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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785

The Effect of Application of Command Teaching Style on Under Passing

Skills in Games Volleyball in Minahasa Volleyball Athletes

Jan Lengkong
Faculty of Sports Science and Public Health, Manado State University, Manado, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to examine the application of the commando teaching style to the
improvement of lower passing skills in volleyball games. The method used in this research is the
experimental method. The sample used was Minahasa volleyball athletes totaling 20 samples,
which were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group with the command teaching
style totaling 10 samples and the control group which did not receive treatment totaling 10
samples. The research was carried out for one month with a frequency of three times a week. The
research design used was "Randomized control group pre-test and post-test design." The
instrument used in this study was the "Braddy Volley Ball Test". "The data collection technique
in this study was by conducting pre-tests and post-tests for lower pass skills in volleyball games
for both groups. The data analysis technique used is the t-test statistical analysis technique,
before the t-test is carried out, it begins with testing the analysis requirements, namely the data
normality test and the variance homogeneity test. From the calculation of the research hypothesis
testing, it is obtained that tcount is 6.02. Based on the t distribution table at 𝖺 0.05 with degrees
of freedom n1 + n2-2 = 10 + 10 – 2 = 18, a ttable of 2.101 is obtained. So tcount is bigger than
ttable, that is tcount = 6.02> ttable = 2.101. Based on the test criteria, if tcount is greater than
ttable (tcount > 𝑡table) then Ho is rejected, which means HA is accepted. The results of this
study indicate that the average increase in lower pass skills in volleyball in the experimental
group using the command teaching style is better than the average increase in lower pass skills in
volleyball in the control group which does not receive treatment. The conclusion of this study is
that there is an effect of applying the commando teaching style to improving lower pass skills in
volleyball games for Minahasa volleyball athletes.
Keywords: commando teaching style, pass down.
Volleyball is a sport played by two teams, each team consisting of 6 players on the field,
bounded by a net, each team has three touches to return the same ball to the opposing team,
matches can be played for five sets. Each team tries to hit and drop the ball into the opponent's
field over the top of the net and prevent the opposing team from dropping the ball into the field.
One of the basic techniques that must be mastered by the players in this game is passing. Passing
is an attempt by a volleyball player to pass the ball to a friend or provide feedback to a teammate
or direct the ball directly to the opponent's field area.
Passing or passing the ball is a technique of playing the ball that is carried out by a player with
one or two hands with the aim of directing the ball to a place or a teammate to then play it again.
According to Suharno, the technique for carrying out underpasses is as follows: “(1) Starting
with a ready attitude; 2) welcoming the arrival of the ball is done by: a) squatting body position

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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

with left foot in front or vice versa, (b) both arms are close together and extended forward; 3)
when receiving the ball, do it by: (a) pushing the ball with your hands, (b) hitting the ball on the
forearm, (c) moving the body's weight forward; 4) follow-up movements are carried out by: (a)
extending the legs while tiptoeing, (b) continuing the movement of pushing the arms up to
shoulder height.
In teaching the bottom pass technique, an understanding of motion learning is needed because
according to Singer in Rohendi and Suwandar that: Movement learning emphasizes conditions
related to improvements in motion learning so that changes in behavior occur due to practice. If
the understanding of learning motion can be understood in the process of learning the basic
technique of passing volleyball, then the success of learning can be achieved and run well.
The basic technique is a movement whose development is in line with growth and maturity level.
Basic techniques are movement patterns that form the basis for more complex dexterity. the
basic technique of passing down in volleyball is divided into three parts, namely: a) Starting
position; b) Implementation; and c) Final Movement.
In order to be able to perform the basic technique of passing down in volleyball games, in the
learning process the teacher's skills are needed in applying an innovative teaching style meaning
that in teaching the teacher is not just monotonous in one methods, models or teaching styles but
the teacher must be more innovative and creative in choosing the right teaching style according
to the conditions, material and characteristics of the students, if this can be applied by the teacher
in the learning process of volleyball games then it can improve the basic technique of passing
down. One of these teaching styles is the command teaching style.
Command teaching style is very important to determine how to teach the right or the best. To
choose the right teaching style, it is usually seen from the characteristics of the teacher and the
students as well and based on the interaction between student behavior and teacher behavior, and
their relationship in achieving a certain goal. The teacher must be able to choose the right or
appropriate style for the learning material that will be given to his students. In one meeting, not
only one teaching style is used, but there must be many variations in teaching styles so that
students or students are interested in the teacher's teaching performance.
With the application of the commando teaching style in the learning process of basic passing
techniques in volleyball games, it can provide opportunities for students to carry out tasks
according to what is given by the teacher. Presentation of learning in the form of skills training,
through interaction between the teacher and students allows changes in behavior and improves
the basic techniques of underhand passing in volleyball games.
However, the fact was found based on the results of research from several previous researchers
that there were many studies related to the commando teaching style and mastery of the basic
techniques of underhand passing in volleyball games. And the result is that there are various
conclusions, the diversity of these conclusions indicates that we have not been able to determine
which one is the best to use in teaching motor skills basic techniques of underhand passing in
volleyball games.
Therefore, based on these facts, the researcher is interested in conducting a study with the title:
"The Effect of Applying the Command Teaching Style on Lower Passing Skills in Volleyball
Games in Minahasa Volleyball Athletes."
Research methods
The research method used in this study is an experimental research method. The location of the
research will be carried out by GOR PPLP MINAHAS and this research takes 1 month with a
meeting frequency of 2 times a week, Monday and Thursday. The sample in this study were 20
students, then divided into two groups, namely 10 experimental groups and 10 control groups
who were selected using a paper lottery numbered 1-10. Students who get an odd number will
become the experimental group and an even number will become the control group. The
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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 7 | Jul- 2023 | 108
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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

