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Lahore Grammar School

39 – Main Gulberg

Summer Vacation Homework

Class 2
Dear Parents,
For the benefit of your child we have assigned him the Summer
Holidays Homework. Kindly download and get it printed. Ensure
that your child does it, as he will be graded on it and a 20%
weightage will be added in the final result. The homework should
be compiled and separated subject wise and presented neatly in
a file. The child’s name, class and section should clearly be
mentioned on it. It must be submitted in school between 27th July
to 31st July 2020.

Good handwriting skills lead to stronger academic performance.

Utilize the summer break to improve your child’s penmanship.
English and Urdu Handwriting Competition will be organized in
the month of September to motivate students to brush up on
their handwriting skills.

Happy Holidays!


Lost Diamond
One day, Mum and Dad were carting
water from the windmill to the water tanks
next to our house. It was about one
kilometre across sand tracks and they
had to make about ten trips. They carted
the water in a smaller tank that Dad put
on the back of our really old rusty truck.
Mum drove the truck and Dad used a
small motor and transferred the water in
and out of the tanks. It had been a long,
hot summer and we had consumed all
the rainwater we had collected during winter. They had just finished their last
run and Dad was removing the tank from the truck when Mum let out a terrible
scream. We all raced over and saw that she was standing, staring at her hand,
unable to move. Her face was white with shock and she couldn’t speak.
‘Julia, what’s wrong, what’s wrong?’ Dad asked.
Mum just pointed to the ring on her finger. It was the engagement ring Dad had
given her many years ago, before they had left Ireland. It was her pride and joy.
There was now a black hole where the diamond should have been. Mum just
sobbed and sobbed.
‘We’ll just have to locate it,’ said Dad. ‘Come on kids.’ And he marched off to
the shed and told us to start sifting the sand. We all worked frantically for a
couple of hours, looking very carefully for something glinting in the mesh. But
the sun was going down and Dad said we would have to stop and resume in the
Mum said she had parked the truck in the shed and walked away so sadly. Four
or five minutes later she came racing back with a smile from ear to ear. She’d
found it. We couldn’t believe it but she took us back to the shed to show us.
We gathered around her as she explained what had happened. She had been
driving the old truck with its rusted-out floor, when she noticed a reflection on a
bit of metal jutting out across a huge hole. She was curious and leant over to
see what it was. To her amazement, there was her diamond, as she said,
‘winking at her’. The sun was very low and must have been at just the right angle
to hit the diamond.

Dad said it was a miracle that it hadn’t been dislodged by the bumps along the
rough sand track and that it had fallen the right way up on the piece of rusty
metal. He added that if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he never would have
believed it.

Q1. Tick  the correct answer.

1. Does the word transferred in paragraph 1 mean

 changed?
 pumped?
 transported?
 poured?
2. Does the word consumed in paragraph 1 mean
 used?
 borrowed?
 contacted?
 split?
3. What does the phrase dislodged by the bumps in the last paragraph
 shaken by the movement
 stirred up
 removed by the bumping
 bumped around

Q2. Explain what the word sifting in paragraph 5 means.



Q3. Explain what Mum meant when she said her diamond was winking

at her (paragraph 7).




Q4. Circle the correct answer.

a. What had happened to all the water they collected when it rained during
the winter?
 It was still in their tanks.
 They split it.
 It disappeared.
 They had used it all.
b. Why did Mum point to her finger?
 She had lost her ring.
 She liked her ring.
 The diamond had come out of her ring.
 Her finger was sore.
c. Why did Mum go to the shed?
 to look for her diamond.
 to put the truck away.
 to make a sifter.
 She wanted to be alone.

d. What is the main idea of the past paragraph?
 The diamond hadn’t fallen on the ground.
 The diamond fell the right way up.
 Dad thought it was an unbelievable story.
 Dad didn’t believe it really happened.

e. What is the main idea of the recount?

 Mum loved her diamond ring.
 Mum and Dad were carting water.
 The family sifted lots of sand.
 The family found a diamond that had been lost.

Q5. Explain what had happened to Mum’s diamond.




Q6. Why did Dad say he believed the story?




(a) What is the title of the recount?


(b) Do you think the title tells what the main idea is?
Explain your answer.




