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1. The total area of Pakistan is?

A. 79, 6096

2. Total area of Balochistan?

A. 347, 190

3. Total area of Sindh?

A. 140, 914

4. Total area of KPK?

A. 74, 521 sq,km

5. Total area of FATA?

A. 27, 220

6. Punjab is _______ total landmass of Pakistan?

A. 25.8 %

7. Sindh is _______ total landmass of Pakistan?

A. 17.7 %

8. KPK _______ total landmass of Pakistan?

A. 9.4 %

9. Balochistan is _________ total landmass of Pakistan?

A. 43. 6 %

10. Area wise the largest province of Pakistan is?

A. Balochistan

11. Total area of Punjab is?

A. 205, 344

12. Deepest place of Pakistan is?

A. Arabian sea

13. Second largest salt mine of the world is?

A. Khewra mine

14. Largest city of AJK is?

A. Muzaffarabad

15. 2nd highest peak of the world is?

A. K.2

16. The largest graveyard of the world is located in?

A. Pakistan

17. Rivers flow in Punjab?

A. 5

18. Rivers flow in Sindh?

A. 4

19. Rivers flow in Balochistan?

A. 7

20. Rivers flow in KPK?

A. 8

21. Longest river of Pakistan is?

A. Indus

22. Smallest river of Pakistan is?

A. Ravi

23. Most populated river of Pakistan?

A. Ravi

24. Origin of Indus river is?

A. Tibet

25. Which river is called Nile of Pakistan?

A. Indus

26. Total length of river Jehlum is?

A. 725 km

27. Total length of river Ravi is?

A. 720 km

28. Total length of river Indus is?

A. 3180 km

29. Total length of river Chenab is?

A. 960 km

30. Longest river of Punjab is?

A. Sutlej

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