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Epilepsia, 51(10):2131–2139, 2010

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02723.x


Brain activation patterns of versive, hypermotor, and bilateral

asymmetric tonic seizures
*yChong H. Wong, *zArmin Mohamed, *xGeorge Larcos, {Rochelle McCredie,
y**Ernest Somerville, and *yAndrew Bleasel

*Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia; yDepartment of Neurology, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, NSW,
Australia; zDepartment of PET and Nuclear Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, NSW, Australia; xCentre for
Biomedical Imaging, Research & Development and Department of Nuclear Medicine & Ultrasound, Westmead Hospital, Westmead,
NSW, Australia; {Department of Medical Physics, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, NSW, Australia; and **Department of
Neurology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, NSW, Australia

cluster-level significance p < 0.05 were considered signif-

Purpose: Patients who have seizure onset from different Results: We have identified a distinct ictal perfusion
brain regions can produce seizures that appear clinically pattern in each subgroup. In versive seizure subgroup,
indistinguishable from one another. These clinically prominent hyperperfusion was present in the frontal eye
stereotypic manifestations reflect epileptic activation of field opposite to the direction of head version. In addition,
specific networks. Several studies have shown that ictal there was associated caudate and crossed cerebellar
perfusion single photon emission computed tomography hyperperfusion. The BATS subgroup showed pronounced
(SPECT) can reveal propagated ictal activity. We hypoth- hyperperfusion supplementary sensorimotor area ipsilat-
esize that the pattern of hyperperfusion may reflect eral to the epileptogenic region, bilateral basal ganglia,
neuronal networks that generated specific ictal symptom- and contralateral cerebellar hemisphere. The hypermo-
atology. tor seizure subgroup demonstrated two clusters of signifi-
Methods: All patients were identified who were cant hyperperfusion: one involving bilateral frontomesial
injected with 99mTc-hexamethyl-propylene-amine-oxime regions, cingulate gyri, and caudate nuclei, and another
(HMPAO) during versive seizures (n = 5), bilateral involving ipsilateral anteromesial temporal structures,
asymmetric tonic seizures (BATS; n = 5), and hypermo- frontoorbital region, insula, and basal ganglia.
tor seizures (n = 7) in the presurgical epilepsy evaluation Discussion: We have identified distinct hyperperfusion
between 2001 and 2005. The SPECT ictal–interictal dif- patterns for specific ictal symptomatology. Our findings
ference image pairs of each subgroup were compared provide further insight into understanding the anatomic
with image pairs of 14 controls using statistical para- basis of seizure semiology.
metric mapping (SPM 2) to identify regions of significant KEY WORDS: Partial seizures, SPECT in epilepsy, Epi-
hyperperfusion. Hyperperfused regions with corrected lepsy semiology.

Epileptic seizures are often characterized based on care- are constrained by limited spatial sampling and current
ful analysis of the semiologic features during seizures spread (Luders et al., 1987; Lim et al., 1994). Ictal radionu-
(Luders et al., 1998; So, 2006; Noachtar & Peters, 2009). clide brain perfusion single photon emission computed
However, the anatomic basis underlying several clinical tomography (SPECT) can provide a global appraisal of
signs occurring during partial seizures remains unclear. brain activity at one phase in the seizure. Although it is used
Direct cortical electrical stimulation or electrocorticograph- primarily in the presurgical evaluation of refractory epilepsy
ic recording has been attempted previously to unravel the to localize the ictal onset zone, ictal SPECT also shows
mechanisms of ictal symptomatology, but these methods hyperemic regions representing propagated ictal activity to
the symptomatogenic zone because radiopharmaceutical is
Accepted July 19, 2010; Early View publication September 22, 2010. injected after noting seizure onset (Van Paesschen et al.,
Address correspondence to Dr Andrew Bleasel, Department of
Neurology, Westmead Hospital, Darcy Road, Westmead, NSW 2145,
2007). Therefore, the topography of ictal hyperperfusion
Australia. E-mail: should reflect activated structures responsible for the evolu-
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. tion of symptomatology in the course of the seizure. In this
ª 2010 International League Against Epilepsy study, we have examined ictal SPECT scans of patients with

