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Questions and Answers Volume 2

‘He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them
from their destructions.’ (Psalm 107:20)

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Peter Gammons Ministries International

Divine Healing
©1986 First edition
©1992 Second edition
©2013 Third edition
Dr. Peter Gammons
All rights reserved

Volume Two continues the questions from where Volume One finished.

This Question and Answer Series is adapted from Dr. Gammons 240 page book ‘Christ’s Healing Power’
(Monarch 1992)

© No part of this publication is to be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form, manner or by any
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Unless otherwise indicated Biblical quotations are from the King James Bible.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 01


16.  It is not scientific to believe in the miraculous, is it?

17.  What is your opinion of skeptics?
18.  I received prayer but have not been healed. Why?
19.  Why does unbelief hinder answered prayer?
20.  We have started praying for the sick in our Church but with few results.
Why is this?
21.  Is the issue that God has not healed me yet and so I need to wait?
22.  How do I get my miracle to manifest?
23.  Doesn’t the Bible warn against counterfeit miracles?
24.  Isn’t the desire for miracles a sign of ignorance?
25.  What are your thoughts about preachers and doctors who oppose divine
healing because some of those prayed for have been disappointed?
26.  Why do you say that God is on the side of health?
27.  Shouldn’t we just accept sickness as a gift from God?
28.  Jesus didn’t heal everyone in Israel did He?
29.  Should Christians use doctors?
30.  Should I give up my medication now I have been prayed for?
31.  Does God use sickness to discipline us?
32. What is the root of the concept that sickness is good for us and has a
sanctifying effect?
33.  Doesn’t the New Testament teach us that suffering is inevitable for the
34.  On what basis do some preach that miracles and healing passed away on
the death of the first apostles or upon completion of the Canon of Scripture?
35. In your crusades, after prayer, you encourage people to do what they could
not do before. Why is this?
02 Questions and Answers Volume 2

It is not scientific to believe in the miraculous, is it?
In the mid-seventeenth century, Rene Descartes introduced a mathe-
matical concept of life that changed man’s thinking in Europe. His
teaching that ‘all reality resulted from a mechanical cause and effect and
can be explained scientifically’ was radical.

Descartes firmly believed in God and emphasized that it was impossible

for Him not to exist. Yet it was not long before Descartes’ philosophy was
adopted and God excluded.

Hence, we live in a society where God’s existence is either denied or seen as

largely insignificant. The world is viewed as a closed system, governed by
the causes and effects of natural laws. Sadly, even in many churches, things
are so well organized that one wouldn’t notice whether God had turned
up or not.

There is no tension between the Bible, faith and science. Many of history’s
greatest scientists have been sincere believers, from Isaac Newton to
Albert Einstein. The more they studied the universe, the more convinced
they became of Divine Order and Intelligent Design.

Faith and science are complimentary in so many ways. For example, in

order for scientific discoveries to be made, many years of faith in a theory
often precede any concrete evidence strong enough to convince others.
Nevertheless, people will ultimately only believe what they want to.

A young American woman was healed of epilepsy, from which she had
suffered for more than twenty years. Throughout that time drugs had
been prescribed in an attempt to control her symptoms.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 03

In addition to this, she had continual migraine headaches, which no

amount of medication had relieved. The pain was so bad that she had
missed months of schooling. As she was prayed for she physically felt
something happen.

The next week she went for tests to monitor her brain activity and much
to the surprise of the consultant, there were no signs of disturbance. The
man concluded that the machine was malfunctioning and arranged for
another test.

The second test also showed no signs of the previous illness and so
her medication was reduced. Additional tests two weeks later showed
no further evidence of epilepsy and as a result her medication was

After two years, with no further seizures or headaches, her doctors

were still puzzled. The sad thing is that they still refused to believe her
testimony that God had healed her. Their western view-point ruled out the
possibility of Divine intervention. Rather, they concluded that she must
have been mis-diagnosed and mistreated for the past twenty years! These
conscientious doctors would rather risk a multi-million dollar lawsuit for
medical malpractice, than admit the possibility of God having intervened.

What is your opinion of skeptics?
You will never convince someone who does not want to believe. The cynical
Pharisees requested a sign as proof of Jesus’ identity, while deliberately
ignoring the numerous signs that were evident all around them.

