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“The Mint Marketing” Template

For Any Business Launch

Supplemental Action Guide

1. File > “Make a copy” ©

2. Use this Action Guide to apply the same concepts to YOUR

business launch.
3. Good luck.

Table of Contents

Part I: Quant-Based Marketing

Part II: 12 Week Launch Marketing Template

Week 0: Set Goals (3 Months Before Launch)
Week 1: Make a List of Targeted Users
Week 2: Set Up Landing Page
Week 3: Locate Your Users
Week 4: Track Everything
Week 5: Test Your Messaging
Week 6: SEO
Week 7: Content Strategy
Week 8: SEM
Week 9: Advertise & Social Media
Week 10: Launch Timeline
Week 11: PR & Media Coverage + Email Marketing
Week 12: Form a Community Distribution
Part I: Quant-Based Marketing
5 Steps To Quant-Based Marketing
1. Establish specific goals
2. Make your target list prior to launch
3. Find where your users hang out online
4. Test your messaging
5. Track everything

I updated my original spreadsheet for you to use. Here’s the Quant-Based Marketing

Part II: 12 Week Launch Marketing Template

Week 0: Set Goals (3 Months Before Launch)

Set Goals
● Goal 1:
● Goal 2:

Launch Date:

Week 1: Make a List of Targeted Users

List 8 groups of potential users who could use your product:

Who are your users? What are their needs? Why do they want your
Ex: Recent college grads Ex: easy way to track product? How does it solve
finances their most painful problem?
Week 2: Set Up Landing Page
Write your own story:
● Why did you start your company? What solution do you want to provide with your
product or service?
● Write out your story in first person
○ “I..”

List your 3 benefits:


List 3 specific ways to let users test drive your product:


Contact 10 customers and pick the strongest three quotes to feature.

1. Customer - Quote
2. Customer - Quote
3. Customer - Quote

Easy Registration
● What are the basic pieces of information you need from a new user?
● What is the process after they enter that information? (hint: minimize the steps)?
● How can you get them immediately engaged with the product?
● Which features will you highlight after they’ve converted?
● What are your customers’ fears (refer to your survey results)? How can you alleviate

Email Collection
● How do you currently [solve the problem your product solves]?
● What would you like in a [product description]?
● Would you like to be able to [benefit] while [avoiding a negative outcome]?

Week 2 Checklist

First person story

3 benefits

3 ways customers can test drive product

10 customer quotes
Easy registration questions
✅Email collection
✅Landing page is set up!
Week 3: Locate Your Users
Top Five Most Popular for Each:
● YouTube videos
● Popular blogs
● Popular Twitter accounts or tweets
● Popular groups

Week 3 Checklist

Find and list popular blogs/content/influencers

Set Up Google Alerts

Add blogs and forums to Targeted Blogs Sheet

Input traffic information to Targeted Blogs Sheet
Repeat for influencers and relevant groups

Week 4: Track Everything

Step 1: Set up and track where users are clicking
Step 2: Track user adoption using Google Analytics
Step 3: Track homegrown metrics

Metric How to monitor or test?


Time on site

Homepage conversion

Week 4 Checklist

Install Google Analytics

Choose 3 to 5 metrics to track

Set up Quant-based Marketing Spreadsheet to track for each marketing channel

Call 5 customers for feedback

Email 10 customers for product feedback
Watch 3 customers actually use your product
Week 5: Test Your Messaging
Step 1: Make a list of features you want feedback about.

Step 2: Survey your target users

● Key Question Categories:
○ Demographics:
○ Customer Profile:
○ Problems/Needs:
○ Current Solutions:
○ Buying Behavior
○ Information Sources:

Step 3: Figure out their needs and segment if appropriate

● Two or more groups? Describe them below:
○ Group 1:
○ Group 2:

Step 4: Identify a unique solution your product or service provides

● List 5 unique solutions:
○ Solution 1:
○ Solution 2:
○ Solution 3:
○ Solution 4:
○ Solution 5:

Step 5: Define a benefit-driven brand promise

● Template Guide
○ We’ll help you [specific accomplishment] in [specific time period]
○ Make sure [bad action] never happens again
○ Do [positive benefit] in [short amount of time that’s appealing and only possible
with your product]
○ We are the [positive adjectives] to do [some desirable action]

● Noah’s examples for Mint brand promises:

○ Mint will save you 20% in the next 90 days
○ Mint will save you $500/month in the first 30 days
○ Never pay late fees again
○ Track everything in 5 minutes or less

● Write out 3 brand promises

○ Brand Promise 1
○ Brand Promise 2
○ Brand Promise 3

Week 5 Checklist

Make list of features you want feedback on

Put together a survey (10 questions or less)

Segment user groups based on survey responses

Identify unique differentiators for your product

Write your 3 brand promises
Start establishing relationships with reporters (see PR section)

Week 6: SEO

Week 6 Checklist

Read Guide to SEO (if you have questions about SEO)

Ensure your site is SEO-friendly (tags, xml sitemap, etc.)

