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- What are the normal respiratory changes in pregnancy?

Decreased GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) along pregnancy (increased GFR)

Increased RPF (Renal Plasma Flow) in 3rd Trimester (seharusnya 2nd trim)
Decreased serum creatinine, especially in 3rd Trimester ✅
Uterine enlargement often causes left urinary tract obstruction (right urinary tract soalnya ke
obstruct baby di kanan)
Increased serum urea level in 3rd Trimester (decreased)

- What are the normal cardiovascular changes in pregnancy?

Shift of the heart to the right
Smaller heart silhouette
There was a loud diastolic murmur
Increased cardiac output 40% ✅
Increased blood pressure in the 1st and 2nd trimester

- What are the normal respiratory changes in pregnancy?

Increased ventilation 40% ✅
Occurrence of maternal hypoventilation
Respiratory alkalosis
Increased ventilation caused by an increase in the hormone estrogen
Lung capacity increases by 10%

- By which mechanism of transfer does glucose cross the placenta?

Solvent drag
Simple diffusion
Facilitated diffusion ✅
Carrier mediated active transport

- False statement regarding changes in the urinary system during pregnancy:

Changes in the urinary system during pregnancy can mimic nephrotic syndrome
Proteinuria levels > 200 mg/24 hours in the 3rd trimester are normal (abnormal) ✅
Examination of urine protein/creatinine ratio can be used to detect proteinuria
The physiological respiratory alkalosis causes a compensatory metabolic acidosis of the renal
tubular system
Transient Diabetes Insipidus can occur in the third trimester

- Which one is not a physiological function of the placenta?:

Produces the hormones such as hcg, estrogen and progesterone
Connecting maternal and fetal circulation
Transport of amino acids and fatty acids to the fetus (nutrisi)
Antibody delivery media to fetal for immunity protection
Production of anti-angiogenic factors for vascular growth (plasenta produce pro angiogenic
factor ->VEGF) ✅
- Which of the following gives rise to the chorionic structures that transport oxygen and
nutrients between fetus and mother?
Anchoring villi
Villous trophoblast ✅
Interstitial trophoblast
Extravillous trophoblast
Endovascular trophoblast

- It is important to position the mother on her left side during maternal resuscitation because:
In the supine position there is an increase in venous return to the heart
In the left lateral recumbent position there is an increase in peripheral vascular resistance
Supine hypotensive ✅ syndrome can occur in the supine position
There is a decrease in stroke volume in the left lateral recumbent position
There was an increase in blood pressure in the left lateral recumbent position

- Women may feel breathlessness during pregnancy. What is the sign of a normal physiological
breathlessness during pregnancy?
Followed by low oxygen saturation
Breathlessness is present during moderate activity ✅
Breathlessness is often feel during rest
Most common in the first trimester
It caused by decrease minute ventilation

- The defect on the placentation process (or deep placentation process) may lead to the
development of Great Obstetrics Syndromes which includes, except:
Preterm Labor
Fetal Growth Restriction
Macrosomia ✅
Abruptio Placenta

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