(c) Write another suitable title.


Q8. The main idea in one paragraph is to tell why Mum was upset. Find

it and list the reasons why she was so upset.





The Strange Birthday Party
Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

One dark night in the middle of winter, a strange

thing happened. While searching for insects,
Stan, a spider, came across a large hole near the
wooden bridge where he lived. He was curious
and decided to enter the hole and take a look

Carefully, Stan tiptoed on all his eight legs

through a maze of tunnels. It seemed to him that he had been walking for a very
long time before he finally stumbled into a large room at the end of a tunnel. To
his surprise, he saw six mice sitting around a table. They were singing loudly.
In the middle of the table, which was actually a small fruit crate, was a cake
made of cream cheese, seeds and strawberries. There was a candle on top of
the cake. The cake was also decorated with tiny pieces of fruit and toffee. There
were other goodies piled up on leaf-plates and tiny seedpods filled with nectar.
The mice were obviously celebrating a birthday!

Stan quickly hid behind a partly eaten apple. He watched as one little mouse
climbed onto the table and began to blow out the candle with a large puff. The
other mice all cheered, then began to nibble at the edges of the cake. Stan’s
mouth began to water. He had never eaten any of those
things before, but they looked delicious.

“Maybe I should introduce myself,” he thought. “It would

be nice to have some new friends.’’ Then another
thought popped into his head. “I don’t really know much
about mice. What if mice like spider-pie for tea!”

When the feast was over and the room became dark,
Stan quietly tiptoed back to his home and his spider friends.

Q1. Why did Stan enter the hole near the bridge?




Q2. Was it easy for Stan to get to the end of the tunnels?

Explain your answer.




Q3. How old was the mouse celebrating its birthday? How do you know?




Q4. How do you know that Stan wanted a piece of the cake?




Q5. Do you think that Stan did the right thing by not introducing himself

to the mice? Give a reason for your answer.




The Hermit
In a dense forest in Australia, an old man
named Billy lived in a small old hut. Billy was a
woodcutter and each Tuesday, he would travel
by horse and cart to a nearby town to sell his

People thought that Billy was almost a hermit,

as he lived on his own, was extremely shy and
hardly had any visitors. However, on his way to
the town, he always stopped his horse and
wooden cart near a stream and limped across
the small bridge over it. From there, it was only
a short walk along a stony path to a tumbledown house. This was the home of
his one and only friend, Tommy.

Tommy kept goats and bees to sell their milk and honey. Whenever Billy arrived,
welcoming smoke from the chimney greeted him – Tommy’s kettle was boiling
the water for the tea they would have. The two old men would then sit on rickety
chairs in the garden, munching cheese sandwiches, sipping tea and talking
about old times. Then Billy would continue his journey to town contentedly.

One August day, just after a dreadful storm, Billy tottered up the garden path to
find a smokeless chimney. Where could Tommy be? He was always at home
on Tuesdays. Something must have happened to him. Billy searched the house
frantically, but Tommy was nowhere in sight. He stumbled into the garden again
and called loudly. He was answered by a faint sound from the backyard.

Billy limped hurriedly in the direction of the sound. He saw that poor Tommy was
soaking wet, very cold and pinned to the ground near the back gate by a heavy
branch. It took Billy just five minutes to lift the branch off and to check Tommy’s
legs for broken bones.

“The only thing injured is my pride!” cried Tommy with relief. “It wasn’t an
enormous branch, but it sure was heavy. I used to be so strong. And look at me
now – well, I just couldn’t lift it off!”

“I think I’ll call in more often,” Billy said. “After all, friendship is more important
than physical strength!” Tommy grinned.

Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided.
1. What was Billy’s occupation?
a. He was a beekeeper.
b. He was a goat farmer.
c. He was a woodcutter.
d. He was a forest ranger. ( )

2. Billy knew Tommy was brewing tea because

a. he could smell the tea
b. he liked tea
c. the kettle was whistling
d. smoke was coming out from the chimney ( )

3. Each time before Billy arrived at Tommy’s house, Tommy would ______ .
a. milk the goats
b. make some cheese
c. take some honey from the beehives
d. boil water for tea ( )

4. How did Tommy get injured?
a. He stumbled and fell in his backyard.
b. He fell off the bridge into the stream.
c. A tree branch fell on him during the storm.
d. A whole tree fell on top of him. ( )

5. What is the key lesson that this story teaches us?

a. You should not to be proud.
b. Having a good friend is very important.
c. You should not go outside during a storm.
d. Everyone should have first-aid training. ( )

Read each statement carefully. Write “T” in the brackets if the statement

is true and “F” if it is false.

