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DR K DAVID SAWATZKY S.C., C.D., B.Med.Sc., M.D., M.Sc.


A VERY LARGE PERCENTAGE OF the front. These lenses are permanently vision with two different lenses for each take them out when they sleep (you do comes off while diving and if you keep they do not pose a problem. Gas
DIVERS REQUIRE GLASSES TO SEE glued onto the inside of the glass in your eye. not blink while you are sleeping). your eyes partially closed for 30 seconds, permeable and hard contacts do not allow
CLEARLY. WHAT OPTIONS DO THEY dive mask. This should be done by a A new solution is to buy a dive mask that Soft contact lenses are much larger soft contacts will stick to the cornea and the inert gas to escape quickly and
HAVE TO CORRECT THEIR VISION professional company as the position of is designed to allow you to temporarily (covering more than the colored part of be less likely to wash out while you are bubbles can form between the contact
the lenses is critical (the visual center of insert off-the-self corrective lenses inside the eye) and allow gas to permeate replacing and clearing your mask and/or and the cornea. If the bubbles become
the lens has to be lined up with the the mask. The bottom line is that there through the lens. Therefore, the cornea surfacing. Swimmers and water polo larger in diameter than the thickness of
Corrective Dive Masks position of your pupils). This option will are now a large number of ways to ‘make’ under the lens does not become hypoxic players who use this technique seldom the tear film, they will form indentations
Some divers wear their glasses under the give you the best vision as it will correct a corrective dive mask and most of them and the contact can be worn longer. All loose a soft contact. Unfortunately, this on the surface of the cornea. This
mask. If the arms on the glasses are very for visual problems exactly like your give very good visual correction while extended wear contacts are soft contact does not work for hard contacts and stippling of the cornea will cause blurred
thin and flexible, this might work. In glasses, but it is quite expensive and your diving. lenses. In addition, soft contacts have works less well for gas permeable vision. After the dive, the bubbles will
general however the mask will leak.
Other divers take the arms off an old pair
mask usually has to be sent away to have
the lenses fitted (there are only a few Contact Lenses and Diving
very little tear exchange when you blink.
This means you are less likely to get an
contacts. To loosen the contact before
taking it out, the eye should be irrigated
quickly disappear and over the next 30 to >
of glasses and mount the front part of the companies that can provide this service). One obvious solution to the problem of object (dust, etc.) between the contact with an isotonic saline solution (any
glasses in the mask. The mask will not The only problem with this solution is visual correction and diving is to wear and the cornea, a common problem for all contact solution) and allowed to
that it can be quite difficult to clean the your contacts under your dive mask. This hard contact lens wearers. One problem equilibrate for two to three minutes. The DAVID SAWATZKY, S.C., C.D., B.Med.Sc.,
leak and the visual correction will be OK,
glass in the dive mask outside the can be a good solution but there are with soft contacts is that because the lens contact should then have loosened and M.D., M.Sc., is a diving medical specialist on
but it will be hard to clean, hard to avoid
corrective lens as the lens sticks up from several potential problems you should be is so soft and flexible, it does not correct be easily removed without damaging the contract at Defence Research and
fogging, and just plain ugly! This is also a
the surface of the glass creating a narrow aware of. There are many different types for astigmatism. The hard lens forces the cornea. Development Toronto from 1998 to 2005.
very poor solution to the problem.
