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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Social Perception And Comparison

Quarter 2
Module 3

Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Compare one’s perception of himself/herself and
how others see him/her
 Conduct a Mini-survey of Filipino relationships
(family, school & community)


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, which is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
 Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and
skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This aims
to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
 Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
 Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

The learner is expected in this module to:
 Compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how others see
 Conduct a mini-survey of Filipino relationships (family, school &
Let us start your journey in learning more on Social Perception,
I am sure you are ready and excited to answer the Pretest.
Smile and cheer up!

Instruction: Write TRUE on the space provided if the statement is true and FALSE if
it is not true.

___________ 1. When someone praises you, you always attribute this to your genes,
which you inherited from your parents. This is an external attribution.

___________ 2. Categorizing is the same thing as stereotyping.

___________ 3. Categorizing is a good source of inference, especially in times of


___________ 4. Stereotyping pertains to the action of people judging you.

___________ 5. Our expectation usually influences our perception. For example, we

expect good on a movie which in reality is not. You may comment this
movie as good, regardless of the factual evidence that it is not. This is
an example of cognitive dissonance.

___________ 6. The fundamental attribution errors are inferences that people draw
about the causes of events, other’s behavior and their own behavior.

___________ 7. Stability ascribes the causes of behavior to situational demands and

environmental constraints.

___________ 8. When you observe an individual making a scene, you tend to be

cautious and determine the behavior of the individual in that given
situation. You are the Actor.

___________ 9. When you are not being truthful and consistent in your words and
actions, then you are being selective in your perception.

___________ 10. Physical Appearances rarely influence people in terms of character

and intelligence.

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write the answer on the space provided.

1. If you will be choosing between Charismatic Leadership and Situational

Leadership, which will you choose and why?
2. Compare and contrast the strong points of obedience, compliance and
conformity in selling your item on social media. Which do you think would be a
wise strategy to use, given this kind of set-up?
3. What type of follower do you think would be an asset to a leader and why?

4. How can Social Influence transform the educational sector in terms of learning
and morality in the Senior High School?


5. In the business setting, how do social influence fair in the marketing and
advertising business? Explain your answer.


Comparing yourself from others requires self-reflection sometimes in a more positive
way. The thinking of human rationality oftentimes leads to criticism and negativity,
that comparison of the “self” from others sometimes become toxic and depressing.
But in practical reality, it is an opportunity for us to know what is lacking is and
what needs improvement. Looking in-depth psychologically, individuals have the
tendency look for his neighbor’s affirmation and guidance from time to time”


Social Perception and

3 Comparison
Social Perception
When we grow up, we look upon the others and our neighbors for affirmation
and guidance at times. We desire for other’s looks and attributes which often leads
to comparison and frustration. In our efforts to explain behavior, we create and rely
on impressions and beliefs in some crucial and confusing moments which results to
prejudice, judgmental thinking, about ourselves and other people. It’s pretty much
like the game “Bawal ang Judgmental”; our beliefs and perception create blurring
conclusion of the other. To be able to understand and explain how we develop these
behaviors and how they importantly influence our personal adjustment and social
interaction, we should identify the basic principle of social perception.
Basic Principle of Social Perception

There are three (3) principles in understanding social perception, as these

affect social interaction and social comparison. These are the Attribution Process,
Premium on Consistency and Selectivity in Social Perception.

A. The Attribution Process. Attributions are inferences that people draw

about the causes of events, other’s behavior, and their own behavior
(Weitan & Lloyd, 1994). For example, you have done a good job in your
work and praised by your boss for the excellent work. How do you
interpret this in your own sphere of perception? And to what should
you “attribute” this positive feedback? The same is true when you have
failed at something or had done something wrong. In “attributing”
there are several dimensions that you have to consider to be able to
fully understand its social process of interaction.

Key Dimensions of Attribution

a) Internal and External Factors. According to Heider

(1958), there are two factors in which you attribute your
behavior and others as well. It’s either you externally
(outside) or internally (inside) attribute it (Jones & Davis,
1965; Kelley, 1967; Weiner, 1974). Internal Attribution
ascribes the causes of behavior to personal disposition,
traits, abilities and feelings. External Attribution
ascribes the causes of behavior to situational demands
and environmental constraints. Just like in the given
example, positive feedback may be attributed either in
your trait to be smart or industrious (internal) or the
environment you lived in; or the atmosphere for your work
to be easy and accommodating (external).

b) Stability and Instability. A second dimension to

consider of causal attribution is the stability and
instability of the causes underlying behavior (Weiner,
1974; Weiner et al., 1972). Being stable means being more
or less permanent and unlikely to change over time (e.g.
sense of humor and intelligence). While unstable cause of
behavior is one that is a variable or subject to change (e.g.
mood swings/good or bad, motivation/strong or weak)

c) Actor-Observer Differences. Although our attributions

are more or less inferences, sometimes it may not
correctly explain events, especially if this is on the point
of view of people observing us. As “actors” in particular,
our own explanation of our behavior can be less accurate
or different from those who are observing us.

