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Review Article

Approach to and
Address correspondence to
Dr Anita Valanju Shelgikar,
Medical School Sleep
Disorders Center, C728 Med
Inn Building, 1500 East
Medical Center Dr,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0845,
Evaluation of Sleep
Relationship Disclosure:
Dr Shelgikar has received an
honorarium from Elsevier for
her authorship of a book Anita Valanju Shelgikar, MD; Ronald Chervin, MD, MS, FAASM, FAAN
chapter. Dr Chervin has
consulted for Proctor &
Gamble and Zansors, LLC;
receives compensation for
serving on boards from the Purpose of Review: This article provides a framework for the clinical assessment of
American Academy of Sleep patients with sleep-related complaints and outlines a systematic approach to a
Medicine, International
Pediatric Sleep Association, sleep-specific history and physical examination, subjective assessment tools, and
and the NIH; serves as section diagnostic testing modalities.
editor for and receives royalty Recent Findings: Physical examination findings may suggest the presence of a sleep
payments from UpToDate;
receives licensing fees disorder, and obstructive sleep apnea in particular, but the clinical history remains the
through the University of most important element of the assessment for most sleep problems. While nocturnal
Michigan from Zansors, LLC; polysomnography in a sleep laboratory remains the gold standard for diagnosis of
and receives grants from
Fisher & Paykel, the NIH, and sleep-disordered breathing, out-of-center testing may be considered when the clinician
Philips Respironics. has a high pretest suspicion for obstructive sleep apnea and the patient has no
Unlabeled Use of significant cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular, or other sleep disorders.
Use Disclosure:
Summary: Sleep-related symptoms are common in adult and pediatric patients. A
Drs Shelgikar and Chervin comprehensive sleep history, physical examination with detailed evaluation of the head
report no disclosures. and neck, and judicious use of sleep-specific questionnaires guide the decision to
* 2013, American Academy pursue diagnostic testing. Understanding of the benefits and limitations of various
of Neurology.
diagnostic modalities is important as the spectrum of testing options increases.

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49.

INTRODUCTION information given by the patient should,

The NIH Sleep Disorders Research Plan,1 when possible, be supplemented by a
updated in November 2011, indicates bed partner, family member, or room-
a 25% to 30% prevalence of sleep and mate who may have different insight
circadian disorders in the general adult into the patient’s behavior during sleep
population. The exact prevalence of or daytime mood and cognitive func-
sleep disorders in neurologic disease is tioning. Whether the presenting sleep
Supplemental digital content: unknown but in some instances may be complaint is excessive daytime sleepi-
Videos accompanying this ar-
ticle are cited in the text as higher than in the general population. ness, poor sleep quality, insomnia (diffi-
Supplemental Digital Content. Focused assessment and management culty falling or staying asleep), or
Videos may be accessed by
clicking on links provided in of impaired sleep or alertness may im- abnormal behavior during sleep, a uni-
the HTML, PDF, and iPad prove quality of life, improve produc- form approach to the sleep history
versions of this article; the
URLs are provided in the print tivity, reduce accidents, or attenuate facilitates a thorough medical decision-
version. Video legends begin progression of a coexisting neurologic making process. Table 2-1 details the es-
on page 48.
disease or facilitate recovery from it. sential components of the sleep history.
A chief complaint of daytime sleepi-
SLEEP HISTORY ness should invite questions about its
A detailed sleep history is the central nature and severity, timing, circum-
component of the evaluation. Historical stances, and possible underlying causes.
32 February 2013

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

TABLE 2-1 Components of the Sleep History

b Presenting Sleep-Related Symptom b Time of Symptoms (Time During

Onset the Sleep Period That Symptoms
Precipitating/predisposing factors
Duration b Daytime Functioning
Frequency Daytime sleepiness
Severity Mood disturbance
Impaired school or work
b Associated Nocturnal Symptoms
Sleep-disordered breathing
Decreased alertness while driving
Impaired interpersonal
Witnessed apneas relationships
Morning headache Decreased concentration or
Mouth breathing memory
Acid reflux Cataplexy or hypnagogic or
Nasal congestion hypnopompic hallucinations
Nocturia Leg discomfort, urge to move,
or spontaneous movements
Erectile dysfunction
Nocturnal dyspnea b Sleep Schedule and Sleep Hygiene
Nocturnal behavior Bed time
Sleepwalking Sleep latency
Sleeptalking Wake time
Sleep eating Rise time (when patient gets up
from bed)
Leg movement
Details of bedtime routine
Dream enactment
Description of activities during
Bruxism nocturnal awakenings
Nocturnal awakenings
b Use of Sleep Aids and Stimulants
Timing in night
Over-the-counter (including
Precipitants herbal) agents
Duration Prescription medications
Frequency Caffeine
Activities while awake Energy drinks
Other symptoms
Leg discomfort
Urge to move
Sleep paralysis

Sleepiness is thought to result from neu- desire to rest,’’3 and is postulated to

robiologic processes that regulate circa- represent a process that is distinct from
dian rhythms and the drive to sleep,2 and sleepiness. However, patients often
some individuals will clearly articulate interchangeably use the terms ‘‘tired-
sleepiness as a tendency to doze un- ness,’’ ‘‘sleepiness,’’ and ‘‘fatigue.’’3,4 Pa-
intentionally. Fatigue is defined as tients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),
‘‘reversible, motor, and cognitive impair- and possibly other sleep disorders as-
ment with reduced motivation and sociated with daytime sleepiness, may
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 33