space around the lens. I used this kind of of contact lenses but this discussion will cornea to become round to fit the lens A disadvantage of soft contacts is that Previously he was the Canadian Forces Staff
Fortunately, there are several options for
mask from 1982 until 1996 when I had be limited to the three most common; and in this way can correct for significant they can absorb the defogging chemicals Officer in Hyperbaric Medicine at DCIEM
buying or making a prescription dive
corrective laser eye surgery. hard, gas permeable, and soft. amounts of astigmatism. some divers use in the mask and irritate (1986-1993) and later the Senior Medical
mask. The easiest is to buy a dive mask
Older divers with presbyopia (reading Hard contact lenses were the first The gas permeable contact is an attempt the eye. These chemicals should be Officer at Garrison
that has been designed so that you can
to combine the advantages of both hard avoided if you are diving with soft Support Unit
and soft contacts in a single lens. The gas contacts (spit works just fine) or the Toronto (1993-
THEREFORE, THE TEARS AND SURFACE OF THE CORNEA TAKE UP INERT GAS (NITROGEN IN AIR) JUST LIKE permeable contact is more gas permeable mask should be rinsed very carefully after
than a hard lens and does allow some applying the defogging solution. Soft a monthly column
oxygen from the air to get to the contacts can also become infected if
glasses) will have trouble reading their available. The most significant factors for underlying cornea but less gas permeable exposed to contaminated water in Canada’s Diver
put a separate, off-the-shelf corrective lens
gauges. They have three options. The diving are that they are relatively small than a soft contact.It is larger than a hard (especially fresh water) and it is Magazine since
in for each eye. These lenses typically
solution most divers use is to buy small (smaller than the colored part of the eye) contact but smaller than a soft contact. It important to clean and disinfect them 1993, has been on
come in 0.5 diopter jumps. You should
plus lenses and glue them into the dive and they do not allow gas to penetrate is softer than a hard contact but still stiff after diving. the Board of
round the ‘spherical equivalent’ of your
mask near the bottom of the glass so that through them. The cornea has no blood enough to correct for some astigmatism. Some divers who dive while wearing Advisors for the
glasses prescription down to the nearest
they can look through them to read their supply. Therefore, the only way for it to Many divers are concerned with loosing contacts complain of blurred vision after International
available lens as it is better to be slightly
gauges. There are flexible plastic plus obtain oxygen and get rid of its’ waste their contacts if they flood their dive the dive. When we dive, the gas in the Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers
under corrected than over corrected. This
lenses that can be put into the mask products is through the tears and direct mask or it comes off while they are mask is under the same pressure as the (IANTD) since 2000, and is an active cave,
is only an approximate visual correction
without glue but I tried several and all of exchange with the air covering the eye. diving. Hard contacts are small and they gas in your lungs. Therefore, the tears trimix and closed circuit rebreather
but it is fast, easy, and relatively
them frequently came out (I was not The tears form a continuous film over the will wash out of the eye relatively easily. and surface of the cornea take up inert diver/instructor/instructor trainer. David’s first
inexpensive. If your visual problem is
happy, hopefully the technology has surface of the eye and every time you Gas permeable contacts are larger and soft gas (nitrogen in air) just like the body love is cave diving exploration and he’s been
simple near or far sightedness without too
improved). The next option is to buy a blink they are moved around and contacts are so large that simply keeping absorbs it from the gas in the lungs. exploring and surveying underwater passages
much astigmatism (max 3 or 4 diopters),
mask specially designed with small exchanged. A hard contact lens prevents the eyelids partially closed should keep When we surface, the tears and cornea in Canada since 1985. David was responsible
the off the shelf lenses will do a good job
windows on the bottom into which you the part of the cornea covered by the lens them in the eye, even if you loose your must ‘decompress’. The tears and surface for the exploration and mapping of almost 11
of correcting your vision. In addition, the
can place off-the-shelf plus lenses. This is from exchanging oxygen and carbon mask while diving. Of course, once you of the cornea are very fast tissues (they kilometres of underwater passages in the
dive mask already magnifies everything by
a good solution and will allow you to read dioxide with the air. This is not normally loose your dive mask your visual absorb and eliminate inert gas very Ottawa River Cave System. In 1995, he
25% so this solution will work well for
your gauges easily. The only problem is a problem because in a well fitted lens, correction will be very bad as you will quickly). In the diver not wearing executed the first successful rescue of a
people with these kinds of visual
that these masks tend to be quite large every time you blink approximately 20% have also lost the air space in front of the contacts, a normal ascent will allow the missing trained cave diver. David received the
problems. If you require larger amounts of
and will not seal well if your face is of the tear film between the lens and the eyes. tears and cornea enough time to unload Canadian Star of Courage for this rescue
astigmatism, reading glasses, bifocals,
narrow. The third option is to have lenses cornea is exchanged. Never-the-less, the An additional characteristic of soft the extra inert gas. If the diver is wearing which took place in the chilly Canadian
trifocals, or prism, you will need to try
specially ground and fitted into the mask. underlying cornea slowly becomes contacts is that when they are exposed to contacts however, they can have a waters of Tobermory, Ontario. He still dives
one of the following options.