1. Billy went to the town once a fortnight. ( )

2. Billy was a real hermit. ( )

3. Both Billy and Tommy were really rich. ( )

4. You could have some broken bones if a

heavy branch fell on you. ( )

5. The branch that fell on Tommy was huge. ( )

A Book of Nonsense
These poems are all called limericks, and were written and illustrated by
Edward Lear.

Q1. How many children did the Old Person of Sparta have?



Q2. What did the Old Person of Sparta feed his children on?



Q3. What was the colour of the flowers that had attracted the bees?



Q4. Why did the Old Person go back to Dover?



Q5. What was unusual about the bird the Old Man found in the bush?




Q6. What do you notice about the picture the artist has drawn of the Old

Man who finds the strange bird in the bush?




Q7. What did the Young Lady of Troy do with the water from the pump?




Q8. What came through the Old Man’s door?



Q9. What happened to the Old Man’s clothes?




Give short answers.
Q1. Write down the word that appears in the limerick about the Old Man and
the rats that means slightly.

Q2. Write down the word that appears in the limerick about the Old Man and
the rats that means useless.

(a). Which one of the characters that appears in these limericks would you like
to hear more about?

(b). Explain why you want to discover more about this person.

(a). Which one of the characters that appears in these limericks would you
not like to meet?

(b). Explain why you do not want to meet him or her.


Creative Writing

Imagine you are the only survivor of a shipwreck. You are now on a deserted
island. Tell how you would survive and the different feelings you may experience
at different times during your stay on this island.
First part
What does the island look like?
What can you see, hear and smell on the island?





Second part
How do you feel about the deserted island?
Do you feel nervous, lonely or excited?





Third part
How do you feel …..
…. when you find nobody but yourself?




…when you see a banana tree with big, ripe bananas?




..when you suddenly hear a loud bang behind you?




…when you see a black bear appearing in front of you?




…when the night is approaching?




…when you catch the sight of a ship at sea?




Creative Writing

Cathy and her classmates are talking about their summer holidays.
Cathy: My friend and I visited Singapore and we saw the Merlion. Jennifer,
how about you? Did you travel this holiday?

Jennifer: Yes! My parents took me to New York to visit my uncle. I took a

picture of the Statue of Liberty. How about you, Mike?

Mike: I went to China with my uncle and his family. We climbed the Great
Wall of China. It was great! Where did you visit, Helen?

Helen: I visited Egypt, where we saw the magnificent pyramids. How about
you, Tom?

Tom: I spent my holidays in Paris. I climbed the Eiffel Tower. The view
was amazing up there!

Now, imagine you are Bob, chatting with two of your friends about how
you spent your holidays. Complete your conversation with them below.

Bob: _____________________________________________________

Tom: _____________________________________________________

Jill: _____________________________________________________

Bob: _____________________________________________________

Tom: _____________________________________________________

Jill: _____________________________________________________

Tom: _____________________________________________________

Jill: _____________________________________________________

Bob: _____________________________________________________

Creative Writing
Complete the following story in your own words.

The King of the Forest

Deep in the forest, all the animals

gathered to decide who should be
the king of the forest. Every animal
in the forest wanted to be the new
king. A meeting was held to
discuss who could be the new king
of the forest. First, a tiger stood up
and said, “I am the most powerful
and strongest animal in the forest, so I should be the new king.”

The giraffe disagreed and said, “I should be the king because



As the giraffe ended its speech, a parrot shook its head and said,



Suddenly, an eagle spread out its large wings and said proudly, “I should be
the king because


“No!” A voice came from the distance. A fox appeared before the animals. He
said slowly, “I should be the king because


At this moment, a peacock spread his colourful feathers dazzling all the
animals. He spoke softly but proudly, “I should be the king because


An old lion jumped down from the rock and shouted, “I don’t agree with all of
you! I should be king because


Without waiting for the lion to finish his words, the lion cub, the

son of the old lion, interrupted and said “I should be king because




All the animals began to argue and fight. After three days, none of the animals
managed to persuade the others that he should be the new king.

