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Climate: In Africa there are seven different types of climates, as you can see, to the north and south of the continent
there are temperate climate zones, with the rainy season in winter and summer, also, we have the dry steppe and
dry desert climate, located in the latitudes corresponding to the Tropic of Cancer, in the northern hemisphere, and
the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere, in both hemispheres form a strip between the tropics and 30°
north and south latitude, where two large deserts extend, the Sahara to the north and the Kalahari to the south of
Africa, this is due to dry winds, as you will remember the wind is a factor that influences the climate, thanks to the
1 general circulation of the atmosphere.
Kilimanjaro is a mountain located in northeastern Tanzania, formed by three dormant volcanoes: Shira, in the west,
3962 m high; the Mawenzi, in the east, of 5149 m and the Kibo, between them, the most recent from the geological
point of view and whose peak, the Uhuru, rises to the most 5891.8 m. It is the highest mountain in Africa, the highest
freestanding mountain in the world—about 4900 m high from its base on the plateau—and the fourth ultra-
prominent peak on Earth. It is also known for the famous ice fields of its summit, which are drastically reducing since
2 the early twentieth century and are estimated to disappear completely between 2020 and 2050.
Maasai Mara is a national nature reserve located in southwestern Kenya, in Narok County. It is part of the Serengeti
region and is actually a continuation of the Serengeti National Park. It is so called because the Maasai tribe inhabits
3 this area and because of the Mara River that crosses it. It is famous for its exceptional fauna.
The Great Sphinx of Giza is a monumental sculpture that stands on the west bank of the Nile River, in the city of Giza,
about twenty kilometers southwest of downtown Cairo. Egyptologists estimate that it was sculpted c. s. XXVI a. C.,
forming part of the funerary complex of the king, during the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt. The locals called her Abu el-Hol
"Father of Terror", corruption of the Coptic expression bel-hit, which is applied to those who manifest their
intelligence in the eyes and which translates the Egyptian denomination hu or ju, which means "the guardian" or
4 "watchman".
The pyramids of Egypt are, of all the vestiges bequeathed by the Egyptians of antiquity, the most portentous and
emblematic recognized. Built as royal crypts for the pharaohs from 3000 BC.C, with limestone-clad stone blocks, they
5 were in plain sight, large white constructions.

Geography: Africa is separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea and joins Asia at its northeastern extremity by
the Isthmus of Suez. However, it occupies a single tectonic plate, unlike Europe, which shares the Eurasian plate with
6 Asia.
Abu Simbel is a site of archaeological interest that consists of Egyptian temples located in Nubia, southern Egypt. It is
located on the western shore of Lake Nasser, about 231 km southwest of Aswan, close to its original location. The
temples are part of the Open Air Museum of Nubia and Aswan, a complex that was declared a World Heritage Site by
UNESCO in 1979 under the name of "Monuments of Nubia, from Abu Simbel to File", known as the "Nubian
Monuments", which extend to File, near Aswan. The temples were carved into the rock during the reign of Pharaoh
Ramses II in the thirteenth century BC. C., as a monument dedicated to said pharaoh and his wife Nefertari, to
7 commemorate their supposed victory in the battle of Kadesh and show their power to their Nubian neighbors.
The Valley of the Kings is a necropolis of ancient Egypt, in the vicinity of Luxor, where the tombs of most of the
pharaohs of the New Kingdom, and some animals, are located. It was popularly known to the Egyptians as Ta-sekhet-
ma'at. It is part of the complex called Ancient Thebes with its necropolis, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in
8 1979. It is located in the desert area of the western bank of the Nile, opposite Thebes, in the heart of the Necropolis.
The temple of Luxor, located in the heart of ancient Thebes, was essentially built under the Egyptian eighteenth and
nineteenth dynasties. He was consecrated to the god Amun under his two aspects of Amun-Ra. The oldest parts
currently visible date back to Amenhotep III and Ramesses II. Subsequently, new elements were added by Shabako,
Nectanebo I and the Ptolemaic dynasty. In Roman times, the temple was partially transformed into a military camp.
9 The building, one of the best preserved in the New Egyptian Empire, still maintains numerous structures.
The El Badi Palace in Marrakech was built in the late sixteenth century by Sultan Saadi Ahmed al-Mansur to celebrate
the victory over the Portuguese army in 1578 in the battle known as the Battle of the Three Kings. According to the
chroniclers of the time it was the wonder of the Muslim world. The construction of this lavish palace lasted from
1578 to 1603 and the richest materials were used to decorate the 360 rooms of the princely complex. Today, there is
10 nothing left but an immense esplanade of gardens, planted with orange trees and surrounded by high walls.
