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Vaccine-Induced Pathology

Prevention and Resolution

with Vitamin C

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter
Zoom Presentation
January 24, 2023
Presentation Overview

• Pathophysiological basis of all disease

• Promotors of all disease
• Foundational disease treatment principles
• Role of vitamin C in health and disease
• Data review on childhood vaccination outcomes
• Vaccine-induced pathophysiology
• Winning the vaccine wars
• Treatment/mitigation/prevention of negative vaccine outcomes
Reference Checking
Go to:

In the PubMed search box, enter the seven or eight digit number, by itself,
at the end of each reference in this presentation. This is the PubMed
Identifier (PMID) number

Then click on “Search” and you will go directly to the Abstract of that
article, or for a few articles, you will have access to the full article. If
there is no PMID number, it is not available on PubMed.
The Cause of All Disease:
A Unified Theory
The onset and evolution of all diseases, as well as all of the
associated symptomatology, is caused by, and/or mediated by:
Intracellular Oxidative Stress (IOS)
Increased IOS exists when the production of free radicals (highly
reactive pro-oxidants) exceeds the body’s antioxidant capacity to
neutralize (reduce) them, or to prevent their production in the first
place. Elevated IOS always exists where there is a deficiency of
antioxidants, an excess of free radicals, or both [16760481].
Redox Medicine
Redox (reduction-oxidation) medical principles represent the essence of vitamin C-
based biochemistry.

Pro-oxidant (aka “toxin, free radical, reactive oxygen species, poison”)

Takes, or causes to be taken, electrons away from reduced (chemically normal)
biomolecules (OXIDATION)

Antioxidant (vitamin C is the prototype)

Gives (or restores) electrons back to oxidized biomolecules (REDUCTION)
Redox Medicine
The basic redox nature of vitamin C and the pro-oxidant nature of all
toxins concisely explains why vitamin C, along with many other
antioxidants, has been DOCUMENTED to be an effective
antitoxin against all toxins for which it has been tested, in vitro
and in vivo, in plants, animals, and humans, and including clinical
Properly administered vitamin C has never failed to neutralize
an acute pro-oxidant/poison/toxin exposure or ingestion
Redox Medicine
Even though there is a tremendous variety of molecular structure
among all of the known toxins, they ALL SHARE the property of
taking, or causing to be taken, electrons from other molecules,
oxidizing them and resulting in an overall state of increased
oxidative stress.
If a molecule does not cause the loss of one or more electrons from
another molecule it IS NOT TOXIC and CANNOT BE
CLASSIFIED AS A TOXIN. Toxicity and any symptoms of
toxicity cannot exist in the absence of oxidation (depletion of
electrons from biomolecules).
Redox Medicine

1. All disease, then, IS the state of oxidation in biomolecules. No disease exists

in the absence of this state of biomolecule oxidation. In other words,
“Increased Oxidative Stress” does not cause disease, but is the entirety of
disease itself.
2. Biomolecules (nucleic acid, proteins, enzymes, sugars, fats, etc.) are inactive
or less active when oxidized, and optimally active when reduced.
3. Therefore, the unique nature of any disease process depends solely on how
many biomolecules are oxidized and where they are located and
concentrated, nothing more. In other words, any disease depends on the
degree to which vital biomolecules have become inactivated (oxidized).
Redox Medicine
The physiological goal of all clinical protocols is to normalize as completely as
possible the intracellular oxidative stress (IOS) in all cells affected by the infection
and/or disease process. This is always achieved when intracellular levels of reduced
vitamin C are brought back to normal. When this occurs, it is always seen with cellular
calcium and increased cellular magnesium. And when these three agents are brought
back into balance, normal glutathione levels are promptly restored as well.