Whatever they witness, some will always refuse to believe. This should
not surprise us, for it also was true in Jesus’ day. There is one doctor in
England that the BBC (British Broadcasting Association) always call on
whenever the miraculous is discussed. They present him as if he is the one
representing the scientific view, but far from being a logical ‘thinker’ the
man has a closed mind and a hatred of believers. Even if a graveyard full of
corpses rose up, he has no place for God intervening.
04 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

This was seen in his answer to the question: ‘What would you say after
researching a healing if there was no medical explanation?’ He replied:
‘I would just conclude that the person’s condition had been mis-diagnosed in
the first place.’ That is as brainwashed as any cult member. A case of ‘Don’t
confuse me with the facts.’

We will never convince every skeptic. Even Jesus could not do that! If
someone’s philosophy of life excludes the Divine and the miraculous,
whatever God does they will still refuse to acknowledge it.

Isn’t it ironic that when Jesus healed a blind man, rather than change
their view point, the Pharisees sought instead to kill the man to get rid
of the evidence?

The healing ministry does not always make a preacher popular in Churches
either. During the 1970s in Britain, I was told by many pastors: ‘We love
the fact that hundreds are saved in your meetings and will support your
evangelistic rallies, if you will renounce praying for the sick.’ But, how
could I? Healing is a vital and inseparable part of the Gospel which we have
been called to proclaim.

Jesus said; ‘… Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every
creature… And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My Name
shall they cast out devils… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall
recover.’ (Mark 16:15-18). Laying hands on the sick is a part of Jesus’ Great
Commission. Healing the sick is part of the Gospel we have been sent to

Some skeptics say: ‘He claims people are healed in his services,’ but it is
not me making the claims. It is those healed that make the claims. Vast
numbers testifying that they have been healed is a daily occurrence for
our ministry. This week, for example, in my open air Miracle Explosion in
Lagos, Nigeria, a father brought his little daughter and told how she was
deaf and mute from birth. He then proceeded to tell how after I prayed,
he spoke her name and for the first time ever she turned and looked at
him. We tested it and she could hear perfectly and repeated all she heard
with me standing behind her to make sure that she was not lip reading.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 05

Many others told how they too had been instantly healed. A young woman
brought her twenty-four year old sister who was also born deaf and mute
and she instantly heard and spoke for the first time.

The second night a man came forward along with his neighbor and his
daughter telling how he was blind and how his neighbor had come to
his home earlier that day telling of all the miracles she had witnessed the
previous night and inviting them to the service. His weeping seventeen
year old daughter then told how her father who was totally blind was
instantly healed as I prayed. He demonstrated it to the excited crowd by
touching my nose.

Another man was carried to the services, having been left paralyzed by
a stroke several years ago. He testified that after I prayed he stood and
walked for the first time since the stroke.

Another woman who had previously not been able to walk, danced to
demonstrate to the excited crowd how she had been healed. Witnessing
the miracles thousands attended, the numbers increasing every night,
with vast numbers flocking forward at the close of the service to receive
Christ. Jesus truly is the same today!

The third night was the most amazing of all. God worked creative
miracles in front of people’s eyes. A woman came with a stomach
bloated from fibroids which she described as making her look ‘8 months
pregnant.’ She had been to many hospitals but they had no cure. She had
attended the first two services and had returned home the previous night
and cried, ‘Lord, why am I not healed. Am I too big a sinner?’ Then on
the third night, the first word of knowledge given was for fibroids. Her
enlarged stomach instantly disappeared.

Next a teenage girl came forward and admitted she did not believe in
miracles and that she had a hole in her stomach instead of a naval, so that
her intestines could be seen. The hospital had told her there was nothing
they could do and because of the high risk of infection, she probably
would not live long. She told how she heard a voice that she believed
was Jesus saying that if she went to the event she would be healed.
06 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

She told her sisters and they mocked her and did not believe, but they
came anyway. I put my hand over the hole and said: ‘Lord weld it,’ and she
was instantly healed. When I took my hand away, she lifted her T Shirt
and had a perfectly formed naval as witnessed by all of the crowd.

She and her two sisters fell to the ground weeping. One of her sisters
was over and over again asking Jesus to forgive her for mocking what
He had said. They screamed and sobbed like babies as over and over they
inspected the new naval where formerly the gaping hole had been.