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Approach and Evaluation

h Information from the report fatigue, tiredness, or lack of countries indicate that approximately
patient, medical record, energy at times even when they deny 30% of the general adult population
and any available bed sleepiness.4 Interestingly, these symp- reports one or more insomnia symp-
partner, friend, or toms (like sleepiness) appear to tom.8 Because insomnia is so common,
family member can improve with treatment of the under- neurologists routinely encounter pa-
clarify the extent and lying OSA.5 A clear understanding of tients with the symptom. As the etiol-
consequences of the whether the patient experiences an ogy of insomnia is often multifactorial,
patient’s sleep-related overwhelming urge to sleep during the evaluation can be complex and
symptoms. the day may help the clinician decide requires a detailed history that explores
h The 3P framework of which diagnostic studies to pursue, and many potential contributors.
insomnia comprises also guides discussion about potential A helpful framework in which to con-
predisposing, diagnoses that may contribute to the sider a patient’s insomnia is known as
precipitating, and patient’s symptoms. Special attention the ‘‘3P’’ model,9 which aids identifica-
perpetuating factors. should be paid to situations in which tion of possible causes of insomnia and
Discussion of all factors
the patient’s sleepiness becomes evi- highlights potential targets for treat-
facilitates identification
dent. Does the patient doze during con- ment. This model calls for temporal
of potential treatment
versation, while at work, or while driving? classification of factors that affect a pa-
Is the patient’s concentration or memory tient’s insomnia: characteristics that
impaired because of sleepiness? Dozing predispose a person to develop in-
while operating heavy machinery or a somnia, events that precipitate the in-
motor vehicle can lead to devastating somnia acutely, and behaviors and
outcomes, and this has both individual attitudes that perpetuate insomnia and
and public health implications. Daytime may cause it to become chronic. Com-
sleepiness that impairs a patient’s func- mon predisposing factors include per-
tional capabilities can threaten job se- sonality traits, such as excessive worrying
curity and have a negative impact on or cognitive hyperarousal, or the degree
interpersonal relationships. The con- to which a person’s preferred sleeping
text of a patient’s daytime sleepiness times differ from social norms.9 Precip-
highlights its severity and impact. itating factors are often readily identi-
The symptom of insomnia is de- fied as major life transitions, such as
fined as difficulty with sleep initiation change in marital status, death in the
or maintenance, waking too early, or family, or change in employment. How-
sleep that is nonrestorative, despite ever, subtler challenges to a person’s
ample opportunity to sleep.6 Disorders routine or environment may also pre-
that cause insomnia have diagnostic cipitate the onset of insomnia. In some
criteria to specify that the insomnia situations, the patient’s sleep normal-
symptoms should be accompanied by izes upon resolution of the precipitant;
at least one manifestation of daytime in other cases, behaviors and mindsets
impairment (such as fatigue, mood dis- accrued during the acute phase of the
turbance, headaches, or gastrointestinal insomnia can perpetuate the patient’s
symptoms in response to sleep loss), or sleep disturbance. Such perpetuating
impaired memory, concentration, or factors can include perceived associa-
performance. The point prevalence of tions between the sleeping environ-
insomnia is estimated at 6% to 15% in ment and inability to sleep or escalated
the general population but is clearly use of caffeine throughout the day.
higher among certain subgroups, such Other important details include specif-
as patients with psychiatric disease.7 ics about the patient’s insomnia at the
Population-based studies done with present time, including the latency to
varied adult samples from multiple sleep; timing, duration, and causes of
34 February 2013

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Case 2-1
A 44-year-old man with a long-standing history of loud, frequent snoring
presented because of his wife’s concerns related to his snoring. His wife
had witnessed him to have occasional pauses in his breathing during sleep,
and at times he awakened to his snoring. He reported frequent acid
reflux and morning headaches. Approximately once per month he would
awaken ‘‘feeling like my heart is racing and I need to catch my breath.’’
He had occasional nasal congestion but always awakened with a dry
mouth and sore throat. He denied any leg discomfort, but his wife had
told him that he tossed and turned frequently during sleep.
His sleep schedule was the same every night: he was in bed by 10:00 PM,
fell asleep immediately without the use of any sleep aids, and awakened
at 6:00 AM feeling tired. He had up to four nocturnal awakenings per
night; two were attributed to nocturia and the rest were of unknown
etiology. Each awakening lasted a few minutes, and he fell asleep again
easily. He had had a few episodes of sleepwalking as a child, but none since
the age of 8 years.
He felt sleepy during the day, with a propensity to doze unintentionally
while reading or watching television. He denied drowsiness while driving but
limited his driving to his 20-minute commute to and from work; his wife
drove for longer distances and he would often sleep in the passenger seat. His
sleepiness was worse in the midafternoon, and if given the opportunity he
would nap for 1 hour on the weekends. He found naps to be somewhat
refreshing. He drank two to three cups of coffee every morning and had a
12-oz caffeinated soda with lunch. His sleepiness had not caused him to make
any mistakes in his job as a physical therapist, although he felt that he had
potential for further improvement in his job performance. He also reported
feeling more irritable in recent months, but this had not caused any
difficulties at home or work.
Comment. This case illustrates the multiple components of a concise
but still detailed sleep history. The patient’s daytime symptoms provide
insight about the effects of the patient’s untreated sleep disorder.

