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KSM-66 Ashwagandha® (Withania somnifera) Root Extract

We included KSM-66 Ashwagandha® because it supports sleep

quality, relaxation, muscle recovery, cognitive function, immunity
and a healthier stress response: These are the areas at the core of
what Qualia Night was designed to deliver.*

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) Whole Herb Extract

We included gotu kola because, unlike many other nootropics that

are best taken only at the beginning of the day, gotu kola is a great
fi t at the end of a day of a busy day because it is calming and
supports repair and rejuvenation processes.*

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Leaf Extract

We included holy basil because it’s an adaptogen and one of the

leading causes of poor sleep is hyperarousal—an overactive stress
response and over aroused nervous system. Holy basil also
supports mood, cognition and immunity. This combination makes it
a perfect fi t for nighttime relaxation and restoration.*

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) Fruiting Body Extract

Reishi was included in Qualia Night because it supports sleep

(without causing sleepiness) and calms/centers the mind. In
addition to these traditional uses, modern research on reishi
mushrooms has focused on immune system support and
rejuvenating processes, including stem cell function.

Schisandra chinensis Fruit Extract

S. chinensis fruits are often described as being an adaptogen,

supporting broad resistance to stress, and enhancing mental and
physical performance. Another reason it was included is that in
preclinical research S. chinensis fruits enhance calmness and
relaxation, and support readiness for sleep.

Ziziphus jujuba Seed Extract

Ziziphus jujuba seeds were believed to alleviate stress and calm
the mind and spirit. They are one of the most commonly used
herbs for supporting sleep and relaxation in China and other parts
of Asia, and were included in Qualia Night because of these
traditional uses.

Polygala tenuifolia Root Extract

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Polygala tenuifolia root was often

used to reduce forgetfulness. Preclinical research suggests it
supports brain protection and repair processes and molecules
(such as BDNF and NGF), counters stress, supports sleep, and
infl uences both adenosine and GABA signaling.

White Peony (Paeonia lactifl ora) Root Extract

White peony root contains a compound called paeonifl orin that

infl uences adenosine signaling—a molecule involved in the sleep
homeostatic drive. In preclinical research paeonifl orin supports
brain protection and repair processes, counters stress, infl uences
learning, and promotes a balanced mood.

Hawthorn Leaf and Flower Extract

The leaf and fl owers of Hawthorn—Crataegus sp. such as C.

monogyna and C. oxyacantha—was a heart tonic (i.e., something
intended to make the heart function more effi ciently) in European
herbal traditions. It was included in Qualia Night because we
wanted to include support for heart rejuvenation, and using an
herb that has a reputation for calming and sleep supportive
properties made it a perfect fi t.*

Saff ron Stigma Extract

Saff ron is a spice derived from the fl owers of Crocus sativus.

Saff ron is a source of crocin, picrocrocin, and safranal as well as
the macular (eye) carotenoids zeaxanthin and lycopene. We felt
saff ron would be a fi t in Qualia Night because of a combination of
sleep support, mood enhancement, and relaxation.*
Vineatrol®20 Grapevine Extract

During our research on the homeostatic sleep drive, we discovered

preclinical and animal studies indicating that resveratrol interacts
with this system. We also found mentions of low doses of
resveratrol benefi ting sleep quality and next day feelings of being
refreshed in news articles.

Olivex® Olive Fruit Extract

Olive polyphenols have been receiving attention for heart and

brain health, as well as healthy aging and ATP production.
Adenosine—the “A” in ATP—is believed to be the key molecule in
the homeostatic sleep drive.

Wild Blueberry Fruit Extract

Blueberry polyphenols serve many roles in our formula. They

support the gut-brain axis, support cognitive function and
synergistically enhance the grape extracts we included in Qualia
Night. Blueberries have also been found to support healthy stem
cell activity in animal studies, supporting rejuvenation functions.

Sesame Seed Extract

Qualia Night included a sesame seed extract because the product’s

goals included a focus on brain health, the gut-brain axis, and
repair functions and molecules like BDNF. Sesame seeds contain a
compound called sesamin that supports these areas, and is
complementary with other ingredients.


γ-Oryzanol has interesting animal research that suggests its sleep

supportive actions might be related to histamine signaling.
Circadian changes on histamine neurotransmission play an
important role in sleep-wake cycles and both daytime and night
time performance.
AstaPure® Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae extract (3%

We included astaxanthin in Qualia Night because of the growing

body of research on cognitive function support, as well as
protective, repair and regenerative processes in the brain. Also
astaxanthin provides immune and gut-brain axis support.


Lycopene is one member in a class of natural pigments called

carotenoids—carotenoids are fat-soluble yellow, orange, or red
pigments. We included lycopene in Qualia Night because of a
growing body of research, mostly in animals, suggesting support of
protective, repair and regenerative processes in the brain.


L-tryptophan has been studied for and used to support healthier

sleep. And, while high doses are often used, in a study that
compared diff erent dose amounts, a low dose performed the best.


L-theanine promotes alpha brain waves (α-waves), which are

thought of as a marker of relaxation. L-theanine interacts with cells
in innate and adaptive immunity, supporting general immune

Betaine (trimethylglycine)

Betaine has largely been used to support liver and heart health,
with a prominent role in normalizing homocysteine metabolism.
Newer research suggests betaine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter
—neurons have betaine/GABA transporters. And there is increasing
data to suggest that betaine may support cognition and

Uridine (as Uridine-5'-monophosphoric acid disodium salt)

We included Uridine in Qualia Night for its central role in cellular
metabolism, and because uridine is considered to be one of the
natural sleep-promoting substances. We use a phosphorylated
form of uridine because it is stable and this helps it get past the
digestive system and liver intact.*

Grapefruit Whole Fruit Extract

We included a grapefruit extract standardized for naringin in this

formula because of preclinical research suggesting that it may
support enzymes in both adenosine—a key molecule in the sleep
homeostatic drive—and GABA metabolic pathways. But we only
included a very low amount of naringin—about what would be
found in ⅓ of an ounce of grapefruit juice—because we did not
want to substantially infl uence the activity of the cytochrome P450
enzymes that naringin may infl uence.

Quercetin (as Quercetin dihydrate)

Quercetin is a plant fl avonol, which is one of the polyphenol

categories. We included a small amount of quercetin for this
formula because preclinical research suggests that it may support
enzymes in both adenosine—a key molecule in the sleep
homeostatic drive—and GABA pathways.*

Magnesium (as 400 mg magnesium glycinate)

Magnesium is used in more than 300 enzymes, including reactions

in the GABA, an important relaxation neurotransmitter, and
melatonin, the darkness hormone, signaling processes. Magnesium
also plays a role in circadian rhythms, which are essential for
healthy sleep-wake cycles. We choose to use a glycinate form of
magnesium, because this form is often thought of as being the
best choice for sleep support.

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal 5'-phosphate)

Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P) is the active form of vitamin B6. The

P5P form is the bioactive form of vitamin B6: it requires less
metabolic “work” to be used as coenzyme in vitamin B6-dependent
enzyme reactions. P5P is included in this formula because it’s
needed in the brain pathways that produce three important
nighttime molecules—GABA, melatonin, and serotonin.*

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