When the intracellular vitamin C is returned to a normal level and maintained there,
that cell is once again physiologically normal, and no longer playing a contributing
role in any infection or disease process. This is the goal for all medical conditions,
including any problems that occur following vaccination.
Prominent Promoters of
Chronic Degenerative Diseases
1. Infections (endotoxins, exotoxins, aerobic and anaerobic metabolic byproducts,
dental); documented to strongly promote oxidative stress and lessen antioxidant
capacity; focal infections anywhere in the body
2. Chronic pathogen colonization (especially aerodigestive tract [sinus, mouth, and
pharynx], and upper respiratory tract)—a PRIMARY reason for leaky gut,
abnormal microbiome, and MOST chronic digestive disorders.
3. Known exogenous toxin exposures (heavy metal, pesticides, etc.)
4. Toxic iron status (most people in “normal” range are toxic); also calcium and
5. Dietary toxin exposures (food “enrichment”, constipated gut, Clostridium);
inadequate/poor nutrition and/or poor digestion; poor digestion is worse than poor
nutrition in terms of overall negative impact on the antioxidant capacity of the body
6. Hormone imbalances (sex, cortisol, thyroid)
Prominent Promoters of
Chronic Degenerative Diseases
The six categories of promoters of chronic degenerative disease all
share the property of providing NEW AND ONGOING toxicity to
the body. Such toxin sources are the ONLY factors that determine
whether a disease worsens, stabilizes, or regresses. This is the case
because all disease is dictated by the
1. the appearance of new oxidation,
2. the reversal of old oxidation, or
3. the balance between those two factors.
Treatment Principles for
All Chronic Degenerative Diseases
1. Prevent/minimize new daily toxin exposure
(environmental, dental, dietary, digestive)
2. Neutralize toxins already present in the body
3. Excrete toxin stores in a non-toxic, or minimally toxic,
manner (detoxification causes some retoxification)
4. Resolve infections and pathogen colonizations; OR take the
5. Supplement optimally to maximize the antioxidant/nutrient
status of the body as completely as possible
6. Address hormone imbalance, typically deficiencies of
testosterone, estrogen, and/or thyroid hormone
What Has Vitamin C Already
Been Proven to Do Against Pathogens?
1. Kill/inactivate all viruses in vitro against which it has been tested.
2. Clinically resolve all acute viral syndromes (in vivo) for which it has been
adequately dosed. Prominent examples:
Polio: Vitamin C cured acute polio (60 of 60 cases) [Klenner, 1949]
Hepatitis (acute):
Initial Rx was 500 to 700 mg of VC/kg body weight by vein, given every 8 to
12 hours. As well, a minimum of 10,000 mg VC orally every day. Routinely,
resolution was seen in 2 to 4 days.
Klenner also resolved acute hepatitis with 5,000 mg of VC every four hours
or so orally. Complete resolution was achieved in 4 days, utilizing a total of
about 120,000 mg given.
Magnesium Chloride and
Viral Infection
Infection (infectious disease) resolution
Dr. Neveu in France in the 1940s reported on the treatment of 15 cases of
polio, ages 20 months to 47 years-old, with oral magnesium chloride
solution. The diagnoses of the polio were clear-cut, and the clinical
responses always prompt and dramatic. Acute polio was cured in as little
as 24 hours, and chronic polio infection contracted as long as 4 months
before Mg treatment responded dramatically as well. Muscular paralysis
also responded extremely well, sometimes with complete resolution even
though complete flaccidity had already been present for months.
Depending on age and body size, the magnesium chloride solution was a
2.5% solution [25 grams in 1000 cc of water], 15 to 125 cc orally every six
What Has Vitamin C Already
Been Proven to Do Against Pathogens?

Dramatic example:

Comatose New Zealand farmer with H1N1 “swine flu” directly prior to having
life support discontinued (2010). See:
What Has Vitamin C Already
Been Proven to Do Against Pathogens?

2. Resolve all acute viral syndromes for which it has been adequately dosed.
Prominent examples:
Measles (simple and complicated)
Mumps (simple and complicated) [18147027]
Chickenpox [14908970]
What Has Vitamin C Already
Been Proven to Do Against Pathogens?

