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Heart disease

What is heart disease?

The heart is the center of the cardiovascular system. Through
the body's blood vessels, the heart pumps blood to all of the
body's cells. The blood carries oxygen, which the cells need.
Cardiovascular disease is a group of problems that occur
when the heart and blood vessels aren't working the way they

A heart arrhythmia is an abnormal heartbeat. Your heart may
beat too quickly, too slowly or irregularly if you have an
arrhythmia. Heart arrhythmia symptoms can include:
 A fluttering in your chest
 A racing heartbeat
 A slow heartbeat
 Chest pain
 Shortness of breath
Causes of heart disease
The causes of heart disease are:
 smoke
 have high blood pressure 
 have a high blood cholesterol level
 do not take regular exercise
 have diabetes

Smoking is a major risk factor. Carbon monoxide and
nicotine both put a strain on the heart by making it work
faster. They also increase your risk of blood clots.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) puts a strain on your
heart and can lead to heart disease.
If you have high blood pressure, this higher pressure puts
extra strain on your heart and blood vessels. Over time, this
extra strain increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Cholesterol is a fat made by the liver from the saturated fat
that we eat. Cholesterol is essential for healthy cells, but if
there is too much in the blood it can lead to heart disease.
Cholesterol is carried in the blood stream by molecules called
lipoproteins. There are several different types of lipoproteins,
but two of the main ones are low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
and high-density lipoproteins (HDL)

Regular exercise
Doing less exercises may cause heart disease. There is much
kind of exercises to do to improve your heart disease, such as
walking, jogging jumping rope, bicycling, skiing, skating,
rowing, and aerobics or cardio classes.

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