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ISO 21503-2017 - ISO PPF

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Baixado por Gabriel Mesquita (

First edition

Project, programme and portfolio

management 4 Guidance on
programme management
Management de projets, programmes et portefeuilles 4
Recommandations sur le management de programmes

Reference number
ISO 21503:2017(E)

© ISO 2017
Baixado por Gabriel Mesquita (

ISO 21503:2017(E)

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ii © ISO 2017 3 All rights reserved

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ISO 21503:2017(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................... v
Introduction .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ..................... vi
1 Scope .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................... 1
2 Normative references .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... .............................. 1
3 Terms and definitions .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ............................. 1
4 Concepts of programmes and programme management .................................................. ......................................... 1
4.1 General .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... .................................................. 1
4.2 Concepts of programmes .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ...... 2
4.2.1 General ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................. 2
4.2.2 Programme characteristics .................................................. ................................................... ................................ 2
4.2.3 Programme purpose .................................................. ................................................... ................................................ 2
4.2.4 Programme establishment .................................................. ................................................... ................................. 2
4.2.5 Programme alignment .................................................. ................................................... ........................................... 3
4.2.6 Programme structure ................................................... ................................................... ............................................ 4
4.2.7 Programme stakeholders .................................................. ................................................... .................................... 4
4.3 Concepts of programme management .................................................. ................................................... ......................... 4
4.3.1 General ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................. 4
4.3.2 Programme management .................................................. ................................................... .................................... 5
4.3.3 Programme management purpose ................................................... ................................................... ............ 5
4. 3 . 4 Pro gramme li ecycle f .................................................. ................................................... ................................................ 5
5 Prerequisites for programme management .................................................. ................................................... ....................... 6
5.1 General .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 6
5.2 Evaluating the need for programme management .................................................. ................................................ 6
5.3 Implementing programme management in organizations .................................................. ............................. 7
5.4 Aligning programme management .................................................. ................................................... ................................... 7
5.5 Establishing programme roles and responsibilities .................................................. ............................................. 7
5.5.1 General ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................. 7
5.5.2 Programme sponsor .................................................. ................................................... ................................................ 8
5.5.3 Programme manager ................................................... ................................................... ............................................. 8
5.5.4 Programme management team .................................................. ................................................... ...................... 8
6 Managing a programme .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ........................ 9
6.1 General .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 9
6.2 Establishing a programme .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... .... 9
6.2.1 General ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................. 9
6.2.2 Framework for programme management .................................................. ............................................... 9
6.2.3 Programme design and planning .................................................. ................................................... .................. 9
6.3 Programme integration .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ........ 10
6.3.1 General ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... .......................... 10
6.3.2 Strategic integration .................................................. ................................................... ............................................. 10
6.3.3 Requirements integration .................................................. ................................................... ................................ 10
6.3.4 Component integration .................................................. ................................................... ...................................... 10
6.3.5 Functional integration .................................................. ................................................... ......................................... 11
6.4 Programme management practices .................................................. ................................................... .............................. 11
6.4.1 General ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... .......................... 11
6.4.2 Risk and issue management ................................................... ................................................... .......................... 11
6.4.3 Change management .................................................. ................................................... ............................................ 11
6 . 4. 4 Quality management .................................................. ................................................... ............................................ 11
6.4.5 Resource management .................................................. ................................................... ....................................... 12
6.4.6 Schedule management .................................................. ................................................... ........................................ 12
6 . 4. 7 B udget and financial management .................................................. ................................................... ........... 12
6.4.8 Stakeholder and communication management .................................................. ............................... 12
6.5 Programme control .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... .................. 12
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ISO 21503:2017(E)

6.6 B enefit management .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ............... 13

6.6.1 General ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... .......................... 13
6.6.2 B enefit identificatio n and analys is .................................................. ................................................... ........... 13
6.6.3 .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ........ 13
B enefit co ntro l

6.7 Programme closure .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... .................. 13

Bibliography .................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... .................. 15

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 258, Project, programme and portfolio
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ISO 21503:2017(E)