3. Documented efficacy in non-viral infections.

Diphtheria, tetanus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pseudomonas (all
documented as curable with vitamin C therapy)
Malaria (very positive responses to very low doses)
Leprosy, typhoid fever, brucellosis, trichinosis
Dysentery (amebic and bacillary)
Trypanosomal infections (Chagas’ disease)
What Has Vitamin C Already
Been Proven to Do Against Pathogens?

4. Definite benefits/sometimes cure in the following:

Lyme, AIDS, chronic hepatitis
“Embedded pathogens;” vitamin C (or any other agent) cannot work
optimally without physical access to the pathogen
Common cold; a very high requirement of vitamin C needed for the total
quantity of virus usually present
Tuberculosis; slow-growing, slow-reacting; massive amount of literature
documenting benefits of C for this
Pertussis; combination infection/toxin
What Has Vitamin C Already
Been Proven to Do Against Toxins?
Documented as the ultimate nonspecific antitoxin and poison antidote, in vitro and
in vivo:
1. Toxic elements (mercury, lead, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, vanadium,
aluminum, fluorine)
2. Venoms (snake, spider)
3. Alcohol [3304067]
4. Barbiturates [5899011]
5. Toxic mushrooms[6200941]
6. Pesticides, six different types
7. Strychnine, tetanus
What Has Vitamin C Already
Been Proven to Do Against Toxins?

NO toxin has ever been reported in the literature that cannot be neutralized by
vitamin C. This applies to all acute toxin exposures, as well as all acute
infectious diseases, which are really just a variation on a potent, acute toxin
exposure. Of note, while effective against all acute infectious diseases and acute
toxin exposures, vitamin C has repeatedly been shown to be quickly and
profoundly effective against viral infections.
Vitamin C Against Pathogens,
and Toxins: The Overwhelming
Scientific and Clinical Proof
Levy T (2002) Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and
Toxins. Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing
Over 1,200 peer-reviewed scientific references, documenting the unique anti-
pathogen and antitoxin properties of vitamin C in animals and humans, in vitro
and in vivo
There are no childhood infectious diseases for which vaccinations are
offered (or mandated) that are not readily CURED, or are not even more
readily prevented when appropriate vitamin C-centered treatment and
supplementation protocols are employed.
Vitamin C Against Pathogens,
and Toxins
This begs the question:

Why risk any side effects from vaccinations in the first place?

Simple answer: You shouldn’t. For over 80 years, “modern” medicine has ridiculed,
refused to use, refused to read clear-cut research data, and even actively suppressed the
proper utilization of vitamin C (most dramatically where it is readily life-saving for
ICU patients dying of sepsis). Ignorant physicians have a responsibility of due
diligence to be properly educated, and they should be incarcerated after “letting” such
patients die due to arrogance that they always know what is best. At the very least, they
should be sued civilly for wrongful death if their clear-cut negligent manslaughter
cannot be successfully prosecuted. Bankrupting a few docs in this manner could also
change things a lot as well, and perhaps even save the deteriorating face of medicine.
Vaccine Philosophy
From an article I wrote nearly 30 years ago, entitled “Vaccination: The Shot that Keeps
on Shooting” (
“Upon superficial review, nothing could seem more appropriate than to protect the
population from dread diseases with simple and presumably harmless inoculations.
However, the issue is very complex, and it is best to address it appropriately informed,
as the consequences of such shots can often be as dire as the very diseases themselves.
As with other public health issues such as the artificial fluoridation of our water
supplies or the ongoing assault on our immune systems with the continued placement
of mercury fillings in our mouths, vaccination programs are characterized mainly by
emotional and political support, with a decided paucity of scientific validation. Similar
to the fluoride and mercury issues, vaccinations also hold the unswerving loyalty and
support of numerous health professionals, most of whom, once imprinted in their early
training, never allow new data or studies to sway their allegiances. If such data does not
appear in the very limited realm of a few specific scientific journals, it is simply
assumed that new and revolutionary information cannot exist.”
Vaccine Philosophy

Obviously, the money trail leading to the unconscionable profits harvested by

the pharmaceuticals will sustain virtually any program that can be initiated and
effectively indoctrinated. However, the physician profits must be taken into
account as well. A pediatrician (better known as a Vaccinologist) attending a
lecture I gave in Manila came up to me after the presentation and asked me if I
meant to say that vitamin C can prevent any possible side effects from vaccines.
I assured her that was the case, and she simply responded:

“Oh, thank God! Vaccinations are my bread and butter, you know.”
Vaccine Philosophy

For anyone paying even minimal attention to the world around him/her over the
last three years of COVID pandemia, it should be very clear that:

There is more politics in medicine than there is in politics.