That same night, a man brought his 22 year old sister forward who had
become demon possessed and had been totally insane for eleven years.
She ate from gutters and trash bins and was totally uncontrollable. He
had taken her to hospitals and churches but nothing had helped. Then
someone on the street handed him a brochure about my event. When he
got home he put it down on the table. The girl grabbed it and for the whole
week wouldn’t let go of it. So, he brought her to the service where she was
instantly delivered and testified how she was now set free and in her right
mind. She beamed as she told everyone her name was ‘happiness’ and now
she was happy and free.

On many occasions, I don’t need to make any ‘claims’, everybody knows

the people healed and can see that they have been healed. For example, the
blind beggar who was healed during one of my campaigns in Tanzania.
I asked, ‘How many knew this man and knew that he was blind?’ Every
hand in the crowd went up.

The same happened in Zimbabwe, when a deaf child was healed and a large
group of his friends confirmed that he previously could not hear. Almost
without exception there are friends, neighbors and family members
present to confirm the healings.

On one occasion I encouraged a husband to quietly whisper ‘I love you’

in his wife’s ear, in which she had been deaf since birth. The joy and tears
that flowed as she threw her arms around him saying, ‘I love you too’ was
proof enough that a miracle had taken place.
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As one Muslim nurse recently put it after attending one of my events,

‘I didn’t believe the reports I heard. I did not believe these things could
happen. But now I have seen it with my own eyes, I have to believe.’ This
is one of the reasons that we try to film all of our events. Many in the
west have never seen the blind receive their sight, the deaf hear and the
lame walk. We need to lift their faith. Film captures something of the
excitement of what God has done. Many skeptics go away convinced after
attending our events.

An increasing number of westerners are beginning to doubt the sufficiency

of materialism and logic. There is a rapid rise of interest in the occult and
New Age religion. If the Church fails to bring its believing into line with
the Word of God and to demonstrate God’s miraculous power, we will miss
an incredible opportunity to reach this spiritually-hungry generation.

I received prayer but have not been healed. Why?
Do not say ‘I have not been healed.’ Say: ‘I have not yet seen a manifestation
of my healing.’

Without a word of knowledge I cannot give you a specific reason there has
been no manifestation yet. There are many possible hindrances and so it
is good to search your hearts asking the Holy Spirit to expose if there is
any blockages. Past occult involvement can hinder receiving, as can areas
of sin in our life.

Someone once asked me, ‘Could the fact that I do not tithe stop me being
healed?’ I replied, ‘Of course. Any area of disobedience opens the door for
the devil to rob us.’ Fear, anxiety and resentment can also block the flow.
Unbelief is a common hindrance to answered prayer.

Some dear saints are not healed because of wrong believing. They think
that sickness and pain are sent by God to chasten them or to teach them
lessons. They say, ‘God has put this sickness on me for a reason’ when
offered prayer. Yet, the irony of their situation is seen in the way that
despite this claim they still visit the doctor to give them medication.
08 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

You will never be healed as long as you believe that God wants you to
be sick.

You cannot pray in faith for healing until you know without a shadow of
a doubt that God wants you well. Faith is simply the absence of doubt.

Sometimes, however, after searching our heart to ensure that there is no

blockage to receiving, we just have to stand in faith.

Not everyone sees an instant manifestation of their healing. Even in Jesus

ministry some were instantly healed whilst others ‘began to amend.’
Some went away unhealed, like the blind man sent to the Pool of Siloam
or the ten lepers sent to the priest, but were healed as they went in faith.

In my own experience, most of the miracles I have received have been as

I have stood on the promises of God and held on in faith until my miracle
has manifest. It is faith which draws your miracle out of the unseen realm
and into the seen realm. So don’t feel condemned just stand on God’s

Why does unbelief hinder answered prayer?
I believe that the major hindrance to seeing a breakthrough of the
miraculous today is unbelief. Jesus said, ‘Heaven and earth shall pass
away, but My words shall not pass away.’ (Matthew 24:35). Yet many who
call themselves believers are doubters.

Unbelief hindered the manifestation of the miracles in Jesus’ own home

town. ‘And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.’
(Matthew 13:58). Mark’s Gospel tells us, ‘And He could there do no mighty
work, save that He laid His hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.
And He marvelled because of their unbelief…’ (Mark 6:5, 6).
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Isn’t it astonishing that the Bible tells us there are things that even the
Son of God ‘could not’ do? If a preacher had said that, he would have been
accused of being a heretic. But it is the Word of God that says it.

In His sovereignty God has chosen to only work in response to faith. Years
of preaching that God does not perform miracles today or that we cannot
expect healing, has left an atmosphere of unbelief in our land which so
often stops people experiencing a breakthrough.

