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Sam Francis


In progress Crit

Screenprinting II

Modern America

In this new adaptation of my project moving forward I will still be keeping the same

themes of Millennial vs Boomer and the idea of the plight of the Millennial. Looking at the

issues that we will have as as a generation due to things that the generation has given to us


In this new adaptation I will be making a corner store out of miniature. In the windows

there will be old advertisements and such paying homage to the issues that we see in the

world due to the state it was left in for us the new adult generation. After doing interviews from

friends from various countries (Australia, USA, Canada, and France) I have come to see the

issues that myself and my peers see are the following: lack of pay, cost of living vs. pay,

environmental issues, and equality issues.

The set up of the project will be that facing a window to show the city below hopefully

with the miniature set on top of a plinth. Along side it will be two to three large scale prints of

some of the smaller prints that have been made to t inside the miniature. To really give you the

ability to see the prints that will be in small scale in the miniatures window. The idea of doing a

miniature can also be a way to look at the play on scale and see how the issues may seem

small and not of big importance, but when looking closer you can see that they can further

develop into bigger and more ambitious issues when left to linger and be by themselves.

Below you will nd visuals that show the set up as well as some of the signs that have

been made in mock up to be printed.


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