Vaccine Findings
• Frequently fail to achieve their goal of immune protection
• Can cause the disease for which protection is sought
• Came into prominence after many of the targeted diseases were already in
dramatic decline
• Can implant latent viruses resulting in years-delayed neurological and
degenerative diseases
• Can impair cognitive abilities that can extend over generations and factor into
the causation of significant criminal activity
• Can cause autism and other “minimal brain dysfunction” diseases that were
almost absent in the population before widespread vaccine mandates
Vaccine Findings
Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the first polio vaccine in 1955, was quoted to say:

When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you don’t sleep
well for two or three weeks.

In 1992, the CDC admitted that the polio live-virus vaccine had
become the largest cause of polio in the United States, noting that
from 1973 to 1983, 87% of the cases resulted from vaccine
Vaccine Findings

Nearly all of the neurological and brain damage inflicted by vaccines is

secondary to an inflammation of different areas of the central nervous system.
With this in mind, it needs to be noted that the pertussis part of the DPT vaccine
is used experimentally in animals to deliberately induce a picture of acute
encephalitis and/or anaphylactic shock.

Coulter (1990) Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical

Assault on the American Brain North Atlantic Books
Vaccine Pathophysiology

The purported goal of any vaccination is based on eliciting an

immune response to:
• A non-viable (dead) pathogen
• A viable pathogen, but attenuated in its ability to cause a clinical
• A portion of the pathogen (e.g., spike protein)
• A pathogen-related toxin (endotoxin, exotoxin)
• A combination of antigens related to pathogen as well as toxin
Vaccine Pathophysiology

Varying degrees of inflammation, which means varying degrees of vitamin C

deficiency, is the pathology present in all cells/tissues involved in an acute or
chronic infection, or an acute or chronic disease or other medical condition.

The occurrence of ANY symptom following a vaccination, whether

immediate or later-occurring, means that inflammation has begun in an area
(or sometimes body-wide), and it should NEVER be ignored. Vigorous
therapy must be initiated promptly and continued until clinical state is
completely returned to normal.
Vaccine Pathophysiology

While symptoms following a vaccination might be self-limited and resolve

quickly, this can never be known until such resolution occurs. For example,
headache, agitation, and continued crying in infants must be regarded as being
due to an antigen/toxin-induced encephalitis. If such a symptom is just
“watched,” damage can be done that is eventually beyond reversal, and a baby,
toddler, or child can then end up with autism or other “minimal brain
dysfunction” condition. Any deviation from complete normalcy in the
infant/child should be aggressively treated.
Vaccine Pathophysiology
From Mark Twain:
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been

This perspective is critical to slowing/stopping the damage that vaccines

consistently cause. NO physician will ever admit to being wrong about
vaccines, and would never accept responsibility for the damage that he/she has
Because of this, the only way to eliminate vaccines is for them to “fade” away
by a new generation of docs realizing the incredible properties of vitamin C
early in their training, while assuring the older docs that they had no way of
knowing better, and that “new” research now supports a better approach to
infections and toxins.
Vaccine Pathophysiology

It is also important to realize that all toxin, pro-oxidant damage is

CUMULATIVE. Repair of an oxidized biomolecule does not
spontaneously occur. It is permanent until the appropriate
antioxidant is able to gain access to that molecule and reduce it
chemically back to its normal functioning state. This is frequently,
but not exclusively, achieved by vitamin C. Other antioxidants (e.g.,
fat-soluble) can access and reduce oxidized biomolecules not readily
accessible to vitamin C.
Vaccine Pathophysiology