The Word of God is clear. Jesus’ miracles were not just a sovereign God
intervening. He responded to faith.

Faith in the promises of God’s Word is vital to receiving answers to our

prayers (Mark 11:2; Matthew 21:21; Mark 9:23; Matthew 9:29).

When Jesus’ disciples asked why they had been unable to cast the demon
out of a child, Jesus said, ‘… because of your unbelief:’ (Matthew 17:20).

It is a waste of time praying for healing to ‘see if it works’. The Bible tells
the person praying: ‘… let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he
that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed.
For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord.’
(James 1:6-7).

For those who believe that the day of miracles is passed, it is … for

Jesus said, ‘… According to your faith be it unto you.’ (Matthew 9:29).

Signs follow ‘… them that believe…’ (Mark 16:16-20).

There is an atmosphere of unbelief which has in the past hindered our

seeing the dynamic and supernatural manifestation of God which He
wants us to experience. It is time to acknowledge that our unbelief is sin,
for unbelief calls God a liar. It says, ‘I know that you have said that you will
do these things, but, I do not believe that You will.’ The only solution for
sin is repentance. We must then prayerfully go to God’s Word, that faith
would come to our hearts to receive our healing.
10 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

We have started praying for the sick in our church but with few
results. Why is this?
It is not enough to pray for the sick. The pastor must also preach boldly
concerning God’s will to heal all, to build people’s faith to receive their
miracle. I am sometimes asked by pastors, ‘How do I start praying for
the sick?’ I usually reply, ‘You don’t. You start preaching to the sick first.’
There is a very important principle here.

In the 1950’s thousands testified to being healed in the meetings of the

late F.F. Bosworth. In fact, during his lifetime he received over 220,000
written testimonies from those who claimed they had been miraculously
healed. Yet, during his Tent Revivals he would preach for the first three
days to build up people’s faith before he would pray for a single person.
He saw the necessity of dealing with people’s wrong beliefs (which causes
their unbelief) first, before he prayed for them. He knew that otherwise
they would come for prayer in unbelief and just go home disappointed,
unhealed and blaming God.

Many pastors are fearful of boldly preaching God’s Word on this subject.
However, there has been so much negative preaching against the
miraculous and healing, that if we do not destroy these wrong beliefs first,
we may not as well pray. It is the prayer of faith that saves the sick, not just
prayer (James 5:15). We are told that the Lord confirms the Word with signs
following (Mark 16:20). The Word must come first. As the Word of God is
faithfully preached on this subject, so faith comes to people to receive their
healing. Our call is to preach the Word of God in simplicity. If God says
it, then He means it! The promises of God do not need interpreting, they
need believing.

The Bible was not written by learned theologians, nor was it written for
theologians. It was written by simple believers, for simple believers who
would take God at His Word!
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 11

Mostly Christians head straight for the first healing line they can find
when they become sick. Yet on most occasions before Jesus healed people,
He preached to them. He instructed us to preach the Word and then to
heal the sick – in that order, for it is no use praying for people until their
faith has been built up. Many Christians, instead of saying, ‘Pray for me,’
should first say, ‘Teach me.’ Instead many get impatient and walk out if
they feel the preaching is ‘going on’.

Before the Lord healed Lazarus, He said, ‘Take away the stone’ (John
11:38). That big round stone in front of the tomb was like a giant ‘full
stop’ (called a ‘period’ in USA). ‘Lazarus is dead (full stop).’ Jesus said,
‘Roll away the stone.’ Notice Jesus did not take the stone away. It is our
responsibility to get rid of our unbelief. We put it there by the books we
have read and by the people and preachers that we have listened to, so we
must get rid of it. Only after the stone of unbelief has been rolled away
can we receive our miracle. You must turn your full stops into commas –
‘Lazarus is dead, but he shall live.’

If your Church wants to see a breakthrough of the miraculous, it is best

to start by inviting someone who has the healing anointing first to burst
things open in the supernatural.

Having said all of this, on a positive note, things are changing. As the Church
is opening more to the message of faith, so we are seeing more and more
miracles taking place. I recently ministered at a series of meetings in the
United Kingdom, attended by several thousand people. At the second service
over 500 people acknowledged they had been physically healed by the Lord
in the previous meeting alone and England is not noted for its great faith!