C. H. Wong et al.

same seizure semiology to identify the neuronal networks same patients was obtained after >24 h of no seizure activ-
generating specific ictal symptomatology. ity. 99mTc-HMPAO–SPECT images of the brain were
acquired using Siemens Orbiter (Siemens Healthcare, Hoff-
man Estates, IL, U.S.A.) single head gamma camera with
Patients and Methods neurofocal collimator and ADAC (Milpitas, CA, U.S.A.)
Patient selection Vertex and ADAC Forte dual head cameras with fanbeam
The study was approved by the ethics committee in collimators. Sixty-four projections were collected on a
Western Sydney Area Health Services. Between 2001 and 128 · 128 matrix. The projection images were recon-
2005, 229 scalp video–electroencephalography (EEG) mon- structed with filtered back projection (Butterworth filter,
itoring sessions were performed in 213 patients for presurgi- 0.2–0.4 Nyquist cutoff frequency, 10th order) and corrected
cal evaluation of medically intractable partial epilepsy at for attenuation using the Chang analytic method.
Westmead Hospital. During video-EEG monitoring, 147 In the versive seizure subgroup, the direction of head
patients were injected with 99mTc-hexamethyl-propylene- turning can be defined clearly. We transposed horizontally
amine-oxime (99mTc-HMPAO) during a seizure. For this the SPECT images of patients with right head deviation and
study, we identified all patients who were injected with combined them with the patients with left head deviation
Tc-HMPAO immediately prior (<10 s) or during versive using IMAGEJ (Rasband, 1997–2009). Therefore, the direc-
seizures (n = 7), bilateral asymmetric tonic seizures tion of head turn was uniform assuming the homologous
(BATS; n = 8), and hypermotor seizures (n = 7). From symptomatogenic network was represented on the contralat-
these groups, patients who developed secondarily general- eral side to the head deviation. In hypermotor seizures and
ized tonic–clonic seizures (n = 2) and patients with previ- BATS, it was not possible to normalize to a lateralized
ous brain surgery were excluded (n = 3). motor feature because motor manifestations were complex
or consisted of bilateral tonic posturing. As such, we flipped
Seizure semiology and determination of the SPECT images so that all the ictal onsets were lateral-
Tc-HMPAO-SPECT injection timing ized to the left, assuming seizures will propagate to involve
Seizures were defined according to the semiologic sei- a consistent network responsible for the semiology.
zure classification (Luders et al., 1998). Versive seizures Tc-HMPAO–SPECT was pre-processed as described
are seizures with sustained and extreme degree of head and by McNally et al. (2005) using Statistical Parametric Map-
eye deviation to one side (Wyllie et al., 1986). The versive ping (SPM 2, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurol-
movements are often accompanied by small clonic lateral ogy, London, United Kingdom). Details of pre-processing,
movements of the head, and the chin moves not only later- including downloads of 14 healthy normal SPECT image
ally but also upwards (Luders et al., 1998). BATS are sei- pairs from normal subjects, are available at http://spect.
zures characterized by tonic posturing involving the trunk In brief, SPECT images were realigned, spatially
and limbs that is bilateral but asymmetric (Bleasel & normalized, and smoothed by convolution with 16-mm
Luders, 2000). Hypermotor seizures consist of complex, Full-Width Half-Maximum (FWHM) Gaussian kernel.
organized movements affecting predominantly the proximal Global intensity normalization using proportional scaling
segments of the limbs and trunk, resulting in large move- with an analysis threshold of 0.8 was applied. For statistical
ments that may appear ‘‘violent’’ when they occur at high analysis, SPECT ictal–interictal difference image pairs of
speeds (Luders et al., 1998). each subgroup were compared voxel-by-voxel with image
The timing of the 99mTc-HMPAO injection was deter- pairs of 14 healthy normal controls using multigroup condi-
mined on retrospective video and EEG review. Seizure tion and covariates model (McNally et al., 2005) to identify
onset was defined as the earliest EEG or clinical evidence of all clusters of voxels with significant hyperperfusion.
seizure activity (McNally et al., 2005) and seizure cessation Significant hyperperfusion was defined as clusters with cor-
when no EEG evidence of seizure activity was present. rected cluster-level significance p < 0.05 (voxel threshold
p = 0.01, extent threshold ‡ 125).
Tc-HMPAO-SPECT acquisition, image processing,
and SPM analysis
Approximately 800 MBq of 99mTc-HMPAO was injected
as a bolus into either a cephalic or an antecubital vein of the The results of patient demographics are summarized in
forearm after noting seizure onset. 99mTc-HMPAO–SPECT Table 1. Five patients with versive seizure, five with BATS,
images were acquired within 4 h of injection. Patients with and seven with hypermotor seizure were studied. The med-
a seizure duration lasting <30 s were allocated a trained ian age was 24 years [interquartile range (IQR) 25–75%:
nurse to sit by the bedside for radiopharmaceutical injection, 21–34; range 11–43]. Fifteen patients underwent resective
whereas those with a seizure of greater duration relied on a surgery. In the nine surgical patients with normal magnetic
trained nurse responding to a seizure alarm for radiopharma- resonance imaging (MRI), invasive subdural electrode eval-
ceutical injection. Interictal 99mTc-HMPAO–SPECT in the uation and electrocorticography were carried out to
Epilepsia, 51(10):2131–2139, 2010
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02723.x
SPECT Patterns and Seizure Semiology

