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Black Mirror - Season 01, Episode 02: “Fifteen Million Merits”

Main characters:

Peripheral characters (who ride the bicycles) :

Kai (redheaded guy)
Dustin (rude guy)
Swift (asian girl)
Oliver (overweight guy)

Questions for discussion next week:


1. Where does everyone live in this society, and why do you think they need to live like
this? Why some people need to ride stationary bicycles all day long? Can they choose not
to do that?

2. How is society organized? Are some jobs more respected than others? Justify your

3. What are the similarities between the fictional society in this episode and our society?
Think in terms of: Work, entertainment, social interactions.

4. Describe
Describe the four peripheral characters in terms of their personalities (include hobbies,
behavior, how they interact with other people). What is the importance of these
peripheral characters in the story?

5. What aspects of modern society are criticized in this episode?

6. (in your opinion) In the end, did Bing succeed? Do we have a happy ending?

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