nocturnal awakenings; behaviors dur- discomfort associated with an urge to

ing nocturnal awakenings; and latency move that worsens at night and
to fall back asleep after each awakening. improves with leg movement indicates
A useful approach is to ask the patient restless legs syndrome and may con-
for a detailed, start-to-finish description tribute to the patient’s poor sleep
of the entire typical sleep period and quality and impair daytime functioning.
daytime period. Any medications pre- Sleep paralysis and hypnagogic or
viously or currently used to facilitate hypnopompic hallucinations are not
sleep should also be identified. specific to a particular sleep disorder,
The sleep history should screen while a history of cataplexy is patho-
for potentially relevant sleep disorders gnomonic for narcolepsy and must be
that may cause excessive daytime sleep- explored when a patient presents with
iness or insomnia (Case 2-1). The reports of central hypersomnia rather
presence of symptoms such as snor- than SDB. When relevant, the clinician
ing, witnessed apneas, and morning should also ask about nocturnal behav-
headaches raises the suspicion for iors, specifically ones that may pose risk
sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). Leg of injury to the patient or bed partner,
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 35

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Approach and Evaluation

h Details of facial such as sleepwalking, driving or cook-
morphology, nasal ing while asleep, or dream-enactment
airway patency, and oral behavior. If the patient reports such
airway crowding are behavior, further inquiry must be made
key features of the about the frequency of these events and
sleep-specific any history of injury sustained due to the
examination. sleep-related behavior. Details of the
sleep history permit a thorough differ-
ential diagnosis and can also guide a
discussion of safety concerns.

A comprehensive, multisystem exami-
nation is an important aspect of the FIGURE 2-2 Retrognathia. Retrognathia
sleep evaluation. Measurement of the is derived from the terms
‘‘retro’’ (backward) and
weight, height, body mass index (BMI), ‘‘gnathos’’ (jaw). With retrognathia, one or
neck circumference, and blood pres- both jaws recede with respect to the frontal
plane of the forehead. The condition may
sure and heart rate should be per- predispose a patient to obstruction of the
formed for nearly all patients with airway and sleep apnea by displacing the
tongue against the retropharyngeal region,
symptoms related to sleep or alertness. compromising airflow. Retrognathia is
Other salient features of the general sometimes corrected through surgical
repositioning or advancement of the mandible.
examination include auscultation for
any cardiac or respiratory abnormalities Reprinted from Kryger MH, Elsevier.12 B 2010, with
permission from Elsevier.
and identification of peripheral edema.
A focused neurologic examination
should be guided by the patient’s his- tus endorses symptoms of restless legs
tory. For instance, a mental status as- syndrome, it is worthwhile to assess for
sessment should be considered if a stocking-glove distribution sensory loss
patient with excessive daytime sleepi- and weakness.
ness also complains of memory loss. If a Detailed examination of the head
patient with a history of diabetes melli- and neck should be performed as part
of a comprehensive sleep evaluation.
The patient’s facial morphology should
be assessed for features of long face
syndrome, which includes infraorbital
darkening, mouth breathing, elongated
midface, and nasal atrophy.10 A 2009
review11 reports that previous observa-
tional and cross-sectional studies have
shown a relationship between chronic
nasal obstruction and OSA. Thus, a thor-
ough nasal examination should be per-
formed on patients with sleep-related
Nasal septal deviation. This complaints. Examination of the nasal
structural abnormality can airway should include evaluation for
predispose a patient to have
sleep-disordered breathing. symmetry of the nares, nasal septum de-
viation (Figure 2-1),12 and nasal turbi-
Reprinted from Kryger MH, Elsevier.12 B 2010, with
permission from Elsevier. nate hypertrophy. A bedside assessment
of nasal airflow can be accomplished by
36 February 2013

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

asking the patient to press the index divided patients into three classes. Two
finger against the left nostril and take a years later,15 this was modified to de-
deep breath in on the right side; this scribe four groups: class I, class II, class
should be repeated on the opposite III, and class IV. Figure 2-3 16 illustrates
side as well. The patient’s facial mor- the modified Mallampati classification
phology should be assessed for man- assessed with the tongue protruded.
dibular retrognathia (Figure 2-2).12 With The Friedman palate position classifi-
the patient’s head in a neutral posi- cation,17 also commonly referenced,
tion, a virtual line is drawn from the utilizes the same four categories but is
vermillion border of the lower lip to done with the tongue at rest and not
the chin. Mandibular retrognathia is extended. Either the Mallampati or
suggested if the anterior prominence of Friedman classification may be used to
the chin is 2 mm or more behind the describe the patency of the oral airway.
virtual line.13 Tonsils should be classified based on
The modified Mallampati classifica- the degree of hypertrophy (Figure 2-4)12:
tion is commonly used for assessment grade I, tonsils are inside the tonsillar
of the oral airway in patients with fossa lateral to the posterior pillars;
suspected SDB. The Mallampati classi- grade II, tonsils occupy 25% of the
fication14 was developed to identify oropharynx; grade III, tonsils occupy
patients in whom tracheal intubation 50% of the oropharynx; and grade IV,
would be difficult; the initial description tonsils occupy at least 75% of the

FIGURE 2-3 Modified Mallampati classification. The class is determined by looking at the
anatomy of the oral cavity and describes tongue size relative to oropharyngeal
size. The test is conducted with the patient seated, the head held in a neutral
position, and the mouth wide open and relaxed. The subsequent classification is assigned based
upon the pharyngeal structures that are visible.
Reprinted from Huang HH et al, BMC Gastroenterol.16 B 2011, BioMed Central Ltd.