Table 1. Patient demographics

Versive Bilateral asymmetric Hypermotor
seizure tonic seizure seizure
Gender (female/male) 2:3 3:2 3:4
Age (years, median; range) 23; 11–27 30; 18–42 24; 16–43
Age of onset (years, median; range) 7; 4–11 10; 8–17 13; 2–21
MRI visible lesion F = 1, T = 2, O = 2 0 T=1
Surgical outcome [Engel class 1 (total patient operated)] 5 (5) 3 (4) 4 (6)
Seizure duration (seconds, median; range) 115; 27–323 34; 11–64 47; 9–157
Radiopharmaceutical injection in relation to seizure onset (seconds, median; range) 88; 7–113 7; 3–37 14; 5–54
F, frontal lobe; T, temporal lobe; O, occipital lobe.

determine the region of ictal onset, the areas involved in variably extensive way to involve the same neural network
early propagation, and the proximity to eloquent cortex (Spencer, 2002).
prior to resection. Postoperatively, 12 patients achieved In our cohort of versive seizures, forced and sustained
Engel class I seizure freedom (Table 2). head and eye version was associated with pronounced hyp-
SPM analysis revealed a distinctive pattern of significant erperfusion in the contralateral frontal eye field. In addition,
ictal hyperperfusion in each subgroup (Fig. 1 and Supple- there was associated contralateral with caudate and ipsilat-
mental Fig. S1–3) as follows: eral cerebellar hyperperfusion. In another SPECT study,
1. Versive seizure subgroup showed a prominent hyperper- head turning was also noted to be associated with increases
fusion anterior to the precentral sulcus in the frontal eye in cortical blood flow on the hemisphere opposite to the
field opposite to the direction of the head turn. In addi- direction of version (Newton et al., 1992). Wyllie et al.
tion, there was associated ipsilateral caudate and crossed (1986) found versive head and eye movements reliably
cerebellar hyperperfusion. lateralizing the seizure onset to the contralateral hemi-
2. BATS subgroup showed pronounced hyperperfusion in sphere. These versive movements can be elicited by direct
the supplementary sensorimotor area (SSMA) ipsilateral electrical stimulation of frontal eye field in the posterior part
to the hemisphere of ictal onset and bilateral basal gan- of the middle frontal gyrus and the immediate adjacent part
glia. Crossed cerebellar hyperperfusion was also present. of the superior frontal gyrus (Foerster, 1931; Godoy et al.,
3. Hypermotor seizure subgroup demonstrated two clus- 1990; Blanke et al., 2000).
ters of significant hyperperfusion: one involving both The basal ganglia is a complex structure implicated in a
frontomesial regions, cingulate gyri, and caudate nuclei, variety of regulatory controls of movement and posture.
and another involving ipsilateral temporal pole, mesial Hyperperfusion of this structure is often associated with
temporal structures, frontoorbital region, insula, and dystonic posturing of limbs during seizures. However, none
basal ganglia. of our patients in the versive seizure subgroup had ictal dys-
tonia. Several investigators have shown that the frontal eye
field sends large direct projections to the caudate nucleus
Discussion (Leichnetz & Gonzalo-Ruiz, 1996; Cui et al., 2003). We
The major finding of our work is that specific perfusion suggest that the caudate is part of the neuronal circuitry acti-
patterns are associated with different ictal semiology. Our vated in a versive seizure.
study was based on the concept that the same ictal symptom- Crossed cerebellar hyperperfusion is frequently observed
atology resulted from activation of the same cortical in focal seizures (Bohnen et al., 1998). This phenomenon,
network (Spencer, 2002), and by analyzing groups of like that of crossed cerebellar diaschisis (Baron et al., 1981;
patients injected in the same ictal semiology we hypo- Won et al., 1996), reflects perfusion alterations of structures
thesized the brain regions most consistently involved functionally connected through the corticopontocerebellar
could be identified by quantitative voxel-based analysis on pathway during seizures. The frontal lobes have extensive
Tc-HMPAO–SPECT. efferent projections to the contralateral cerebellar hemi-
Despite the varied location of seizure onset and histopa- sphere (Brodal, 1972). Our finding of crossed cerebellar
thology, similar semiologic features during seizures can hyperperfusion accords with this neuronal connection.
exist. This observation had been reported previously by Several investigators recognized that electrical stimula-
several investigators (Wyllie et al., 1986; Bleasel et al., tion of the SSMA could elicit sustained tonic truncal and
1997; So, 2006). The network structures within the brain are bilateral asymmetric limb posturing (Penfield & Welch,
connected functionally and structurally. It is not surprising 1951; Woolsey et al., 1952). This characteristic posture is
that seizures arising from different sites can propagate in a also accepted by The International League Against