The Little Red Hen
Read the given passage carefully and underline the mistakes. Rewrite it
again and put in the full stops and capital letters in the right places.

The first capital letter has been done for you.

There was once a little red hen she lived in a

cottage in the forest every morning she took a
brush and swept her little house until it was clean
and bright when her work was done, the little red
hen took her basket and went out to get sticks for
her fire.

one day, a fox came walking through the forest he saw the little red hen’s
cottage he looked through the window and saw that the house was empty he
thought he would try to catch the little red hen when she came home so he went
and hid behind a tree









If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
Make a list of ten ways of spending or using this fortune.

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________

Using ‘a’ and ‘an’
 ‘a’ before consonants (a book)
‘an’ before vowels (an exam)
 Pronunciation is what matters.
an hour ('h' is silent and it's pronounced: an

 Temporary illnesses:

(I have a headache, a cold, a fever, a backache)

Some Rules using Articles

Singular count nouns:

 indefinite: use 'a'

 definite: use "the"

My daughter wants to buy a dog this weekend. (Indefinite-Could be any dog)

The dog in the backyard is very cute. (Definite-The one in the backyard)

He requested a puppy for his birthday.
He wanted the puppy he played with at the pet shop.
She ordered a hamburger without onions.
Did you drink the coke I just ordered?
Plural count nouns: Use "the" or Nothing, never 'a'.

Come and look at the children. (definite)
Children are always curious. (indefinite)
She loves flowers. (indefinite)
The flowers in her garden are beautiful. (definite)

Choose ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the ’to fill the blank spaces in the
following sentences.

1. The girl ate _____ egg and _____ sausage for the breakfast.

2. My brother saw _____ owl and _____ eagle in the forest.

3. I saw _____ aero plane disappear behind _____ white cloud.

4. The carpenter had _____ axe and _____ saw in his hand.

5. She gave the boy _____ apple and _____ orange.

6. My sister Pauline is _____ actress and my sister Jane is _____ model.

7. I have _____ uncle and _____ aunt in New York.

8. _____ waitress wore _____ apron and _____ white cap.

9. Did you eat _____ pizza I just ordered?

10. The gardener planted _____ elm tree and _____ oak tree in the garden.

11. She gave _____ lady _____ rose and _____ orchid.

12. _____ axe is _____ useful weapon.

13. Sara wanted _____ cat she played with at the pet shop.

14. _____ ugly earwig crawled under _____ mossy stone.

15. I have _____ yellow canary and _____ tame rabbit.

16. John saw _____ otter and _____ beaver near the big dam.

17. Mary saw _____ unusual animal and _____ enormous elephant in the


18. _____ hour later I visited _____ ancient castle.

19. _____ apricot is smaller than _____ cucumber.

20. _____ ostrich and _____ albatross are two large birds.

An adjective is a word that describes or clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe
nouns by giving some information about an object's size, shape, age, colour,
origin or material. It's a big table.

From the words on the left, form adjectives to fill the blank spaces.

beauty 1. The gentleman wore a _______________ shirt.

courage 2. The ________________ policeman rescued the little child!

expense 3. He bought an _______________ suit of clothes.

power 4. He was a ______________ swimmer.

fame 5. President Kennedy was a _______________ man.

friend 6. The ______________ dog wagged his tail.

grace 7. The ______________ swan glided through the water.

victory 8. The __________________ team was given a great welcome

by the enthusiastic crowd.

mystery 9. A _________________ man appeared at her window.

depth 10. The teenager was drowned in the ______________ pool.

Use of ‘good’ and ‘well’
Good: It is an adjective, e.g. John is a good soccer player.
Well: It is an adverb, e.g. John plays well.

Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with either ‘good’ or

1. The girl is a ___________ actress and she acts ___________.

2. A ___________ band plays ___________ when it has an audience.

3. He does not balance ___________ because he is not a ___________

tight-rope walker.

4. A ___________ knife-thrower always throws the knife _________.

5. The lion – tamer was in _____________ humour because his lion

performed _____________.

