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As an ISFJ which stands for Introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging, you are driven by your
personal values, and are conscientious in your behaviour. You typically want to work hard, get along
with others, and make sure you do what is expected of you. You value relationships highly and strive to
cooperate and maintain harmony with others. You want stability and longevity in your relationships, and
tend to maintain a deep devotion to family. You feel most connected with people you know you can rely
upon over the long term.

You appreciate tradition and like knowing how things were done in the past. You are loyal to established
methods and values, and want to observe the proper, accepted way of doing things. You place great
importance on fitting in with established institutions and contributing what you can to maintain strong,
stable social structures. In groups, you often take on the role of historian, ensuring that new members
respect and value the established customs.

You are conventional and grounded, and enjoy contributing to established structures of society. You are
a steady and committed worker with a deep sense of responsibility to others. You focus on fulfilling your
duties, particularly when you are taking care of the needs of other people. You want others to know that
you are reliable and can be trusted to do what is expected of you.

Defenders are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness-

in excess and engaging with the work and people they believe
in with enthusiasm and generosity.
Among Defenders' most distinctive traits is loyalty. Rare is the Defender who allows a friendship or
relationship to fade away from lack of effort. Instead, they invest a great deal of energy into maintaining
strong connections with their loved ones- and not just by sending "How are you doing?" texts.

Defenders tend to feel most energized and effective when they

are showing up for someone who needs their help.
For Defenders, "good enough" is rarely good enough. People with this personality type can be meticulous
to the point of perfectionism. They take their responsibilities personally, consistently going above and
beyond and doing everything that can to exceed others' expectations.

Defender personalities are known for their humility, and they

rarely seek the spotlight.
Although they are Introverted, Defenders have a deeply social nature. Thanks to their ability to remember
the details of other people's lives, Defenders have a special talent for making their friends and
acquaintances feel seen, known, and cherished.

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