This document provides guidance on concepts, prerequisites and practices of programme management
that is important for, and has an impact on, the performance of programmes.
T h i s do c u ment i s i ntende d for use by

4 executive and senior management and those individua ls involved in the sponsorship of programmes,
4 individuals managing and participating in programmes,
4 developers of national or organizational standards, and
4 developers of programme management methods and processes.
T h i s do c u ment c an b e tai lore d to me e t the ne e d s o f a ny orga ni z ation or i nd ividua l, s o that they c an

b e tter apply concep ts , prere qu i s ite s and prac tice s o f pro gram me ma nagement.

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Project, programme and portfolio management 4

Guidance on programme management
1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment provide s gu ida nce on pro gra m me ma nagement. T h i s do c u ment i s appl ic able to any typ e

o f orga n i z ation i nclud i ng publ ic or private and a ny s i z e or s e c tor, as wel l as a ny typ e o f pro gram me i n

term s o f comple xity.

T h i s do c u ment provide s h igh-level de s c rip tion s o f relevant term s , defi n ition s , concep ts , prere qu i s ite s

and practices, including roles and responsibilities that form good practice in programme management.
It does not provide guidance on processes, methods and tools.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s do c ument, the fol lowi ng term s and defi n ition s apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following address:
4 ISO Online browsing platform: available at
4 IEC Electropedia: available at
temp orar y s tr uc tu re o f i nterrelate d programme components (3.3) managed together that provides
adva ntage s , contribute s to the ach ievement o f s trate gic and op erationa l obj e c tive s , and re a l i z e s b enefits

programme management
coordinated activities to direct the interrelated programme components (3.3) to achieve programme
obj e c tives a nd to re a l i z e b enefits

programme component
proj e c t, programme (3.1) or other related work
programme benefit
as s es s able outcome b y managi ng i nterrelate d programme components (3.3) together to achieve strategic
and op erationa l obj e c tive s

4 Concepts of programmes and programme management

4.1 General
This clause describes the concepts of programmes and programme management. It provides guidance
to executive and senior management on how programme management should be integrated in an
organization or organizations.
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ISO 21503:2017(E)

4.2 Concepts of programmes

4.2.1 General
This clause describes the characteristics of programmes together with their purpose, establishment,
alignment, structure and stakeholders.
4.2.2 Programme characteristics
P ro gra m me s may b e s trategic, tran s formationa l or op erationa l and h ave one or more o f the fol lowi ng
4 programmes are comprised of programme components that have interdependent and interrelated
relationships to one another;
4 pro gram me s provide b enefits to s ta keholders and contribute to s trategic or op erationa l obj e c tive s;

4 pro gram me s i n herently have comple xity and u ncer tai nty, wh ich ne e d s to b e ma nage d a nd re duce d

where possible.
P ro gra m me comple xity and u ncer tai nty may i nclude, but a re no t l i m ite d to , the fol lowi ng:

4 u ncle ar a nd uncer ta i n obj e c tive s to b e ach ieve d;

4 context and other external factors;

4 s o ci a l, p ol itica l, e conom ic, s u s ta i nabi l ity a nd lega l dynam ics;

4 technological aspects;
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4 con s trai nts , s uch a s ti me, co s t, qua l ity;

4 interdependencies and integration among programme components;

4 logistical issues;
4 diverse stakeholder viewpoints and expectations.
4.2.3 Programme purpose
T he pro gram me9s pur p o s e s hou ld b e to re a l i ze b enefits , wh ich are a l igne d to s trategic and op erationa l

obj e c tives , that may no t b e re a l i z e d when comp onents a re manage d i nd ividua l ly. T he pro gra m me may

a l s o i mprove e ffic ienc y, re duce th re ats a nd re a l i ze opp or tu nitie s .

