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or Client Couple J

Top Dog Productions

" Y o u r f f m t * r t e irn m * r " r tP l o f e s s i * n { } l $ " i

t{ea-the{ t}(ffrsis& $nqnbrrlL \Nlr-dnin,i Typeof Event Name

(-",. i L' Friendly Enthusiastically Rudely_ Listen Your To Needs Didn't
T G a v e o o M u c hl n p u t

Date of Event

SruyJ When Gontactinglop Doq Productions.How WereYou Treated?{#ir*lm (",-,Co,urteous ) ToYourtUlels .Listened ', ''' Creative lnput Professionally Unprofessionally Gave
Into F e l tP ressur ed Booking Other :

r )

Performance uation(Cirq! A.n_e-fqesq E-gEval 9 ! Overall Performance:

Appdarance Our Setup/ Equipment Of (irappricabre) DinnerMusicSelectionsi

ef efu!!y Be{are Answering)

Sound Quality:

\*_,....,.--',r:,1:y1),.'.',,:yly;r;'fll1::,,,'1tlr',',:i,rr41:,.3 :' ::./ [t:1 41 ;,:,' 1$y 1 l


WereYour Sonq Requests Acknowledqed? {Sir*lcAnyj

Yes Not At All PlannerI,Didn' tRequest Songs I Wa sT h e E vent Any

Yes Not At All

uestsAcknowledqed? lClrc/s Arovl

N o n eOf My Guest' s ToldM e AboutTheirRequests

How WouldYou DescribeOur Coordination Your Event? fillr*/sAr:v) Of


Our i/ . Exceeded Expectations ) \\


Organize "'t 6

Very Unorganized

fook ehiige

. ,".' We HadNoWorries 'r

Lost Control

Please WriteUs A Line Or Two.Gommentinq Specificallv Our Performance. On

\\ {tca-Cqon TnAVha"e EreettLfr to\c\qAO \$rs\ru \?lst wfdci\rnq orreri,Dcrn'];D.5niL\LDrnzx(.l'l0B

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Hvaluatipn Gentinued Back> 0n

{ilircl* #ncJ

I Asked The DJNot To Be lnteractive

Did You Ghoose IncludeAnv Additional To Services With Your DJ Packaqe?

{*irnlo nnv b*lCIw& fmke* mexnsffff* descrihe fu*w rye rn*f y$ffr #.qpffi*fwrli*n*j
Ceremony Services:

Multimedia MusicVideos: /

u.CIr,[ge[ nrne uHr

Photo Booth:

j v\0ecs

rvr[,thnnmlui-ci{ -\${rs,b-\uAn l bgll.\{leiun orufxc


VeS,wouldlove hear I to froma newclient, I canreferyourservices. so

NO,I would recommend Top DogProductions, please private but keepmy contactinformation

ls ThereAnvthinqWe GouldDo To lmproveOur Services?

Thank You For Choosing Top Dog ProductionsAs Your Entertainment Provider.

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