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 How do the Six Human Needs show up

currently in your life?

As a student, I've learned that meeting some fundamental human requirements is necessary for my
comfort and wellbeing. The way I approach my studies and the choices I make about my education are
influenced by these demands, which are important to both my personal and academic lives. I now have
a framework for comprehending these essential needs and how they manifest in my life thanks to
Anthony Robbins' The Six Basic Human Needs.

I understand that my desire for safety, stability, and predictability in life is the first need, which is
certainty. I want certainty as a student by being aware of my academic needs, knowing what is required
of me in terms of coursework and assignments, and having a regular study and task-completion
schedule. I discover that having a consistent academic setting helps me feel more in control of my
academics, it prevents me to obtain backlogs in the red canvas and less anxious about the future.

The second need, which is the requirement for excitement, shift, and variation in my life, is variety. I
look for variety by dabbling in many academic fields, pursuing extracurricular endeavors that stretch me
in fresh ways, and looking for study abroad chances to immerse myself in various cultures. I've
discovered that by seeking out a variety of experiences and educational opportunities, I may extend my
viewpoint and learn new things that will help me both academically and emotionally.

The third need is significance, which I understand as the want to feel significant, exceptional, and
worthwhile. I seek importance as a student by creating and working toward academic objectives, looking
for praise or acknowledgment for my academic successes, and looking for chances to have a beneficial
influence on my community or society. I've discovered that by working for my academic objectives and
seeking praise for my successes, I may improve my self-esteem and give my academic endeavors more

Next is connection, which is the need for love, intimacy, and affiliation, is the fourth need. As a Bedan, I
seek connection through forming deep bonds with my Legal Management peers, looking for mentoring
or advice from professors or instructors, and being involved in student groups or organizations that
share my interests and beliefs like the Junior Bedan Law Circle under which, is the Lingkod Laya who
helps people, especially those deprived of liberty. I discover that by establishing connections with others
who share my academic and moral interests and objectives, I might experience a sense of support and
belonging that may be helpful not only for my academics, but also for my well-being.

The fifth need is growth, which is the desire for personal progress and development. I pursue progress
by taking difficult curriculum, pursuing research or internship opportunities that allow me to gain new
abilities, and looking for feedback and constructive criticism to enhance my academic performance. One
of the very instances is the law subjects that I am taking. These subjects will be my weapon for the
future as I will be fighting injustices in behalf of those people who cannot fight for themselves. I've
discovered that by accepting difficulties and looking for chances for personal development, I may raise
my academic performance and build the abilities I'll need for future professional success.

Lastly, the sixth need is contribution, which I characterize as the desire to give back and help others. As a
student of San Beda University, I want to give back to my academic community by donating my time and
abilities to help others, conducting research or projects that address critical social or environmental
concerns, and looking for ways to utilize my academic knowledge to make a difference in the world. I've
discovered that by giving back and making a good difference in the lives of others, I may acquire a
feeling of purpose and meaning in my academic efforts.

To briefly summarize, the Six Basic Human Needs have given me a framework for understanding the
core requirements that are critical to my well-being and enjoyment as a student. By identifying and
addressing these requirements in my academic life, I am able to lay the groundwork for academic
success and personal fulfillment that will benefit me now and in the future.

 If you ranked the Human Needs in order of

which gets most of your focus what would be
at the top of the list?

As an Individual who desire for a better future, one of the most essential needs we have as humans is
the desire to grow. Growth is the process of broadening our knowledge, talents, and experiences in
order to become better versions of ourselves. Prioritizing growth is critical because it enables us to
constantly learn, adapt, and better ourselves in all facets of our lives.

To begin with, personal development or growth as we say, necessitates progress. Without progress, we
become stagnant and fail to reach our full potential. Seeking growth allows us to discover our own skills
and limitations and try to improve ourselves. It allows us to broaden our ideas and create compassion
and empathy for others. For example, if we learn a new skill, such as a foreign language, we can
converse with individuals from diverse cultures, which can lead to a stronger feeling of empathy and
understanding. In addition, growth is necessary for academic achievement. Education is a crucial
promoter of improvement and growth, and it is required for a successful profession and personal
development. Seeking education advancement allows us to broaden our knowledge base and create
new skills and talents. It enables us to find new hobbies and passions, as well as to establish a feeling of
purpose and direction.