Some companies now allow you to mount hypoxic. This is one of the reasons why a solution with a higher (seawater) or problem. as much as possible, but admits his three
The next solution is to have the
separate lenses in your dive mask so that many individuals can not wear hard lower (fresh water) osmolarity than tears, Soft contacts allow the gas to diffuse year old son Lukas, two year old daughter
prescription for your glasses made into
you can correct for both near and far contacts all day long and everyone has to they stick to the cornea. If your mask through the contact relatively quickly and Emeline and wife (Dr Debbie Pestell) are
special lenses that are completely flat on
currently higher priorities than diving!

DR K DAVID SAWATZKY S.C., C.D., B.Med.Sc., M.D., M.Sc. Normal flat dive masks limit our field of
view and they create distortion near the
edges of that field of view. The designers
of the HydroOptix dive mask have come
up with a unique solution to this
problem. They have designed a dive
mask with a curved lens. The curved
lens allows for a much larger field of
120 minutes the cornea will return to its Therefore, tears will not dry and there view (they claim 5 times that of a flat
normal shape and the diver’s vision will clear. will be less stimulus to blink. Contact mask) and the resulting vision is
It is unknown if there are any long-term wearing divers must consciously blink sharper. Most interesting, the curved
effects from this type of repeated damage to while diving, especially during the last lens converts the water into a corrective
the cornea but it seems unlikely. Fortunately, it 10 msw (30 fsw) of ascent. lens, a lens that changes strength
can be easily avoided. Contacts have several advantages over depending on how far away the object
The simple solution is to wear soft contacts. glasses while diving. First, they provide a you are looking at is!
For those divers who want to wear hard or gas wider field of corrected vision than To try and simplify a very complex
permeable contacts, the following suggestions corrective lenses mounted inside the topic, these dive masks will give superior
should avoid the problem. For hard contact dive mask. Second, you do not have to vision compared to a normal flat mask,
lens wearers, it is vital to ensure that the lens worry about finding a safe place to put BUT the vast majority of people will
is fitted correctly. If it is too tight there will be your glasses while diving. Third, when have to wear a corrective contact lens to
reduced tear exchange when you blink and the you surface and take your mask off, you make the mask work for them, including
bubbles will be more likely to accumulate. The have corrected vision immediately (it divers who do NOT require glasses to
tear film between the contact and the cornea always takes some time to get out of see clearly on the surface. The only
will also be thinner and smaller bubbles will your gear and find your glasses). Many exception to this requirement is divers
damage the cornea. divers find glasses such a hassle that who require correction for near
Hard and gas permeable contact lens wearers they simply leave them on shore and sightedness within a specific range, and
must reduce their rates of ascent, especially function with greatly reduced vision the size of this range decreases as you
near the surface, so that the gas will have a while on the boat or moving to and get older.
chance to clear from the tears and surface of from the dive site. This sounds not too bad, but it seems to
the cornea. For all divers, air in the mask will In conclusion, contacts can be worn me that the ‘hassle factor’ might be
be 100 percent saturated with water vapor. while diving. Soft contacts are preferable quite large. If you do not normally
to gas permeable contacts and gas need glasses, you will have to insert
permeable contacts are preferable to contact lenses just before each dive and
hard contacts. However, all contacts can take them out immediately after the
be safely worn while diving if a few dive. If you wear the contacts on the
simple precautions are taken. If you lose surface your vision will be distorted. If
or flood your mask, keep your eyes you wear glasses, you will need your
closed to reduce the risk losing a glasses on the surface, plus you will have
contact. If you are wearing soft contacts, to insert and remove contacts to see
you might be able to simply squint for clearly with the HydroOptix mask in the
30 seconds to stick the contact to the water. If you wear contacts, you will
eye and then carry on. Soft contact have to change them for the
lens wearers need to be careful using HydroOptix contacts before and after
defogging solutions and take special care each dive. Even if you are one of the
to clean and disinfect their contacts lucky people who do not require
after diving. If you are wearing hard or contacts to see clearly with the
gas permeable contacts, remember to HydroOptix mask in the water, you will
ascend slowly for the last 10 msw (30 still require your normal glasses or
fsw) and all divers wearing contacts contacts when you are out of the water.
should consciously blink more often These masks and the usually required
while diving. contacts are also quite expensive.
I personally don’t think the increase in
HydroOptix Dive Masks and Diving vision is worth the added expense and
I would not normally discuss a specific ‘hassle factor’ but that is a decision each
product, but this one is so unique that it diver will have to make for themselves.
deserves mention (check out Never-the-less, this is an innovative and fascinating product.


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