6. The _____________ horse trotted ______________ around the arena.

7. He is a _____________ acrobat but he does not perform as

___________ as his partner.

8. A _____________ performance is always ___________ appreciated by

the audience.

Use of ‘nice’
People too frequently use ‘nice’ to describe almost anything.
They say: a nice girl, a nice day, a nice kitchen, a nice car.

Choose words from the given list instead of the word ‘nice’.

1. She wore a _________ dress and a _________ hat.
2. We had a _________ meal in a _________ hotel.
3. He read his _________ book in his _________ delicious

armchair. fine
4. The holiday was _________ and the weather was
5. The _________ lady stood near the _________ man. comfortable

‘Has’ or ‘have’
Fill in the blank spaces with either ‘has’ or ‘have’.

1. I _________ a cat which _________ a sore paw.

2. The hen _________ a nest in the hay and so _________ the goose.

3. Goats _________ horns but chicken _________ not.

4. A turkey _________ two legs but a horse _________ four.

5. My cat _________ a white tail and her kittens _________ black tails.

6. The gander _________ a long neck but the cat _________ a short neck.

7. I _________ only one stomach but the cow _________ four.

8. We have a Manx cat and she _________no tail.

9. You _________ a dog but Mary _________ a cat.

10. The two of us _________ to work on the farm as our father _________

gone to the market.

‘Of’ or ‘off’
Fill in the blank spaces in the following with either ‘of’ or ‘off’.

1. The clown ran _________ with one _________ the balloons.

2. He galloped _________ ahead _________ the rest _________the field.

3. The rest _________ the girls saw Mary dive _________ the rock.

4. The teacher asked the two _________ us to turn _________ the water.

5. He took _________ his coat because _________ the heat.

6. I set _________ on the journey with the rest _________ the hikers.

7. The aeroplane took _________ at the end _________ the runway.

8. Several _________ the players were ordered _________ the field.

9. The younger _________ the two girls was afraid _________ the


10. A bag full _________ flour fell _________ the lorry.

‘Do’ or ‘does’
Choose ‘do’ or ‘does’ to fill the blank spaces in the following sentences.

1. What _________ you _________on Christmas Day?

2. I _________ not know how to make the plum pudding but my mother


3. What _________ Santa Claus have to _________ on Christmas Eve?

4. Why _________ he not _________ the painting with you?

5. She _________ not know how to _________ the cooking.

6. Jane _________ her best and she cannot _________ more.

7. She _________ need plenty of rest and so _________ you.

8. _________ clean your room as it _________ looks very dirty and untidy.

9. I shall _________ the dusting and you will _________ the cleaning.

10. It _________ not matter now whether he _________ it or not.



Hundreds, Tens and Units
Write in hundreds, tens and units.
Then draw beads on the abacus.








What’s my name?
These big numbers have forgotten their names.

Help them by writing their names in the










Numbers and Number Names
Write the number name:

640 Six hundred and forty

223 ________________________________________________

497 ________________________________________________

508 ________________________________________________

333 ________________________________________________

951 ________________________________________________

785 ________________________________________________

Now write in numbers:

Eight hundred and twenty-four _________________

One hundred and seventy-two _________________

Four hundred and thirty _________________

Six hundred and eighteen _________________

Seven hundred and five _________________

Three hundred and ninety-eight _________________

Five hundred and nineteen _________________

Two hundred and forty seven _________________

Ordering Numbers to 999
Write the number that comes . . .

Numbers to 999: > , <
Write the numbers that are . . .

Adding 3 – Digit Numbers

216 539 448 175

+147 +36 +528 +319

307 108 754 807

+673 +609 +238 +85

434 724 821 618

+126 +208 +149 +229

444 251 312 224

+333 +342 +100 +711

492 253 599 235

+123 +111 +972 +2 3 1

Addition: Word Problems
Aisha has 151 coins. She collects 109 more. How many +109
coins does she have altogether? 260

Manzar reads two books. One book has 342 pages and + ____________
the other 621 pages. How many pages does he read?

Shazia eats 72 peanuts. Reema eats 110. How many

peanuts do they eat altogether? + ____________

Feroze sells 623 ice-creams in May and 242 in June.

