no armor check forever on the move, placing upon themselves the
penalty, Speed 30 ft, 0 lbs), Light Steel Shield (+1 burden of keeping the world protected from harm,
AC, -1 armor check penalty, 6 lbs) often joining an adventuring party for some extra
Weapon: Rapier (1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 2 lbs., backup.
piercing), Shortbow (1d6, crit x3, range incr. 60 ft., Notables: There are few notable soul bastions
2 lbs., piercing). throughout history. As a defense-oriented group,
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to they are not often within the spotlight, as so do
2 + Int modifier. not grace the pages of history often. One name,
Armor Check however, is likely to turn up often in researching
Skill Ranks Ability Penalty soul bastions. Veltrik Wertimel was a gnome soul
Autohypnosis 4 Wis - bastion of since-unseen power, a formidable force,
nigh impenetrable. It is said that Veltrik once
Heal 4 Wis -
assisted a dwarven clan in a war against a large force
Listen 4 Wis - of various subterranean races and single-handedly
Spot 4 Wis - held back the invading force. While this is a stretch,
Survival 4 Wis - Veltrik was instrumental in winning the battle, his
Balance 4 Dex -1 well-timed usage of his abilities saving numerous
dwarves throughout the attempted siege.
Tumble 4 Dex -1
Organizations: Soul bastions, as a general rule,
Climb 4 Str -1 are not part of organizations. Their abilities are far
Jump 4 Str -1 too specialized, making them better as part of a broad
Swim 4 Str -1 group instead of a dedicated organization. There
is, however, one exception to this generalization.
Feats: Weapon Finesse In many major cities, one can find sects of
Gear: Backpack with bedroll, waterskin, sack, an organization called The Mind Shield. This
one day’s trail rations, 50’ hemp rope, flint and organization is made up of soul bastions and
steel. bullseye lantern, 3 pints of oil, quiver with psychic warriors with a defensive bent. They hire
20 arrows themselves out as bodyguards to anyone who has
the money, and have not yet lost a charge.
Soul Bastions in the World NPC Reactions: While a soul bastion’s abilities
“I thought I could hurt anyone – anyone at all. But are technically unique, most people mistake them
not him. He just stands there and lets my blows for soulknives with a different application of their
slide off of him, like I’m not worth his time.” psionic abilities, and they generally get the same
- Derrin, a dwarven fighter warning a fellow reactions a soulknife would. In a psionic culture,
warrior about Leyorn however, soul bastions are often looked on in a much
more favorable light than soulknifes. Viewed as
Soul bastions are inherently team players, at less troublesome than the often arrogant soulknives,
least for the most part. They are aware of their soul bastions are seen as a boon to a community, and
defensive focus and strive to work with others who are likely to be greeted with favor by most NPCs.
can offset their disadvantages. While capable of
surviving alone, they function best when within

SOUL BASTION LORE as anything but supernatural. They could perhaps
Characters with Knowledge (history), Knowledge be given a divine connection, often worshipping
(local), Knowledge (psionics), or the bardic gods with the Protection domain, although you
knowledge ability (or an equivalent) may research may find yourself struggling to explain the abilities
soul bastions to learn more about them. When a as divine in function.
character makes a successful Knowledge check, Encounters: A soul bastion should never be
uses the phrases below or variations of them, encountered alone. Their abilities are designed
including any information from lower DCs, should with allies in mind, and they cannot function at
there be any: their fullest without such back-up. Many soul
DC 10: There exist those with psionic powers bastions will be backing up psions, providing some
that focus on defense. They often have armor that extra protection. Such bodyguards will often be
seems to flow with them. somber and serious. However, PCs may encounter
DC 15: The flowing armor of a soul bastion is a solo soul bastion. In this case, the soul bastion is
not a special armor, but their true ability. They likely to be extremely arrogant, overly confident in
form it through some supernatural ability like some his ability to handle anything the PCs can throw his
form blades. way through sheer toughness.
If the character is in an area with a particularly
famous soul bastion, use this DC for learning basic
stories, which may be true or may be rumors that
Feats for the Soulknife
This section is dedicated to feats for the mindblade
got out of hand.
specialist, designed with multiclassing in mind.