Epilepsia, 51(10):2131–2139, 2010

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02723.x

Table 2. Summary of clinical features, investigation results, and surgical outcome

Seizure duration; Seizure outcome
Patient, (age/gender), Completion of injection to completion of Lobe of (follow-up
age onset, MRI Semiology the onset of semiology injection (s) ictal onseta Type of surgery duration)/pathology
V1. (20 years/F), onset: Visual aura (visual disturbances, 6 s prior to onset of eye 323; 113 Rt OL Rt inferior mesial Engel class 1 (8 years)
C. H. Wong et al.

7 years flashing lights) version occipital corticectomy Non–balloon cell

MRI: Rt inferior-mesial fi Versive seizure cortical dysplasia

Epilepsia, 51(10):2131–2139, 2010

occipital lobe lesion (Forced sustained eye and head
version to the left)

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02723.x
fi Dialeptic seizure
(Behavioral pause, stare, not
responding to questions,
occasional subtle lip movements)
V2. (24 years/M), onset: Visual aura (strain behind both 1 s prior to onset of eye 27; 7 Rt OL Rt inferior mesial Engel class 1 (3 years)
8 years eyes, flashing lights) version occipital corticectomy Microdysgenesis
MRI: Rt inferior-mesial fi Versive seizure
occipital lobe lesion (Forced sustained eye and head
version to the left)
V3. (11 years/F), onset: Aura (lightheadedness, vagueness) 7 s prior to onset of eye 141; 88 Rt TL Rt lateral temporal Engel class 1 (8 years)
4 years fi Versive seizure version corticectomy Dysembryoplastic
MRI: Rt lateral temporal (Forced sustained eye and head neuroepithelial tumor
lesion version to the left)
V4. (27 years/M), onset: Aura (rising epigastric feeling) 13 s after onset of eye 115, 110 Rt FL Rt frontal pole Engel class 1 (8 years)
11 years fi Versive seizure version corticectomy Balloon cell cortical
MRI: Rt frontopolar lesion (Forced sustained eye and head dysplasia
version to the left)
V5. (23 years/M), onset: Aura (fearful feeling, epigastric 8 s after onset of eye 60, 45 Lt TL Lt temporal lobectomy Engel class 1 (4 years)
6 years discomfort) version Hippocampal sclerosis
MRI: Lt hippocampal fi Automotor seizure
sclerosis (Lip smacking, chewing, rubbing
hands on legs, looks around)
fi Versive seizure
(Forced sustained eye and head
version to the right)
S1. (30 years/F), onset: Bilateral asymmetric tonic seizure 7 s after onset of bilateral 30; 7 Lt FL Lt mesial frontal Engel class 1 (7 years)
8 years asymmetric tonic seizure corticectomy Non-balloon cell cortical
MRI: normal dysplasia
S2. (32 years/F); onset: Bilateral asymmetric tonic seizure 37 s after onset of bilateral 43; 37 Lt FL Not operated
17 years asymmetric tonic seizure
MRI: normal
S3. (18 years/F), onset: Bilateral asymmetric tonic seizure 28 s after onset of bilateral 64; 28 Rt FL Rt mesial frontal Engel class 1 (8 years)
10 years asymmetric tonic seizure corticectomy Neuronal heterotopia
MRI: normal
Table 2. Continued
Seizure duration; Seizure outcome