How many ice-creams are sold altogether in the two
months? + ____________

There are 737 children in one school and 421 in another + ____________
school. How many children altogether?

Usman buys 251 chocolates and 82 toffees. How many + ____________

does he buy altogether?

Changing Hundreds and Tens

Subtracting Numbers
Word Problems

Animal Families

Q. Solve the following.
a. _______ ÷ 2 = 6

b. _______ ÷ 4 = 5

c. _______ ÷ 3 = 8

d. 60 ÷ 10 = _______

e. 24 ÷ 6 = _______

f. 12 ÷ 4 = _______

g. 20 ÷ 5 = _______

h. 14 ÷ 7 = _______

i. 15 ÷ 5 = _______

j. 24 ÷ _______ = 12

k. 55 ÷ _______ = 11

l. 36 ÷ 6 = _______

m. 7÷7 = _______

n. 24 ÷ 12 = _______

Word Problems

Q. Mr. Wong has 16 chicks. He puts them equally into 4 baskets. How
many chicks are there in each basket?

________________ ÷ ________________ = ________________

Ans. There are ________________ chicks in each basket.

Q. Kim has $36. She divides the money equally among her 6 grandchildren.
How much money will each grandchild get?

________________ ÷ ________________ = ________________

Ans. Each grandchild will get $ ________________

Q. Mrs. May divides 30 beads equally among 5 children. How many beads
will each child get?

________________ ÷ ________________ = ________________

Ans. Each child will get ________________ beads.

Solve the following.

(i). H T U (ii). H T U (iii). H T U

1 7 6 2 4 6 1 2 3

× 5 × 5 × 5

(iv). H T U (v). H T U (vi). H T U

2 4 6 5 6 8 36 4

× 3 × 2 × 6

(vii). H T U (viii). H T U (ix). H T U

5 5 1 3 9 4 3 4 6

× 7 × 5 × 4

Word Problems

Q. There are 18 pencils in one pack.

How many pencils are there in 6 packs?


Q. One bundle contains eighty – five newspapers.

How many newspapers are there in 7 bundles?


Q. A minibus can carry 32 passengers.

How many passengers can 4 minibuses carry?


Q. Measure these line segments.

1. _____________________________

2. ____________________

3. ___________________________________

4. ___________

5. _______

Q. How long are these lines?


Q. What is the difference in their lengths?


Q. Draw 2 more lines which have the same difference in length.



Q. You have 14p in your purse. How much will you have when:

a) you have 7p more? ____________________________

b) you double your money? ____________________________

c) you spend half of your money? ____________________________

d) you have 8p more? ____________________________

e) your mum gives you £1? ____________________________

f) you buy 3 sweets at 4p each? ____________________________

Q. Find the total cost.

Fish 35p Frog 20p Whistle 45p

a) 2 fish and 1 frog __________________ .

b) 2 whistles __________________ .

c) 1 whistle and 1 fish __________________ .

d) 2 frogs __________________ .

Write the fraction for each shaded part.

= =

= =


= =

Solve the following.
(i). 1 (ii). 1
of 8 of 25
2 5

_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________

(iii). 2 (iv). 1
of 5 of 15
5 3

_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________

2 (vi). 1
(v). of 6 of 45
6 5

_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________

(vii). 1 (viii). 4
of 49 of 7
7 7

________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________


Q. For each clock write the time as ‘past’.

Q. For each clock write the time as ‘to’.

Minutes to
Q. For each clock, write the time as ‘past’ and ‘to’. Then write down
the time a digital clock would show.

These clocks are 20 minutes slow. What time should they be showing?

Mental Maths
a) 7 × 7 =

b) 6 + = 18

c) – 5 = 43

d) 9 × 3 =

e) × 4 = 24

f) 25 ÷ = 5

g) 63 ÷ 7 =

h) 10 + 10 =

i) 20 – = 18

j) ÷ 6 = 8

k) 10 – 5 =

l) 42 × 2 =

m) 36 – = 30

n) 36 ÷ 6 =

o) 8 – 4 =

Q. Find out the living habits and moving speed of the following
dog eagle lion rabbit snail crow
duck dolphin garden snail mouse elephant
tortoise spider honey bee

Name Living in / slow fast moving fastest

on moving moving

Q. Take two young plants, A and B, of the same kind, size and shape.
Water plant A everyday. Do not water plant B for many days.