DC 20: A soul bastion’s abilities are psionic
It also introduces a new type of feat: Kensai. All
in nature, their armor forming from their mental
Kensai feats require the mind blade class feature
energy. They can also deflect blows, and some more
to use and grant +1 to your effective level for
powerful soul bastions can exchange positions with
determining your mind blade’s enhancement bonus
allies. They do not manifest actual powers.
and the mind blade enhancement class feature, to
DC 25: Information about notable soul bastions,
a maximum of your character level. This stacks
particularly those in the area. This information will
with the effective levels granted by the Mindblade
be more accurate than those basic stories gathered
Kensai feat from Untapped Potential: New
a lower DCs, and will also lead to The Mind Shield
Horizons in Psionics.
organization, should they have a local division.
Soul Bastions in the Game [KENSAI, PSIONIC]
Soul bastions are simple to insert into existing You may add weaponry to your soul armor or
games, as their abilities are straightforward and shield.
fairly uncomplicated. While their abilities are Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, Mind Blade
distinctly psionic in nature, they would be nigh- Shaper, Soul Armor, Soul Shield, mind blade class
indistinguishable from magic in a low-psionic feature.
campaign, due to their lack of actual powers. Soul Benefits: You may add spikes or similar extras to
bastions will not often be introduced to PCs on your soul armor and soul shield. These additions
their own. However, they make excellent right- follow the same rules for enhancements as forming
hand men for BBEGs, perfect for turning away that an additional mind blade. You cannot form an
lucky critical that was going to ruin the villain’s additional mind blade when you have spikes on
plans entirely. your soul armor or soul shield.
Adaptation: Aside from making a soul bastion’s Special: You may only form spikes on your soul
abilities entirely magical in nature, there is not much armor OR soul shield using this feat. You cannot
that can be done to adapt a soul bastion. While many have spikes on both at the same time.
of his abilities could simply be described as being A fighter who meets the prerequisites may select
extraordinarily tough, things like Trade Blows and this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
the Mind Shield (or Spikes) are difficult to pass off

still requires two hands to wield, etc.).
BLADE OF MIGHT [KENSAI, PSIONIC] Special: A fighter who meets the prerequisites may
For you, there is no blade. There is merely power. select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, mind blade class feature.
Benefits: You treat your mind blade as though it IMPROVED SOUL ARMOR
were weightless. Any mind blade you create is also [KENSAI, PSIONIC]
treated as a weapon of your alignment for purposes You have reached the pinnacle of your soul armor
of bypassing damage reduction. If you are neutral abilities.
on any alignment axis, you choose one alignment Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, Soul
piece from that axis to have your mind blade Armor, mind blade class feature.
emulate. Benefits: Soul armor you create now has the same
Special: A fighter who meets the prerequisites may enhancement bonus and abilties as your mind
select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats. blade. Its minimum armor bonus is now 4.
Special: The Will save to retain the armor in a null
IMPROVED ARMOR AND SHIELD psionics field has a DC of 20, and is made separately
WEAPONRY [KENSAI, PSIONIC] from the Will save to maintain the mind blade. For
You may add weaponry to your soul armor or the purposes of class features and anything that is
shield. based on what kind of armor you’re wearing, soul
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Armor and Shield Weaponry, armor counts as light armor.
Blade of Might, Mind Blade Shaper, Soul Armor, A fighter who meets the prerequisites may select
Soul Shield, mind blade class feature. this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Benefits: You may add spikes or similar extras to
your soul armor and soul shield. These additions IMPROVED SOUL SHIELD
have the same enhancement bonus as your normal [KENSAI, PSIONIC]
mind blade. In addition, you may now form the You have greater abilities with your soul shield.
spikes and still form dual mind blades, in addition Prerequisites: Wis 13, Soul Shield, Blade of
to having spikes on both your shield and your Might, mind blade class feature.
armor. Benefits: Your soul shield now has a minimum
Special: If you have the Student of the Dual Blades shield bonus of 3 and gains the full enhancement
feat, you may give the armor or shield weapons bonus and special abilities of your mind blade.
separate special abilities than those of your mind Special: The Will save to retain a soul shield in a
blade. null psionics field has a DC of 20, made separately
A fighter who meets the prerequisites may select from any other such Will saves.
this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats. A fighter who meets the prerequisites may select
this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
You mind blade shaping skills are even greater. [KENSAI, PSIONIC]
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, Mind Blade You have mastered the use of dual mind blades.
