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Nowadays, the obesity is the most urgent issue which is growing up today.

Without inactive life style, the weight problem is the nightmare for everyone
at this time.
The foremost cause is the imbalanced diet. Many businessman who sit on
the chair, find and purchase many fast food and junk food because they
don’t have enough time to make a portions full of nutritions. Additionally,
many people don’t interested in taking physical activities. Moreover, most of
everyone use to much high-calorie beveranges and massive consumption of
sugar, fat, salt.
According to that reasons, if everyone eat too much or do less exercises,
they should be obesity and it effects to the health and their life.
Furthermore, someone is obesity will invole many illness for instance:
mental disorders, high blood pressure or heart disease. In contact, person
who has a sedentary lifestyle, they may be bodyshaming and it leads to be
However, should we do more exercises and have a balanced diet, we might
have a better health.

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