Patient, (age/gender), Completion of injection to completion of Lobe of (follow-up
age onset, MRI Semiology the onset of semiology injection (s) ictal onseta Type of surgery duration)/pathology
S4. (23 years/M), onset: Aura (unusual feeling in left leg) 1 s prior to onset of bilateral 11; 3 Rt FL Rt mesial Engel class 1 (2 years)
14 years fi Bilateral asymmetric tonic asymmetric tonic seizure frontoparietal Balloon cell cortical
MRI: normal seizure corticectomy dysplasia
S5. (42 years/M); onset: Bilateral asymmetric tonic seizure 4 s after onset of bilateral 34; 4 Rt FL Rt mesial frontal Engel class II (6 years)
10 years asymmetric tonic seizure corticectomy Non–balloon cell
MRI: normal cortical dysplasia
H1. (36 years/F), onset: Aura (sounds become distant; sense 3 s after onset of hypermotor 97; 19 Rt TL Rt temporal Engel class 1 (3 years)
13 years of impending doom) seizure lobectomy Hippocampal sclerosis
MRI: Rt hippocampal fi Hypermotor seizure:
sclerosis (Covers face with left hand; turning
vigorously in bed; whimpering vocalization)
H2. (16 years/M), onset: Aura (fearful feeling) 6 s after onset of hypermotor 26; 10 Rt FL Rt frontomesial Engel class 1 (3 years)
13 years fi Hypermotor seizure: seizure corticectomy Neuronal heterotopia
MRI: normal (Looks around in a restless manner;
rocking of body back and forth;
shuffling from side to side; sniff heavily;
fumbling with clothing)
H3. (43 years/M), onset: Aura (fearful feeling) At onset of hypermotor seizure 39; 14 Rt TL Rt temporal Engel class 1 (5 years)
21 years fi Hypermotor seizure: lobectomy Neuronal heterotopia
MRI: normal (Looks around in a restless manner;
rocking of body back and forth; shuffling
from side to side; chews, lip smacking;
fumbling with clothing).
H4. (24 years/F), onset: Aura (feels hot in the head and going to 43 s after onset of hypermotor 65; 54 Rt FL or TL Not operated
16 years blackout) seizure
MRI: normal fi Hypermotor seizure:
(Rocking of body back and forth with facial
grimacing; grabbing pillows; turning
vigorously in bed; whimpering vocalization)
H5. (23 years/F), onset: No Aura 41 s after onset of hypermotor 157; 41 Lt FL Lt dorsolateral frontal Engel class 1 (4 years)
2 years fi Hypermotor seizure: seizure corticectomy Neuronal heterotopia
MRI: normal (Moving both arms in a restless manner;
rocking of body back and forth; shuffling
from side to side; whimpering vocalization)
H6. (22 years/M), onset: Aura (feels dizzy or a sense of leg weakness) 10 s after onset of hypermotor 47; 13 Lt FL Lt frontomesial Engel class III (6 years)
11 years fi Hypermotor seizure: seizure corticectomy Neuronal heterotopia
MRI: normal (Rocking of body back and forth; shuffling
from side to side; scissoring of legs; jumping
in and out of bed; frenetic and large amplitude
peddling movements of lower limbs;
writhing trunk)
SPECT Patterns and Seizure Semiology

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02723.x
Epilepsia, 51(10):2131–2139, 2010
C. H. Wong et al.