Shaper, mind blade class feature, shape mind blade Prerequisites: Wis 13, Mind Blade Shaper,
class feature, throw mind blade class feature. Improved Mind Blade Shaper, Two-Weapon
Benefits: You may shape your mind blade into any Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Blade
weapon you are proficient with, whether melee of Might, Student of the Dual Blades, mind blade
or ranged. When forming two weapons, you may class feature, shape mind blade class feature.
create any combination of two weapons, such Benefits: When wielding two mind blades, your
as a shortsword and a longsword. You may also penalties for fighting with two weapons are
form double weapons, following the same rules reduced by 2 (overlapping the reduction from
as forming two weapons. You must still follow the Student of the Dual Blades). Also, when wielding
rules for handedness of a weapon (a greatsword

Blade of Might Wis 13, mind blade class feature Mind blade is weightless and gains
your alignment type
Mind Blade Shaper Wis 13, Blade of Might, mind blade class Shape mind blade into any melee
feature, shape mind blade class feature weapon
Armor and Shield Wis 13, Blade of Might, Mind Blade Shaper, Add spikes to your soul armor or
Weaponry Soul Armor, Soul Shield, mind blade class soul shield in lieu of a second mind
feature blade
Improved Armor Wis 13, Armor and Shield Weaponry, Blade of Add spikes to your soul armor or
and Shield Might, Mind Blade Shaper, Soul Armor, Soul soul shield and form a second mind
Weaponry Shield, mind blade class feature blade
Improved Mind Blade Wis 13, Blade of Might, Mind Blade Shaper, Gain incredible versatility when
Shaper mind blade class feature, shape mind blade shaping mind blades
class feature, throw mind blade class feature
Student of the Dual Wis 13, Mind Blade Shaper, Two-Weapon Reduce penalties for fighting with
Blades Fighting, Blade of Might, mind blade class two weapons
feature, shape mind blade class feature
Master of the Dual Wis 13, Mind Blade Shaper, Improved Mind Reduce penalties for fighting with
Blades Blade Shaper, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved two weapons and enhance both mind
Two-Weapon Fighting, Blade of Might, Student blades as if you only had one formed
of the Dual Blades, mind blade class feature,
shape mind blade class feature
Soul Armor Wis 13, Blade of Might, mind blade class Form mind blade into armor as well
feature as swords
Improved Soul Armor Wis 13, Blade of Might, Soul Armor, mind Your soul armor has the same
blade class feature enhancement bonus as your mind
Soul Shield Wis 13, Blade of Might, mind blade class Create shield to accompany your
feature mind blade
Improved Soul Shield Wis 13, Blade of Might, Soul Shield, mind Your soul shield has the same
blade class feature enhancement bonus as your mind
Soul Warrior Wis 13, Blade of Might, mind blade class Gain +1 bonus to rolls involving
feature your mind blades or mind armor
Wielder of the True Wis 15, Blade of Might, mind blade class Mind blade is treated as one size
Blade feature larger
dual mind blades, both mind blades have the same forming two weapons, they must still be light
enhancement bonus as your normal mind blade. weapons, and both weapons formed are the same,
Special: A fighter who meets the prerequisites may each with an enhancement bonus one less than
select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats. that of a single mind blade. In addition, shaping
your mind blade only requires a move action. You
MIND BLADE SHAPER cannot form double weapons using this feat.
[KENSAI, PSIONIC] Special: A fighter who meets the prerequisites may
You have far more options than normal for your select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
mind blade.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, mind blade SOUL ARMOR [KENSAI, PSIONIC]
class feature, shape mind blade class feature. You have learned to focus your mind to create
Benefits: You may shape your mind blade into armor in addition to weapons.
any melee weapon you are proficient with. When Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, mind blade

class feature. Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, any 3 other
Benefits: You may create armor in the same way kensai feats, mind blade class feature.
you create your mind blade. Soul armor grants an Benefits: You gain a +1 competence bonus to any
armor bonus equal to half the number of kensai feats rolls involving your mind weapons or mind armor.
