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Characteristics of Greek Heroes

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Characteristics of Greek Heroes

1. Which of the five traits of Greek heroes can be seen in the stories around the Greek
The elements of Greek mythology often appear many times in the cultures, which

includes pop culture. In the stories revolving around the Greek gods, there are several

characteristics and traits of the Greek heroes that can be witnessed. Having one immortal parent,

being born into royalty, having the unusual conception, being favored by the gods and lastly

being a subject of the prophecy are some of the traits of Greek heroes witnessed in the story of

Greek gods. All these characteristics are present in the stories of the Greek hero, Achilles.

Heracles kills his wife and children,

2. Which of the five traits of Greek heroes cannot be seen in the stories around the

Greek gods?

Besides the characteristics of the Greek heroes present in the Greek heroes, there are several

other characteristics of the Greek heroes that do not exist in most of the Greek heroes.

Performing amazing skills at a tender age, being favored by the gods, travelling to the

underworld, being married to a princess, and facing an ignoble death are some of the

characteristics of the Greek heroes that are missing in the story of the Greek gods.

3) What do these similarities or differences tell us about the Greek gods?

The similar characteristics that the Greek heroes have exhibited are essential because they assist

in making a rationale overview and perception concerning the Greek gods. One of the things that

people learn about the Greek god from either the similarities or the differences exhibited by the

Greek heroes is that they had the Greek god liked diversity because they had given the heroes

different characteristics.

4) Three elements of a hero's story that you see across the stories of Heracles, Theseus,


According to Greek mythology, a hero is defined as performing some extraordinary acts of

courage for the common good. In the Greek mythology story, the Heracles, Theseus and Oedipus

exhibited the following heroism elements (D'Aulaire & D'Aulaire, 2003). Hercules was a hero

because he killed his wife and children, and he was ordered to perform several heroic acts to

compensate for his sins. He was also half a god with superhuman skills. Theseus was born from

royalty. Oedipus was also considered a hero because he faced an ignoble death in the long run.

3) How do Achilles in the selections from the Iliad reflect ONE of the elements of a hero's

story that another group member identified across the stories of Heracles, Theseus, and


One of the heroic characteristics that have been portrayed in the Iliad's story is that Achilles

possesses superhuman strength, and he also has a close relationship with the gods.


D'Aulaire, I., & D'Aulaire, E. P. (2003). Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire's book of Greek myths.

Delacorte Books for Young Readers.

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