B. The Premium on Consistency. In developing our perception of

ourselves and others, we strive for consistency. That is, we prefer that
our attitudes and beliefs to be consistent. Cognitive Dissonance
exists when related cognitions are inconsistent-that is, when they
contradict each other (Festinger, 1957).

C. Selectivity in Social Perception. Our expectation influences our

perceptions or beliefs (Kelley, 1950). This pertains in our way of
choosing in what we want to perceive. It gets in the way of critically
thinking or objectively aiming for constructive discrimination. Usually
if there’s any negative or inconsistency in someone’s behavior, when
we already perceive this person to be reliable, we still judge based on
what we have expected or expecting. We were likely to interpret what
we see in a way that is consistent with our expectations (Darley &
Gross, 1983).

After understanding our own perception, what comes next is our perception
of others. This only pertains in what we see in others, and sometimes, how we have

known them or even their past becomes factors in perceiving their behavior or
performance. There are “errors” in which we perceive others and it is quite common
to misjudge or commit error in person perception (Buckhout, 1980).
Sources of Error

a) Categorizing. People frequently categorize others on the basis

of race, sex, age, sexual orientation etc. (Ex. When Filipinos
work, they complain much, or All millennials are spoiled brats.)
b) Stereotypes. Stereotypes are widely held beliefs that people
have certain characteristics simply because of their
membership in a particular group (e.g. LGBTQ+ community are
usually sensitive about their pride, respect and human rights).
c) Excessive Focus on Physical Appearance. As we judge others
physically, so thus this error implies. (e.g. Women who are
beautiful are always brainy and usually the cum laude)
d) The Fundamental Attribution Error. This error is the
tendency of observers to attribute others’ behavior to internal
e) Defensive Attribution. It is a social psychological term where
an observer attributes the causes for a mishap to minimize their
fear of being a victim or a cause in a similar situation. It is the
tendency to blame victims for their misfortune, so that we feel
less likely to be victimized in a similar way.
f) The Power of First Impressions. A Primacy Effect occurs
when initial information carries more weight than subsequent
g) False Consensus and False Uniqueness Effects. This involves
our tendency to overestimate the degree to which others think
and behave as we do.

To be able to understand ourselves and others as well, we must gather as

much information as we can to interpret and explain the many processes of human
interaction that develop and happen in our society. Conducting research requires
resilience and dedication, and details-orientation of the behaviors of an individual or
group of people. And to be able to start our research, we must always start gathering
specific information to obtain or provide a simple survey for the masses or one
individual to answer. Survey Research is an attempt to obtain data from members of
a population (a sample) to determine the current status of the population or sample
group, with respect to one or more variables (Creswell, 2003). Below are the steps in
conducting a Survey Research.

Steps in Survey Research (De Vaus, 2001)

I. Problem Definition – the problem to be investigated by means of a

survey should be sufficiently interesting and important enough to
motivate the individuals surveyed to respond. Researchers need to
identify clearly their objectives in conducting a survey.

II. Identification of the Target Population – the group of persons,
objects, institutions and so on that is the focus of the study.

III. Selection of the Sample – the subjects to be surveyed should be

selected (randomly, if possible) from the population of interest. The
subjects they intend to question possess the information the researcher
wants to obtain and that they will be willing to answer questions.

IV. Preparation of the Instrument (Monette, 2005) – the most common

types of instruments used in survey research are the questionnaire and
the interview.

Two (2) Types of Questionnaire:

a. Closed-Ended Questionnaire – a question and a list of

alternative responses; relies on multiple-choice; multiple
questions allow a respondent to select his answer from a number
of options. Also referred to as a closed-form item.

b. Open-Ended Questionnaire – a question giving the complete

freedom of response. It allows for more individualized responses,
but they are sometimes difficult to interpret.

Activity 1.1 Conducting A Survey
Instruction: On the space provided, create your own survey questionnaires. This
survey questionnaire should be inclined to or tackle issues and problems
surrounding the Filipino Family. Make use of the different types of questionnaires in
creating your survey. This is limited to 15 questions. You may combine both open-
ended and close-ended types of questions in your survey. You may refer on the
sample provided as your guideline.