Find 30 keywords using Google Keyword Planner

FInd 15 keywords using Google and Google Trends
Test keyword competition using Google Google Keyword Planner (or more resources here)

Week 7: Content Strategy

Week 7 Checklist

List top bloggers for specific areas in your niche

Find top 10 blog posts (of all time) in your niche

Build content strategy that includes at least 2 regular series you will run

Reach out to 5 bloggers for guest posts and distribution content
Write 10 to 20 blog posts based on popular keywords

Week 8: SEM

Week 8 Checklist

Determine effective keywords for competitors

List 10 successful keywords per competitor

Determine if customer profiles are similar for you and your competition

Build landing pages to test the messaging
Start spending small amounts on ads to test messaging & positioning with customer
Week 9: Advertise & Social Media

Week 9 Checklist

Choose 5 to 10 bloggers you like and would be interested in sponsoring

Email each one of them about sponsorship

Create banner or badge to place on blogger’s site

Create Facebook page

Create Twitter profile

Use Twitter search to find conversations about your product or niche

Engage in conversations around your topic
Build relationships with social influencers by interacting with them on social media channels

Week 10: Launch Timeline

(Day 0)
● Add email collection to homepage with prompt (Sumo is free and easy to use)
○ Examples:

Alpha Launch Strategy (Days 1- 16)

● Satisfaction Survey - numeric questionnaire for all people testing the product. Must
return 90% or higher.
● Survey should ask, “How likely are you to recommend this to a friend?”
● Launch to all investors, family, and selected friends
● Metrics Dashboard
● Make it easy see A/B test results and make updates
● Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
○ Reference one of these SEO checklist audit pages from Ahrefs or Backlinko
○ Focus on just the basics of SEO (meta descriptions, titles, link structure, etc.)
● Contract with specific bloggers different verticals of information to have library of content
indexed for SEO and to provide good resources for users
● Initiate contact with celebrity endorsers
● Collect 1 to 2 user testimonials to feature on the site during public launch

Beta Launch Strategy (Days 17- 28)

● Satisfaction survey that is numeric and must return greater than 90% of reviews
● Survey should ask, “How likely are you to recommend this to a friend?”
● Invite key bloggers to participate and provide feedback
● Decide which exclusive publication will receive first press of the product
● Consider an exclusive video for certain outlets
● Leak to top websites details of the project to generate some buzz
● Provide link for feedback and bug submissions
● Collect 1 to 2 user testimonials from people using the product to put on the site during
public launch
● Advertise on partner sites

Public Launch Strategy (Day 30)

● Provide the tool/product without a referral fee for people to invite friends – focus on
● Allow people to sign up for a monthly newsletter
● Find online groups to create a community
● Display content of preferred partners who list us as elite partners on their site
● Spend at least 4 hours doing guerilla marketing for the target market (Facebook Groups,
Reddit, craigslist, etc.)

Post Public Launch Strategy (Days 31 - 60)

● Evaluate launching a referral fee at this point
● Message people in online community groups/forums
● Review traffic logs to see where referrals are coming from, what people are doing on the
site and optimize site based on feedback
● If there are significant statistics (e.g. savings or users), release a press release to the
● Consider exclusive partnerships on specific things (e.g. Wells Fargo for Banking or
T-Mobile for cell phones).
Email Template

Subject: Exclusive early access to [product]

Hey [blogger]

I’m launching [product] that solves [pain points, or talk benefits here]. I’ve been a loyal
reader of [blog] for years now, and thought you might be interested in becoming one of
the first users of a product I’ve been working on for [time] now.

It’s completely free of charge, as I’m only looking for expert feedback and thoughts on
how to improve. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!



Launch timeline

Determine what marketing resources will be conducted with each launch date

Confirm your marketing channels

List (in order) most desirable bloggers to get as beta users

Send email (use template above) asking about interest
Satisfaction survey when bloggers use the product

Week 11: PR & Media Coverage + Email Marketing

Get Media Attention Without Hiring a PR Firm:
● Choose 3 dream media outlets to get mentioned in
● Find a writer at each source that covers your niche
● Get their name, email and phone number
● Contact them before you need them — help them first by sending relevant articles or
new perspective on a topic they cover
● Reach out to them (email template below) for an article when the time is right

Email Template

Subject: Exclusive for [outlet]: Launching [product], [quick description]

Hey [name],

We’re launching [product], tomorrow at noon EST and [outlet] gets free reign on an
exclusive before then. [1 sentence about your product and why it’s important].

Video demo: [link]

Live demo site: [link]
Feature overview: [link]
My contact information: [link]


Set Up Automated Drip Marketing Campaigns

● Use a free or low-cost tool like

Draft a list of 12 topics to use each month for newsletters

● Month 1: Topic
● Month 2: Topic

Week 11 Checklist

Sign up for SendFox

Start collecting emails on your site and blog

Brainstorm topics for monthly newsletter

Draft email content for each month

Write email content for each month
Schedule email sending for once a month

Week 12: Form a Community Distribution

Week 12 Checklist

List potential distribution channels

Run conversion numbers to see which platforms would be worth it from a growth perspective
Reach out to potential distribution partners

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