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Reflection - Storytelling

Challenge and Selection

After using the Visualization tool, the next step is to create a good storytelling. The
challenge of Storytelling is to be able to verbalize your idea, making the idea clear and
objective in the viewer's mind. A bad Storytelling can compromise not only your perception of
the project but that of other viewers. Because this is an undervalued stage and little used by
many designers, I chose storytelling to make my Reflection.


To start the aplication of the Storytelling, the first step of the project is to define your
target user. This process should be conducted by collecting sufficient data from market
research and user research. From this we can create some "ideal users", representing each
possible user profile for the final result of the project.
One method of defining your "ideal users" is by asking questions. Examples:
Occupation, Age, Gender, Income, Education, Marital status, How your product can help
your goals, Pain points, Possible objections. In addition to these, there are many other
question possibilities that will be defined depending on the research topic.
After having your "ideal users" defined, it is necessary to create a hypothetical story
to understand how these users would be interested and buy the product, making a whole
schedule of decisions until reaching the choice of the product. Some elements directly
influence the hypothetical user's decision choices, such as the time, the weather and the
place of the story. If the place is a mall or a fair, your decision is directly influenced by the
rain, for example. Always remember that every detail will make a big difference in the story.

Insight and Approach

What I learned from writing this report is that creating narratives with Storytelling is
crucial to the success of any design strategy. It is important to be able to transfer the proper
idea of ​how you think a specific problem can be solved. And with the steps and techniques
followed correctly, we are more likely to achieve this.

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