Only a few mandatory (or “strongly recommended”) vaccines were

administered 60 years ago. Now the number has skyrocketed, and just continues
to INCREASE as the misguided concept that vaccines are the answer to
everything gets more and more entrenched in “medical” minds. In 1962, 3 shots
to achieve 5 immunizations has exploded to 72 shots to achieve 16
immunizations today. Obviously, Big Pharma is very happy to continue
providing new vaccines, sometimes for infections that children (and adults)
rarely contract. Every shot contains toxins that must be neutralized. The need for
toxin neutralization does not “disappear” just because the infant/child might
have not displayed overt symptoms after an injection.
Vaccine Pathophysiology
Just to be COMPLETELY clear:

I am not aware, at this point in time, that there is ANY valid reason for:

• ANY vaccine
• For ANY reason
• Being given at ANY time

And I seriously doubt that any vaccine will be developed in the future that offers
protection/treatment better than vitamin C, while being devoid of side effects worse
than the condition for which the vaccine is being offered.
Achieving the Goal

HOWEVER, rather than attempt to convince the medical

community that vaccines might harm, or that vitamin C might
resolve any negative consequences of a vaccination, the best way to
approach the avidly pro-vaccine community is that the vitamin C is
being given to enhance the goal of the vaccination: protection
against a targeted infectious disease. And even though it is ALSO
protecting against vaccine-inflicted damage, that issue is best not
addressed to avoid a knee-jerk opposition to giving vitamin C. Just
assert that you want to make a vaccine optimally effective, without
implying that there is any downside to the shot.
Achieving the Goal

The medical literature clearly shows that vitamin C will not only neutralize the
toxicity of a toxin, it will also INCREASE the B cell antibody response of the
immune system of humans or animals to the antigen (vaccine) that is present at
the time [914459, 7429758, 7163630, 3965664, 10824956, 10760396,
15890805, 17208456].
Furthermore, vitamin C enhances the cellular (T cell) immune response
[300689, 10760396].
Optimal B cell and T cell activity is always desirable when a vaccine has been
given, as well as being highly desirable in general.
Achieving the Goal

As Mark Twain said, nobody will ever admit being fooled. This is especially
true when admitting a grave error undermines the credibility of a “professional”
person who has undergone years of formal education and is expected to be an
expert that knows all of the nuances of a given issue.
Furthermore, for many people, if they don’t want to believe something that is
horribly offensive if true, they will convince themselves simply not to believe it.
Because of this basic defect in the human personality, it is essential to give the
“opposition” a pathway to avoid such humiliation, while projecting an image
that careful consideration is being given to “new options” without declaring or
acknowledging the old options as being completely flawed.
Achieving the Goal
The perfect example of changing an approach without getting “egg in the face”
occurred in Colorado Springs over 20 years ago. The City Council not only
wanted to fluoridate the water of the city, it had already purchased and
installed very pricey equipment to proceed forward. But it had to be approved…
I was part of a group of citizens who opposed this initiative, but it became
rapidly apparent that there was NO wiggle room, no matter how much hard
science was presented to them, that would undermine to the slightest degree the
belief that water fluoridation was a general health panacea. Not only does the
science reveal the many long-term toxic effects of such fluoridation, it also
showed that it degrades the teeth it is purported to protect. One City Council
member was a “fellow cardiologist” in the community and I could not even get
him to budge a little one-on-one with me showing him a pile of peer-reviewed
scientific articles documenting the negative effects of long-term fluoridation.
Achieving the Goal

After much frustration and hair-pulling, our group changed the focus of our
“anti-fluoride” campaign completely. The “source” of fluoride to be added was
hydrofluosilicic acid, a highly contaminated substance literally derived from the
smokestack scrubbers of the phosphate fertilizer industry. Lead, arsenic, and
mercury are significantly present in this substance, as classified by the EPA, and
it had never been tested for safety in humans. Cities around the country were
saving the fertilizer industry millions of dollars to avoid the expense of properly
discarding this product while making millions more selling it.
Achieving the Goal