Is the issue that God has not healed me yet and so I need to wait?
When I hear someone say: ‘The Lord has not healed me yet,’ I know that
(a) they do not understand healing and (b) they are not in faith for a
miracle. ‘God has not healed me yet’ is a flawed theological concept, for
the Bible says, ‘By His stripes you were healed!’
12 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

God’s Word presents healing as a past-tense – already accomplished

fact – a done deal! Christ has already bore your sicknesses, just as He
has already bore your sins. There is nothing more than that He needs to
do. It is us now who need to receive by faith. This is what few believers
understand and is the reason I often say, ‘Healing does not begin with a
prayer, but, with a revelation – a revelation that healing is already yours.’

How do I get my miracle to manifest?
When Christ died, God deposited into your heavenly bank account all that
you will ever need. Now you must receive by faith. I receive by faith, then
I stand my ground, refusing to doubt until my healing manifests. Faith is
the hand which reaches into God’s unlimited supply and brings it down
into your life.

Doesn’t the Bible warn against counterfeit miracles?
Yes, it does. This is one of the reasons why we need to look first at the
doctrines of those ministering. Some helpful questions are: Does the
minister preach the divinity of Christ? Do they preach salvation by faith
in the substitutionary death of Christ on Calvary or are works and/or a
certain type of baptismal formula required? Do they present Jesus as the
healer or do they claim to have healing powers of their own?

The enemy is coming in like a flood and we cannot over-emphasize the

importance of sound doctrine for false signs and wonders are performed
to deceive and mislead. Pharaoh’s magicians were able to produce
some demonstrations similar to those the Lord worked through Moses.
Therefore, the manifestation of supernatural signs is not enough. Any
ministry that diverges from such foundational truths as the divinity of
Christ, the all-sufficient sacrifice of Calvary and salvation by Divine grace
through faith should be instantly rejected.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 13

Spiritism is a counterfeit of true healing. The Bible clearly condemns

attempts at contacting the dead (Deuteronomy 18:9-13). People go to
spiritists looking for physical healing and end up spiritually blinded and
bound. If you have ever been to a spiritist healer you need to repent and to
ask the Lord to set you free from the effects in Jesus’ Name. There is only
one Healer and His Name is Jesus. Do not look to a man or a woman to
heal you. That is why Christians do not use the term ‘faith healing’. It is
‘Divine healing’ we believe in and Jesus is the Healer.

Isn’t the desire for miracles a sign of ignorance?
No, it rather reveals humanity’s intense desire to know the reality of the
unseen God. God’s purpose and plan for humanity from the beginning
was for people to have fellowship with Him.

Created in His image, men and women can never find full satisfaction
without God. Human beings instinctively seek for God, whether or not
they admit it or are even conscious of it. Life has divine purposes and until
that purpose is discovered, there is a vacuum and emptiness.

Being the offspring of a miraculous God, people have an inborn hunger

to experience miracles. This yearning for the miraculous is deep-seated in
all, regardless of nationality or background. Jesus attracted the masses by
miracles and still today wherever miracles are wrought in His Name, He
continues to attract multitudes.

What are your thoughts about preachers and doctors who oppose
divine healing because some of those prayed for have been
Everyone in the graveyard was disappointed by a doctor, but we do not
reject doctors because of their failure rate! It is also wrong to judge the
miraculous solely by the immediate results.
14 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

Some are healed as they stand in faith. The preachers who do not minister
to the sick also disappoint everyone. They leave everyone unhealed! Where
is the compassion or obedience to the Scriptures in that? Ultimately, a lot
more are healed when we minister to them than when we do not!

Why do you say that God is on the side of health?
In 3 John 2 God’s Word says, ‘Beloved, I wish above all things that thou
mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.’

God declares that He wants you as physically well as He wants you

spiritually well!

God has even designed our bodies to be on the side of health. As soon as a
germ enters, our immune system begins to repel it. If we break a bone or
cut our finger it does its utmost to heal and as long as our body is working
properly succeeds. Has God commanded our bodies to rebel against His will?

If sickness were the will of God, then every doctor would be in rebellion
against Him and every nurse would be defying the Almighty. Every
hospital would be a house of rebellion instead of a place of mercy. If
sickness is the will of God then instead of supporting hospitals we should
be seeking to close them down! But I believe that the Scriptures are clear
that God is on the side of health.