The Alexandrina Library is an important library and cultural center located in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, on the
coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It was built in commemoration of the ancient Library of Alexandria, destroyed in
Antiquity, trying to rekindle the brilliance that this former center of study and scholarship represented. In 1987 an
ambitious cultural project emerged: to build a new library – the Bibliotheca Alexandrina – in the city of Alexandria to
recover a mythical enclave of Antiquity, a World Heritage Site. This occurred about 1600 years after the definitive
11 disappearance of those great collections of knowledge.
Population data: Africa is the third largest continent, after Asia and america. It is located between the Atlantic
Oceans to the west and the Indian Ocean to the east. The Mediterranean Sea separates it to the north of the
12 European continent; the point at which the two continents are closest is the 14.4 km wide Strait of Gibraltar
The Giza Necropolis is located on the Giza Plateau, west of the homonymous town, about twenty kilometers from
Cairo, Egypt. It began to be used during the second dynasty, having found pottery dated to the reign of Nynecher. In
13 it are the famous pyramids built by the pharaohs of the fourth dynasty Cheops, Khafre and Mycerinus.
The Abdin Palace is a historic palace in Cairo, and one of the official residences and main workplace of the President
of Egypt, which is located above Qasr el-Nil Street, in east central Cairo, Egypt. Built on the site of a small mansion
owned by Abidin Bey, Abdeen's Palace, which bears his name, is considered one of the most sumptuous palaces in
the world in terms of its ornaments, paintings, and large numbers of clocks scattered in the halls and wings, most of
14 which are decorated with pure gold.
Clutura: Broadly speaking, we can divide African culture into four cultural blocks: Arab, Egyptian, European and black
culture. After gaining independence, in order to have a national unity, the countries of Africa chose a common
15 language to be used in matters of government and education.
The colossi of Memnon are two gigantic stone statues depicting Pharaoh Amenhotep III, who ruled during Egypt's
Eighteenth Dynasty. They are located on the west bank of the Nile, opposite the Egyptian city of Luxor, near Medinet
16 Habu and south of the great Theban necropolises.
The Ramesseum is the name given to the funerary temple ordered to be erected by Ramesses II, and located in the
necropolis of Thebes, on the western bank of the Nile River, opposite the city of Luxor, next to the small temple
dedicated to his mother Tuya. The name was coined by Jean-François Champollion, who visited its ruins in 1829 and
was the first to identify the names and titles of Ramses on its walls. Its original name was Usermaatra's Million-Year-
17 Old House Setepenra, which links the city of Thebes with the kingdom of Amun.
Victoria Falls, located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, is a waterfall of the Zambezi River. They are located in
Livingstone District, Southern Province, Zambia and Hwange District, West Mashonaland, Zimbabwe. Above the falls
is the Victoria Falls Bridge, an ancient steel arch completed in 1905. The falls have an approximate width of 1.7 km
and 108 m high. They are considered an extraordinary spectacle due to the narrow and rare abyss into which the
18 water falls.
Kilimanjaro is a mountain located in northeastern Tanzania, formed by three dormant volcanoes: Shira, in the west,
3962 m high; the Mawenzi, in the east, of 5149 m and the Kibo, between them, the most recent from the geological
point of view and whose peak, the Uhuru, rises to the most 5891.8 m. It is the highest mountain in Africa, the highest
freestanding mountain in the world—about 4900 m high from its base on the plateau—and the fourth ultra-
prominent peak on Earth. It is also known for the famous ice fields of its summit, which are drastically reducing since
19 the early twentieth century and are estimated to disappear completely between 2020 and 2050.
Hydrography: In Africa it is worth mentioning the Great Lakes region, one of the few areas of great lakes in the world.
20 Among the largest are Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Nyasa, Lake Edward, Lake Kivu and Lake Rudolph.
Erg Chebbi is one of the Sahara erg in Morocco, although it is technically located within an area of semi-arid pre-
Saharan steppes and is not part of the Sahara Desert, which lies some distance to the south. Erg Chebbi has a length
21 of 28 km and 5 km wide, and its dunes have a maximum height of 150 m.
Mount Nyiragongo is an active stratovolcano of 3471 m altitude located in the Virunga Mountains, associated with
the Albertine Rift. It is located within Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, about 20 km
north of the city of Goma and Lake Kivu and just west of the Rwandan border. The main crater is about two
kilometers wide and usually contains a lava lake. The crater currently has two cooled lava banks within the crater
22 walls: one at about 3175 m and a lower one at about 2975 m.