you have (minimum 2). It has half the enhancement Mind blades gain a +1 competence bonus on attack
bonus of your mind blade (minimum 0) and half and damage rolls. Mind armor or shields grant a
the special ability enhancements of your mind +1 competence bonus to their respective bonuses
blade (minimum 0). Soul armor may have any to AC. If you have or gain the ability to create soul
of the following special abilities assigned to it: armor or soul shields, you do not have to make any
fortification (light, medium, or heavy), ghost touch, Concentration checks to maintain them in a null
gleaming, mindarmor, power resistance, quickness, psionics field.
shadow (as a +2 bonus), improved shadow (as a +3 Special: A fighter who meets the prerequisites may
bonus), greater shadow (as a +4 bonus), and spell select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Special: The Will save to retain the armor in a STUDENT OF THE DUAL BLADES
null psionics field has a DC of 25, and is made [KENSAI, PSIONIC]
separately from the Will save to maintain the You have learned to adapt to the weightlessness of
mind blade. For the purposes of class features your mind blade.
and anything that is based on what kind of armor Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, Mind
you’re wearing, soul armor counts as light armor. Blade Shaper, Two-Weapon Fighting, mind blade
A fighter who meets the prerequisites may select class feature, shape mind blade class feature.
this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats. Benefits: When wielding two mind blades, your
penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced
SOUL SHIELD [KENSAI, PSIONIC] by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
You may create a shield to go with your mind In addition, you may assign different special
blade. abilities to each separate weapon, although the
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Blade of Might, mind blade total cannot exceed the normal limit for wielding
class feature. two mind blades.
Benefits: You may create a shield to go with any Special: A fighter who meets the prerequisites may
one-handed mind blade you create. The shield select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
grants a shield bonus equal one third of the number
of kensai feats you have (minimum 1). However, it WIELDER OF THE TRUE BLADE
has only half the enhancement bonus and equivalent [KENSAI, PSIONIC]
special abilities of your mind blade. You may not Your mind blade’s power is greater than that of any
create a soul shield version of any shield you are other.
not proficient with. Soul shields may be assigned Prerequisites: Wis 15, Blade of Might, mind blade
the same special abilities as soul armor, plus arrow class feature.
catching, arrow deflection, and bashing. Benefits: Any mind blade you create deals damage
Special: The Will save to retain a soul shield in a as though it were a weapon one size larger than
null psionics field has a DC of 25, made separately your size and is now treated as a force effect. You
from any other such Will saves. also no longer need to make Will saves to form
A fighter who meets the prerequisites may select your mind blade in a null psionics field and similar
this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats. effects.
Special: A fighter who meets the prerequisites may
SOUL WARRIOR [KENSAI, PSIONIC] select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
You are most at home using your own creations.

PSIONIC ITEMS to their enhancement bonus. In addition, twin hilts
offer the same bonus as normal crystal hilts.
There are two types of twin hilts. The first,
Crystal Hilts the two-bladed sword hilt, is a set of crystal hilts
Below you will find information detailing crystal
permanently attached to one another. These allow
hilts, including instructions for their creation and
a mind blade wielder to form a two-bladed sword
usage. Crystal hilts are a unique psionic item in that
in place of his normal dual short swords. These
they do not require the ability to manifest psionic
twin hilts have the same features as normal crystal
powers to create and can only be made by someone
hilts but cost 2,000 gp to make, and the skill check
capable of manifesting a mind blade.
DCs to craft the hilts are each increased by 5.
A crystal hilt is a special item for mind blade
The other type of twin hilts is a true matched set
wielders. Painstakingly carved from deep crystal
of crystal hilts, exact duplicates psionically attuned
(mundane crystal will not suffice), crystal hilts
to one another during the creation process. These
generally appear to be bladeless sword hilts or
twin hilts are capable of being attached to one
cylindrical rods.
another as the two-bladed sword twin hilts, but do
A crystal hilt provides an enhanceable focus for
not automatically grant any double weapon form. If
a soulknife’s mind blade. Instead of forming a
either of a matched set of twin hilts is destroyed, the
mind blade as normal, a soulknife instead focuses
other immediately ceases functioning. However,
his mind blade through the hilt, using the psionic
the attunement process makes destroying one of
resonance of the deep crystal to strengthen his
these hilts exceedingly difficult.
