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Beene Hf (Nedds atone, ther Tonio) Andante con mota(d = ss) Nedda «- (using) Qual fiam- map-vea nel guar His eyes with fire were flami ie Giioe-chiab-bas- sa- -i per fe- ma ch’el leg- ges - se il T Gropt ‘my eyes, | fear- fu) lest hg should haye read — there what itenendo un poco il tempo pivamente gre- = Yh! sei mi sor-pren- think - ~~ ing! Ah! if be were to bra- ta- Te co- mee - glidt the eru-el brute he ist joeo mene “Ma ba-sti, _or- vi- a. Son que-stl so- gni pa- u-ro- fo - let Enough then! Have done aow! That's but a hot rid dream, a fool-ish_nightmarol col canto Moderato (4-56) dolce armonioso anpegstano, © che bel so-Je ai mez-za-go - There thou art shin-ing, bright sun of sum - poco Fie to son pie- -na di vi-.ta, @, And the life in me thrills me, and rit, molto —= —} - +t per ar. ten - der long - ing fills me With some 1g SSS ca - no ge- sto, non so che bra~ mol name-less de - sire: yet what, T not! — 70 looking to the sk) ‘Oh! che vo - lo Weu-gel - Ii, Ab! rds with-out sum - ber! © quan-te stri- da! ‘What count-less voie - es! La mam-ma mia,che Ja buo-na yen-(u~rasnnun- My moth. er, she that was ski tell =t pS 5 eom-pren-de - vajl lor ‘un der- stood what theyre n ean to ea me bam- bi- ma co. sl can sing! ing, and in my — ohild- hood ‘Thus would she Aaa - - ee Ballatella +s Vivace «d.=60) in Uno come uno _scherso ine come uno soherso. *1f the singer wishes to omit the trill, the orchestra goes to the bar marked #, skipping one measure ssa a tempo giusto sensa mat affrettare Hedda Tan-cia-tia vol, —__— a vol co- me Launetif on the wing, the wing, as like Di - sfi ‘The clouds 9938 73 ~ no per te vie del = ward thro’ the path - less Jargando la frase te- i va leave them to ia a 890% ce : ds-se- fa. | = tures ev- er thirst- — - Wax - “cur-ro splen - dor. for in fi- hil and light. vost fi fr) te na- Bh iro’ their cloud = -tand iqaniio! Chefn- = eale-zifl ven - forms may be rag - Padia- per - o-pen pin- - 76 P : pa eee tut- = to sfi- dar, la piog- — - gia fi- -ant and free, Nor rain ‘nor aul-la mai nothing can con anima ¢ passione allarg. la ase ¢ ben cantato = Van- = = 00 jag = git___ ver = Far off they go! toward fen cantato con | ta 00 sopn pa - - se stra- un - known coun - tries striv- Coa han x — = gman for- ete cer. © = ca - gin their dreams, per- chanee they seek in- Mas bo - 8. mi del These Bo -he- mians of

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