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Delve the Dice Game – Zombie Variant

What you need to play:

The rules, the playsheet, six 6 sided dice and a pencil.


A band of heroes in a zombie infested wasteland pick up a faint broadcast on their radio and decide to fight their
way through the endless horde of zombies in an attempt to meet up with other survivors.


The game is played as a series of encounters. Play each encounter in order, fighting the zombies first, and then
receiving a reward. If you make it to the end with at least one surviving hero, you win.

Each hero begins with one weapon. Start the game by selecting one of the two weapons for each hero. These are
the weapons that will be available for fighting the zombies during the game.


Fights consist of a series of rounds. You fight one round at a time. Each round consists of rolling the dice first for
your heroes and then for the zombies.

At the start of each round, choose which hero/weapon you will fight with (you can only select one each round)
and roll the appropriate number of dice, following the text for the weapon chosen to determine the amount of
damage done. Mark off any damage dealt to the zombies by checking their health checkboxes.

For the zombies, roll one die for every unchecked health checkbox that they have left. Ignore any [6] rolled. For
each [1]-[4], the corresponding hero must take one infection. For each [5], your heroes must take one damage.
When taking this damage, you can inflict it on any surviving hero, even splitting it across multiple heroes. Mark off
the hero’s health checkboxes to indicate damage, or their infection checkboxes to indicate infection. For example,
if you rolled two [1]’s, and a [5], the Marine would take two infection and you would apply one damage to any
hero you chose.

If a hero’s health ever drops to zero, the hero is dead and you cannot use their weapons anymore. If all of your
heroes are killed (or the last hero becomes fully infected), you lose. If there are heroes and zombies still alive after
distributing damage and infection, continue the fight to the next round.


The amount of infection your heroes have taken is tracked using the infection checkboxes. As long as all of the
infection boxes are not checked for a particular hero, it does not cause a problem, but once they are fully infected,
they turn into a zombie. When a hero turns into a zombie, treat them as one of your current opponents and fight
them now as well. They no longer use their weapon, but roll as any other zombie in the current fight. When a
person turns into a zombie, their health remains the same as it was when they turned into one. Just like the other
zombies, you must reduce this zero to finish them off. Remember that they are no longer human and do not
hesitate to take out one of your former allies in your quest to survive.
1: Marine
 Machine Gun – Roll 6 dice. Inflict one damage for every [5] or [6].
 Rocket Launcher – Roll 1 dice. If it is [4]-[6], inflict the amount shown. If is a [1], the heroes must take one
damage (this damage can be applied to any hero).

2: Tough Girl
 Machete – Roll up to 6 dice. Kill a zombie outright for every [6]. Inflict one damage for every [5]. Take one
infection for every [2].

 Chainsaw – Roll up to 6 dice. Inflict one damage for every dice that is unique. If three (or more) dice are the
same, the Chainsaw jams this round and no damage is inflicted.

3: Tech Guy
 Sniper Rifle – Roll 1 dice. Kill one zombie outright if it is [1]-[4].

 Flamethrower – Roll up to 6 dice. For every [1], inflict one damage on each zombie. For every pair, the heroes
must take one damage (this damage can be applied to any hero). Only take damage for exact pairs (ie. ignore
three of a kind).

4: Old Coot
 Shotgun – Roll 2 dice. Inflict six damage for every [6] and two damage for every [2].

 Revolver – Inflict an extra point of damage each round (this does not count as the attack, so the damage is
inflicted along with any other damage inflicted that round).
3 Zombies


Reward: Booby Trap

At the beginning of the next fight, roll one dice and inflict that much damage.

5 Rotting Zombies

Heroes take two infection anytime the dice shows their number instead of just one.


Reward: Cure Pack

Remove all infection from one hero.

1 Large Zombie


Reward: First Aid

Every surviving hero heals one health.

6 Zombie Dogs

Zombie dogs get an extra attack before the fight begins.


Reward: Suspicious Food

Roll up to six dice. For every [1]-[4], heal one health on the corresponding hero. For every [5], take one
Zombie Rodents

One of your surviving heroes becomes fully infected. Fight them immediately.

Reward: Weapons Cache

Each surviving hero can use their second weapon now as well.

Zombie Horde

Roll one dice to determine how many zombies you will fight.


Reward: Cyanide Pills

When your heroes become fully infected, they immediately lose all of their health, so you do not have to
fight them.

Patient Zero

Each hero takes one infection at the start of every round.


Reward: Found the Survivors

You win.

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