Climate: Warm climates extend throughout Central America, and a small part of northern South America. Its main
characteristics are: low thermal amplitude, and high annual average temperatures and rainfall are abundant all
year round. According to the variations of their general conditions are classified into: Temperate climates develop
in the intermediate latitudes, and their characteristics are the lowest average temperatures and the higher thermal
amplitudes than in the warm climates, especially in the areas far from the coasts. Because of that difference, they
are classified into oceanic and continental temperate. Cold climates are located at the highest latitudes and
predominate in much of North America and in the extreme south of South America. Summers are very short and
winters very rigorous, with great thermal amplitudes, with the exception of areas that are influenced by warm
1 currents.
Machu Picchu is the contemporary name given to a llacta –ancient Andean Inca village– built before the fifteenth
century, located in the Cordillera Oriental of southern Peru, in the andes mountain range at 2430 meters above sea
level. It is located in the Cusco region, province of Urubamba, district of Machupicchu, on the Sacred Valley of the
Incas, 80 kilometers northwest of the city of Cusco, city of Peru and where the Urubamba River flows, a river that
2 crosses the mountain range and originates a canyon with a tropical mountain climate.
The Christ the Redeemer or Christ of Corcovado is an art deco statue of Jesus of Nazareth with open arms showing
the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue has a height of 38 meters on a pedestal of 8 meters. This monument
3 was inaugurated on October 12, 1931, after approximately five years of construction.
Liberty Illuminating the World, known as the Statue of Liberty, is one of the most famous monuments in New York,
the United States and around the world. It is located on Liberty Island south of Manhattan Island, next to the
4 mouth of the Hudson River and near Ellis Island.
The Walt Disney World Resort, also known as Disney World, is a resort famous for its theme parks and numerous
hotels. The resort is operated by Walt Disney Parks, Experiences and Products and owned by The Walt Disney
5 Company. It is located in the Area of Lake Buena Vista and Bay Lake in Florida.
Geography: In the American territory, the plates of the earth's crust (North American, Caribbean and South
American) in their displacement from the center of the Atlantic to the west, form the mountain range of the
western edge of America product of the subduction process of the Pacific plate. It is basically composed of a series
of high mountain ranges on the west coast (mainly the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Madre Occidental and the
Andes, all part of the Ring of Fire) product of the collision of the continental plates with the oceanic and plains in
the eastern areas where the two largest river basins in the world are located: that of the Mississippi River in North
6 America and that of the Amazon River in South America.
Niagara Falls is a group of waterfalls located on the Niagara River in northeastern North America between Canada
7 and the United States. Located about 236 meters above sea level, its fall is approximately 51 meters.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a monumental complex and sculptural ensemble carved between 1927 and
1941 on a granite mountain in Keystone, South Dakota , United States, featuring the 18-meter-tall faces of U.S.
Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. They were sculpted
by danish-American sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln Borglum. This monument commemorates the
birth, growth, conservation, and development of the American nation. Mount Rushmore National Monument is
8 5.17 km² in size.
The Arizona Grand Canyon is a natural formation distinguished by stratified bands of red rock, which reveal millions
of years of geological history in a cross-section. It is vast in its dimension and has an average of 16 km wide and 1.6
km deep along its 365 km of extension. Much of the area is a national park where the rapids of the Colorado River
9 are located and has panoramic views.
The Rocky Mountains stretch for about 3,000 miles from British Columbia and Alberta in Canada, pass through
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and reach New Mexico in the U.S. The mountain range has spectacular
nature, diverse fauna and alpine lakes. Through Colorado Rocky Mountain National Park cross numerous hiking
10 trails and the famous scenic trail Trail Ridge Road, a 48-mile highway that reaches a high point at 12,183 feet.
Hollywood Sign is the name given to the famous gigantic sign located on a hill known as Mount Lee, which is part of
11 Griffith Park, in the Hollywood Hills district of Los Angeles, California.
Population data: The population in America varies according to living conditions. Most of the inhabitants of Latin
America are young people between 15 and 24 years of age, and life expectancy varies between 70 and 80 years of
age. In addition, more than half of the population in most countries is rural. Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica, Argentina,
Uruguay and Puerto Rico are the Latin American countries with a relatively aging demographic structure, since the
population of 60 years or more is close to, equal to or greater than 13%. In countries such as Bolivia, Guatemala,
Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic, there is a larger youth population, with young
people between 15 and 25 years of age predominating. While in Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Panama,
Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, also a simple majority of its inhabitants are young, although in recent decades there
has been a progressive aging population related to the decrease in the birth rate and the increase in life
12 expectancy.