The “attack” on the toxicity of fluoride was completely abandoned, and our
INFO campaign began in the city. INFO stood for “It’s Not Fluoride Only.”
This campaign promoted the idea that any fluoridation of the water supply had
to be achieved with purified fluoride, not a highly contaminated waste product.
The INFO group released a press release providing the community with detailed
information, and a informational website focusing on the INFO concept was
And, after what seemed an eternity, but was only several months, we WON. To
my knowledge, the water of Colorado Springs still remains unfluoridated
Achieving the Goal

It my recommendation that any initiatives directed at opposing mandatory

vaccination, or vaccinations at all, be directed at:
“Let’s make vaccination more effective than ever before.”
Avoid even suggesting that vaccines cause harm that can be lessened. Only
emphasize that their protection can be enhanced.
A campaign entitled something like:
The PROVE program: “PRoviding Optimal Vaccines for Everyone.”
It’s truly all about marketing. The most heinous bills imaginable get passed in
Congress and embraced by the public because they have names that imply a
goal that no one can logically argue against, even though the bill is not even
remotely directly at achieving that goal.
Achieving the Goal

Furthermore, a campaign that promoted vitamin C-centered protocols to

optimize the efficacy (and safety) of all vaccines would also finally give vitamin
C the recognition it deserves as a powerful therapeutic modality for nearly all
conditions. And, MAYBE, in the long-term, enthusiasm for vaccines might
wane for many docs, as they begin to realize, ON THEIR OWN, that maybe
vaccines were not doing anything that could not be accomplished with proper
vitamin C and nutrient supplementation/administration in the first place. Were
such an evolution to occur, it would probably be generational in nature, as more
young docs learn this information very early in their training. Progress generally
proceeds very slowly in displacing scientific concepts regarded in almost a
religious nature.
Optimizing Intracellular Vitamin C

All diseases are due to having cells with increased intracellular oxidative
stress (increased IOS).
This is characterized by:
• Increased intracellular calcium
• Decreased intracellular magnesium
• Decreased intracellular vitamin C
• Decreased intracellular glutathione
Optimizing Intracellular Vitamin C

When intracellular vitamin C levels can be restored to normal, intracellular oxidative

stress levels are returned to normal physiological levels, and the cell is once again
Cortisol (hydrocortisone) [NOT synthetic analogues] works to avidly promote the
cellular uptake of extracellular vitamin C after it binds to intracellular glucocorticoid
receptors. Most people with chronic degenerative disease are at least minimally
deficient in cortisol production from their adrenal glands. Those who contract
infections that do not resolve for extended periods of time are severely deficient in
adrenal cortisol production, along with sufficient vitamin C available to be ushered
into the cells. All treatments that do not ultimately support the final goal of normalizing
intracellular vitamin C are ultimately inadequate in resolving infection or disease.
Optimizing Intracellular Vitamin C

The stress response to infection and toxins results in the prompt release of
cortisol into the blood. This SHOULD be matched by a large release of vitamin
C from the liver and USING UP the increased glucose that the cortisol surge is
also provoking. Instead, the stress cortisol response is only as effective as the
amount of vitamin C being ingested by diet or supplementation, along with
how much vitamin C is present to be released from the adrenal glands
(where VC concentration is high). Without more vitamin C, however, the
stress response quickly burns out. Treatments with agents such as prednisone
quickly reaches this burn-out point, and the long-term effects of very high
NON-PHYSIOLOGICAL steroid dosing becomes manifest. But this is NOT the
case with cortisol (hydrocortisone).
Optimizing Intracellular Vitamin C

The clinical response of combined vitamin C-cortisol applications is

typically stunning relative to other treatment modalities. The FIRST
LINE treatment of any new infection should be large doses of VC
matched with sizeable doses of cortisol. This also applies to dealing
with any level of toxicity and/or infection following a vaccination,
however minimal the clinical manifestations.
Optimizing Intracellular Vitamin C