Shouldn’t we just accept sickness as a gift from God?
Such a fatalistic attitude can be found in Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and
other world religions, but it is not found in the Bible. Nowhere in Scripture
do we find Jesus encouraging people to ‘accept their sickness as a gift from
God’ or to ‘bear it for His glory.’ Nowhere do we find Jesus exalting ‘finer
qualities’ that can be developed through suffering illnesses. Jesus never
met sickness passively. He never regarded it as a friend to be welcomed,
but always as an enemy to be defeated.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 15

Jesus saw sickness as oppression by the devil and healed all who came
in faith.

‘… God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power:
who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the
devil; for God was with Him.’ (Acts 10:38).

Sickness is not from God. It is a satanic attack to be resisted.

Jesus didn’t heal everyone in Israel did He?
It is true that Jesus did not heal all of the sick in Israel, but there are no
accounts of Him ever turning anyone away who came to Him in faith.

Should Christians use doctors?
I thank God for the medical profession. Many of my friends and close
supporters are doctors. Doctors and nurses are on the side of health, just
as God is. ‘And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need
not a physician; but they that are sick.’ (Luke 5:31).

I appreciate doctors because they believe in healing and that people should
be well. Doctors are against disease, just as God is. There are a trail of
sad and tragic stories of Christians who have taken a stand against using
the medical profession. One preacher who opposed using doctors died
unnecessarily from a boil on his leg which could have so easily been cured
by a simple antibiotic.

God heals in many ways, including through the treatment of medical

specialists. I see no conflict between God’s healing power through faith
and the efforts of doctors. It is God who put the Quinine in the bark and
the Penicillin in the mould and helped man to discover them. Tablets
(pills) are made from earthly substances just as we are!
16 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

What is more it is a lot easier to stand in faith for healing when you are not
in pain. So, do not feel condemned. Paul told Timothy to take a little wine
as medication for his stomach’s sake. He did not say: ‘Use faith only.’ He in
effect said: ‘Do all you can to get well.’

Should I give up my medication now I have been prayed for?
Only the Lord can give that kind of directive. Ultimately, when you are
physically well you will not need them. The fact that you ask the question
is perhaps an indication that this is not the right time to do so. The time
to take such action is only when you have complete peace in your heart
that this is what God is telling you to do.

It is the devil who tries to force us to make decisions and to take actions
out of condemnation. Although we want to take steps of faith, we equally
do not want to do anything that would damage our testimony. If your
medication is for a life threatening illness or you have been taking it for
a prolonged period of time, it is wise to seek the counsel of a sympathetic
doctor before reducing or ending them. As you seek Him, the Lord can
show you what is the best course of action, both for you and for His glory.
Ultimately God wants you well and pain free.

When you truly believe your miracle has taken place, you can then have
medical tests to confirm that your course of treatment is no longer

Does God use sickness to discipline us?
No. Sickness is not from God. Whilst sickness can result from sin, it is
because it gives the enemy a foothold. Paul spoke of some who through
sin had been handed over to satan for the destruction of their bodies, that
their souls might be saved. Noticed that their actions had resulted in them
being ‘handed over to satan’ and not to God.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 17

It was not God’s will that these people were sick or had even died. It was
His will that they should judge themselves, seek His forgiveness and
receive healing. When we choose to walk in disobedience, we come out
from under God’s protective hand and are open to the attack of the enemy
who is out to kill, steal and to destroy.

Thank God, we can close the door on the devil! When Jesus encountered
the paralytic He did not tell him that this was God’s discipline or preach a
long accusing sermon about the man’s sins. Instead He forgave the man
and told him to rise up and walk. To the man at the Pool of Bethesda Jesus
said, ‘… sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.’ (John 5:14).

What some preachers who do not believe in healing have called ‘a hidden
blessing’, would, in the human family, be called child abuse. What human
mother or father for example, would put cancer on their son or daughter
to tame their pride?

Sickness is not from God.

The preachers who try to comfort the sick by telling them to accept their
illness as a blessing from God, or who preach that God is trying to teach
them a lesson, certainly did not get these warped ideas from the Bible.

What is the root of the concept that sickness is good for us and
has a sanctifying effect?
Persecution of the Church ceased during the rule of Emperor Constantine
as the Church and State combined. This concerned many, for they noted
that as Christianity became the official religion of Rome its spiritual
standards dropped.