The Arenal volcano is located in the district of La Fortuna, canton of San Carlos, in the province of Alajuela. It has a
height of 1670 masl. The volcano is located within the Arenal Volcano National Park. It began its last and current
period of activity in 1968, on July 29 at 7:30. Since that date it constantly emits gases and water vapors, with some
13 explosions with emission of pyroclastic materials and sometimes strong rumblings.
Tikal is one of the largest archaeological sites and urban centers of the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization, along
with Calakmul, Chichen Itza and Palenque. It is located in the municipality of Flores, in the department of Petén, in
the current territory of the Republic of Guatemala and is part of the Tikal National Park, which was declared a
World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1979. According to the glyphs found at the site, its Mayan name would have been
14 Yax Mutul. Tikal is one of the most important tourist centers in Guatemala.
Clutura: The culture of Latin America comprises the formal and informal expressions of the peoples of Latin
America, and includes all kinds of cultural, literary, artistic expressions, and also the elements of modern and
15 popular culture such as music, local art, dance, religious elements and their customs.
The Temple of the Great Jaguar or Temple I, a funerary-ceremonial temple built in the year 734 by the Mayan
civilization, is the main construction of one of the largest cities of the Maya-classic-late period, Tikal, located in the
16 region of Petén, Guatemala
Quiriguá is an archaeological site belonging to the ancient Mayan civilization, located in the department of Izabal in
the north-east of Guatemala. It is a medium-sized site, with an area of approximately 3 km², located along the
lower course of the Motagua River, with its ceremonial center located 1 km from the north bank of the river.
During the Classic Period of the Mayan civilization, Quiriguá was located at the confluence of several important
trade routes. The site was occupied from 200 AD. C. and the construction of the acropolis began around 550 AD.C.
A boom of impressive constructions began in the eighth century, until all construction activity stopped around 850
17 AD. C., except for a brief period of reoccupation in the Early Postclassic.
The Kerepakupai Vená or Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, with a height of 979 m, originating in the
Auyantepuy. It is located in Canaima National Park, Bolivar State, Venezuela. It was a protected natural area, being
declared a national park on June 12, 1962 and a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1994, which extends over an area
18 of more than 30,000 km², to the border with Brazil and the territory of the Essequibo
The National Museum of Colombia was created in 1823, and is one of the oldest in the Americas. It offers its visitors
seventeen permanent exhibition rooms, in which around 2,500 works and objects, symbols of history and national
heritage are exhibited. In its calendar of temporary exhibitions, the Museum presents samples of national and
international history, art and archaeology. Additionally, it offers a varied academic and cultural program that
19 includes conferences, concerts, theater and dance presentations and audiovisual projections, among others.
Hydrography: Most of the rivers of the Americas run from the mountain systems of the west and are distributed on
the slopes of the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Oceans. On the Atlantic slope flow the longest rivers
20 forming important basins that favor in all ways the inhabitants of those areas.
The Nazca lines and geoglyphs of Jumana pampas or simply Nazca lines are ancient geoglyphs found in the pampas
of Jumana, in the Nazca desert, between the towns of Nazca and Palpa, in the department of Ica. They were traced
by the Nazca culture and are composed of several hundred figures ranging from designs as simple as lines to
21 complex zoomorphic, phytomorphic and geometric figures that appear traced on the earth's surface.
The archaeological park of San Agustín is one of the most important archaeological sites in Colombia, located in the
south of the department of Huila. It was founded on November 20, 1935, during the government of liberal
President Alfonso López Pumarejo, and in 1995 it was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. It is the largest
22 necropolis worldwide
Climate: Asia is a continent of more than 40 million square kilometers, with territories near the north pole, such as
the Arctic, or in the southern hemisphere and in the tropics, hence when talking about the climate in Asia we must
talk about a wide extension of territory to travel and therefore a great diversity of climates. In Asia we can go from
the lushness of a tropical jungle to the aridity of a desert or the Arctic, its climates are very varied. In the south of
the continent, for example, we find warm climates, which differ in turn between dry tropical or humid tropical, as
1 in Southeast Asia, as well as the Central Asian area.
Angkor Wat, also sometimes written Angkor Vat, is the largest and also the best preserved Hindu temple of those
that make up the settlement of Angkor. It is considered to be the largest religious structure ever built, and one of
2 the most important archaeological treasures in the world.