instrument used in this study was the Brumbach Forearm Pass Wall – Volley test. data in this
study will be analyzed using the t test statistic.
Table 3.1 Pre-test and post-test randomized control group design
Group Pre-Test treatment Post-Test
A Y1 X Y2
B Y1 - Y2
Results and Discussion
Table 4.1 Data from the Experimental Group's Lower Passing Skill Research Results
Sample No Pre Test Posttest Difference
1 7 13 6
2 3 8 5
3 5 9 4
4 6 11 5
5 3 9 6
6 4 7 3
7 7 10 3
8 5 9 4
9 5 10 5
10 6 9 3
n 10
𝑋1 5.1
S1 1.44
2 2.0736

Table 4.2 Data from the research on passing under the control group
Sample No Pre Test Posttest Difference (X2)
1 4 6 2
2 6 5 -1
3 3 4 1
4 7 8 1
5 4 6 2
6 5 7 2
7 5 3 -2
8 3 6 3
9 6 6 0
10 6 7 1
n 10
𝑋1 4.9
S1 1.37
2 1.8769

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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 7 | Jul- 2023 | 109
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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

Table 4.3 Gain Score passing under Experimental Group and Control Group
No Group Control Group (X2)
Experiment (X1)
1 6 2
2 5 -1
3 4 1
4 5 1
5 6 2
6 3 2
7 3 -2
8 4 3
9 5 0
10 3 1
To obtain statistical quantities that will be used in data analysis. Then calculated the total score
of the average standard deviation, the number of samples and the standard square the gain score
deviation of the two groups using the fx-3600 p calculator program, the calculation results are
obtained as follows:
Table 4.4 Gains Score Statistics for Both Groups
Experimental Group (X1) Control Group (X2)
n = 10 n=10
𝑋1 =4.4 𝑋2 =0.9
Sdx1= 1.1737 Sdx2= 1.1005
S 2 = 1.377777 S2 = 1.211111
1 2
The process of learning to play volleyball which includes lower passing abilities is an area
related to motor learning. These motor skills need to be approached with stages of motor
learning, namely: "1) cognitive stage, 2) associative stage, 3) automation stage. Mastery of the
basic techniques of playing volleyball must really be studied first in order to be able to develop
the quality of volleyball game achievements.
From the results of the data analysis, the gain score or the difference between the learning
outcomes of passing skills in the volleyball game of the experimental group taught using the
commando teaching style obtained an average score (mean) of 4.4. while the lower passing
ability in the control group volleyball game obtained an average score (mean) of 0.9. Judging
from the average (mean) gain score of the two groups, it shows that the lower passing skill in the
volleyball game of the experimental group is better than the lower passing ability in the control
group volleyball game. This is because the experimental group has experienced the learning
process of underhand passing skills in volleyball games for one month which is taught using the
command teaching style, while the control group did not receive any treatment. Improving the
quality of learning and learning outcomes of athletes is related to the use of the command
teaching style which is applied in learning activities of lower passing skills in volleyball games.
So this shows that what is taught is in accordance with the role of a teacher. Because according
to my opinionTangkuman, M., Tamunu, D., & Ompi, S. (2021)The command style is the most
teacher dependent teaching approach. The goal is a careful appearance. The teacher prepares all
aspects of the teaching and he is fully responsible and takes the initiative towards the teaching
and monitors the major progress of the development.
Although the quality of learning can be improved and has had an impact on improving the
learning outcomes of underhand passing skills in volleyball games, it still needs further
development. This is because a skill that is owned will not last long if it is not repeated, therefore
it needs continuous practice so that the skills of passing under in volleyball that have been
acquired can be maintained.
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 7 | Jul- 2023 | 110
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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

The results of statistical analysis using t test statistics, obtained tcalculate the value of 6.02 Based
on the t distribution table at 𝖺 0.05 with degrees of freedom n1 + n2 – 2 = 10 +10 – 2
= 18 then obtained ttable worth 2,101. So tcount is bigger than ttable, that is tcount = 6.02>
ttable = 2.101. Based on the test criteria, if tcount is greater than ttable (tcount> 𝑡table) then Ho
is rejected, which means Ha is accepted. Thus the test results show that the average learning
outcomes of lower passing skills in the volleyball game of the experimental group taught using
the command teaching style is better than the average learning outcomes of lower passing skills
in the volleyball game of the control group which does not receive treatment.
The results of data analysis using statistical analysis show that the hypothesis Ho is rejected and
the hypothesis Ha is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of the calculation of the research
hypothesis where tcount is 6.02, while the ttable is obtained from the degrees of freedom (dk) n1
+ n2 – 2 = 10 + 10 – 2 = 18 with a confidence level of 0.05 is
2.101. In accordance with the acceptance test criteria Ho if tcount is smaller than t table and
reject Ho if tcount is greater than ttable. Because tcount is greater than ttable, the results of the
analysis show that Ho rejects and accepts Ha. Thus the conclusion of the analysis is: There is an
influence of the application of the command teaching style on improving lower passing skills in
volleyball games for Minahasa Volleyball Athletes.
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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 7 | Jul- 2023 | 111
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