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Language plays a crucial role in the field of law, making it imperative for law

students and future lawyers to have a strong command over it. The importance
of language for these individuals cannot be overstated, as it serves as the
primary tool for communication, interpretation, and persuasion within the legal
Having the opportunity to learn critical communication skills that come in
handy for lawyers is a great asset for me. As someone who hasn't read many of
the authors mentioned in our curriculum, getting exposed to literary giants in a
class setting, where we can share experiences and learn together, is exciting. I
am looking forward to reading books by authors like Shakespeare, Fali. S.
Nariman, and Franz Kafka, who are especially distinguished in their fields.
Course II will be especially beneficial for me as I wish to find my footing in
corporate law. Learning how to communicate through emails, making
presentations, and navigating a multiethnic workplace will serve a great purpose
in my future endeavors.
The line "Basic professional language skills are expected to give an edge to our
graduates by avoiding outdated, formulaic, and clichéd language; by using
language that judges, colleagues, and clients find effective, and that becomes a
bridge rather than a barrier to communication" is inspirational and brings me
great relief. Knowing that the university considers the real-world aspect and is
making an effort to prepare us in the best way possible is reassuring.
I am highly impressed by the approaches that we will optimize, including
lectures, audio, video, reading, and writing. This varied approach will help us
grasp concepts better. Scientifically, when you learn something and activate
multiple sensory channels, it aids in better information retrieval. Thus, I feel
satisfied knowing that my university and professors have curated a well-
thought-out curriculum to facilitate our learning and growth.
The document also emphasizes the abolition of legalese and obscure language
for lawyers. I believe it is crucial to explain ourselves in concise, simple
language as lawyers, enabling easy understanding by the layman, who are the
real stakeholders of law. Learning forensic linguistics will also be extremely
valuable for all of us who wish to have a career in the field of law. I'm thrilled to
study these varied concepts and ideas in the class so I can be well-prepared for
what comes after the completion of my five-year course.
All in all, keeping in mind the omnipresence of language and law, I feel content
that I'm in good hands and eagerly awaiting all of our future classes. They will
undoubtedly help me learn and grow into a competent professional.

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