You are on page 1of 15


1… Index

2… For our

3… Learning /ɪ/
and /i: /

5… Learning /ɪ/
and /e/

6… Learning /ɑː/
and /æ/

7… Learning /ɑː/
30 DE OCTUBRE DE 2017 and /ʌ/
8… Learning /ɒ/ and /ɔː/

9… Learning /ɔː/ and /ɜː/

10… Learning /uː/ and /ʊ/

11… Activities


[Dirección de la compañía]
Dear reader
This book was created to help kids from 6 years old to learn how to pronounce
words easily. I hope this book can help you on this wonderful trip.
In this book, we divided vowels into short and long, and compared similar vowels
to make an easier compression and articulation. The only vowel that doesn't use
this method is /e/ and /ɜː/ because we use a similar vowel (In each case) to
simplify the learning an production of these vowels.
Later of all the explanation of how to articulate each vowel you are going to find
didactic activities to make in class.

Short vowels Long vowels

/ɪ/ /i:/
/e/ /ɜː/
/æ/ /ɑː/
/ʌ/ /ɔː/

We going to underline all vowel sound in the explication

Learning vowel /ɪ/ and /i: /
For articulate the vowel /ɪ/ you need to relax your mouth
and put the tip of your tongue close your teeth and make
the sound /ɪ/. Repeat /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/.
This is a short vowel
Now you say: ship

For articulate the vowel /i: / you need to spread your mouth; like if you smile,
and put the blade of your tongue close to the palate and make
the sound /i: /. Repeat /i: / /i: / /i: /.
This is a long vowel
Now say: sheep

1.1 Now repeat the next words

Words with long /i:/ sound Word with short /ɪ/ sound
Sheep Ship
Bean Bin
Cheese Big
Cream Fill
Beef Tip
Tea Hill
Green Happy
See Finish

Learning vowel /e/

To articulate this vowel you need open your
mouth and lower your tongue without touch
your teeth. Now say /e/ /e/ /e/
This is a short vowel.
You can say vowel /ɪ/ and later /e/ to compare:
/ɪ/ /e/ /ɪ/ /e/ /ɪ/. Can you notice how your
tongue down?
Now say: Pen

1.1 Now repeats the next words
Words with
/e/ sound

Learning Vowel /æ/ and /ɑː/

To articulate vowel /æ/ you need to open your mouth,
like if you are smiling and put the tip of your tongue
front your teeth and say /æ/ /æ/ /æ/.
This is a short vowel.
Now say: man

To articulate vowel /ɑː/ you need down your tongue

like the picture (Like an oval) and say /ɑː/ with a long sound.
Repeat /ɑː/ /ɑː/ /ɑː/.
This is a long vowel.
Now say: Heart

Now say /ɑː/ /æ/ /ɑː/ /æ/ /ɑː/ /æ/. Can you notice any difference?
Now repeat the next words

Words with long /ɑː/ sound Words with short /æ/ sound
Heart Man
Cart And
Are Bad
Garden Ask
Half Anne
Car Happy

Learning vowel /ɑː/and /ʌ/

To articulate vowel /ʌ/ your mouth be relaxed (Neutral)

and your tongue without touching nothing and made
the sound: /ʌ/
Now say: hut

Now repeat /ʌ/ /ɑː/ /ʌ/ /ɑː/ /ʌ/.

Can you notice the difference?

Now repeat the next words

Words with long /ɑː/ sound Words with short /ʌ/ sound

Heart Cup
Cart Hut
Are Cut
Garden Fun
Half Son
Car Sun

Learning vowel /ɒ/ and /ɔː/

To articulate vowel /ɒ/ you need to open your mouth
(Rounded), down your tongue, move it back and say /ɒ/.
This is a short vowel.
Now say: pot

To articulate vowel /ɔː/ you need to relax your mouth,

move your tongue back and say /ɔː/.
This is a long vowel.
Now say: ball

Now repeat the next words

Words with /ɒ/ sound Words with /ɔː/ sound
Lot Short
Pot Forks
Fox Sports
Long Tall
Box Small
Sock Four
Rock Draw
Watch Call
Stop Door

Learning vowel /ɔː/ and /ɜː/

To articulate vowel /ɜː/ you need to relax (neutral) your
mouth, put your tongue in the middle of your mouth
and say: /ɜː/.
This is a long vowel
Now say: girl

Now put your mouth in the position to articulate vowel /ɔː/ and back to vowel
/ɜː/. Can you perceive how your mouth changes? On the other hand, how does
your tongue go back into your mouth?

Now repeat the next words

Words with /ɔː/
sound Words with /ɜː/ sound
Short Pearl
Forks Shirt
Sports Work
Tall Word
Small World
Four bird
Draw worm
morning early
warm thirsty

Learning vowel /uː/ and /ʊ/

To articulate vowel /ʊ/ you need rounded your mouth,
put the back of your tongue back in your mouth and
say: /ʊ/.
This is a short vowel.
Now say: boot

To articulate vowel /ʊ/ you need rounded your mouth,

put the back of your tongue close the hard palate and
say: /uː/.
This is a long vowel.
Now say: cook

Now repeats the next words

Words with /uː/

Words with /ʊ/ sound sound
Look Pool
Book Luke
Rook Soup
Cookery Fruit
Wood Shoes
Foot Blue
Pull Afternoon

1 It’s a fact that kids love colouring and making colouring pictures with animals
or things that represent words with the vowel sounds can help them to remember
it. For example:

A) Colouring pink all the words with vowel /ɪ/.

B) Colouring red the animal (s) whose name starts with /e/ vowel.

C) Colouring blue all the long /ɑː/ sounds and red all short /æ/ sounds.

2 Another option is used bottle caps. You put the phoneme of the vowel in the
bottle cap and later you make the students change the vowel for the
phoneme: For example:

3 One good idea for teaching the /ɒ/ is the “Octopus” that means make and
octopus and in each tentacle put a word with the vowel /ɒ/ sound; you can try
with another kinds of thing too. Here is the example:

4 Another good idea is to use cards to play and memorise the image and the
corresponding vowel. For example:


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