4.2.4 Programme establishment

When establishing a programme in an organization, the activities that should be considered, but are
not limited to, are the following:
4 developing a common approach to be used across multiple programme components;
4 managing stakeholders9 views and interests;
4 communicating internal and external aspects of the programme;
4 i mprovi ng b enefits re a l i z ation, p ar tic u larly i n s che du l i ng the e arly del iver y o f b enefits;

4 optimising the use of resources across programme components;

4 op ti m i s i ng co s t, s che du le and qua l ity;

4 managing programme risks;

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ISO 21503:2017(E)

4 steering and aligning the programme components;

4 supporting a business rationale, which defines the objectives o f the programme;
4 identi fying benefits to be realized by managing the individual components as a programme;
4 aligning with one or more o f the strategic and operational objectives.
When establishing a programme in an organization, risk and uncertainty can be o f concern. The
considerations that may be addressed, but are not limited to, are the following:
4 level o f complexity associated with the achievement o f programme objectives;
4 level o f risk and uncertainty associated with the achieveme nt o f programme objectives and potential
4 degree of organizational change required;
4 level o f risk and uncertainty regarding required resources;
4 level o f complexity associated with spanning one or more geographical regions.

4.2.5 Programme alignment

Programmes may be established in a single organization, across multiple organizations, or within a
project and programme port folio. Programmes should be aligned to the governance framework for the
benefits realization to other components, organizations, or other operational functions. An example o f
programme alignment is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 4 Example of programme alignment within an organization

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ISO 21503:2017(E)

4.2.6 Programme structure

A programme should consist of at least two programme components. The programme structure should
b e de s igne d to refle c t a s p e c ts , s uch a s outcome s a nd outputs re qu i re d, the nature and comple xity o f the

work, typ e s o f comp onents ne e de d and cha rac teri s tic s o f the organ i z ation p er form i ng the pro gra m me .

Figure 2 shows an example of a programme structure including programme components such as

proj e c ts , a pro gram me a nd o ther relate d work.

NO TE O ther rel ate d work c a n i nclude ac ti vi tie s p er fo r me d b y fu nc tio n a l a nd o p eratio n a re a s th at s up p or t

the programme and its components.

Figure 2 4 Example of a programme structure

4.2.7 Programme stakeholders

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P ro gra m me s ta keholders may

4 b e a ffe c te d b y the pro gram me, its outcome s or its obj e c tive s ,

4 a ffe c t the pro gra m me, its outcome s , or its obj e c tive s , or

4 h ave e xp e c tation s o f the pro gra m me, its outcome s , or its obj e c tive s .

P ro gra m me s ta keholders may i nclude, but a re no t l i m ite d to , the fol lowi ng:

4 sponsors;
4 business owners;
4 programme team;
4 internal and external partners and organizations;
4 core functional teams;
4 support teams;
4 pro gram me management o ffice;

4 users.
4.3 Concepts of programme management

4.3.1 General
T h i s clau s e de s crib e s pro gra m me management, its pu rp o s e and l i fe c ycle .

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ISO 21503:2017(E)

4.3.2 Programme management

Programme management should provide a consistent approach and may include, but is not limited to,
the following:
4 establishing the programme organization;
4 developing and implementing the programme management plan;
4 steering and aligning programme components;
4 managing the programme to achieve objectives and realize benefits;
4 managing stakeholders9 engagement;
4 managing programme risks and issues;
4 managing the integration of the performance of programme components;
4 managing communication;
4 managing scope, cost, schedule, resources, and quality;
4 managing resources across programme components.
Programme management may enable the realization o f two types o f benefits:
4 internal programme benefits that are generated by managing the programme components, as an
integrated set of activities;
4 external programme benefits that contribute to achieving strategic or operational objectives.
Benefits, tangible or intangible, may be realized both during the programme li fecycle and a fter
programme closure. The programme should be organized and planned to realize benefits as early as
4.3.3 Programme management purpose
The purpose of programme management should provide a consistent approach to the following:
4 embracing complexity and uncertainty in the context o f the programme;
4 enabling the investment in programme components;
4 aligning with the organizational strategy and risk tolerance;
4 optimising the organizational capability and capacity;
4 securing benefits from investment;
4 identi fying and managing stakeholders9 interests.

