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Fire Hazard Poem

In the realm of fiery dreams, where danger's light does gleam,

There dwells a force that tempts the brave, a dance with flames we crave.

Behold the fire's radiant gaze, its flickering, untamed blaze,

A living creature, fierce and wild, its touch can make souls beguiled.

Oh, fire hazard, you seductive muse, with sparks that play and fuse,

You paint the sky with crimson hues, your heat, both friend and ruse.

Your embers dance with graceful might, as darkness succumbs to light,

But in your beauty lies a peril, a force that man cannot control.

You leap and lick, devouring all, consuming buildings, forests tall,

Reducing kingdoms to mere ash, leaving scars that forever last.

Your smoky tendrils whisper dread, as flames on timber swiftly spread,

And all who witness, hearts will quake, as they watch life's fabric break.

Through reckless hands or nature's wrath, you spread your reach on this earth's path,

From careless match to lightning strike, you wield destruction, fierce and bright.

You test our will, our strength, our worth, revealing heroes, flaws, and dearth,

For in your wake, we find our might, to rebuild, to conquer the night.

But heed my warning, seeker bold, respect the fire's power untold,

For though it offers warmth and light, it harbors danger day and night.

A fire hazard, both friend and foe, a force that we must come to know,

With caution and with reverence, we dance within its brilliance.

So let us cherish fire's grace, its energy we must embrace,

But never underestimate the flame, its untamed spirit and eternal claim.

For in its wake, we find rebirth, but only if we learn its worth,

Oh, fire hazard, you teach us well, the delicate dance of heaven and hell.

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