It is important to realize that this VC/cortisol application is optimized when

applied at the early stage of an infection. In advanced sepsis, there is already a
high level of circulating cortisol “trying to compensate” for the decreased
binding and function of oxidized intracellular glucocorticoid receptors. At this
point, the patient needs no further steroid therapy, but just massive doses of
vitamin C intravenously, on the order of 25 grams every six hours intravenously
to counter the oxidative stress slowing down energy metabolism. Initial dosing
can be as much as 2 grams/kg body weight daily in order to “get ahead” of the
oxidative impact of the sepsis. Such dosing would be on the order of 50 grams
every six hours for a man weighing over 200 lbs.
Vaccine Toxicity
Prevention of vaccine-induced inflammation is always optimal, but always be
prepared to IMMEDIATELY follow the prevention protocol with the more
comprehensive treatment protocol at the sign of ANY departure from good
health following the vaccination. A child can help by offering complaints, but an
infant or toddler must be observed closely to not have any departure from
normal smiling and appearance of comfort and happiness. Track temperature
after vaccination, and go straight to the treatment protocol if any significant
increase is seen compared to pre-vaccine temperatures. Also see: and
Vaccine Toxicity
While it should not be surprising, general nutritional status in an infant or small
child is the most important single factor in whether a vaccination is well-
tolerated. Aboriginal infants and children, with their nutrient-depleted diet and
very limited variety of foods, had an incredibly high death rate following
vaccinations. Very little vitamin C was in their diets, and they were all
effectively on the “brink” of scurvy when they received their vaccinations. This
fatal outcome was almost completely blocked with a fairly nominal dosing of
vitamin C before and after the vaccination. Dr. Archie Kalokerinos initiated and
observed this, and entitled his 1974 book Every Second Child documenting this
since roughly half of these nutrient-depleted babies died after their
Vaccine Toxicity
GENERAL GUIDELINES ONLY, as vitamin C has NO intrinsic toxicity,
and no known degree of intake above which is established to be toxic.

For the baby or toddler for optimal immune enhancement and toxicity
For 3 days before the vaccination, the day of the vaccination, and 3 days
after the vaccination. 500 mg of sodium ascorbate powder daily in a favorite
juice for infants under 10 lbs; 500 to 1,000 mg of sodium ascorbate for babies
10 to 20 lbs; 1,000 mg of sodium ascorbate for weight greater than 30 lbs,
increasing to 1,000 per day per year of life (5,000 mg for a 5-year old). Total
dose can be administered in a divided manner throughout the day. Same daily
schedule of 3 days before, day of, and 3 days after the vaccination.
Vaccine Toxicity

Lesser amounts of vitamin C will still be effective for many toddlers

and babies, depending on their overall nutritional status.
If it can be given, the protection afforded by the vitamin C will be further
enhanced by the administration of magnesium chloride solution:
After making a 2.5% solution [25 grams in 1,000 cc of water], give 10 to
100 cc of the solution orally, mixed with a little juice, amount depending
on body size (small infant to a large, 100 lb child). This solution stores
very well without going bad.
Vaccine Toxicity
When ANY symptom develops post-vaccination, immediately administer
the same vitamin C dosing schedule, but increase the frequency to every 4
to 6 hours and continue until the symptom has disappeared FOR A FULL
24 HOURS. Depending on whether the symptom appears resistant, the
dose size can be increased as well. The rule of thumb in vitamin C dosing
is that if the infectious/toxic symptom is not responding, you simply have
not given enough.
If possible, increase the magnesium chloride dosing frequency in the same
manner, but don’t increase the dose size or exceed an every six hour
For additional excellent guidance, also see:
Vaccine Toxicity
Prevention/Resolution, Adults

For the COVID vaccine and other vaccines being given to adults, the
protocols for vaccine damage prevention and post-vaccine damage
resolution are much more involved and will not be addressed in this
presentation. However, a much more aggressive and detailed
protocol will also be required for any children that plan to receive
the COVID vaccine or already have problems post-injection.
For Contact and
Further Information

For complimentary downloads of my two latest books:

(Please share links freely) (Rapid Virus Recovery) (Hidden Epidemic)

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