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 37

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Approach and Evaluation

may contribute to mass loading on the

upper airway in patients with OSA. The
patient’s neck circumference should be
measured at the superior border of the
cricothyroid membrane.19 A neck cir-
cumference greater than 40 cm (15.7
in) has been shown to be predictive of
OSA with 61% sensitivity and 93%
specificity, regardless of sex.20
Assessment of the patient’s anterior
and posterior dentition can also re-
veal anatomic findings that may pre-
dispose a person to certain sleep
disorders. Two features to note in eval-
uation of the anterior dentition are
overjet and overbite (Figure 2-6).21
Overjet, as shown in Figure 2-7,12 is
FIGURE 2-4 Tonsil size grading. This the horizontal distance between the
structural abnormality can
predispose a patient to have upper right central incisor and the
sleep-disordered breathing. buccal surface of the corresponding
Reprinted from Kryger MH, Elsevier.12 B 2010, with lower tooth, while overbite is the ver-
permission from Elsevier. tical distance between these two
points.22 These measurements are typ-
oropharynx and nearly meet in the mid- ically reported in millimeters. The An-
line.13 A high-arched, narrow hard pal- gle classification system is used to
ate (Figure 2-5)18 may predispose the describe the first molar position on
patient to have SDB. Katz and col-
leagues19 have shown that patients with
OSA have significantly increased neck
circumference compared to nonapneic
snorers; greater distribution of neck fat

FIGURE 2-6 Overjet and

overbite. Overjet
is defined as
FIGURE 2-5 Deficient maxillary increased projection of the upper
development in teeth in front of the lower teeth
an individual with as measured parallel to the
Down syndrome leading to high occlusal plane. Overbite is the
and narrow hard palate. vertical overlapping of maxillary
teeth over mandibular teeth,
Reprinted with permission from Cheng usually measured perpendicular
RHW, et al, InTech.18 B 2011, W. Keung to the occlusal plane.
prenatal-diagnosis-and-screening-for- Reprinted from Saccucci M et al, Scoliosis.21
down-syndrome/oral-health-in-individuals- B 2011, BioMed Central Ltd. www.

38 February 2013

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

sion. Of note, the mesiobuccal surface h Classification of the
is the aspect of the tooth that is adja- patient’s dentition helps
cent to the cheek mucosa. to evaluate the position
The Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea of the maxillary arch
Task Force of the American Academy relative to the
of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommen- mandibular arch.
ded in recent clinical guidelines24 that
FIGURE 2-7 Displacement the following physical findings may
of the suggest the presence of OSA: increased
mandibular teeth posteriorly in
relationship to the maxillary teeth neck circumference (greater than 43.2
results in more posteriorly crowded cm [17 in] in men, greater than 40.6 cm
upper airways, predisposing
patients for the development [16 in] in women), BMI 30 kg/m2 or
of obstructive sleep apnea. greater, modified Mallampati classifica-
Reprinted from Kryger MH, Elsevier.12 tion of III or IV, presence of retrognathia,
B 2010, with permission from Elsevier. lateral peritonsillar narrowing, macro-
glossia, tonsillar hypertrophy, elongated/
the mandibular and maxillary dental enlarged uvula, high-arched/narrow
arches.23 Figure 2-8 shows class I oc- hard palate, nasal abnormalities (eg,
clusion and class II and III malocclu- polyps, deviation, valve abnormalities,

FIGURE 2-8 Angle class occlusion/malocclusion. A, Angle class I occlusion, also known as
neutrocclusion. The mandibular and maxillary dental arches have a normal
anterior-posterior relationship. The mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first
molar interdigitates with the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar. B, Angle class II
malocclusion, also known as distoclusion. The mandibular dental arch is in distal anterior-posterior
relationship to the maxillary dental arch. The mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar is
distal to the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar. C, Angle class III malocclusion, also
known as mesioclusion. The mandibular dental arch is in mesial anterior-posterior relationship to
the maxillary dental arch. The mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar is mesial to the
mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar.
Reprinted from Morcos SS, Patel PK, Clin Plast Surg.23 B 2007, with permission from Elsevier.

