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Technology plays an important role in our everyday lives, the moment you wake up you’re already utilizing

technology, the flush on your toilet is known as the siphonic flush technology but technology may be bad for us as it
makes us lazier and less productive. In this essay, I’ll be writing about my opinion on whether I think the advancement
of technology happening in this century is good or bad.

Technology has greatly impacted our current generation in many ways from transport efficiency and safety to
access to food and healthcare, socialization, and productivity. The power of the internet has enabled global
communities to form, and ideas and resources to be shared more easily but there is a dark side to it, as people start
to trust technology and their devices, they start entering their personal information into them like their billing
information or IC number making them vulnerable to hackers, who can effortlessly steal their personal information.
Even big companies like Shopee, Lazada, amazon, and many others are listening to your every word for marketing
purposes. Technology has also made people lazier, for example, teenagers now use a new app called ChatGPT to do
their homework for them as it is the closest thing with currently have to true artificial intelligence. ChatGPT has
allowed many students to slack off and cheat on their exams.

Technology is extremely important in today's world as it has made it possible for people from all walks of life
to have access to different resources. Further, technology is also being used to equip people who need a certain type
of assistance to improve their quality of life and help them avail opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible.

So far, technology seems perfect, it helps people make their life better and altogether improves almost
everybody's quality of life but now I’ll tell you about the cons of technology. People being people can easily get
addicted to things such as technology. in recent years, many people have developed problems with technology
addiction. The future of humanity also seems to be heading towards what many movies have foretold: a society
where artificial intelligence and robots play a major role. Just how far will these new technologies go? Will they be
able to think or have feelings? Will they replace human beings? These are some of the ethical dilemmas that we will
face in the coming decades because of technological advancements.

As students, we use technology in many different ways. We use apps like google translate, PowerPoint,
Word Document, Microsoft Access, and many more. These apps all help us to do our work and study more efficiently.

In my opinion, 50 years from now, technology use will be nearly as pervasive and necessary as oxygen.
Seamless connectivity will be the norm, and it may be impossible to unplug. Technology would have developed
greatly and it would probably be normal to see people in flying cars and robots walking down the streets. Technology
will be used in every aspect of our lives, it would be used to help us walk so we don't have to use energy, and it would
be on us like watches to track our heart rate.

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