Furthermore, growth is necessary for job advancement. It is critical to keep up with the newest trends
and technology in today's fast changing and competitive labor environment. Seeking career
advancement, such as taking classes, attending conferences, or looking for new work prospects, can
assist us in developing new skills and competencies that are critical for success.
On a final note, our total well-being depends on our ability to grow. Seeking progress enables us to live
more fulfilled lives and realize our greatest potential. It aids in the development of a growth mentality,
which enables us to face obstacles with confidence and resolve. Seeking progress also leads to a
stronger feeling of purpose and meaning in life, which is crucial for general happiness and well-being.

 Which of the Human Needs are you meeting

in positive/life-giving ways and which ones
feel out of balance, over-indulged or lacking
in your life?

As a student, I find that I am positively satisfying my requirements for growth and contribution. With my
education, I am always pursuing new information and abilities, and I am fulfilled when I am able to
contribute to the success of my peers or the community. Yet, I've observed that I'm not currently
satisfying my demand for stability. This might appear as anxiety or uncertainty about the future, or as a
struggle to maintain a constant routine or sense of balance in my life.

My academic success has helped me identify this lack of stability. When I am feeling unstable, I may find
it difficult to concentrate or stay focused in my studies, which can have a detrimental influence on my
grades and general academic progress.

To solve this, I am putting stability first in my life. Establishing a regular routine, setting attainable goals,
and finding assistance from trustworthy people such as friends, family, or a counselor can all help. I aim
to feel more grounded and inspired to achieve my other needs with confidence and success by
addressing my need for stability in a good and life-giving way.
 What’s one Human Need that you could focus
on fulfilling in a new way that would be more
aligned with who you came here to be and
how you want to live your life?

As a San Beda University student, I have focused my academics and other activities on addressing my
desire for growth and contribution. Nevertheless, I've recognized that concentrating more on meeting
my desire for connection in a new way that is more connected with who I want to be and how I want to
spend my life might benefit me. While I have numerous friends and classmates, I frequently feel as if I
am losing out on deeper relationships with others. This can make me feel alone and detached, affecting
my general well-being and academic achievement. I'm looking for new connections to satiate this urge
of mine. One strategy I'm thinking about is joining a club or student group that fits with my interests and
ideals. This would provide me the chance to engage with like-minded people and develop meaningful
relationships based on common interests and objectives.

In addition, I'm making an attempt to approach friends and classmates and start up chats or
extracurricular activities. In order to feel more fulfilled and supported in both my academic and personal
lives, as well as to forge stronger ties with people around me, I want to concentrate on finding new ways
to address my desire for connection.

 Is there a seventh or eighth Human Need that

you would add to the list? How do you fulfill

Being a Roman Catholic, I believe that spirituality is an important part of life and is closely linked to our
feeling of purpose and general wellbeing. The six essential human wants offer a helpful foundation for
comprehending our underlying urges and motives, but I would add spirituality as a seventh need. For
me, being spiritual is having a strong feeling of connectedness to God, looking for meaning and purpose
in life, and deciding to live a life of compassion and service. Through activities like prayer, meditation,
reflection on holy texts, and involvement in religious rituals and groups, this need is met.

Throughout my life, gratifying my spiritual needs has been a source of support and direction, giving me a
feeling of stability and direction even in trying circumstances. I am able to achieve calm and clarity by
strengthening my relationship with God and partaking in spiritual activities. I am also able to match my
actions with my values and beliefs. Also, my spirituality has inspired me to perform deeds of kindness
and compassion, to look for justice and reconciliation, and to try to make the world a more loving and
just place. My faith thereby contributes to the larger good and the welfare of others in addition to
meeting my personal desire for meaning and purpose.

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