4.3.4 Programme lifecycle

The programme li fecycle should start from the time a decision is made to initiate a programme or an
agreed start date for the programme. The programme li fecycle should end when a decision is made to
end the programme or an end date for programme closure is formally agreed.
A programme may be ended due to, but not limited to, any o f the following reasons:
4 achieving programme benefits has been completed;
4 coordinating interrelated components is no longer needed;

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4 achieving benefits is no longer possible or necessary.

A programme li fecycle should consist o f stages in order to organize, manage and integrate the
programme components that enable the realization o f benefits. During the li fecycle o f the programme,
several o f its components may start and end.

5 Prerequisites for programme management

5.1 General
This clause provides guidance to executive and senior management on prerequisites that should be
considered before the implementation of programme management and its sustainment.
5.2 Evaluating the need for programme management
When deciding whether to implement programme management within an organization the ability to
integrate other related work, and the capacity to absorb change should be considered. To evaluate the
need for programme management, the factors that may be considered, but are not limited to, are the
4 impact on governance within the organization;
4 alignment with strategic and operational objectives;
4 organizational structure, maturity and culture;
4 ability to work across and within organizational boundaries;
4 impact o f organizational change,
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4 availability o f human resources, their knowledge, skills and abilities;

4 budget impacts;
4 effort required for implementation.
Justification at the organizational level should address the need, risks, benefits, resources required, and
how the proposed implementation of programme management aligns to one or more of the strategic
and operational objectives. The implementation o f programme management may be evaluated in terms
of the following:
4 stakeholder engagement and management;
4 balanced stakeholder views and interests;
4 internal and external communication;
4 use of resources;
4 organizational e fficiencies;
4 budget, schedule and quality;
4 skills required;
4 risk visibility and management;
4 management o f complexity;
4 programme alignment, control and reporting of the programme components and associated

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4 realization o f benefits.
The justification for the implementation o f programme management within an organization should be
written in a business case or other similar documented analysis.

5.3 Implementing programme management in organizations

When planning to implement programme management, executive and senior management may address
the following:
4 managing the need for the alignment o f programmes to organizational strategy;
4 investment in financial and additional resources;
4 need to negotiate, invest in, and balance resources throughout the organization;
4 management e ffort required to monitor and control the programme and its intended benefits;
4 demand for coordination and communication both internally and externally to support the
4 need for change and complexity management;
4 conflicts in project and programme management integration;
4 conflicting priorities between organizational and operational functions;
4 organizational challenges in relation to culture, skills and geographic location.
5.4 Aligning programme management

Alignment of programme management should consider organizational governance. This alignment

should have a strategic rationale and relationship. Strategic alignment of programme management
should achieve synergistic outcomes within the organization or across the participating organizations.
At the organizational level, systems, procedures and processes should already be aligned. The
organization should define how and which resources will be allocated to the management and control
o f programmes and their components so that opportunities for e fficiencies and alignment may occur.
Programme management should align with the governing organization or portfolio. The alignment
should improve the management and delivery o f programmes, and their individual components to
realize additional benefits.
Sustainability o f programmes and their components within an organization may be care fully aligned by
balancing and optimizing social, economic and environmental characteristics. The relationship allows
the executive and senior management to have oversight of programme management; enables strategic
alignment; and the selection of programme components.
5.5 Establishing programme roles and responsibilities

5.5.1 General

Executive and senior management should assign and define the programme management roles,
responsibilities, accountability and limits o f authority. These roles should be defined to
4 assist with providing the required resources, capabilities, processes and tools, and
4 support and enable organizational change and the realization o f programme benefits.
The key roles and responsibilities should include, but are not limited to, the programme sponsor (5.5.2),
programme manager (5.5.3) and programme management team (5.5.4).
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5.5.2 Programme sponsor

T he pro gram me s p on s or shou ld b e res p on s ible for the overa l l pro gra m me s trateg y and advo cac y o f the

programme, including, but not limited to, the following:

4 a l ign i ng the pro gra m me with organ i z ationa l s trate g y;

4 aligning the programme with the business case, as appropriate;

4 com mu n ic ati ng the obj e c tive s o f the pro gra m me;

4 delegating authorities to the programme manager:

4 making decisions that impact the programme;
4 supporting an interface with executive management or other organizational management
4 supporting customers´ and stakeholders´ engagement;
4 re s olvi ng i s s ue s a nd con fl ic ts b eyond the pro gram me manager 9s authority;

4 approving or facilitating changes to the programme.