Example given:
Filipino Family Population

Name (optional) _____________________ Date ______________

Grade and Section _____________________

Direction: Below are questions for you to answer regarding your views and opinions
on the trends of Filipino Family. Please check and answer as honestly as you can.

1. Type of Family – ( ) Nuclear Family ( ) Extended Family ( ) Traditional Family

( ) Broken Family
2. If you answered questions no.1, indicate how many you are in the family. ____

3. What do you think are the most frequent problems arise in your family? Cite as
many as you can think of. ____________________________________________________.

Activity 1.2 Product Criticism
Direction: Cut out and paste a product or item of your choice on the space provided.
Make a critique report on the advantages and disadvantages of the use or
consumption of the product. Answer the follow-up questions.

Follow-up Questions:
1. Why do you think the product is being patronized despite its ascribed

2. What do you think is the role of advertisement and social media as factor in the
image of the product or item?

3. Explain the significance of technology in improving social perception of society.



Activity 1.3 Reflective Report Writing

Direction: Write your reflection for each picture about our comparison and biases
in society. Identify what principle of social perception is present in each picture.
After the activity, answer the follow-up questions.

1. 3.

Figure 1.
Figure 3.

2. 4.

Figure 2.

Figure 4.


My Journal: The Philippine Election.

Direction: Write a reflection about social perception when it comes in electing

leaders in our country. What do you think is the important role of social perception
in influencing our choices, in choosing desirable and quality leaders?

Focus Question
The Role of Social Perception in Philippine Election


 Social Perception plays an important role in the development of personality. It
defines our way of thinking to everything around us, especially when we react
or comment.
 There are three (3) Basic Principles of Social Perception, these are our
Attribution Process of the matter, our Consistency and being selective of the
 In attribution, there are dimensions when we try to make inference to
everything that happens around us. These are Internal and External Factors,
Stability and the actor-observer difference effect.
 Sometimes when we perceive others, we tend to make errors in our perception
and impression. It is important to note this errors as to not to make a habit.
 When we do research, remember to always make a scientific approach of the

Direction: Write the word “True” if the statement is correct; if otherwise, write
“False”. Write on the space provided.
______ 1. It’s normal to attribute calamity as part of God’s retaliation of man’s sins.

______ 2. External Attribution ascribes the causes of behavior to personal disposition,

traits, abilities and feelings.
______ 3. Sometimes, being selective reflects our capacity to be objective.

______ 4. Cognitive Dissonance exists when we are consistent to our beliefs and
______ 5. The very first step in doing research is to aggressively select your potential

______ 6. Close-Ended questionnaires are good when we want to elicit responses or

explanation of the individual.
______ 7. When we conduct our research, we usually follow our guts and intuitions
in getting responses to our selected participants.
______ 8. Primacy Effect usually happens when we want to conduct our survey

______ 9. Mood swings and depressions are examples of stability.

______ 10. Sometimes in research, we do need standardized measurements or


Agoncillo, T. A. (1990). History of the Filipino People 8th Ed. GAROTHECH
Publishing. Quezon City.

Andolina, M. (2001) Critical Thinking for Working Students. Delmar Thomson

Learning. U.S.A.

Dacey, J. (2000) Adolescent Development 3rd Ed. Alliance Press. Quezon City.

Fernandez, Barbara W., Legaspi Estesa Xaris Q., Quiba, Carolyn C., Rafanan, Mae
R., Garcia, Zisa V. (2016) Personal Development for Senior High School.
Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources. Pasig City.

Ramos, Maricel I. (2016). Moving Up: A Guide to Personal and Career Development
for the Senior High School. The Phoenix Publishing House. Quezon City.

Santos, Ricardo R. (2016). Personal Development. Rex Bookstore Publishing.

Manila City

Wallace, Harold and Masters, Ann L. (2008). Personal Development for Life and
Work. Thomson. Singapore City.

Internet Sources


Name ____________________________________________ Grade and Section ___________

School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subj. Teacher: _______________

Journal Entry
Direction: Answer the question comprehensively.
How do you perceive yourself? How do others see you? Compare and contrast these
two perceptions about yourself. Write your reflection about this.



1. True 1. False
2. False 2. False
3. True 3. False
4. True 4. False
5. False 5. False
6. False 6. False
7. False 7. False
8. True 8. False
9. True 9. False
10 False 10. False

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V

Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Amalia C. Solis
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID – LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C. Gillo

Editor: Dr. Fructuoso O. Salao (Content)

Irish Mellie U. Nomorosa (Language)

Writer: Hernani D. Patches Jr.


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