Each hilt of a matched set has 60 HP and a
A crystal hilt provides a +4 competence bonus on
hardness of 20. A set costs 2,500 gp to create
Will saves to materialize the mind blade in a null
and the skill check DCs to craft the hilts are each
psionics field.
increased by 5. However, the Craft (gemcutting)
A crystal hilt is created in three separate stages.
and Craft (weaponsmithing) checks must be made
First, the deep crystal that will form the hilt must
separately for each hilt in the set. If one of the
be shaped into the form of a hilt, requiring a DC 20
Craft (gemcutting) checks fails and one of the hilts
Craft (gemcutting) check. Next, the crafter must
is destroyed, the creator may choose to continue
activate the crystal hilt, focusing psionic energy
the process to make a single crystal hilt. However,
into the hilt, requiring a DC 20 Autohypnosis
once the attunement process is finished, there is no
check. The final stage of crafting a crystal hilt
turning back.
requires a DC 20 Craft (weaponsmithing) check to
form the guard of the hilt that acts to further focus
the energy of the mind blade through the hilt. Enchanting a Crystal or Twin Hilt
A crystal hilt has 45 HP and a hardness of 15. Enchanting a crystal or twin hilt, with a few
The deep crystal used to make it is permanently notable exceptions, is much like enchanting a
strengthened by the psionic energy stored within it. magic or psionic weapon. Due to the psionic
A base crystal hilt costs 1,000 gp. Bonus Cost
+1 1,400 gp
Twin Hilts +2 5,600 gp
Some crystal hilts are created in linked pairs. +3 12,600 gp
These twin hilts, as they’ve come to be known, +4 22,400 gp
offer a number of advantages for dual mind blade
+5 35,000 gp
wielders. Twin hilts are psionically connected
+6 50,400 gp
to one another and automatically form into mind
blades of the same type when activated (assuming +7 68,600 gp
a light or one-handed weapon is formed), unless the +8 89,600 gp
wielder wills otherwise. Dual mind blades formed +9 113,400 gp
through twin hilts do not suffer the usual penalty +10 140,000 gp

properties of deep crystal, hilts do no need to have as though he were one size larger. This increase
any enhancement bonus to be enchanted with stacks with effects that actually enlarge a weapon
special abilities. Unlike a normal psionic weapon, (such as expansion), but not with other effects that
the special abilities a hilt is enchanted with do not treat the mind blade as if it was a larger size.
function automatically. Instead, the wielder of a Faint psychometabolism; ML 4th; Craft Psionic
mind blade may access them when configuring Arms and Armor, expansion; Price +1 bonus.
their mind blade as though they were on the usual Fast Charging: This crystal hilt enables a mind
special abilities list. A crystal hilt also costs less to blade to be charged with a psychic strike more
enchant a hilt than a normal psionic weapon. quickly three times per day. Instead of a move
To determine the cost of adding a special ability action it only takes a swift action to charge the
to a crystal hilt, multiply the bonus squared by blade when this feature is used.
1,400 gp. For example, flaming is a +1 bonus and Faint psychometabolism; ML 4th; Craft Psionic
therefore costs 1,400 gp. As with standard weapons, Arms and Armor, hustle; Price +1 bonus.
additional bonuses are calculated together. For Fast Configuration: This crystal hilt enables a
example, a flaming frost weapon has two +1 mind blade to be reconfigured as a full-round action
bonuses, for a total of +2 (ignoring enhancement three times per day.
bonuses). This leads to a total cost of 5,600 gp. Faint metacreativity; ML 4th; Craft Psionic Arms
Enchanting twin hilts works in the same fashion and Armor, hustle, metaphysical weapon; Price
as enchanting a crystal hilt, except each hilt must +1,500 gp.
be enhanced separately. Each hilt of twin hilts of Fast Shaping: This crystal hilt enables a mind
either type (two-bladed sword or matched) can be blade manifester to change the shape of his mind
given different enhancements, they do not need to blade more quickly. There are three different
match. levels of this feature that allow shaping as different
Adding an enhancement bonus to a crystal or actions.
twin hilt uses the same rules for increasing item Faint metacreativity; ML 4th; Craft Psionic Arms
enhancements, only paying the cost difference and Armor, metaphysical weapon; Price +500 gp
between the initial item and the intended item. For (standard action); +1,500 gp (move action); +2,500
example, upgrading a shocking crystal hilt to a gp (free action).