Some fled to the desert to practice asceticism concluding that without

State persecution they would have to persecute themselves. Prolonged
fasts, exposure to the elements, deprivation of sleep, flogging and the like,
in some weird and perverted way became synonymous with ‘suffering for
the faith’.
18 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

Early on in Church history the Greek heretical view of ‘Gnosticism’ also

infiltrated the church. It divided body from spirit and concluded that the
former was evil and should be degraded and rejected. This led to bizarre
concepts like anything which hindered the body’s comfort and pleasure
(like sickness) was ‘good for the soul’.

Early in church history political pontiffs replaced Divine power as men

took the place of the Almighty. The further church hierarchy got from
the Scriptures, the more God’s supernatural power to heal and restore
was lost. To cover up for this powerlessness the notion of the sanctifying
effect of sickness was introduced into the Church. No longer was sickness
seen as an enemy which should be defeated, as taught and practiced
by Jesus and His disciples. Instead the supposed ‘benefits’ of sickness
were emphasized. So much so, that such commands as James 5:13-18
which encouraged prayer and the anointing of the sick for healing, were
exchanged for ‘last rites’!

By the sixteenth century the Church of England even included these

words in ‘The Office of Visitation of the Sick’: ‘Wherefore, whatsoever your
sickness is, know you certainly that it is God’s visitation’. So ingrained
was this horrendously unbiblical concept that many of the New England
Puritans opposed precautions against smallpox on the grounds that to try
to prevent sickness was to thwart the ‘will of God’.

This unbiblical concept is still widely propagated today. This produces the
hypocritical situation where Christians decline prayer for healing, claiming
that it is God’s will that they are sick, yet still visit doctors and surgeons.

Doesn’t the New Testament teach us that suffering is inevitable
for the believer?
Sickness and suffering are two very different things. Whilst the Bible
warns that those who are faithful will suffer persecution for their faith,
this is totally different to suffering physical sickness. The two are never
equated in the New Testament.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 19

In the New Testament suffering always refers to persecution inflicted

by people or demons. The Greek word translated ‘suffering’ is pascho,
of which there are sixty-five appearances in the New Testament. On no
occasion was it used in reference to sickness. The only two references
to suffering in the context of anything physical is that of the epileptic,
where the condition is attributed to a demon (Matthew 17:15), and in
(Mark 5:26) where it states that ‘she suffered many things’ in reference to
her treatment by the doctors!

Jesus warned that persecution will come to the faithful (Acts 4:1-22,
5:40-42, 7:54, 8:3, 14:19-20, though even this does not mean that we
cannot pray for deliverance, as the early Church did – Acts 12:5).

On occasions individuals were miraculously delivered and at other times

they were not, even enduring beatings with joy rejoicing because ‘… that
they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name.’ (Acts 5:41).

a) Nowhere in the teaching or practice of Jesus did He promote sickness

as being profitable nor did He counsel anyone that it was inevitable.

b) Nowhere did Jesus inflict sickness on anyone to accomplish some

higher good, though He healed people for that reason.

c) Jesus taught sickness was an enemy to be defeated and not a friend to

be welcomed.

On what basis do some preach that miracles and healing passed
away on the death of the first apostles or on completion of the
Canon of Scripture?
I have read the books that object to the ministry of healing today and
not one of them can even quote a single verse of Scripture to support
their argument.
20 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

a) The only verse that some have used to suggest that certain Spiritual
gifts would pass away is 1 Corinthians 13:8 where we read: ‘… but
whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues,
they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.’

b) Notice that healing is not mentioned here.

c) Has knowledge has passed away? Verse 12 goes on to say; ‘… now

I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.’ Has
this happened yet?

d) This is a clear reference to the return of Jesus Christ.

e) When Jesus returns we will no longer need prophecy (1 Corinthians

14:3). Encouraging, challenging and comforting; the three-fold
purposes for prophecy, will be a thing of the past. They are only
required now in this world of discouragement, apathy and pain.

f) As mentioned, even if this verse had meant that prophecy, tongues and
knowledge would pass away prematurely, miracles and healing are not
included in the list. This remains the only verse that could be twisted
to imply an end to certain miraculous gifts.

g) Two streams of blessing flowed throughout the Old Testament and on

through the ministry of Jesus: a stream of forgiveness and a stream of
healing. He came not only to save souls but to save people. He brought
healing for body and soul. These same two streams continued flowing
side by side throughout the Book of Acts and on through Church
history, for those who believed.