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 39

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Approach and Evaluation

h The Epworth Sleepiness and turbinate hypertrophy), and/or reasonably well validated, and com-
Scale, a patient-completed overjet. To prevent overlooking these monly used. They can help to increase
questionnaire, assesses findings, a thorough head and neck standardization in evaluations of patients
the patient’s subjective assessment as described in Table 2-2 by different clinicians or across centers.
tendency to doze during should be incorporated into the phys- Perhaps the most well-known and
sedentary situations in ical examination of all patients who widely used is the Epworth Sleepiness
recent times, not only present with sleep-related complaints. Scale,25 a subjective assessment of the
at the moment the patient’s daytime sleep propensity in
questionnaire is SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT recent times. As shown in Appendix A,
completed. Several patient-completed question- the Epworth Sleepiness Scale asks the
h The Epworth Sleepiness naires are inexpensive and time-efficient, responder to use a four-point Likert
Scale should not be scale (0, 1, 2, or 3) to indicate the
used in lieu of diagnostic likelihood of dozing in eight distinct
testing but may be a
TABLE 2-2 Head and Neck sedentary conditions. A total score of 10
valuable component Examination or greater, out of a possible 24, suggests
of ongoing clinical
excessive daytime sleepiness.25 While
evaluation. b Face the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score can
Features of long face syndrome be easily incorporated into the clinical
Infraorbital darkening evaluation, it should not be used as a
Mouth breathing substitute for objective measurement of
Elongated midface sleepiness. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Nasal atrophy score may correlate to a limited extent
b Oral Airway
with the presence and severity of OSA,26
but some studies have failed to find any
Mandibular retrognathia
statistically significant association with
Low soft palate (modified
Mallampati classification)
mean sleep latency on multiple sleep la-
tency tests, or with severity of OSA.27
Large or boggy uvula
The most advantageous use of the
Erythematous pillars
Epworth Sleepiness Scale may be to follow
Tonsillar hypertrophy
an individual’s self-assessment of sleep-
High, narrow hard palate iness longitudinally, and it may also serve
Neck circumference as an indicator of treatment response.
Overjet Many other questionnaires may be
Overbite utilized in a clinical sleep evaluation;
Angle classification some pertain to overall sleep quality,
(malocclusion) while others are disorder-specific. The
Macroglossia Patient Reported Outcomes Measure-
Worn occlusive surfaces ment Information System (PROMIS) is
(suggestive of bruxism) an NIH-supported system of measures
b Nasal Airway for patient-reported health status and
Symmetry of the nares includes questions on sleep disturb-
Nasal septum deviation ance. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
Nasal airflow
Index (PSQI) is a validated question-
naire that inquires about sleep quality
Collapse of nasal alae on
inspiration and disturbances over the previous
month.28 The parent-completed Pe-
b Neck
diatric Sleep Questionnaire29 contains
Neck circumference a validated, reliable 22-item scale to
help assess risk for SDB in children.
40 February 2013

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

The STOP-BANG questionnaire, devel- level of insomnia may be assessed with
oped and validated in preoperative the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), a
patients, is a sensitive screening tool validated 7-item questionnaire.32
for OSA. Four questions address snor- A sleep diary (Figure 2-9)33 allows a
ing, tiredness during daytime, observed patient to chart daily sleep and wake
apnea, and high blood pressure, whereas times and should be maintained for at
four other measures focus on increased least 2 consecutive weeks. Review of
OSA risk factors of BMI (greater than 35 this information allows the clinician
kg/m2), age (older than 50 years), neck to estimate the total amount of sleep
circumference (greater than 40 cm the patient obtains in a 24-hour pe-
[15.75 in]), and gender (male preva- riod. The sleep diary also can provide
lence).30 The International Restless insight into the patient’s sleep pattern.
Legs Syndrome Study Group Rating Scale Is sleep obtained at the same times
(IRLS) is a validated assessment of dis- every day? Is the patient’s sleep con-
ease severity for patients with restless solidated or fragmented across 24
legs syndrome.31 The patient’s perceived hours? Does the patient sleep and

FIGURE 2-9 Sleep diary completed by a 46-year-old woman who presented with difficulty falling asleep. Vertical lines
represent when the patient went to bed, ‘‘M’’ refers to when medication was taken, black shading represents
time asleep, and unshaded white areas are time spent awake.
Diary template reprinted from from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine,

Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 41

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Approach and Evaluation

h A daily sleep diary helps wake at conventional times, or does saturation.34 The recommended record-
to summarize a patient’s he or she appear to be a ‘‘night owl’’ ing montage used in NPSG, as shown
sleep-wake schedule or ‘‘morning lark?’’ Answers to these in Figure 2-10, includes central (C3-A2,
more accurately than questions, as provided by the sleep C4-A1), frontal (F3-A2, F4-A1), and
memory often allows diary, may reveal factors that contrib- occipital (O1-A2, O2-A1) EEGs, left and
and can facilitate ute to sleep-related concerns. Use of right eye electrooculograms, mental/
construction of sleep diaries can be particularly help- submental surface EMG, and ECG leads.
personalized plans ful in patients with suspected circadian Other recorded parameters include
for management of rhythm sleep disorders (including shift thoracic and abdominal effort, oxygen
circadian rhythm sleep work), behaviorally induced insufficient saturation, nasal/oral airflow, and body
disorders and insomnia.
sleep, or inadequate sleep hygiene. position. Use of a microphone to
record snoring is recommended but
OBJECTIVE MEASURES not required.34 A full, 16-lead EEG
Nocturnal polysomnography (NPSG) (Figure 2-11)35 and video recording
or related assessments are indicated may be performed when nocturnal
for the diagnosis and assessment of seizures are suspected. Leg surface
SDB, and for positive airway titration EMG leads are recommended, and
in patients with confirmed SDB. The additional arm EMG leads may be
procedure can also provide information applied when the clinical history sug-
about EEG activity, nocturnal move- gests complex sleep-related motor be-
ments, cardiac rhythm, and oxygen haviors, such as dream enactment. In

FIGURE 2-10 A 1-minute epoch from a nocturnal polysomnogram showing obstructive sleep
apnea in a 46-year-old man who presented with snoring, daytime sleepiness,
and headaches. It depicts the standard recording montage that includes the
following leads: central (C3-M2, C4-M1), frontal (F3-M2, F4-M1), and occipital (O1-M2, O2-M1)
EEGs; left and right eye electrooculograms (E1-M2, E2-M1); mental/submental electromyogram
(Chin1-Chin2); electrocardiogram (ECG1-ECG2, ECG2-ECG3); snore volume (SNORE); nasal
pressure transducer (NPRE); nasal/oral airflow (N/O); thoracic (THOR) and abdominal (ABD)
effort; arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2); plethysmography (Pleth); and left and right eye
electromyograms (LAT1-LAT2, RAT1-RAT2).