5.5.3 Programme manager
The programme manager should be responsible for the overall performance of the programme and
coordinating the programme components including, but not limited to, the following:
4 acting on direction from the programme sponsor;
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4 leading and resourcing the programme and the programme management team;
4 making decisions and directing the programme management team;
4 ach ievi ng pro gra m me obj e c tive s and re a l i z i ng pro gram me b enefits;

4 re s olvi ng problem s and con fl ic ts with i n the pro gram me;

4 providing an interface to organizational management;

4 providing an interface with stakeholders;
4 monitoring and advising the sponsor on the alignment and progress of the programme;
4 working with the sponsor and organizational management to support programme needs;
4 controlling the interrelationship between programme components.
5.5.4 Programme management team
The programme management team should be responsible for the performance and implementation of
one or more programme components or functions.
T he pro gram me management te am may con s i s t o f the fol lowi ng:

4 programme sponsor;
4 programme manager;
4 change manager, when appropriate;
4 programme component managers;

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4 administrative support;
4 o ther te ch n ic a l fu nc tion s re qu i re d by the pro gram me .

T he pro gra m me te a m may b e s upp or te d with rep or ti ng , tra i n i ng , con s u lti ng , contrac t ma nagement,

performance management, assurance, audit and other functions as required. Individuals on the
pro gra m me ma nagement te am may h ave s p e c i fic or add itiona l role s and re s p on s ibi l itie s as p a r t o f a

pro gra m me . P ro gram me comp onent te a m memb ers may b e con s idere d p ar t o f the bro ader pro gra m me

management team.
6 Managing a programme
6.1 General
This cl au s e de s crib e s the prac tice s for e s tabl i sh ment, i ntegration, prac tice s , control, b ene fits

management and closure of a programme.

6.2 Establishing a programme

6.2.1 General
Establishing a programme should include a framework for programme management, consistent with
the management context, and a programme design and plan.
6.2.2 Framework for programme management
The framework for programme management should enhance the performance of the programme
i nclud i ng identi fication and re a l i z ation o f f
b enefits . T he development o the ramework may con s ider,

but is not limited to, the following:

4 e s tabl i sh i ng res p on s ibi l ity a nd accountabi l ity for pro gram me pla n ni ng , i mplementation, control;

4 faci l itati ng s upp or ti ng role s and provid i ng ne ce s s ar y re s ou rce s .

6.2.3 Programme design and planning

P ro gram me des ign and pla n ni ng ac tivities may i nclude, but a re no t l i m ite d to , the fol lowi ng:

4 identi fyi ng pro gram me vi s ion a nd obj e c tive s;

4 identi fyi ng s ta keholder ne e d s a nd exp e c tation s;

4 identi fyi ng a s trate g y and ac tivitie s a s s o ciate d with cha nge;

4 developi ng a s trateg y for s ta keholder ma nagement;

4 identi fyi ng the p o s s ible pro gra m me comp onents;

4 identi fyi ng i nterdep endencie s b e twe en pro gram me comp onents;

4 developing the programme roadmap, priorities and integrated schedule;

4 identi fyi ng the re s ou rce s re qu i re d for the pro gra m me;

4 identi fyi ng a nd s e c u ri ng fund s;

4 pl an n i ng for b enefits re a l i z ation;

4 identi fyi ng the pro gra m me rep or ti ng s truc tu re;

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4 identi fyi ng roles a nd re s p on s ibi l itie s .