Phi Phi (also known as Koh Phi Phi, Thai: หมูเ่ กาะพีพ)ี is a small archipelago located in the Andaman Sea, southern
Thailand. It has become in recent years a very popular place for tourism, to the point that the expansion of hotel
3 infrastructures are growing uncontrollably to accommodate so much tourist demand.
Mount Kinabalu is a prominent mountain in Malaysia, Southeast Asia. It is located in kinabalu National Park in the
state of Sabah located in East Malaysia, which occupies the northern part of Borneo, in the tropics. It is the largest
4 mountain in Insulindia. It has a height of 4095 m s.
Elephant Nature Park is a sanctuary and rescue center for elephants in Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province,
5 northern Thailand, approximately 60 kilometers from Chiang Mai City.
Geography: The relief of Asia is constituted by a large plateau, on whose edges strong mountain ranges rise and at
whose northern foot extend the plains that reach the Arctic Ocean, while the southern slope is available, as in
Europe, three extensive peninsulas. In the central core of the entire orographic system is the Pamir plateau or
nicknamed next to that of Tibet as "The Roof of the World" (3600 m s. n.m. of average height), of which in
directions to wide mountain ranges. To the southeast of the "orographic knot" of the Pamir extends another
exalted plateau, which is that of Tibet (the most extensive and highest plateau currently on planet Earth), of
6 greater extension and height (5000 m) than the Pamir itself.
The Grand Royal Palace is a complex of buildings in Bangkok, Thailand, which served as the official residence of the
7 King of Thailand from the eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth century.
Tiananmen Square is the most important square in all of China, as well as one of the largest in the world. Built in
1949 after the proclamation of the People's Republic of China, the square has colossal dimensions of 880 by 500
meters. Over the years the square has been the scene of different historical events among which the Protests of
1989 stand out, which ended with the death of hundreds of demonstrators and the declaration of Martial Law in
8 Beijing.
The Taj Mahal is a funerary monument built between 1631 and 1654 in the city of Agra, Uttar Pradesh state, on the
9 banks of the Yamuna River, by the Muslim emperor Shah Jahan of the Mughal dynasty.
The Great Wall of China is an ancient Chinese fortification, built and rebuilt between the fifth century BC. C. and the
sixteenth century to protect the northern border of the Chinese Empire during successive imperial dynasties from
10 attacks by the Xiongnu nomads of Mongolia and Manchuria.
Itsukushima is an island located within Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. It is popularly known as Miyajima.
Itsukushima is part of the city of Hatsukaichi in Hiroshima Prefecture. The island was the village of Miyajima before
11 it joined the town of Hatsukaichi in 2005.
Population Data: Asia is the largest and most populous continent on Earth. With about 45 million km², it accounts
for 8.7% of the total land area and 30% of the land emerged and, with about 4600 million inhabitants, 60% of the
12 world's population.
Jigokudani Monkey Park is located in Yamanouchi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is part of joshinetsu Kogen National
13 Park, and is located in the Yokoyu River Valley in the northern part of the prefecture.
Batu Caves is a limestone hill, which has a number of caves and cave temples, located in the Gombak district, 13
kilometers north of the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It takes its name from the Batu River or Sungai Batu, which
14 flows beyond the hill.
Clutura: The culture of Asia basically stands out for its languages, its gastronomy, its religions, its tribes and its
festivals. The most important cultures in Asia are China, Japan and India. The cultures and traditions in Asia are an
15 almost inexhaustible source of wealth that modern man is just beginning to know.
The Forbidden City is a palace complex located in Beijing, capital of China. For nearly five hundred years, from the
Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was the official residence of China's emperors and their court, as
16 well as the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government.
Mount Fuji, also known as Fujiyama for a transliteration error, is the highest peak on the island of Honshu and all of
17 Japan, at 3776 meters of altitude.
Petra is a famous archaeological city in the desert, southwest of Jordan. Founded around 300 BC. C., was the capital
of the Nabataean Kingdom. It can be accessed through a narrow canyon called Al Siq and contains tombs and
temples carved into pink sandstone cliffs, which is why it is known as the "Pink City". Its most famous structure is
probably the 45-meter-high Al Khazneh, a temple with a Greek-style façade and decoration, which is known as The
18 Treasure.
The Dead Sea, which borders Israel, the West Bank and Jordan, is a salt lake whose shores lie more than 400 m
below sea level, the lowest point on land. Its famous hypersaline waters allow easy floating, and its mineral-rich
19 black mud is used for therapeutic and cosmetic treatments in the area's resorts.