42 February 2013

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

h The complex
classification of portable
testing devices reflects
the multitude of designs
available to clinicians
and will undoubtedly
change as technology

FIGURE 2-11 A, The international 10Y20 system for EEG electrode placement refers to the
10% and 20% interelectrode distances. Even electrode numbers (2, 4, 6, 8)
represent the right hemisphere, and odd electrode numbers (1, 3, 5, 7)
represent the left hemisphere. B, Recommended F4-M1, C4-M1, O2-M1 placements of EEG
electrodes as set forth by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
Adapted from Iber C et al, American Academy of Sleep Medicine.35 Used with permission of the American Academy of
Sleep Medicine, Darien, IL, 2012.

most cases the diagnostic NPSG is done lar, oximetry, position, effort, and res-
on 1 night, although NPSG on 2 con- piratory parameters.36 Within each of
secutive nights may be considered in the six SCOPER categories, a level of 0
the evaluation of parasomnias. through 5 is assigned as indicated by
Four categories of sleep monitoring the type of sensor or measurement
devices for use in the diagnosis of sleep that the device uses for that category.
disorders have often been described.34 The most recent clinical guidelines,
These are type 1, standard, attended, in- published by the Portable Monitoring
laboratory polysomnography; type 2, Task Force of the AASM37 for use of
comprehensive portable, unattended unattended portable monitoring in
polysomnography; type 3, modified the diagnosis of OSA in adult patients,
portable sleep apnea testing (often car- recommend that portable monitoring
diorespiratory studies that do not record only be performed in conjunction with
sleep); and type 4, continuous single or a comprehensive sleep evaluation by
dual bioparameter recording (eg, pulse (or supervised by) a practitioner board-
oximetry). However, this categorization certified in sleep medicine or eligible
may not effectively classify the plethora for the certification examination. These
of out-of-center testing devices currently guidelines state that portable monitor-
available for clinical use. Therefore, a ing may be used in place of NPSG in
new device classification system has patients with a high pretest probability
recently been proposed. This schema, of moderate to severe OSA. Portable
known as the SCOPER system, catego- monitoring should not be used in
rizes out-of-center testing devices based patients with significant medical comor-
on measurement of sleep, cardiovascu- bidities (including, but not limited to,
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 43

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Approach and Evaluation

h Careful consideration moderate to severe pulmonary disease, The aforementioned testing proce-
should be given to neuromuscular disease, or congestive dures are primarily used in the evalua-
the indications for heart failure), in patients with other tion of SDB. Other testing modalities
out-of-center testing. sleep disorders (including central sleep are useful in the diagnosis of other
Attended nocturnal apnea, periodic limb movement disor- categories of sleep disorders. The mul-
polysomnography is der, insomnia, parasomnias, circadian tiple sleep latency test (MSLT) and its
indicated if a portable rhythm disorders, or narcolepsy), or as variant, the maintenance of wakefulness
study yields a negative a screening tool. The use of portable test (MWT), are used in the evaluation of
or technically monitoring may be indicated for the hypersomnia. The conventional record-
inadequate result. diagnosis of OSA in patients for whom ing montage is similar to that used for
attended NPSG is not possible because nocturnal polysomnography: central, fron-
of immobility, safety, or critical illness. tal, and occipital EEGs, left and right eye
Portable monitoring may be indi- electrooculograms, mental/submental
cated to monitor the response to non- EMG, and ECG leads. Measurement of
continuous positive airway pressure thoracic and abdominal effort, oxygen
treatments for OSA, including oral saturation, and nasal/oral airflow are not
appliances, upper airway surgery, and required but may help explain delayed
weight loss. The algorithm shown in sleep latencies for patients in whom
Appendix B may help in the determi- respiratory disturbances interfere with
nation of an adult patient’s candidacy sleep onset.
for out-of-center testing for the diag- The MSLT is a validated tool that is
nosis of OSA. An example of portable considered the de facto standard for
(or home) monitoring technology is objective assessment of excessive day-
shown in Supplemental Digital Con- time sleepiness.38 The recommended
tent 2-1, protocol38 involves five 20-minute nap
Recommended technology for port- opportunities held at 2-hour intervals
able monitoring should record, at mini- throughout the day. If sleep is ob-
mum, airflow, respiratory effort, and served, the patient is allowed to sleep
blood oxygenation; the airflow, effort, for at least 15 minutes. The sleep la-
and oximetric biosensors typically used tency for each nap is measured as the
for attended NPSG should be used.37 time from the start of the nap trial to
These guidelines, published in 2007, the first epoch of sleep. A sleep la-
will likely continue to evolve as new tency of 20 minutes is assigned to nap
technologies emerge and are found to trials during which no sleep is
be effective. The current guidelines observed.39 The mean sleep latency,
recommend that out-of-center testing calculated as the average sleep latency
be performed under the auspices of an across all nap trials, is the final result.
AASM-accredited comprehensive sleep The presence and number of sleep-
medicine program and that a board- onset REM periods (SOREMPs) is also
certified/eligible sleep specialist review determined, as this information can
the raw data from a portable monitor- help to establish a diagnosis of narco-
ing device. All patients who undergo lepsy without cataplexy or to confirm
portable monitoring for the diagnosis of narcolepsy with cataplexy.
OSA should have a follow-up visit to The MSLT should be started 1.5 to
review test results. Negative or techni- 3.0 hours following completion of a
cally inadequate portable monitoring nocturnal polysomnogram, which
studies should be followed by attended, should record at least 6 hours of sleep
in-laboratory NPSG if the clinical suspi- in order for determination of the mean
cion for SDB remains high.37 sleep latency to be valid. Drugs that may
44 February 2013