6.3 Programme integration

6.3.1 General
P ro gra m me i nte gration may i nclude the i ntegration of s trate g y, re qu i rements , comp onents , a nd

fu nc tion s . P ro gram me i nte gration may also i nclude ta ki ng advantage o f the s ynerg y cre ate d by

managing components together.

6.3.2 Strategic integration
By b a lanc i ng the pro gram me del iverable s aga i n s t organ i z ationa l s trateg y and obj e c tives , the

organ i z ation s hou ld b e ab le to i mprove s u s tai nabi l ity, b enefits re a l i z ation, and tran s ition o f del iverable s

and outcomes.
6.3.3 Requirements integration
Re qui rements i nte gration shou ld s upp or t, but may no t b e l i m ite d to , the fol lowi ng:

4 mappi ng o f pro gram me b enefits to s ta keholder e xp e c tation s;

4 aligning requirements of the programme and its components;

4 coordinating requirements among the programme components.
6.3.4 Component integration
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I ntegration o f pro gra m me comp onents shou ld con s ider i nterdep endenc ie s , wh ich may i nclude, but are

not limited to, the following:

4 similar or interrelated programme components;
4 awareness and control of the larger investment;
4 e fficiencie s i n s ha re d re s ource s;

4 programme-level approach to threats and opportunities;

4 cost reductions through shared activities;
4 environmental controls and impact;
4 management and control of programme components.
P ro gra m me comp onent i nte gration s hou ld b e e s tabl i s he d and may i nclude, but i s no t l i m ite d to , the

4 oversight of the interactions among programme components;
4 comp atibi l ity o f comp onent pro ce s s e s a nd s ys tem s;

4 co ord i nation o f outputs to me e t obj e c tive s;

4 integration of the inputs and outputs of programme components;

4 i nte gration o f the outcomes to enable the re a l i z ation o f pro gra m me b enefits .

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6.3.5 Functional integration

Functional integration may require, but is not limited to, the alignment o f engineering, legal, finance,
operations, in formation technology, human resources, programme processes, systems, and change
activities which should be per formed to realize expected benefits and achieve programme objectives.

6.4 Programme management practices

6.4.1 General
A common application of practices across programme components should be applied to enable
programme integration, control and management. A programme may require the component managers
to select and implement specific programme practices and systems. Also, there are practices that are
unique in their application within the programme to enable integration control and oversight. The
programme practices described in 6.4.2 to 6.4.8 may be used throughout the programme li fecycle.
6.4.2 Risk and issue management
A risk and issue management approach should be used to capture relevant issues, threats and
opportunities, which may include, but are not limited to, the following:
4 using a consistent risk management practice for both component and programme level risks that
integrates with the organizational risk plan;
4 aligning the organizational and programme risk tolerance;
4 per forming on-going identification, documentation and escalation o f programme issues, threats,
and opportunities throughout the programme li fecycle;
4 accumulating component issues, threats, and opportunities that may impact the programme;
4 analysing programme issues, threats, and opportunities;
4 developing and deploying response plans for programme issues, threats, and opportunities;
4 monitoring and ownership assignment.
6.4.3 Change management
Change management should address changes that may a ffect the programme or realization o f benefits.
Programme change management may include, but is not limited to, the following:
4 establishing a programme change board structure;
4 implementing an approval process for the programme;
4 establishing a change control process aligned with the programme baselines;
4 analysing, tracking and assessing the impact o f changes across programme components;
4 implementing approved changes.
6.4.4 Quality management
Quality management within programme management may include, but is not limited to, the following:
4 identi fying and communicating relevant standards;
4 applying quality assurance;
4 per forming quality control measures as planned;

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4 deployi ng u s able me trics th at provide qua l itative me as u res .

6.4.5 Resource management

P ro gra m me re s ou rce management op ti m i z e s the uti l i z ation o f re s ou rce s . Re s ource s may i nclude, but

are not limited to, human resources, funds, equipment, real estate, facilities and tools. Programme
management should monitor and facilitate the utilization of resources across the programme
6.4.6 Schedule management
The programme schedule should include the integration of component schedules. The programme
s che du le shou ld i ncorp orate the ti m i ng or pro gram me comp onent del iverie s and b enefits re a l i z ation .