h) As we have already seen, Church leaders from Irenaeus to Martin

Luther and Count Zinzendorf to John Wesley all recorded seeing
miracles of healing. To suggest therefore that miracles and healing
stopped after the death of the early Church leaders or on completion
of the Cannon of Scripture would dismiss the ministry of these great
leaders and to accuse them of being liars.
DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2 21

i) If miracles have ceased, then we are all lost; for the greatest miracle of
all is new birth.

j) It was not miracles that passed away but faith in God’s Word and
His power.

k) When we stop preaching salvation, people do not get saved – when

we stop preaching Christ’s healing power, miracles cease. Thank God
today when we will take Him at His Word, we still see God’s miracle
power manifest.

l) Jesus said, ‘… Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every
creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that
believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that
believe; In My Name they shall cast out devils; that shall speak with
new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly
thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and
they shall recover.’ (Mark 16:15-18). This was our Lord’s commission.
Therefore, what right have we to preach only forgiveness and to
withhold healing?

m) What right have we to go to our world and demand acceptance of

our message without signs following? This is why so many Churches
are empty.

In your crusades after prayer, you encourage people to do what
they could not do before. Why is this?
Faith without works is dead. Jesus told the blind man to ‘… Go, wash in
the pool of Siloam,’ (John 9:7). He encouraged the man to put actions
behind his faith. The man was not healed until he did so. In the same way
the Lord sent the ten lepers to show themselves to the priest. It was ‘… as
they went, they were cleansed.’ (Luke 17:14). None of them were healed at
the point when they left Jesus.
22 DIVINE HEALING  Questions and Answers Volume 2

In Acts Chapter 3 we read that ‘as he stood’ the lame man’s feet and
ankles were strengthened ‘… and he leaping up stood…’ (Acts 3:7-8), not
beforehand. He did not say, ‘I’m a lame man, I cannot stand!’ He did not
wait until he felt that something has happened. Many others today, like
that lame man, receive their healing as they take a step of faith and begin
to do what they could not do before. (I have covered this in greater detail
in my book ‘The Step of Faith’).
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G odSaviour
loved you so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son to be your
(John 3:16). On the cross, Jesus died bearing your sins, so you
could be forgiven and have eternal life.

O nly Jesus can save you. You cannot save yourself. Our sins caused a
separation between us and God. But Jesus died in our place on the Cross
and was raised from the dead, taking the punishment that we deserved,
so that we could be forgiven (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

S alonger.
lvation is God’s free gift. It is yours for the asking. Do not put it off any
The past is gone forever. The future is uncertain. Now is the day
of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2; 1 John 1:9).

P eace with God is freely available to you right now if you will receive
Jesus Christ (John 1:12).

E veryone will one day stand before God and give an account of whether
they received or rejected Jesus Christ.

Pray this prayer right now and receive His eternal love and forgiveness:

L ord Jesus Christ, thank You that You love me, Thank You that You
died for me and then rose again to give me new life. I believe that
You took the punishment for my sin so that I could be forgiven.
Forgive me right now. I invite You to come into my life to be my
Saviour and my Lord. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is
Lord and believe with my heart that God has raised Him from the
dead. I thank You that You have heard my prayer. I am forgiven!
I am saved! You are mine! I am Yours… for all eternity! In Jesus’
Name, Amen!’

©1976  D r. Peter Gammons

As a young man Peter Gammons received
a dramatic call from God to ‘TAKE MY
From that moment onwards, incredible miracles began to take place.
Reports of the miracles have shaken whole cities and impacted whole
nations, resulting in incredible revivals, packing some of the world’s
largest venues.
Respected around the world as an evangelist, statesman and Bible scholar,
it is historically documented that he has spoken to the largest crowds in
history, with up to four million people in a single service. His life is an
inspiring story from obscurity in a small British farming community to
become a personal friend and advisor to Presidents, Prime Ministers and
World Leaders. For more than 40 years he has ministered to more than
100 million people in over 100 nations of the world.
Lives are being changed by God in over 200 nations of the world through
his television broadcasts, which are carried by more than 2,000 stations,
with global satellite coverage.
A Best Selling author, Dr. Gammons has published more than 100 books
and teaching manuals, his works translated into many other languages.
His books capture the warmth, compassion and devotion, which drive
him to encircle the globe each year, ministering on every continent.


PO Box 605000 Orlando FL 32860-5000, USA
PO Box 4, Ramsey, Cambs PE26 1SW, UK PG-MB127

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