Hydrography: Asia is the largest continent in the world, it is for this reason that it has one of the largest
hydrographic networks in the world. Its rivers are grouped into four slopes: Indian Slope, Pacific Slope, Arctic Slope
20 and Inland Slope.
The temple of the sacred rats, another Indian curiosity turned into a tourist site. It is actually called the temple of
Karni Mata, after a fourteenth-century scholar, but there are even signs on the road calling it the rat sanctuary,
21 located in the western state of Rajasthan.
The jar moorland is a historical cultural site in northern Laos that concentrates thousands of jar-shaped stone
vessels scattered across the Xieng Khouang Plateau, in the northern highlands of Laos, in the Annamita mountain
range, the main mountain range of Indochina. Archaeologists believe that these stony vessels were created 1500 or
2000 years ago by the ancient inhabitants of the region, whose culture and way of life is unknown. Most of the
excavated material dates from the 500s BC. C.–800 A.C. Anthropologists and archaeologists have theorized that
22 they could be used as burial vessels or burial urns or even as containers to store food.
Climate: The European continent is a temperate zone for the most part. Its climate not only varies from north to
south, but also from west to east because of the polar marine and continental polar air currents, and to a lesser
1 extent the tropical marine and tropical continental air currents.
Gladiator games, naval battles, fights with animals... The Flavian amphitheater, better known as the Colosseum –
perhaps because of the colossal statue of Nero that stood nearby – was part of the public entertainment of ancient
Rome. The famous Latin expression panem et circenses (bread and circus) summed up everything that the rulers of
2 the city required to manage the plebs and keep them entertained.

Eiffel Tower: It was built in two years, two months and five days, and at the time generated some controversy
among the artists of the time, who saw it as an iron monster. After finishing its function as part of the Universal
Exhibitions of 1889 and 1900, it was used in tests of the French army with communication antennas, and today it
3 serves, in addition to tourist attraction, as a station of radio and television programs.
Notre Dame Cathedral is a Cathedral of Catholic worship, seat of the Archdiocese of Paris, the capital of France.
Dedicated to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, it is located on the small island of La Cité, surrounded by the
4 waters of the Seine River. It is one of the most popular monuments in the French capital.
Hagia Sophia or Hagia Sophia is an ancient Orthodox basilica, later converted into a mosque, then into a museum
5 and, since August 1, 2020, again into a mosque in the city of Istanbul, Turkey

Geography: Europe is the continent with the most flat territory, with an average height of 230 meters. The
maximum expression of these plains is the great European plain, which extends 2000 km from the French Atlantic
coasts to the Ural Mountains, the physical border with Asia. The highest points are Mount Elbrus (Russia) in Eastern
6 Europe (5633 m), Shkhara (Georgia) (5204 m) and Mont Blanc (Italy/France) in Western Europe (4807m)

The Louvre Museum is the national museum of France devoted to both fine arts and archaeology and decorative
7 arts prior to Impressionism. It is located in Paris, the capital of the country, in the former royal palace of the Louvre.
Papal St. Peter's Basilica, commonly known as St. Peter's Basilica, is a Catholic temple located in Vatican City. The
basilica has the largest interior space of a Christian church in the world, is 193 m long, 44.5 m high, and covers an
8 area of 2.3 hectares.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is, without a doubt, one of the great feats of renaissance architecture and
engineering, for the purity of its lines, its dimensions and the amazing ingenuity of its builders. The project began in
9 1296 and lasted for 175 years.
Big Ben is the name given to the large clock bell located on the northwest side of the Palace of Westminster, the
seat of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, in London. Popularly, by extension, this name is also used for the
10 clock of the tower.
Postoina Cave was formed over millions of years by the Pivka River and was discovered in the thirteenth century,
although it was never properly explored until the early nineteenth century. Visitors who come to the cave today
can learn details about the origin and history of the caves, tunnels and galleries and can admire its stalactites and
stalagmites, some of which have ended up joining in pillars, folded and folded as curtains and other interesting
11 shapes.
Population data: It is estimated that Europe had approximately 800 000 000 inhabitants in 1991, of which just over
400 000 000 belong to the European Union. It is one of the most important regions from a geographical point of
12 view, with 12% of the 7 billion inhabitants of the planet.
The Grand Canal is the largest canal in the city of Venice, the largest wetland in this country thanks to the multiple
canals of different length and width that irrigate it, in Italy. It runs through Venice tracing an S and is followed in
13 size and importance by the Canal Regio or Cannaregio
14 The Lofoten make up a fascinating Arctic landscape. Its image of a secluded and extreme territory disappears when
you see that these are islands of warm temperatures for the region and accessible thanks to ferries that
communicate them all year round with the mainland and roads that wind between fjords.