Plant A Plant B Plant A Plant B

What did you observe?

Write your observation below.

Plant A:


Plant B:


Q. Write the seasons under each picture and colour the pictures.

You know that the electricity in our houses, streets and factories come

from big power stations that generate electricity in large quantities.

Cut and paste the following pictures on page 74 to show the passage

through which the electricity passes to reach our houses.

For cutting……



 Torch

 Pen

 Meter Ruler

 Step 1: Hold a torch 100 cm away from a wall.

 Step 2: Place the pen 10 cm away from the torch.

 Step 3: Measure the height of the shadow on the wall. Record your

results on the next page.

 Step 4: Repeat step 3 with the pen placed 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm and 50

cm away from the torch.

a. Record your results of the heights of the shadows in the table below.

Distance between Height of shadow (cm)

torch and pen (cm)





b. How does the shadow size change with the distance between the pen

and the torch? Fill in your answer below.

As the distance between the pen and torch increases,

the shadow becomes _________________________.


Sometimes it rains even though the sun is shining. Raindrops split sunlight into
different colours. When this happens you might see a rainbow. From the
ground it usually looks like an arch, but from an aircraft it maybe a circle.

Make a rainbow
You can make your own rainbow even when it is not raining, as long as the
sun is shining. You will need plastic bags or bowl; a piece of paper and a
1. Put the tray of water in a sunny place, such as on a window sill or outside.
2. Stand the mirror in the tray so the sun can shine through the water onto the
3. Hold the paper above the tray. Tilt the mirror until you see a rainbow on the
 Most people can detect more than 10 million different shades of different
 Some people are “colour-blind”. They can see some colours but find it
hard to tell the difference between red and green.
 Many animals see only in shades of grey, not in colour.
 Scientists think it’s impossible for anything in the universe to travel faster
than light.



 A mystery object.

 Shoe box with a pencil – sized hole punched at one end of the box.

 Torch


 Step 1: You have an object in a shoebox with a closed lid.

 Step 2: Look through the small hole at one end of the box and answer

Question ‘a’.

 Step 3: Using a pencil, make a hole on the lid of the box. Shine a torch

through the hole on the lid.

 Step 4: Look through the small hole at the end of the box again and

answer questions ‘b’ and ‘c’.


a. Can you see the object inside the box? Why?



b. Can you see the object now? Why?


c. Draw the object here.

Making bread is all about changing materials in different ways. Some of the
bread making steps are listed here. Can you tell how the materials are
Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below. Each word may be used
more than once.

heating dissolving squashing twisting bending

 Add a cup of warm water to some yeast and sugar. Yeast is used to
make bread rise.
The yeast and sugar undergo changes by _______________ in water.
 Melt some butter. The butter undergoes changes by _______________.
 Combine yeast, sugar, water, butter and flour to form dough.
 Fold the dough in half. The dough undergoes changes by
 Leave the dough in a warm place for about one – and – a – half hours
for it to rise or double its size.
 Once the dough has risen, press firmly on the dough. The dough
undergoes changes by ________________.
 You can turn the two ends of the dough in opposite directions. The
dough undergoes changes by ________________.
 Put the dough in a bread pan and place it in the oven. Remove it after 30
minutes. The dough undergoes changes by ________________.

Grouping and Changing Materials
Natural Materials
Useful objects can be made from natural material

Look at the pictures and then fill in 2, 3 and 4 in this table. Number 1 has
been done for you.
Living things that give Natural Material Object
a natural material
1. tree wood a wooden

List two more objects made from each of these natural materials. Leather,
cotton, wool.
leather object cotton object wool object
1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

Different Forces
Each of these shows something changing shape.

In each box write the force that is changing the shape of the object.
These words might help you: push, pull, force, squeeze, stretch
Make a ball from plasticine.
Drop it onto a table.

What happens to the shape of the plasticine ball?


Make 3 plasticine balls of the same size and do this experiment. Look at the

Tick a box to show which ball of plasticine squashed the most when you
dropped it onto the tables?
Why do you think this is? _________________________________________
These words will help you: push, hit, hard, flat, high, low, forces

Simple Circuits 1
The things in the picture have been joined together to make a circuit. Draw a
line to join each label to the correct thing in the picture.