Epilepsy (ILAE) to be one of the distinctive ictal semiolo-

Engel class II (5 years)

gies characteristic of SSMA seizures (Commission, 1989).
Seizure outcome

The mechanism underlying bilateral motor activities is
(follow-up debated. Chauvel et al. (1992) found epileptic discharge
spread from ipsilateral SSMA into the contralateral SSMA

Lobe of ictal onset was determined based on clinical history, scalp, and intracranial video-EEG monitoring, MRI, fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) –PET, HMPAO–SPECT, and neuropsychological studies.
during BATS and postulated that this was the mechanism of
bilateral motor manifestations. However, it is also known
that unilateral SSMA damage can produce bilateral motor
Lt fronto-orbital
Type of surgery

impairment (Laplane et al., 1977; Zentner et al., 1996).


Our SPM analysis suggested that ictal activation confined

to one SSMA produces BATS. In our BATS subgroup, the
subcortical activation pattern involved bilaterally basal gan-
glia and contralateral cerebellum. This subcortical pattern is
consistent with known projections from SSMA to bilateral
ictal onseta

basal ganglia and contralateral cerebellum (Wiesendanger,

Lobe of

1986). Laich et al. (1997) examined SSMA propagation


pathways using ictal SPECT and found similar subcortical

hyperperfusion pattern involving bilateral basal ganglia and
Seizure duration;

contralateral cerebellum. However, only two of their six

completion of

patients with bilateral asymmetric tonic posturing had ipsi-

injection (s)

lateral SSMA hyperperfusion, whereas the rest showed

bilateral but asymmetric frontomesial hyperperfusion with
9; 5

predominance ipsilateral to the ictal onset. It is possible that

the stringent criteria of our SPM analysis did not show bilat-
Table 2. Continued

eral SSMA hyperperfusion because involvement of contra-

2 s after onset of hypermotor
Completion of injection to

lateral SSMA is not sufficiently consistent to produce a

the onset of semiology

sufficiently large perfusion increase in the group analysis.

Further investigation will be needed to determine the
mechanism, but in any case, not all patients with bilateral
asymmetric tonic posturing had bilateral frontomesial

In patients with hypermotor seizure, two clusters of sig-
M, male; F, female; Rt, right; Lt, left; FL, frontal lobe; TL, temporal lobe; OL, occipital lobe.

nificant hyperperfusion were present. One cluster involved

bilateral frontomesial regions, cingulate gyrus, and caudate,
(Screams; complex arm movements; legs kicking

and the other involving ipsilateral temporal pole, mesial

shuffling from side to side, turning vigorously
Aura (feels his face is being pulled forward)

temporal structures, frontoorbital region, insula, and basal

violently; rocking of body back and forth;

ganglia. The precise symptomatogenic zone for hypermotor

seizures remains largely unknown, although there is increas-
ing evidence that it involves the orbitofrontal cortex and
anterior cingulate cortex (Schlaug et al., 1997; Rheims
fi Hypermotor seizure:

et al., 2008). Rheims et al. (2008) reported the hypermotor

in bed; back arching)

seizures consisting mainly of body rocking, limb hyperki-

netic movements, and facial expression of fear showed
stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) ictal changes cen-

tered mainly on the ventromesial frontal cortex, whereas

hypermotor seizures consisting of truncal movements or
rotation with frequent tonic/dystonic posturing showed
changes localized within the mesial premotor cortex and
H7. (37 years /M), onset:

dorsal anterior cingulate. These reported electrical changes

Patient, (age/gender),

overlap with our regions of hyperperfusion. However, this

study had technical limitations of SEEG spatial sampling
age onset, MRI

and did not include all patients with hypermotor seizure.