Clutura: The term European culture is ancient, because its meaning depends a lot on the historical epoch to which
it refers and also on the fact that Europe presents internally cultural diversity (and has often assimilated non-
European contributions and influences). One of limitation of the culture of Europe must necessarily take into
account the geographical limits of the continent (for example, the Greek civilization developed partly in the lands of
15 Asia, in present-day Turkey).
The Alps are a chain of mountains located in Central Europe. Its highest summit is Mont Blanc, with 4810 m a.s.m.
Around the Alps, favored by important rivers of uniform flow and rich farmland, were located since prehistory
various peoples, mainly Celts, such as lingons, leucos, insubrios, helvetians and, later, Germanic in the northeast
16 and Italic peoples in the south, after the Roman conquest of Cisalpine Gaul.

It can be considered the most representative of the Greek acropolises. The acropolis was literally the upper city and
17 was present in most Greek cities, with a double function: defensive and as the seat of the main places of worship.
The Windmills of Kinderdijk are one of the best-known Dutch tourist sites. Proof of this is that they were included
in the UNESCO list as a World Heritage Site in 1997 and are a symbol of the tenacity and ingenuity of the Dutch
18 people.
Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for more than thirty years, the Palace of Versailles is one of the best
known palaces worldwide, not only for its imposing architecture and its endless and well-kept gardens, but because
19 it constitutes an important part of the history of France.
Hydrography: A relatively small area and a low relief prevent Europe from having rivers of the length of the
Amazon. Among the great rivers are the Rhine, the Danube, the Volga and the Don, highlighting the rivers in the
20 Russian plains.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarch in London. It is also used for official ceremonies,
state visits and sightseeing. It is famous for housing a substantial part of the Royal Collection, an extraordinary set
of artistic works resulting from royal collecting. The palace is a meeting point for the British in times of crisis and
21 festivity.
The Blue Mosque or Sultan Ahmed Mosque is one of the great mosques of Istanbul, the work of Sedefkar Mehmet
22 Ağa, disciple of the architect Sinan.
Climate: As you saw on the map Australia, it is a very large country, its climate varies widely, although most of
Australia is desert or semi-arid, approximately 40% of the territory is covered by dunes or sand dunes, with dry
desert and steppe climates, only the southeast and southwest areas have a temperate climate and moderately
1 fertile soils.
The Sydney Opera House, located in the city of Sydney, State of New South Wales, Australia, is one of the most
famous and distinctive buildings of the twentieth century. Declared a World Heritage Site in 2007, it was designed
by Danish architect Jørn Utzon in 1957 and opened on October 20, 1973. In the building there are plays, ballet,
opera or musical productions. It is home to the Australian Opera Company, the Sydney Theatre Company and the
Sydney Symphony Orchestra. It is administered by the Opera House Trust, a public body of the state government of
2 New South Wales.
The Uluru, also called Ayers Rock, is a rock formation composed of sandstone that is located in central Australia, in
the Northern Territory, 460 km southwest of Alice Springs, within the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. The mountain
was named "Ayers Rock" by surveyor and explorer William Gosse on the day of its discovery, 19 July 1873, in
3 honour of Sir Henry Ayers, then Senior Secretary of South Australia.
Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, with an elevation of 3764 m. It is a peak of the New Zealand
Alps, a mountain range that runs along the entire western coast of the South Island of New Zealand. Several
glaciers, such as the Tasman and Hooker, hang on its slopes. Apart from being a major tourist destination, it is a
region famous for climbers, with a long history of mountaineering. It is also a mountain known to have been the
exterior location of the scenes of the film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring that take place on the
4 fictional Mount Caradhras.
The Sydney Harbour Bridge, which spans Sydney Harbour, connects the city's financial centre to the north coast, a
residential and commercial area. After more than eight years of construction it was opened to the public on March
19, 1932. Taking into account the accesses, the total length of the bridge is 1149 m. The space under the bridge for
navigation has a height of 49 m; over the water the bridge has a length of 503 m, making it the fifth longest of its
5 kind.
Geography: Oceania is an island continent consisting of the continental shelf of Australia, the islands of Papua New
Guinea and New Zealand, as well as the coral and volcanic archipelagos of Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia,
6 distributed throughout the Pacific Ocean.