In this circuit electricity flows from the + end of the cell, along the wire and
though the bulb (which lights up). Then it flows along the other wire back to the
– end of the cell.
Put your finger on the end of the cell marked with a + and trace the flow of
electricity in the circuit.
These circuits do not work.

Why doesn’t this bulb light up?


Why doesn’t this bulb light up?


Electric Puzzle
Complete the crossword puzzle below.
2. A ________________ turns electricity on or off.
4. Television and radios need ________________ to work.
6. A ________________ is pushed into a wall socket to allow electricity to flow
into a machine.
7. Electricity is changed into ________________ in a light bulb.


1. A ________________ drives electricity around the circuit.

2. A careless user of electricity may get a ________________.

3. Electricity cannot flow in a circuit that is ________________.

5. The pathway along which electricity flows is called a ________________.







Documentary - Activity during COVID-19

Dear Parents,
WWF-Pakistan understands that these are difficult times and students should
be as aware as possible about global challenges and its possible solutions.
We advise that current lockdown time can be used to learn about the planet
and students can realize the role that can be played in making this world a
better place to live in harmony with nature.

WWF-Pakistan brings you a fun-filled activity to provide the students with an

experience to learn new facts about our planet through watching an interesting
and informative documentary.

This documentary is from the series "Our Planet" and the focus is on "How to
Save our Jungles".
The documentary revolves around the importance of jungles in our ecosystem
and the possible measures on how they can be saved. Expert Sir David
Attenborough highlights why farmers and governments have a key role to play
in saving the jungles.

Please click on the given link to watch the video:

After you’ve watched the documentary, answer the following questions.

1. Why is it important to save jungles?




2. What are the challenges in saving jungles?




3. What are the lessons or facts you learned about jungles?




1. Collect two pictures each of pet, farm or wild animals. Paste them in
their suitable column.

Pet Animals Farm Animals Wild Animals

2. From the internet, collect some information about ‘How to save Water.’
Write a paragraph about it and also follow the rules practically.


3. Spring season is a beautiful season of the year when we see flowers

everywhere. Collect at least twelve different flowers. Keep them in a
sketch book for a few days. Paste them on a quarter piece of chart paper
when they get dry and label them.

4. Which is your favorite season? What do you like about it? Write a few
sentences about it and also draw some pictures and color them.


5. We live in the Punjab province. Watch a documentary film about this
province. Write a paragraph about what you learnt about this province,
also paste some pictures of special things related to this province.
Example, special food, people of Punjab, their regional dress, language,
folk dancers, some places or other specialties.



 Learn Surah Al-Asr

 Learn Surah-an-Nas

 Learn these beautiful Supplications.

1. At bedtime recite the following supplication:

2. Upon waking up, recite the following supplication.

 As you know you must offer prayers five times a day. Start saying
your prayers every day and circle the star after offering each

 Activity: The five Pillars of Islam.

Brush your right hand with paint and put it on the space below. Now, write
the names of Five Pillars in correct order:

Faith, fasting, Prayer, Zakat, Hajj

 Learn the steps of Ablution(Wudu):

1. Wash both hands up to the wrists three times.

2. Rinse the mouth thrice, and clean the teeth with the forefingers.

3. Next, put water into the nostrils and clean the nose with the little finger of

the left hand.

4. Wash the face thrice so as to wet it from the hairline to the chin and the

lobes of both the ears.

5. Then wash both the arms thrice up to the elbows; first the right arm and

then the left arm.

6. Next the Masah (drawing the hand over the head) should be performed.

Wet both the hands and run them from the hairline to the back of the neck.

7. Then pass the back of the palms across the back of the neck.

8. After this the wet fingers should be passed inside the ears and the thumbs

behind the ears.

9. Finally, thoroughly wash the feet up to the ankles; first the right foot and

then the left one.

 Activity: After reading and performing the steps of Wudu, match
the steps with the action:

 Make a poster about how you can keep yourself clean and hang it
in your bedroom. Give catchy headlines like:
 Stay Clean
 Cleanliness is Health
 Health is wealth


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