MRI: normal
12 years

Nobili et al. (2004) recently reported three patients with

hypermotor seizures, symptomatic of temporobasal cortical

dysplasia, where SEEG showed temporal lobe ictal onset. In

Epilepsia, 51(10):2131–2139, 2010
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02723.x
SPECT Patterns and Seizure Semiology

Figure 1.
In versive seizure subgroup (top),
significant hyperperfusion was
identified in the middle frontal gyrus
and the adjacent cortex opposite to
the direction of the head turn.
Ipsilateral caudate and contralateral
cerebellum significant hyperperfu-
sion was also present. In the bilat-
eral asymmetric tonic seizure
subgroup (middle), significantly
hyperperfusion involved primarily
the supplementary sensorimotor
area ipsilateral to the hemisphere of
ictal onset, bilateral basal ganglia,
and contralateral cerebellum. In the
hypermotor seizure subgroup
(bottom), two clusters of significant
hyperperfusion were found: One
involved bilateral frontomesial
cortex and cingulate gyrus, and the
other involved the temporal lobe,
frontoorbital cortex, insula, and
basal ganglia ipsilateral to the
hemisphere of ictal onset.
Epilepsia ILAE

the study, they found that hypermotor manifestations Shin et al. (2002) examined the ictal SPECT in patients
appeared only when the ictal discharge in the temporal lobe with seizures of mesial temporal lobe origin and showed
involved extratemporal structures such as the cingulate and that ictal hyperperfusion patterns were related to the semio-
frontal regions. The orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingu- logic progression of seizures. In our study, group analysis
late cortex are reciprocally connected and they are linked was performed to eliminate interindividual perfusion
extensively to the mesial frontal regions, amygdala, hippo- variability and identify consistent hyperperfusion pattern.
campus, temporal pole, insula, and basal ganglia (Salloway However, SPECT injection was performed without depth
et al., 2001). Our data support the hypothesis that the entire electrode or subdural grid electroencephalographic record-
circuitry participates in the expression of hypermotor ing, and several of our patients were injected during the
seizure. expression of the specified semiology. Taking into account

Epilepsia, 51(10):2131–2139, 2010

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02723.x
C. H. Wong et al.

a 30 s transit time for 99mTc-HMPAO injection to reach Chauvel P, Trottier S, Vignal JP, Bancaud J. (1992) Somatomotor seizures
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1 min after injection (Andersen, 1989; Pastor et al., 2008), and epileptic syndromes. Commission on Classification and Terminol-
it is, therefore, possible that some of the perfusion changes ogy of the International League Against Epilepsy. Epilepsia 30:389–
may be postictal. Future study of patients with same semi- Cui D-M, Yan Y-J, Lynch JC. (2003) Pursuit subregion of the frontal eye
ology injected 30 s prior to manifestation of the semiologic field projects to the caudate nucleus in monkeys. J Neurophysiol
features with seizure lasting a minute or more will be 89:2678–2684.
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needed to confirm our findings. Another potential limita- Godoy J, Luders H, Dinner DS, Morris HH, Wyllie E. (1990) Versive eye
tion of our study is our small sample size. Different SPECT movements elicited by cortical stimulation of the human brain. Neurol-
gamma cameras used during the study duration can add ogy 40:296–299.
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also heterogeneity to 99mTc-HMPAO–SPECT data. To Kim MH. (2004) Regional cerebral hyperperfusion with ictal
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smooth images before beginning the statistical analysis. 686–689.
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SPECT has been used to study dystonic limb posturing Morawetz R. (1997) Supplementary sensorimotor area epilepsy.
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behavior in groups of patients. These cortical and subcorti- Leichnetz GR, Gonzalo-Ruiz A. (1996) Prearcuate cortex in the cebus mon-
key has cortical and subcortical connections like the macaque frontal
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provide us with further insight into the neuroanatomic net- stem nuclei. Brain Res Bull 41:1–29.
work underlying some of the clinical signs observed during Lim SH, Dinner DS, Pillay PK, Luders H, Morris HH, Klem G, Wyllie E,
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This work was supported in part by University of Sydney Postgraduate Press, New York, pp. 297–321.
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