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Acacia School Early Learning Centre

Progress Report Term 1 2021

Name: Jaymin Date of birth: Age in months: 58     
Simutowe     03/10/2016      
Class: Reception       Most relevant EYFS age bands
☐ 0 to 11 months ☐ 8 to 20 months ☐ 16 to 26 months
☐ 22 to 36 months ☐ 30 to 50 months ☐ 40 to 60+ months
☐ Early Learning Goals

Area of Learning and Development Assessment

Personal, Social and Emotional Development Developing 40 to 60 Months
Secure 40 to 60 Months
Physical Development
Secure 40 to 60 Months
Communication & Language
Developing 40 to 60 Months
Developing 40 to 60 Months
Understanding the World Secure 40 to 60 Months
Expressive Arts and Design Secure 40 to 60 Months
Teacher’s Comment

Jaymin’s development is typical for his age across all seven areas of learning and
development. He has worked with great interest and enthusiasm throughout the
term. He has settled into Reception with ease and participate relatively well during
lessons. He particularly enjoys the construction area and will play with the number
of children happily. He is friendly with everyone and he does not enjoy playing
alone. Jaymin is responsible for his own belongings, can take care of his own
personal hygiene and usually eats well, clearing up after himself.

In Communication, Language and Literacy, Jaymin is progressing very well. He

can recognise all the phase 2 and part of phase 3 letters and sounds. His sound
recognition is helping him to read simple words. He can segment the sounds in
words and blend them together to read simple words. His English is good. He can
understand and communicate in full sentences. He enjoys listening to stories and
asks questions about what happened and what will happen next. Jaymin can write
and recognise his name written in various situations.

In Mathematics, he can count objects to 10, and he is beginning to count beyond

10. He is able to select the correct numeral to represent 1 to 10. He enjoys
Mathematical challenges such as ordering and counting numbers. He can
differentiate between colours or sizes and uses the related language such as big
and small.
In Unit lesson, Jaymin has learnt about Parts of the body, The Five Senses, Food
and Nutrition. He can identify most of the parts of the body and he is able to
recognise all the five senses. He has learnt about the work of the senses. Jaymin
is able to identify different types of foods. He eats a healthy range of food stuffs
and understands needs for variety in food. He shows some understanding that
good practices with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can
contribute to good health.

Jaymin has fairly good control and coordination over large movements such as
jumping and hoping. He enjoys playing on the slide and chasing games. His
control and skills over small movements like pencil control are still developing.

Jaymin has a pleasant personality and he is an asset to the class. He enjoys

school and is eager to learn. He interacts very well with all his classmates and
enjoys interacting with his peers. You have been a pleasure to teach Jaymin!
Brilliant job.
Next steps Parents’ Comment
 To read CVC words and write
short sentences.
 To add and subtract numbers to

Date _______ Teacher’s Signature _______________ Principal’s Signature _____________

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