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Figurative Language Cheat Sheet

Figurative Language Definition & Example

Comparing two things with the words like
or as

“She is as cute as a bunny. “

“Last night, I slept like a log.”

Comparing two things WITHOUT the words
like or as. Use words like “is” or “was.”

“The snow is a white blanket.”

“Her long hair was a flowing golden river.”

The imitation of a sound
“The cash register opened with a
heartwarming cha-ching!”
“SNAP! The skateboard broke in half when
she dropped it on the ground.”

Giving non-human things the qualities or
actions of a human

“The sun smiled down on me.”

“The brownie invited me with a delicious smell.”

An exaggeration
“I was waiting FOREVER for my friend to
“He’s as skinny as a toothpick.”

A repeated sound at the beginning of words
“Go and gather the green leaves on the grass.”
“I had to hurry home where grandma was
waiting for her waffles.”

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