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interfere with sleep latency or REM la- assessment of OSA syndrome or to h The multiple sleep
tency should be discontinued 2 weeks assess response to treatment of SDB, latency test is the gold
before testing, whenever possible. A and is not routinely indicated for eval- standard for objective
screen may be performed on the day of uation of sleepiness in medical or assessment of daytime
testing if there is suspicion that pre- neurologic disorders (except for narco- sleepiness, but
scribed or illicit substances may con- lepsy), insomnia, or circadian rhythm interpretation of the
tribute to the patient’s sleepiness.38 disorders. results must be made
No large, multicenter, systematically The MWT provides an objective meas- within the clinical
collected normative data are available ure of a patient’s ability to remain awake, context of the patient’s
for mean sleep latency values on the rather than the tendency to fall asleep, history.
MSLT.38 Nonetheless, a mean sleep la- during the day. The key difference h In the multiple sleep
tency of greater than 10 minutes is of- between the MWT and the MSLT is that latency test, the patient
ten considered normal, whereas a mean in the former, the patient is asked to try is instructed to try to
sleep latency of 8 to 10 minutes is con- to stay awake under circumstances con- sleep during each nap
trial. In the maintenance
sidered a physiologic gray zone.40 The ducive to sleep, rather than to fall asleep.
of wakefulness test, the
normative data for children are classi- The MWT provides an objective, vali-
patient is instructed to
fied by Tanner stage of development, dated assessment of the ability to remain try to remain awake
though the MSLT is typically not per- awake for a defined length of time.38 The during the nap trial.
formed in children aged younger than 6 recommended protocol includes four
h A baseline nocturnal
or 7 years because some daytime nap- 40-minute trials that begin at 2-hour
polysomnogram is
ping may still be normal in young intervals, with the first trial to start 1.5 to required before a
children.41 The second edition of the 3.0 hours after the patient’s wake-up multiple sleep latency
International Classification of Sleep time. A nocturnal polysomnogram on test and considered, but
Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding the preceding night is not required. not required, before a
Manual (ICSD-2)42 requires the pres- However, the patient should obtain a maintenance of
ence of a mean sleep latency of less sufficient amount of sleep during the wakefulness test.
than 8 minutes and two or more night before the MWT. Each trial is
SOREMPs as part of the diagnostic terminated after 40 minutes if no sleep
criteria for narcolepsy without cata- occurs, or after unequivocal sleep onset
plexy. However, the ICSD-2 also notes (defined as three continuous epochs
that a mean sleep latency of less than 8 of stage N1 sleep or one epoch of any
minutes may occur in up to 30% of the other stage of sleep) has occurred.38
general population. Therefore, while One indication for the MWT is to as-
the MSLT is a helpful and widely used sess an individual’s ability to remain
tool, it remains an imperfect gold stand- awake when his or her inability to re-
ard in the assessment of daytime sleepi- main awake constitutes a public or
ness. This necessitates that the personal safety issue. This can become
evaluation of daytime sleepiness not a pressing issue for individuals em-
rest on the MSLT results alone but ployed in the transportation,43 con-
assimilate the clinical history, subjective struction, or health care industries.
complaints, diagnostic study results, and The MWT may be indicated to assess
other pertinent medical information.38 treatment response in patients with
Practice parameters from the known excessive daytime sleepiness.
AASM state that the MSLT is indicated Limited amounts of normative data
for diagnostic confirmation of sus- are available for the MWT. Historically,
pected narcolepsy and may be indi- multiple testing protocols make syn-
cated to differentiate idiopathic thesis of results more challenging. The
hypersomnia from narcolepsy.38 The MWT is used much less often in clinical
MSLT is not indicated for routine practice compared to the MSLT. Patient
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 45