The Twelve Apostles is the name given to a grouping of limestone spires protruding from the sea on the coast of
Port Campbell National Park. They were formed by rock erosion and movement. Along the "Great Ocean Road" in
Victoria, Australia. The proximity of one to another is the cause of the curiosity of the place and what has made it
7 an important and popular tourist attraction
Taronga Zoo is the zoo of the city of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; it is located on the shore of Sydney
Harbour in the suburb of Mosman. It was inaugurated in October 1916. The zoo is divided into eight zoogeographic
regions, covering an area of 21 ha. In it live more than 4,000 animals of 340 species. It has a shop, a café and an
8 information centre.
The Royal Botanic Gardens of Sydney, is a botanical garden of 30 hectares, near the center of Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia. He is a member of the BGCI, and presents work for the International Agenda for Conservation in
9 the Botanical Gardens.
Grampian Mountains National Park is a national park in Victoria, which is located 235 kilometres northwest of
Melbourne. The Grampianos are noted for the series of sandstone rock mountains. This mountain range was
named in 1836 by the explorer Thomas Mitchell, before they were known by the name of Gariwerd, in one of the
Australian Aboriginal languages. After a two-year consultation process, the park was renamed Grampians National
10 Park.
11 Kata Tjuṯa, also known as Mount Olga, is a group of rock formations located 470 km southwest of Alice Springs, in
the southern part of the Northern Territory of Australia. It is one of the main points of interest, along with Uluṟu,
located 25 km east, from Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. The complex consists of 36 peaks, covering an area of
21.68 km². The mountain is formed by sedimentary rocks, formed from gravel and boluses of different types of
rock, such as granite and basalt, conglomerated in a sandstone matrix.
Population data: Oceania is one of all the least populated continent, with the exception of Antarctica. The number
of its inhabitants is approximately 34,300,000 (according to the 2010 census), a figure that is increasing due to the
substantial difference in the birth rate (21%) and mortality rate (9%). The total population density, however, ranges
12 from just 2.8 to 3.4 inhabitants per square kilometre.
The koalaOne of the typical animals of Australia that causes a lot of attention. Some may even find it tender. It is
characterized by lacking a tail and having a drowsy appearance, since it is very sedentary. Sleep up to 20 hours a
13 day.
This dasiuromorph marsupial, familiar with the extinct marsupial wolf, is the largest carnivore of this species,
although it is actually very small, compared to its usual prey: wallabies and pandemelons. He usually climbs trees
and is an excellent swimmer. Among the typical animals of Australia, Tasmanian devils are only found on the island
of the same name; they have been declared several times in danger of extinction and in some cases may become
14 domestic.
Clutura: In its territories the roots of the ancient local cultures are mixed with those incorporated since the British
Empire. The cultures originating in Oceania are made up of the native aboriginal groups of Australia, Polynesia,
15 Melanesia and Micronesia.
The platypusFrom the typical animals of Australia, the platypus is not dangerous, but it is at the tip of the saga of
the rarest. It is even poisonous; although the poison it spews is not deadly, not even for its real victims, it causes
unbearable pain and edema is formed that you will have to control with morphine. It is a Darwinian example of
16 species mixing.
Wallabies or wallabies are marsupials very similar to kangaroos, only smaller – just over a meter – and with
somewhat more trimmed ears. They are not as numerous as kangaroos, but they are part of the typical animals of
17 Australia with more species, about thirty. They also move by jumping.
South American sea lions are usually identified because they have a more brown color, and closely resemble this
typical species of animals from Australia. However, they have no relationship. This species of sea lion has more
taxonomic link with African sea lions or Cape wolves. They can be seen in Tasmania, in Victoria, on the shores
18 around Bass Strait.
The Waitomo Glowworm Caves attraction is a cave in Waitomo on the North Island of New Zealand. It is known for
19 its population of Arachnocampa luminosa, a species of firefly found exclusively in New Zealand.
Hydrography: The hydrography of Oceania Being an insular and dry continent, rivers are usually very short and not
very abundant. The rivers that cross the desert of central Australia such as the Murray, which is the longest on the
20 continent with 2718 km; and the darling and Murrumbidgee rivers.
The Sydney Aquarium is a public aquarium located in the city of Sydney, New South Wales, in Australia. It is located
in the eastern part of Darling Harbour, north of the Pyrmont Bridge. It is a full institutional member of the
Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The aquarium contains a
wide variety of Australian aquatic life, displaying over 650 species comprising over 6,000 individual fish and other
21 sea and water creatures from most of Australia's aquatic habitats.
Huka Falls is a set of waterfalls on the Waikato River that drains Lake Taupō in New Zealand. A few hundred meters
upstream from Huka Falls, the Waikato River narrows from about 100 meters wide to a canyon only 15 meters
22 wide.

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