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Rule for employee:

1) Employee get first 10 days will be training period, based on below criteria
‘No salary’ will be given on these days
a. Irregularity in/out time
b. Wish to resign, due to family situation, other job and etc
c. Not obeying SOP
d. Taking long leave in between
2) Employee should not take any leaves without information and short note
information, which repeating more than 3 times, employer shall eligible to
terminate their job
3) Employee comes in full time work shall allowed to entertain two Tea’s per
day and part time will be only one Tea, in case of any
emergency/requirments shall be allowed to eat any items with prior
permission with employer, however the eatable items payment must be
paid by employee
4) Employee shall be terminated by employer, if who found eating more
items without information, shall be considered it as sealing and the
equivalent amount will be adjusted during the calculation of final
5) Employee is/are not allowed to serve the free tea/food items to their
relatives and friends, which will be warned by employer up to 3times, and
which still prolong without knowledge of employer, shall be punishble or
termination of employment
6) Employee must do use the billing machine properly, please be strict with
No business without bill
7) Employee must n’t seatling the money from cash counter, which will be
considered pusnishable offense and the same employee will be surrender
to the local police station and labour office for their further formallities,
while only employee will have to pay the attorney fee and other legal
expenses even from employer side, also the incident will be forwarded to
TeaBoy top management and local labour office to do block list
8) Employee must ensure before leaving the job about the cleanness of
stove, utensils, cash a/c closing, stock clearance and etc and which
should be published in whatsapp group as image proof, if employee are
failing the process repeatedly more than 3 times, employer shall eligible
to terminate their job
9) Employee must maintain the snacks warmer at most clean and biscuits
and snacks must be served using fork and plastic plates
10) Employee must ask the customers for snacks or others to improve
11) Employee must not pull a chairs and stools inside the counter and sit,
employee will be Ortho foot chapel to use/avoid leg pain, still they feel
tired shall go out from counter and sit on the customer given chair little
rest, however employee shall pull a stool to access the water tank area,
stock count, cash counting and etc, incase any inevitable situation they
must ask employer for permission
12) Employee are allowed to buy the necessary items from outside by
spending the counter cash, however it should be informed in whatsapp
image about the bill and item image to employer

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