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Approach and Evaluation

h Actigraphy can be age may also affect the mean sleep la- mation about the patient’s sleep pat-
useful in evaluation and tency values on both the MWT and the tern or response to treatment. When
treatment of circadian MSLT43 and may represent evolution of polysomnography is not available,
rhythm sleep disorders circadian rhythm and sleep architec- actigraphy is indicated to estimate total
and in management of ture across the lifetime. A study of 383 sleep time in patients with OSA.45
insomnia. patients with narcolepsy with cataplexy
h Neuroimaging is not examined the clinical and polysomno- OTHER ASSESSMENT
routinely indicated in graphic data at the time of diagnosis MODALITIES
the clinical evaluation of (age range 5 to 84 years) and found a Laboratory evaluation and neuroimag-
sleep disorders and progressive decrease in the number of ing with either CT or MRI may be
should be pursued on a SOREMPs and a progressive increase in considered on an individual basis as
case-by-case basis. the mean sleep latency on the MSLT as indicated by the clinical history. Com-
a function of age.44 Given its limita- plete blood count (CBC), serum chem-
tions, the MWT may thus be used to istries, or measures of thyroid function
supplement the clinical history in the may be obtained if an underlying med-
assessment of ability to stay awake but ical disorder is thought to contribute to
should not be the sole determinant of the patient’s sleep symptoms. For
this parameter. instance, these laboratory studies may
Actigraphy is also used in the clinical be considered when daytime fatigue is a
evaluation of patients with sleep disor- predominant symptom. Serum iron
ders, particularly circadian rhythm sleep studies, including ferritin level, should
disorders. An actigraph is a watchlike be checked in patients with restless legs
device that is worn on the wrist for an syndrome.46 Neuroimaging should be
extended period, usually in the range of considered in patients with antecedent
weeks. The actigraph records move- trauma, or for any sleep disorder pa-
ment and uses an algorithm to estimate tient with an abnormal neurologic ex-
the amounts of sleep and wake time amination, to evaluate for a structural
during the recording period. Analysis etiology of the patient’s symptoms.
software uses movement to estimate
when sleep and wakefulness have APPROACH TO THE PATIENT
occurred. Review of the data can pro- Evaluation of suspected sleep disorders
vide objective insight into the patient’s is best accomplished by a stepwise,
sleep pattern, including timing and multidimensional approach (Case 2-2).
duration of major sleep disruptions. A thorough sleep history includes de-
Actigraphy is indicated as part of the tailed description of sleep-related symp-
evaluation of patients with advanced toms, nocturnal behaviors, the patient’s
sleep-phase syndrome, delayed sleep- sleep schedule, level of daytime sleepi-
phase syndrome, and shift work disor- ness, and subsequent effects on daytime
der and may be indicated in the evalua- functioning. Collateral history from the
tion of jet lag disorder and nonY24-hour patient’s bed partner or family is often
sleep-wake syndrome, including that necessary to understand the severity and
associated with blindness.45 It can also context of the patient’s symptoms. Sub-
serve as a measure of treatment re- jective assessments of sleepiness, such
sponse in patients with insomnia and as the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, are
circadian rhythm sleep disorders. For easily administered and useful to track
populations in which traditional sleep symptomatic progression or treatment
monitoring may be challenging, such response from one visit to the next.
as pediatric or older adult patients, Certain physical examination findings
actigraphy may provide valuable infor- may also raise clinical suspicion of
46 February 2013

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Case 2-2 h Careful assimilation of

the clinical history, the
A 23-year-old woman reported a 4-year history of insomnia. Throughout
sleep-specific physical
college she was a ‘‘night owl,’’ never scheduled classes that started before
examination, patient
1:00 PM, and always did well in school. During the past 6 months, she
questionnaires, and
developed progressive difficulty staying awake in her job as a financial
diagnostic test results
analyst and was concerned about how this might affect her job performance.
leads to the most
During the week she was in bed by midnight but was unable to fall
accurate assessment of
asleep until 2:00 AM and awoke with difficulty to an alarm at 6:00 AM,
patients with symptoms
feeling tired. She denied any thought rumination or physical discomfort
related to sleep or
at bedtime. She had tried over-the-counter sleep aids that provided no
symptomatic improvement and worsened morning grogginess. On
weekends she slept from 2:00 AM to 11:00 AM and awakened feeling
‘‘pretty good.’’ She had nocturia up to once per night and occasional
morning headaches. She had no bed partner but reported gasping
respirations, nocturnal palpitations, and snort arousals. On about 4 nights
per week, she experienced a sensation of needing to move her legs
while trying to fall asleep. This sensation was relieved by movement and
was worse at night than during the day. Her legs sometimes moved
spontaneously at night or while seated quietly for long periods during
the day. She felt sleepy during the afternoon, especially while working
at her computer. She denied drowsiness while driving. She occasionally
took a 30-minute nap on the weekend and found it to be refreshing.
She drank one to two cups of coffee every morning and had a 12-oz diet
caffeinated soda at 3:00 PM. Her sleepiness had not caused her to make
any mistakes at work, and she denied any mood disturbance.
Physical examination was notable for a body mass index of 32 kg/m2, neck
circumference of 38.1 cm (15 in), and modified Mallampati class III oral airway.
Nasal passages were narrow with turbinate hypertrophy bilaterally, and
hard palate was high-arched and narrow. No micrognathia or retrognathia was
present. She had molar occlusion class I bilaterally with no overjet or overbite.
The general, cardiac, respiratory, and neurologic examinations were normal.
Comment. This case illustrates how discussion of the chief complaint raises
suspicion for multiple sleep disorders. The history suggests a circadian rhythm
sleep disorder, particularly delayed sleep-phase syndrome, sleep-disordered
breathing, and restless legs syndrome. Diagnostic evaluation should include
nocturnal polysomnogram with consideration to perform testing at the patient’s
preferred sleep time, and serum iron studies. Sleep diaries and/or actigraphy
may be considered for further assessment of the patient’s sleep pattern.

particular sleep disorders. For patients phy may be considered to better char-
in whom multiple sleep disorders are acterize the patient’s sleep pattern.
suspected, systematic use of diagnostic Actigraphy may then again be pursued
testing allows for accurate identification to gauge treatment response upon man-
of specific diagnoses. In a patient with agement of the patient’s insomnia.
insomnia and symptoms suggestive of The diagnostic modalities available
SDB, nocturnal polysomnography should for evaluation of sleep disorders are
be the first procedure performed. If rapidly evolving. In-laboratory nocturnal
the insomnia persists despite adequate polysomnography currently remains the
treatment of SDB, further evaluation gold standard for assessment of SDB.
with sleep diaries and possibly actigra- However, the multitude of out-of-center
Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2013;19(1):32–49 47

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Approach and Evaluation

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