shocking burst crystal hilt would cost the difference Mind Blade Improvement: The mind blade
between a +1 and +2 crystal hilt, or 4,200 gp. improvement special ability allows the wielder to
form his mind blade as though he were a soulknife
Crystal Hilt Special Abilities two levels higher for purposes of enhancement
The special abilities listed below may only be bonuses and special abilities. He may only use
placed upon crystal hilts. They cannot be placed the increased enhancements if the crystal hilt is
on other magical weapons. available when he spends 8 hours reconfiguring
Any Shape: This ability allows you to form his mind blade, and the crystal hilt is from that
your mind blade into any melee weapon you have point on required to form his mind blade (until he
seen. If you can normally only form daggers or reconfigures it using his normal abilities).
short swords, you may only form light weapons. Moderate metacreativity; ML 9th; Craft Psionic
If you can shape your mind blade into a longsword Arms and Armor, metaphysical weapon; Price
or bastard sword, you may form any melee weapon +10,000 gp.
you have encountered. You must be proficient with New Shape: This crystal hilt allows the mind
the weapon type or you suffer standard penalties blade manifester to shape his blade into an
for wielding a weapon with which you are not additional specific weapon shape, although he may
proficient. not form his mind blade into a double weapon. In
Faint psychoportation; ML 4th; Craft Psionic most cases the new shape is a sword, although it
Arms and Armor, call weaponry; Price +1 bonus. is not required to be a sword type. This hilt only
Enlarging: When focused through this crystal allows one additional shape. The blade manifester
hilt, the manifester’s mind blade deals damage can use this item to change the shape of his mind

blade to the one specified as if he had the shape Crystal Bow Special Abilities
blade class feature, even if he does not have that The special ability listed below may only be
ability normally. If the crystal hilt is lost, the next placed upon crystal bows. It cannot be placed on
time the mind blade is manifested it defaults back other magical weapons.
to its base shape (short sword in most cases). Mental Boost: A crystal bow with this
Faint psychoportation; ML 4th; Craft Psionic enhancement allows the wielder to add his Wisdom
Arms and Armor, call weaponry; Price the cost of modifier to damage rolls.
a masterwork weapon of the new shape. Faint clairsentience; ML 4th; Craft Psionic
Psyche Damaging: This crystal hilt adds +1d8 Arms and Armor, offensive precognition; Price +1
additional damage to every psychic strike that is bonus.
made while using the item.
Faint psychokinesis; ML 4th; Craft Psionic Arms Crystal Gauntlets
and Armor, concussion blast; Price +1 bonus. Other mind blade wielders are so focused on
melee that they prefer to fight with their bare hands.
Other Crystal Weapons This group’s answer to the crystal hilt is the crystal
gauntlet. These gauntlets are actually gloves with
Crystal Bows many crystals attached. The crystals are used to
Some mind blade wielders find that they vastly focus mind blade energy. They allow the wielder
prefer ranged combat to melee combat. Eventually, to deal mind blade damage with unarmed attacks,
a group of such like-minded wielders got together and the wielder is always considered armed. They
to create a crystal bow, taking their cue from the always come in pairs, and have the same price and
crystal hilts that many wielders were beginning to stats as attuned twin hilts. Both crystal gauntlets
create. A crystal bow functions much like a typical must be worn to gain their benefit.
crystal hilt, and is made in the same way. However,
crystal bows have an additional property. The Crystal Gauntlet Special Ability
psionic energy focused within them is so dedicated The special ability listed below may only be
to ranged weaponry that any mind blade wielder placed upon crystal gauntlets. It cannot be placed
carrying a crystal bow finds himself incapable of on other magical weapons.
forming a mind blade for melee purposes, unless he Flurry: When wielding crystal gauntlets,
also possesses a melee crystal hilt to focus through. a mind blade wielder may attack as though he
Crystal bows have a range increment of 100 ft possessed the flurry of blows ability of a monk of
and up the damage die of the mind blade by one his soulknife level, but only when attacking with
step. However, attacks with a crystal bow do not the crystal gauntlets.
allow the application of the mind blade wielder’s Moderate psychometabolism; ML 9th; Craft
Strength bonus to damage. Crystal bows have the Psionic Arms and Armor, physical acceleration;
same price and statistics as a normal crystal hilt. Price +2 bonus.

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