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Giant Panda


General information
Status Vulnerable

Number left in the wild 1864

Number killed per year 6

Temperature broadleaf and

Habitat mixed forest of southwest
Pandas are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation,
and by people hunting other animals and harvesting
plants in the forests.

Pandas have a slow reproductive rate. Mature females
usually breed just once every two or three years.

Potential predators include jackals, snow leopards and
yellow-throated martens, all of which are capable of
killing and eating panda cubs.
Why are pandas important?
Keeping the forest healthy
Giant pandas help to keep their mountain
forests healthy by spreading seeds in their
droppings, which helps vegetation to thrive.

Importance of the forest

The Giant panda’s forested habitat is also
important for local people – for food, income
and fuel for cooking and heating.
Help for the pandas
How the WWF helps How you can help
WWF works to conserve 1. Donate: Your donation will
endangered species, protect contribute towards a variety of
endangered spaces, and address initiatives.
global threats to the planet such as 2. Eco- tourism: Panda tourism is on
climate change. the rise. The Chinese government
You can help them by donating, or and WWF are now working on
paying a membership wich is for the ways to reduce the impact of
different causes this organization tourism on panda habitats, by
protects. promoting eco-tourism.
Interesting facts
about pandas
They have an opposable thumb

It is the only bear that does not hibernate

They are solitary animals

Kung fu panda is kind of true

Thank you for your
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