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Adverb MCQ Questions:

MCQs on Adverb:
(1) Sahil keenly examined the ball. Here the adverb is –
(a) Sahil
(b) keenly
(c) the ball
(d) examined

(2) They are living happily. Here the adverb is –

(a) happily
(b) they
(c) living
(d) none of the above

(3) Debadri recited the poem loudly. Here the adverb is –

(a) the poem
(b) recited
(c) Debadri
(d) loudly

(4) He looked at her mutely. Here the adverb is –

(a) He
(b) looked
(c) mutely
(d) her

(5) I saw her carrying the bag in her hand tightly. Here the adverb is –
(a) the bag
(b) tightly
(c) carrying
(d) saw

(6) Arjun readily agreed to my proposal. Here the adverb is –

(a) readily
(b) Arjun
(c) agreed
(d) my proposal
(7) My mother went towards the kitchen hastily. Here the adverb is –
(a) went
(b) the kitchen
(c) hastily
(d) none of the above

(8) Ramesh snatched the pen from his sister angrily. Here the adverb is –
(a) Ramesh
(b) snatched
(c) the pen
(d) angrily

(9) He is actively doing all his tasks. Here the adverb is –

(a) actively
(b) his tasks
(c) He
(d) none of the above

(10) The inspector left the place furiously. Here the adverb is –
(a) the inspector
(b) furiously
(c) the place
(d) none of the above

(11) The rat ran quickly to the hole. Here the adverb is –
(a) the rat
(b) ran
(c) quickly
(d) the hole

(12) Raktim hurriedly finished off his meal and went to the school. Here the adverb is –
(a) the school
(b) went
(c) Raktim
(d) hurriedly

(13) Tina is eagerly waiting for her cousin. Here the adverb is –
(a) eagerly
(b) Tina
(c) her cousin
(d) none of the above

(14) She sat gazing idly. Here the adverb is –

(a) She
(b) gazing
(c) sat
(d) idly

(15) He was walking unsteadily. Here the adverb is –

(a) He
(b) unsteadily
(c) walking
(d) none of the above

(16) Sima is crying silently. Here the adverb is –

(a) silently
(b) Sima
(c) crying
(d) none of the above

(17) The boy spelt the word correctly. Here the adverb is –
(a) correctly
(b) the boy
(c) spelt
(d) the word

(18) Let us solve the matter peacefully. Here the adverb is –

(a) the matter
(b) solve
(c) peacefully
(d) none of the above

(19) I can remember her face clearly. Here the adverb is –

(a) clearly
(b) I
(c) remember
(d) her face
(20) They cordially gave me all the informations. Here the adverb is –
(a) they
(b) gave
(c) cordially
(d) the informations

(21) The old man behaved strangely with the boys. Here the adverb is –
(a) the old man
(b) strangely
(c) the boys
(d) none of the above

(22) The news came unexpectedly. Here the adverb is –

(a) the news
(b) came
(c) unexpectedly
(d) none of the above

(23) She stood quietly in front of her father. Here the adverb is –
(a) quietly
(b) stood
(c) her father
(d) none of the above

(24) My fathers worked honestly throughout his whole life. Here the adverb is –
(a) my father
(b) honestly
(c) worked
(d) none of the above

(25) My brother goes to the gym regularly. Here the adverb is –

(a) the gym
(b) my brother
(c) goes
(d) regularly
(26) Susmita answered all the questions wisely. Here the adverb is –
(a) Susmita
(b) answered
(c) wisely
(d) none of the above

(27) The soldiers fought bravely with the enemies. Here the adverb is –
(a) fought
(b) bravely
(c) the soldiers
(d) the enemies

(28) Mr. Sen luckily won the lottery. Here the adverb is –
(a) luckily
(b) the lottery
(c) won
(d) Mr. Sen

(29) Please drive the car safely. Here the adverb is –

(a) drive
(b) the car
(c) safely
(d) none of the above

(30) Listen to me carefully. Here the adverb is –

(a) carefully
(b) listen
(c) me
(d) none of the above

(31) A barking dog seldom bites. Here the adverb is –

(a) dog
(b) bites
(c) seldom
(d) barking

(32) I have searched it everywhere in the room. Here the adverb is –

(a) everywhere
(b) searched
(c) the room
(d) none of the above
(33) Always speak the truth. Here the adverb is –
(a) speak
(b) always
(c) the truth
(d) none of the above

(34) She often goes to her uncle’s house. Here the adverb is –
(a) she
(b) goes
(c) uncle’s house
(d) often

(35) The baby never sleeps before midnight. Here the adverb is –
(a) never
(b) sleeps
(c) the baby
(d) midnight

(36) Rohan comes to my house everyday. Here the adverb is –

(a) Rohan
(b) my house
(c) everyday
(d) comes

(37) Let’s go for a short trip tomorrow. Here the adverb is –

(a) short
(b) trip
(c) tomorrow
(d) none of the above

(38) My uncle will buy some land here. Here the adverb is –
(a) buy
(b) my uncle
(c) land
(d) here

(39) Her dress is extremely pretty. Here the adverb is –

(a) her dress
(b) extremely
(c) pretty
(d) none of the above

(40) Please have a seat there. Here the adverb is –

(a) there
(b) a seat
(c) have
(d) none of the above

(41) The Government should immediately take action in this matter. Here the adverb is –
(a) the Government
(b) immediately
(c) take
(d) this matter

(42) I usually watch movies on every Sunday. Here the adverb is –

(a) usually
(b) movies
(c) Sunday
(d) none of the above

(43) Can you wait outside the room? Here the adverb ‘outside’ is an example of –
(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

(44) It seems that it will rain soon. Here the adverb ‘soon’ is an example of –
(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

(45) He sometimes goes to the forests to take photographs of wild animals. Here the adverb
‘sometimes’ is an example of –
(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

(46) The teacher explained the topic clearly. Here the adverb ‘clearly’ is an example of –
(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

(47) I think I certainly can accomplish this project. Here the adverb ‘certainly’ is an example of –
(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

(48) We have to leave now. Here the adverb ‘now’ is an example of –

(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

(49) Mr. Chakraborty is working upstairs. Here the adverb ‘upstairs’ is an example of –
(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

(50) We all should go through a medical check up twice a year. Here the adverb ‘twice a year’ is
an example of –
(a) adverb of manner
(b) adverb of time
(c) adverb of place
(d) adverb of frequency

1-b. 2-a. 3-d. 4-c. 5-b. 6-a. 7-c. 8-d. 9-a. 10-b. 11-c. 12-d. 13-a. 14-d. 15-b. 16-a. 17-a. 18-c. 19-a. 20-c.
21-b. 22-c. 23-a. 24-b. 25-d. 26-c. 27-b. 28-a. 29-c. 30-a. 31-c. 32-a. 33-b. 34-d. 35-a. 36-c. 37-c. 38-d.
39-b. 40-a. 41-b. 42-a. 43-c. 44-b. 45-d. 46-a. 47-a. 48-b. 49-c. 50-d.

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