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CEPI - Mário de Andrade

Professora - Patrícia Lima da Nova Caetano

Disciplina – Inglês

REGULAR NOUNS (substantivos regulares)

> Acrescenta-se S para formar o plural em grande parte dos substantivos. 

(friend - friends)

> Acrescenta-se ES para os substantivos que terminam em S, SS, SH, X, CH e Z. 

(bus - buses)

> Acrescenta-se IES para substantivos terminados em consoante + Y (city - cities)

e apenas S quando terminar com vogal + Y.
(day - days)

> Acrecenta-se VES para substantivos terminados em F ou FE [tira-se o f/fe].

(leaf - leaves)

IRREGULAR NOUNS (substantivos irregulares)

> Não seguem nenhuma regra. Escreve-se de maneira diferente ou até mesmo

child - children
man - men
woman - women
tooth - teeth
foot - feet
mouse - mice
person - people
sheep - sheep
fish - fish
deer - deer

1. Monte uma tabela em seu caderno separando os substantivos abaixo.

Nomeie as colunas como: S, ES, IES, VES, IRREGULAR. 

baby, boy, city, class, computer, day, dress, face, family, foot, fox, knife, leaf, lorry,
mouse, pen, person, sheep, shelf, strawberry, tomato, watch, wife, wolf, woman

2. Reescreva as frases no plural. 

(Professor, explique e/ou revise as regras para os pronomes demonstrativos this,
that, these, those e para o verbo to be no plural)

a) This photo is fantastic!

b) That bag is heavy.
c) This story is very funny.
d) That woman is from Chile.
e) This dress is beautiful.
f) That boy is very tall.
g) This car is expensive.
h) This knife is sharp. 

3. Complete com o plural das palavras entre parênteses. 

_________ (koala) are from Australia. They have big _________ (nose), yellow

________ (eye) and very strong ________ (foot). Their ________ (tail) are very
small. Koalas eat ________ (leaf). They eat two _______ (kilo) every day. They
love food! They aren't dangerous, but they're afraid of ________ (person).

________ (tiger) are from Asia. They are very big _______ (cat) with strong

_______ (leg) and sharp _______ (tooth)! They don't eat _______ (leaf), they eat
meat. They eat a lot of _______ (deer). They also eat _________ (monkey) and
________ (fish). They are dangerous, but they are very beautiful. 

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