Schedule management should include the monitoring of component schedules to allow mitigation of
component impact on the integrated programme schedule.
6 . 4 . 7 B u d g e t a n d fi n a n c i a l m a n a g e m e n t

The programme budget integrates component cost estimates and budgets that result in the development
of f
the pro gram me budge t and und i ng pla n . T he pro gram me budge t a nd fi nanci a l management may

include, but are not limited to, the following:

4 securing funding;
4 allocating budget to programme components;
4 monitoring component budget utilization to allow mitigation of component impact on the
programme budget;
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4 applyi ng organ i z ationa l p ol icie s for management re s er ve and conti ngenc y;

4 de term i n i ng a nd uti l i z i ng management re s er ve and conti ngenc y fu nd s;

4 ana lys i ng and veri fyi ng fi nanc ia l p er forma nce .

6.4.8 Stakeholder and communication management

Programme stakeholder management should be coordinated with the programme components to
identi fy relevant s ta keholder i ntere s ts , ne e d s , exp e c tation s and p ers p e c tive s . P ro gra m me s ta keholder

management may d i ffer from pro gram me comp onent s ta keholder management i n com mu nic ation s tyle,

me d i a, fre quenc y and i n formation com mu n ic ate d, wh i le re duci ng dupl ic ation .

P ro gra m me rep or ti ng shou ld enable s ta keholders to conti nuou sly mon itor ac tivitie s s uch as , but no t

limited to, the following:

4 programme and programme component progress;
4 issues, threats, and opportunities;
4 programme component deliverables;
4 z ation.
pro gre s s towa rd s b enefits re a l i

6.5 Programme control

Programme control should include, but is not limited to, the following:
4 managing the impact of programme decisions across programme components;
4 mai nta i n i ng and adj u s ti ng comp onent b oundaries and i nter face s and ta ki ng advantage o f comp onent
s ynergie s;

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4 changing component priorities as required;

4 understanding the interrelationships and potential impacts on the programme baselines and the
component baselines;
4 confirming the realization o f benefits within the programme li fecycle;
4 monitoring overall budget and variation by programme component.

6.6 Benefit management

6.6.1 General
This clause describes the benefit identification, analysis and control.

6.6.2 Benefit identification and analysis

Benefit identification and analysis should begin when the programme is being considered. A fter the
programme has been established, a more detailed set o f benefits to be realized should be identified,
analysed and prioritized. Benefit identification and analysis may include, but are not limited to, the
4 identi fying expected benefits;
4 identi fying benefit owners for each benefit to be realized;
4 aligning benefits with strategic and other objectives;
4 defining per formance metrics and reporting for each benefit;
4 determining time frames for benefits realization.

6.6.3 Benefit control

The control o f benefits may include, but is not limited to, the following:
4 measuring and controlling progress towards the realization o f expected benefits throughout the
programme li fecycle;
4 collecting per formance measurements for each benefit;
4 reporting and communicating the status o f benefits to the stakeholders;
4 identi fying additional benefits throughout the programme li fecycle.
Benefits may be realized during the programme, at the end o f the programme, or a fter the programme
has closed. Be fore the end o f the programme, the responsibility for the future realization o f benefits
may be trans ferred to a new owner.

6.7 Programme closure

Programme closure should include, but is not limited to, the following:
4 veri fying acceptance o f programme component deliverables;
4 veri fying programme benefits have been realized or trans ferred;
4 closing or transferring programme components;
4 completing the final report o f the programme;
4 capturing, documenting, communicating, and archiving lessons learned;
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4 releasing the programme resources;

4 clo s i ng contrac ts a nd fi nanci a l accou nts;

4 archiving programme records.

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[1] ISO 21500, Guidance on project management

[2] ISO 21504, Project, programme and portfolio management 4 Guidance on portfolio management
[3] ISO 21505, Project, programme and portfolio management 4 Guidance on governance

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