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Ly Ashwin U.

ABM 11 -Velasco
Earth and Life Science

Relationship of the Perpetuation to the Evolution of Life

There are two normal gametes, each with one copy of the chromosome, and two
defective gametes, one with two copies and the other with none, if sister chromatids do not
separate during meiosis II.

Explanation: When homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to split

during meiosis, an aberrant chromosome number results. Nondisjunction can occur during
either the first or second meiosis. Turner syndrome, a monosomy in which females may
have all or part of an X chromosome, is a common consequence of aneuploidy. Autosomal
monosomy is frequently lethal in humans and other animals. Klinefelter Syndrome is a
trisomy genetic condition in men caused by the presence of one or more X chromosomes.
Trisomy has the same effects as monosomy. Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder. In many
organisms, life is perpetuated by a single-cell bottleneck between generations.... Because
this arrangement and the genome sequence are passed down from generation to
generation, both must be studied to understand the evolution and origins of inherited
Ly Ashwin U. Buhay
ABM 11 -Velasco
Earth and Life Science
Relationship of the Perpetuation to the Evolution of Life

There are two normal gametes , each with one copy of the chromosome, and two defective
gametes, one with two copiesand the other with none, if sister chromatids do not separated during
meiosis II. Explanations : When homologous or sister chromatids failto split during meiosis,
anaberrant chromosome number results. Nondisjunction can occur during either the first or second
meiosis. Turner Syndrome, a monosomy in which females may have all or part of an x chromosome,
is a common consequence of aneuploidy. Autosomal monosomy is frequently lethal in humans and
other animals. Klinefelter Syndromeis a trisomy genetic condition in men caused by the presence of
one or more X chromosomes. Trisomy has the same effects as monosomy. Down Sydrome is a
genetic disorder.In many organisms, life is perpetuated by a single- cell bottleneck between
generations…….. Because this arrangement and the genomesequence are passed down drom
generation to generation, both must be studied to understand the evolution and origins of inherited
Ly Ashwin U. Buhay
ABM 11 -Velasco
Earth and Life Science

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